The Wrath of Jeremy (51 page)

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Authors: Stephen Andrew Salamon

Tags: #god, #demon, #lucifer, #lucifer satan the devil good and evil romance supernatural biblical, #heaven and hell, #god and devil, #lucifer devil satan thriller adventure mystery action government templars knights templar knight legend treasure secret jesus ark covenant intrigue sinister pope catholic papal fishermans ring, #demon adventure fantasy, #demon and angels, #god and heaven

BOOK: The Wrath of Jeremy
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But then, as she held onto the key tightly
and gaped at the single box that held an evil power to it,
believing that it was the end and a new beginning to a life that
was meant to be, she felt a tap on her shoulder and turned around.
There was Jeremy standing behind her. “What happened?” Sam asked
while hugging him, being concerned with his presence; she thought
something was wrong.

“Well, my love, it is only fair to heal what
I have sickened. Sam, when we got to the gates, Father opened them
for me, and right before I was ready to walk in, seeing everyone
whom I loved, I stopped and decided that my punishment is not over.
It was a test from God, he wanted to see if my love was real.
That’s when he told me to come back and be with you, helping to
shape this world and guard it from evil.


“Yes, forever, until it’s time for us to go.
By tomorrow, God shall return the sinners from Hell, and the good
from Heaven that have already been judged, and bring them to the
earth, making it like it was before. He said he shall return them
without any memory of this wrath, without any memory of us.”


“Because, all the evil that I have done to
wound this world, I must work hard to make right, to prove to him
that I am willing to heal the wounds I’ve created. But with my last
wish to him, he shall keep Mary in Heaven, for she has much work to
do starting tomorrow when all is returned. He’s making her a
guardian angel.”

They hugged, kissed, gently caressing each
other while she still held onto the key. “What about the box?” she
asked, pulling away from his kiss for a moment.

“It holds my old powers. God granted me with
a little bit of his power to use to heal this land from my past
destruction, but as for the box, we must make sure that it’s never
opened. The two of us together, it shall forever stay closed.” They
continued to kiss, and embraced each other while the rainbow in the
sky frolicked in over the clouds.

“Will it, Jeremy?”

Jeremy gazed toward the box, and then back
into her eyes. He knew the adventure wasn’t over just yet, feeling
the eyes of the sky, and the breath of the future. Jeremy realized
that this was only the beginning, the first moment of the rest of
his life. He searched for the right words to say, yearning to hold
truth in them, as they both stared at the innocent-looking box that
sat silently on the ground. He turned to her, smiled and laid a
kiss on her forehead. “Through Heaven or Hell, Sam, now I know that
love heals everything. Only time will whisper the answer. But till
tomorrow, the world is ours….”



veryone possesses
sin in their hearts and souls, for they also tightly embrace good
within them, making up one complete whole. They call us human
because of that, and when we decide which one to take on, we decide
our own path. God will forgive the sinners, who are contrite, but
they have to show clemency completely, they have to prove it with
all of their might. This life we live shows all sorts of sinners
and saviors, but it is up to each individual: each individual shall
be his or her own savior. This life that we live shows a lot of
pain on its path, but one day the wounds shall cease, and that day
will be of the wrath.

Scientists try to prove what life means by
giving hypotheses for its past, but sometimes the true answer is
the last. The last word of God on Judgment Day will answer our
questions, for he will decide whether to answer us, he will decide
through our sins and vengeance.

Many people have their own meaning of life as
they live it and go on: for some it’s happiness, for others it is
mainly getting a chance every day to see the morning sun. We are
all equal in the eyes of God, for he created us out of his own
face; every religion is equal, and even every race. Lucifer showed
us that God could possibly forgive him and make this great
decision, but it’s sad to say this story is only fiction. Michael,
David and Gabriel thought they had God right where they wanted him,
but God asked them questions, and through their replies he saw
their sins. This story is just a small part of everyday wonders
about religion, but, like it says before, it is only fiction.

Everyone has a piece of Lucifer and God
within them, for Lucifer hides in the bottom of our souls: he hides
and allows us to create sin. It is up to us to stop Lucifer from
ever showing his evil acts through our souls, it is up to us to
keep Lucifer hidden away and keep his gates closed. In the end, God
shall weigh our sins and our acts, for if our sins weigh too much,
we shall not exactly enjoy his wrath. Through it all, people will
finally learn their own meaning of life, for it is very simple: it
is just plain out “life”.

Life is the meaning of life. Though it may
sound confusing, if you think about it hard, you’ll understand it
and then it will seem amusing. Amusing because the answer was so
simple but so unrealized, amusing because it is an answer that is
civilized. After you close this book you should look up at the
skies, for maybe you will see a rainbow and maybe the answer for
the meaning of life will come alive.

No one believed the story that Jeremy,
Michael, David and Gabriel mainly told; no one believed it because
they were too bold. Bold because they felt it was ridiculous to
have such a story being told to their ears, for when the wrath
came, they finally believed their story through their terrified

So every time you hear someone say something
unbelievable, don’t judge him or her right away and call their
story inconceivable. Don’t judge a book by its cover or an animal
by its fur, don’t judge a person by his or her sins and call them
“Lucifer”. God is the only one who does the judging on all, but
because he created us out of his own image, we have a little piece
of the judging within us all. One day we shall all see our own
God’s image and we shall not feel fear, but if you want to see him
now, just turn to the mirror….



---The End---



tephen Andrew
Salamon was raised in Chicago. He started writing at 12, finished
his first 100-page story at 14, wrote his first epic novel at 17,
and was published by 21. He graduated from Columbia College,
studying fiction writing and screenwriting.

He enjoys challenging sentence structure,
word placement and metaphors, believing that certain placement of
words can invoke emotions that he truly wants the reader to

He truly strives for unique plot lines,
honoring stories that were never told before and entering that
world to discover the true answer to a protagonist’s problem, with
many layers of events to aid in unfolding the true theme.


“When a writer’s subconscious is opened
fully, anything can happen!”


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Sugar Valley (Hollywood’s Darkest Secret)

Mask of A Legend

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