The Wrath of Jeremy (50 page)

Read The Wrath of Jeremy Online

Authors: Stephen Andrew Salamon

Tags: #god, #demon, #lucifer, #lucifer satan the devil good and evil romance supernatural biblical, #heaven and hell, #god and devil, #lucifer devil satan thriller adventure mystery action government templars knights templar knight legend treasure secret jesus ark covenant intrigue sinister pope catholic papal fishermans ring, #demon adventure fantasy, #demon and angels, #god and heaven

BOOK: The Wrath of Jeremy
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Lucifer, with stress to his beastly tone,
interrupted God’s words and yelled, “Would you please call me
Jeremy? My memory has been fulfilled, Father, but every time I hear
that name, I think of Hell! I know the good soul of Jeremy was my
soul once before, in the beginning, and I want to remember it that

“Alright, Jeremy. Jastian has a mind of his
own. The reason why I did not warn you about him is because I did
not know that Curtis and Victor would call out for his help. Like I
told you before, I cannot see the actions of angels. Even though
you are human now, you all are still angels along with being human.
But it is true what you say about Sam, I did not warn you about her
judgment because I knew you would react like this. I saw the way
you fell in love with her again, the way you found your love for
her. Jeremy, you are a fallen angel, and therefore I could see your
actions, but only your actions,” God said. Jeremy turned around to
face the burning lake, trying to hold in his emotions. “Jastian and
I have fought for hundreds of years, and we are still fighting to
this dying day. And now, the fight has ended,” God cried out.
Jeremy embarked his walking to the fire-packed Lake, still
listening to God’s hurtful words.

“It’s not fair, Father!”

God listened intimately to those words of
Jeremy, shaking his head toward them, as if those words struck a
chord in his anger that traveled for infinity. “It’s not fair? Is
that what you said, Lucifer?” God yelled. “And what should a God do
to you now? How do I bring the emotion of forgiving you after all
the evil you caused on this land?

“Well, I guess it’s time for me to go where I
belong,” said Jeremy with a nervous and shaky nature, forcing his
tears to stop.

Jeremy, step by step, walked into the Lake
and Sam grasped onto his grip, following behind him. They stared
into each other’s eyes deeply, with an understanding that she
wasn’t going to lose him again, and where he went she would follow,
even if it were Hell. The serpents of the Lake began to wrap
themselves around their legs with their sights still on one
another. God saw their love, their goodness and turned to the
skies, yelling out, “Heaven, what should I do, spirit of holiness?”
Jeremy curved around and looked at God, seeing everyone staring at
him with shock on their holy and sinful features.

Suddenly a cloud appeared in the dark sky and
lit up in a dark blue-like illumination. “Do what you know. If you
know the truth, then follow it,” a voice spoke from the cloud.
Suddenly an answer came to God, forcing a smile of understanding
and clarity to form on his face of wisdom. He turned away from the
cloud and looked at Michael, Gabriel and David.

God grabbed onto Gabriel’s right hand and
turned to Michael and David. He grabbed onto Michael’s left hand
while David held onto Michael’s right. Jeremy looked at them all
and saw a smile on God’s face, but wasn’t sure what the smirk
meant. “Are you ready to go where you belong?” God asked with a
grin as Gabriel, David and Michael smiled back. Jeremy and Sam,
with a strange-like betrayal in their guts, still looked at them,
feeling the anger of unfairness striking at their souls. Jeremy
knew the three of them were evil, but the temporary blindness of
God, due to them being angels, enraged him the most.

Swiftly, Sam looked at Jeremy’s beastly face,
and whispered, “Have faith, my love, God makes no mistakes.”

“Well, Gabriel, David and Michael, are you
geared up and ready to go?” God questioned again, this time in a
more human tone.

“Yes, Father, we are ready,” they all said
together. Jeremy looked away from them and began walking deeper
into the Lake. Sam grabbed onto his hand more tightly and kissed
him on the lips delicately, closing her eyes to his beastly image
and imagining his beautiful features once again. She knew they were
about to go on a journey to a place where love is not sought after,
and that allowed her delicate kiss to turn to a more forceful one,
not wanting to forget her passion for him, ever.

The serpents hugged their legs tighter, and
just before they both were ready to dive in, God shouted out,
“Where are you going, Jeremy?” Michael, David and Gabriel looked at
each other in puzzlement.

Jeremy’s beastly body and Sam’s beautiful
eyes began to feel the serpents swimming around their legs more.
“What?” questioned Jeremy.

God turned to Michael, David and Gabriel and
his smile turned to an angry face. “You lied to me about everything
I asked you. You did cause Lucifer to defy me, and now you shall go
to the place where only sinners belong,” God screamed. Gabriel,
Michael and David showed horror on their faces.

“But, Father, we did not do—” Gabriel said,
but was stopped by God covering his mouth.

“Please, Gabriel, do not allow any more sins
to come out of your mouth. All of your sins shall be within you
now, and you shall only allow them to come out in the depths of the
earth,” yelled God. They all started to run away, it was the only
thing they knew how to do. As they ran, Gabriel felt his wings
being burned, scorched, and when he turned around to look over his
shoulders, Gabriel witnessed serpents forming over each feather his
wings possessed. He fell to the black ground and screamed.

“Help me, Michael!” Gabriel yelled out,
throbbing. Michael passed by him without even bothering to

“I’m sorry, Gabriel, but you’re on your own,”
Michael said, and then noticed his own wings having some sort of
burning sensation to them.

God turned to Jeremy, saying, “Look away,
Jeremy, you do not want to see my judgment taking place!” Jeremy
covered Sam’s eyes while turning away from them, just hearing the
screams getting louder.

Michael fell to the ground and his feathers
turned into serpents as well. His whole body vanished, turning into

David ran beyond him and turned back around,
seeing two piles of serpents that were once Gabriel and Michael.
“No, no, no!” David cried out. He fell to the black ground and,
with no choice, allowed his body to turn into serpents as well. The
three piles of snakes slithered toward each other with Victor and
Curtis watching this terrifying view.

“Curtis, Victor, do not watch this judgment
taking place,” God said with a mysterious smile; he knew they
wouldn’t listen to him, knowing their fate was Hell as well.

“Don’t tell us what to do, we could watch if
we want,” Curtis yelled with pride, being angry about Jastian’s
judgment to damnation. Curtis watched the serpents’ form together,
seeing them twisting themselves into one great serpent as its eyes
shot out a flash of red light. Not listening to God’s words of
warning, Curtis and Victor saw the light and after it flashed, they
slowly felt a numbing sensation on their feet.

“What’s going on?” Victor asked, taking off
his shoes. He searched his feet and saw his toes fading into

“Oh my God, look away now,” Curtis roared.
They both looked away from the great serpent’s eyes.

“It’s too late,” God said. “Only the bad look
after being warned and the unforgiven warn after looking.” They
both slowly melted into dirt, crying out for help, but no one came
to their aid.

“Please, please no…” Victor shouted. His
chest vanished into dirt, followed by his whole body along with
Curtis’s, and a gust of wind came and blew the two piles of soil
away, holding the grains in its windy nature and tossing them in
every direction. The grains came together and blew straight into
the Lake of Fire, passing by Jeremy and Sam. The screams were still
heard, allowing Sam to cry at the noise. But then she stopped as
she heard silence that came at once.

Then the screams of Michael, Gabriel and
David were heard only, and the great serpent slithered into the
Lake. Jeremy and Sam’s eyes knew that the serpent was the three
boys of evil. Jastian, bounded with chains on his legs and arms,
shot out of the Lake, swallowed the large serpent whole, and it
stretched his body so much that his body formed into the serpent’s

“You are the Devil, but a Devil who cannot
cause harm ever again,” yelled God.

The great serpent passed through Jeremy’s
legs. It dived into the Lake and was no longer seen; yet the echoes
of Gabriel, Michael and David were still heard.

“You may now open your eyes, it has passed,”
explained God. Jeremy opened his eyes and Sam pulled his
spike-filled hand down slowly from off her face they both then
heard the sound of angels’ voices.

“What’s that noise?” Sam asked, seeing God
smiling toward her.

“That is the sound of my angels,” replied
God, turning around and allowing Jeremy and Sam to face his

“God, what happens now?” Jeremy asked.

“I shall call to my followers, my son, and
the Holy Spirit and ask them for forgiveness on my judgment toward
a new Devil. After I do so—” God replied, stopping in the middle of
his sentence and perceiving a bright light forming over the burning
Lake. A cloud of lightning appeared over the Lake and God walked
past Jeremy and Sam, heading straight toward the cloud.

“My creator, my God, has showed me great
honor as he has made the greatest decision of all. I forgive you,
yet you have no sins,” the lightning cloud admitted.

And as God conversed with the skies, Jeremy
grabbed onto Sam’s hand and kissed her tenderly, crying out, “Well,
Sam, it’s over, we better leave now.”

God turned away from the lightning cloud and
saw Jeremy and Sam heading deeper into the fiery lake, and asked,
“Where are you going?”

“I have sinned, God, I’m going to where
sinners belong,” Jeremy wept.

They continued to walk into the fire and God
paused for a moment of thought. “Even sinners can be forgiven. Even
the darkest sinner can be forgiven,” said God with a smile. Jeremy
turned around to face God’s watery eyes. “And even you, Lucifer,
someday can truly be forgiven. I see that now. But for now, at
least, you have proven to me that the evil inside of you no longer
wants to live in you.” He paused again. “It no longer desires

“Father? Father, you, you have forgiven me?”
Jeremy questioned in a quivering voice.

God reached out his right hand. “Lucifer,
come, perhaps your seat, for the time being, will be waiting for
you on the left-hand side of mine. But for now, come!” God’s tears
and Jeremy’s weeping met and Jeremy walked slowly toward him in
happiness. The angels’ voices got louder and Jeremy grew closer to
him. Suddenly, right before he was ready to hug his father, his
creator, he stopped and turned around to face Sam.

“What about Sam?” he questioned, seeing Sam
exiting the water and standing by the shoreline.

“She has to stay here and teach the souls
about this day. She will see us very soon, I promise you that, for
she is now considered a saint, just as you, one day, maybe, will
be,” answered God. “The Unbounded Testament is now finished, and a
new one has begun! Maybe I will give my soul back to this

Jeremy walked over to Sam and grabbed onto
her shaky hands, hugging her while she cried on his shoulders. “You
know, I knew there was a reason for me being in this situation of
yours,” she stated with a smile; her tears fell onto Jeremy’s
shoulder. “I’m so happy we found each other again.”

“I promise you, you will see me again very
soon, Sam.” Jeremy stopped hugging her and looked at her
tear-filled eyes.

“Yeah, just don’t defy me now,” she joked.
Jeremy smiled. “Merry Christmas, and happy birthday,” she added
before Jeremy kissed her on the soft lips.

Jeremy walked toward God and reached out his
hands toward him. The angels’ voices of beauty grew thunderous and
they hugged for the first time in a long time. Suddenly, through
their hug and their tears, grew light that shined through their
bodies. A sinister red light exited Jeremy and entered the blazing
lake, depicting his evil leaving him, and Jeremy’s beastly body
turned back into his beautiful self again. Through the lake, a
single box, wooden, with an opened lid, shot out from it, and fell
to the ground, sucking in the evil red light. And when the lights
of red ended, the box closed, with a lock that held a key in its
keyhole. Sam ran toward the box, turned the key to lock the box,
and held the key in her hand.

Meanwhile, through their hug, the light of
blue and yellow stretched to the ground and it started going over
it. Everything that the light passed over grew bright: green grass,
trees galore, and fields of crops that stretched for eternity. Sam
looked in awe, seeing the new earth birthing right in front of her.
She watched as palm trees grew out of the black soil, and she gazed
as the black ground morphed into green meadows. Clouds on top of
clouds formed in the skies that were once bruised, and Jeremy and
God slowly levitated from off the earth, still in their tight
embrace. Wings formed out of God’s back, and he and Jeremy slowly
flew up to the sky of bright orange, as the newly fresh sunrise
covered the land. Suddenly, Sam saw them shoot through the skies,
forming a rainbow that stretched across it. She turned to the lake
and watched the fire vanish into clear, blue water. Looking more
closely at the water, Sam saw fish of all kinds swimming in it and
then noticed the reflection of the rainbow. “I guess that’s a
promise,” she said.

She looked across the lake and saw the five
hundred souls looking back at her. “Merry Christmas, Jesus, and
happy birthday.” Sam looked away from the people and up toward the
sky with a tear dropping from her right eye; a tear that meant
happiness, a tear that finally meant joy. “Lucifer is a saint now,
or else, maybe one day will be. I hope this isn’t a dream, and if
it is, thank you, God for giving me it!” She looked at the rainbow
in the sky and her tears fell to the dark green grass below,
breathing in the freshly birthed grass, and yelling out with a
taste of prosperity to her smile: “Amen…!”

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