The Wolf Who Played With Fire: New Adult Paranormal Romance (Cry Wolf) (4 page)

Read The Wolf Who Played With Fire: New Adult Paranormal Romance (Cry Wolf) Online

Authors: Sarah Makela

Tags: #New Adult Paranormal Romance

BOOK: The Wolf Who Played With Fire: New Adult Paranormal Romance (Cry Wolf)
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While I didn’t like branching out, I’d talk with Jessa. I only hoped Selene was true to her word, not someone else who was waiting in the wings to screw with my life.

However, I had bigger things to worry about, like wondering what Ethan was keeping from me…if he was. Maybe Chad was trying to drive a wedge between us. A simple conversation would straighten everything out, hopefully.


* * *


With Eternally Magick officially closed for the day, I swept the floor. An onslaught of curious teenagers had barged in minutes before closing, so I’d had to delay while they’d pointed and snickered.

Jessa would’ve frowned on me for throwing them out, but I had to make the poultice before visiting her in the hospital. My foot couldn’t stand it any longer.

A catchy dubstep beat broke the shop’s silence, and I pulled my cell phone from my pocket. Nolan’s number flashed on the screen. Letting out a harsh sigh, I hit a button to accept the call. Why of all times did my brother have to choose now? The chances of me getting home before heading to the hospital were less and less possible. Hopefully this wouldn’t take too long, because I really didn’t want to deal with him, not after this morning’s near miss.

“Hey sis,” he said, sounding his normal chipper self. I wondered for a moment if Ethan and Nolan had talked further after I left, or maybe it was just that Nolan was off work. However, from the sounds of him driving and the car horns, I didn’t think he was home just yet.

“Hi Nolan. What’s up?” I tried to keep my tone as natural as possible. If he suspected anything, then I couldn’t be the one to let that happen. If Ethan gave anything away, that was his problem, not mine. I’d do what I could to hold up our relationship’s secrecy.

“Driving home. I had to drop off my girl since she’s having car problems.” The faint clicking of a turn signal in the background had me wondering how close he was to Ethan’s place. “How are you doing?”

“I’m good. Just finishing up at my friend’s store.” I hated talking with him about this, but my family was nosy and they knew I was working. It was just a matter of time before they figured it out for themselves. Besides, I still might need assistance, since I’d thought I would have gotten a job weeks before now, if not months.

“Ah, it was called something like Witchy Business, wasn’t it?” He chuckled. That deep rumbling sound infuriated me faster than any other noise could.

I propped the broom in the back where Jessa usually kept it. There were a few other chores, but I’d save those for the morning when I had to keep myself awake. The werewolf book went back in her office where it’d stay. If I needed any information, I’d ask someone who would know the facts, not just lore. “Nolan, that’s not funny.”

“Sure it is, sis.” He kept going, not giving me a chance to add a defensive reply. “Anyways, I was wondering if you’re missing anything.”

So this is how it was going to go. He was trying to get me riled up in hopes that I’d spill my guts. No, I wouldn’t fall for that. “What do you mean?” I asked.

“You know, you spent a few nights over at my place after the mugging incident. Could you have lost something?” He prodded me like he was getting more frustrated the longer we talked, but this could work out to my advantage.

“I don’t follow. I’m pretty sure I have my belongings. I don’t know what you’re trying to get at—”

“Your purple hairbrush.” He huffed. “I found it in the bathroom this morning. Do you know anything about that?”

Biting my lower lip, I scrambled for a clever comeback. Nothing came to mind.

“You still there?” he asked.

I grabbed my keys and purse. “Oh, that brush. I’ve been looking for it. I thought it was gone, so I bought a new one. When can I come by and pick it up?” Maybe this would be my excuse to talk with Ethan for a couple minutes while Nolan grabbed the brush. At least I could try to figure out what he was keeping from me.

“Sorry for the questions. I just... Never mind. You can swing by tonight. It’s no problem.”

“Thanks, Nolan.” I stopped in front of the door. My ankle had started swelling pretty badly because I had been standing a lot throughout the day.

A bell chimed over the phone, signaling he was probably home by now. “Don’t mention it. I know how much you hate to lose anything. This was just a misunderstanding. Forget I said anything.”

He was right I did hate losing things, which made my current situation that much worse. If the truth ever came out now, I couldn’t feign ignorance.

“Okay, see you later.” The phone beeped, and I squeezed my hand around my keys, feeling the metal dig painfully into my palm.

Nolan hated liars, and now I’d betrayed him.





The familiar rumble of an engine drew me toward the window. All the other guys typically arrived later, so it had to be Nolan. I wasn’t exactly excited about tonight, but it had been a while since I’d played.

This was the second poker night of the year, and I’d missed so much during my deployment and even after I’d returned, as I’d spent lots of time with Mia and Chad because of my impending transformation.

Frankly, I’d have a harder time sitting back and connecting with the guys now, especially after the argument with Nolan. Perhaps I didn’t know how to be myself anymore.

There were so many things I had to control. My hearing, sense of smell, sight and strength were vastly improved. Plus I had a more of a temper. Anger rose quicker, as if the beast held more power over me.

I did a few jumping jacks to try loosening up a little. The more physical I got, the better.

Last night’s rumble in the sack with Mia came to mind, and I wiped away my grin. Our sex life was on fire. The beast connected to her as if she was our mate. My heart knew that was true, but I clung to who I thought I was. Relationships weren’t part of my big picture... at least they hadn’t been. Being with Mia changed all of that.

Keys jingled in the lock, and I darted into the kitchen before Nolan came in. When he was inside, I walked into the living room to greet him. “Hey, buddy, how was your day?”

Nolan nodded, holding up two six packs of beer. “Pretty good. Had to drop off my girl before hitting the store. She’s not a fan of poker nights. I didn’t want to raise her suspicions.” He headed past me to the kitchen. “How was yours?”

With how much we drank and gambled, I could see why she wasn’t crazy about the male bonding. However, I hadn’t met his current girlfriend. Probably due to our rocky friendship, but I hoped to start mending that.

“It was good. Did some cleaning in preparation for tonight. Work begins again tomorrow, so I can’t have too many of those.” I waved at the beer. Although my appetite was a lot heartier than it had been, I’d still lost weight in the past few weeks. Would the alcohol affect me like it used to? Regardless, I wasn’t about to chance it.

“The place looks nice. Thanks.” Nolan glanced over his shoulder. “Looking forward to work?”

“Actually I am.” He cocked an eyebrow at me like I was crazy. “Besides, my dad would’ve been proud of me.” I leaned against the counter, the memory of my father weighed heavy on my heart. Nolan understood who I was. He’d been my best friend since we were babies.

“Yeah, he would be.” He patted my shoulder. “I’ll order some pizza, if you’ll get the card table set up.”

This was what I remembered, not these stressful last few weeks. We were going to be fine as long as he never found out about my relationship with Mia. That idea wasn’t realistic, unless Mia and I went our separate ways. The beast slammed against the wall of my chest, and I clenched my hands into fists. Pain radiated through my torso and the wolf ripped at my insides, like he was trying to claw his way out of me.

Chad had said that when I felt this way, I needed to get away from others and the source of the stress. I had to focus on something else. However, the person I would normally focus on to make myself feel better happened to be a cause of my current situation.

I headed to the garage to grab the card table, taking a few deep calming breaths.

My cell phone vibrated in my pocket and I checked the caller ID and saw Chad’s number. Now wasn’t the time. Did he have some kind of psychic connection? No, I refused to think along those lines. That didn’t fit the folklore I’d heard about werewolves, but it didn’t mean it wasn’t possible. After all, I was secretly dating a witch.

I ignored the call, but he tried again. This time, I just let the phone vibrate. The Pack couldn’t expect me to be at their disposal whenever they felt it was time to meet. Some people needed to maintain a normal life. Besides, I wasn’t even a full member yet. They’d made that painfully clear.

The phone buzzed a third time. I grabbed the table, trying to remain calm, but each ring brought me closer to losing my temper.

Finally, a few text message alerts chimed on my phone. I’d see what he had to say, then I’d turn off my phone. The messages were far from what I’d expected.

Important meeting. Call me back now. A member’s life is in danger. We need your help.

I nearly dropped the phone. My brain calculated my options and why they needed my help. What if they were just trying to lure me in, knowing this was the type of message I’d most likely respond to? But what I knew of Chad told me he wasn’t the type to manipulate others into doing his will.

“Find the table yet?” Nolan called. His booted footsteps traveled over the carpet, heading in my direction. “I doubted you’d need help lifting it, Army man.”

I shoved the phone in my pocket, walking to the door before he could poke his head into the garage and find me messing with my phone. “No, I’ve got it.”

He stood in the doorway with raised his eyebrows. “Apparently. What were they feeding you over there?”

I looked at the table then back at him, not sure what he was getting at.

“You’re holding the table like it’s nothing.” He jabbed a playful fist to my abs, then he shook his hand. “Ouch. You’re ripped. You’ll have to teach me your tricks.”

The doorbell rang in the house and we headed inside.

The last thing he needed was to learn my ‘tricks’, since I didn’t think he’d like being a werewolf any more than I did. However, I couldn’t change the past; the only thing I could do was hope I could live a fairly normal life with my girl, my best friend, and the only family I had now.

I set about rearranging the furniture in the living room to make space for the card table, while Nolan answered the door. “Uh, sorry. We’re not interested.”

“I’m one of Ethan’s friends.” Chad’s voice set my nerves on fire. That asshole. “If I could talk to him—”

“Since when? He didn’t mention anyone dropping by. We’re busy. You should come back later.” Nolan started to shut the door, but Chad held it open.

The energy pouring off Chad made my skin crawl. I jogged to the door to intervene. Chad wasn’t happy, and I wasn’t thrilled with him being here either. Perhaps I could peacefully send him on his way. While he had a missing Pack member, I couldn’t be expected to get involved. I wasn’t one of them yet.

“What are you doing here?” I said, stepping between Chad and Nolan. Nolan stayed where he was with arms crossed over his chest. He looked like he wouldn’t budge. “Can I have a moment?”

Nolan sighed, throwing his hands in the air. “Just don’t take too long. The guys will arrive any minute now.”

I knew very well that they’d be here soon. If I had any hope of getting Chad to leave, then I needed space. “Want to go make some nachos? They’re always a hit.”

“The pizza is... Fine. I’ll go.” Nolan grumbled under his breath. If I’d wanted to, I could have caught what he was saying, but right now, I was more interested in why Chad stood on my doorstep. Or maybe even more curious about how he’d found my house in the first place. But he probably had his ways.

I stepped on the porch, closing the door behind me. “What the fuck are you doing here?” Cold air sent chills over my arms, but my frustration warmed me.

“I tried calling and texting. I was even polite to your roommate, but you should know your place. I’m your superior. The only one who gives a rat’s ass about your life. You need to help me out too.” Chad shook with pent-up anger, looking like he could come unhinged at any moment.

At least I wasn’t alone in those feelings.

“It’s serious.” He locked eyes with me in challenge and I lowered my gaze. “He’s a good kid, and he’s been missing for a few weeks now. His brother noticed he wasn’t at the last meeting, so he tried calling. The idiot didn’t think to check his fucking voicemail sooner.”

Chad turned away, leaning against the railing on the porch. “There’s something suspicious about the voicemail message. You’re in the military. Don’t ask how I know. So I think you’d be a good asset in this.” He glanced over his shoulder at me, this time not challenging me. “Plus, you could prove yourself to the Alpha and other high ranking members.”

While I hated being sucked into this, he made several good points. I did have skills that could help, and if I did this they might accept me more readily. Perhaps I could use it as a bargaining chip for them to leave Mia and me alone.

“Fine. I’ll help. What do you need me to do?” A truck pulled up to the curb, and both Chad and I looked at my friends hopping out.

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