Their Dark Hunter (Masters of Darkness) (10 page)

BOOK: Their Dark Hunter (Masters of Darkness)
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No. Are you picking up on him?”

Vex shook his head. “I haven’t really gotten close enough to pin it as him for sure, but there’s something definitely…different, but I’m positive it
’s immortal.”

She looked down, not sure what to think. “
Maybe he came with Leon while I wasn’t here.  Or...” Dammit.  She was so confused. “I swear, I don’t remember doing any of those things. Maybe I’m just losing my mind.” She walked to the edge of the bed and sat down. “I mean, I guess it’s possible that I was distracted and I left without realizing I left the light on or the doors open. It’s just so out of my character.”

Vex walke
d over and kneeled before her. Her eyes got big at the action. He was the master, yet he was lowering himself to her. It showed her a different side to him. He was changing, and she had no doubt the he was still just as dominant in the bedroom than he ever was, but his inside was softer, and different than when she’d first met him.

“You’re so focused on denying what you’re feeling that there’s no way you’re walking around with your head clear. Melody, why are you dragging this out?

silvered color of his stare captivated her. “I’m working through it. I’m trying.”

Can you try harder? I’ve been a fucking saint. Trace too.”

She raised one of her eyebrows at him. “I don’t think
fucking saint goes together, Vex.”

He blinked, slowly. “Alright.
We’ve been saints, knowing that you’re not even around to see it. We’re trying extremely hard to be good for you. I want you to want this. We all belong together, you, me, Trace. Just give us a chance to prove our love for you firsthand. Not over the phone. Come with me, and in a few weeks if you don’t feel like we’re up to par, then I’ll bring you back home, personally.”

Vex placed his hand
s over the towel covering her thighs. Pressure from his fingers pushed into her and she could feel her legs starting to part. His grip pulled her down toward him until her pussy was resting against the suit covering his hard stomach. His hands locked around her wrists, and she arched her back as she rubbed against his stomach. “You want this.” His stare penetrated into hers. “Stop fighting for once in your life. Submit to me. To us.”

With his other h
and, he gripped the back of her neck, and brought his face inches from hers. Melody couldn’t breathe past the need coursing through her. A bang brought her head spinning to her bedroom door. She jumped at seeing Leon standing there, glaring at them.

” She looked at him, confused.

Vex stood, and Melody immediately put herself in between them
. “What are you doing here,” she demanded.

His eyes didn’t leave the demon master as he answered. “I came here
, earlier, looking for you. When the house was empty, I decided to go into town and grab some Whataburger.”

It was common for the immortal to go to the twenty-four hour hamburger restaurant at all hours, so she immediately believed him. She still didn’t understand why he was back.

“Mel, you want to explain to me why there’s a demon master in your room while you are,” he gestured to her, “dressed like that. And this one, no less.”

“You know him?” Melody glanced at her mate, who shifted under her gaze.

“Oh, yeah. We know each other well, don’t we, Vex? He tried recruiting me a while back. Almost had me too. But then I met you.” He glared at her mate. “Things changed and you helped me through the darkness.”

Melody looked over to her
Vex, in shock. “You recruit immortals to do evil for you? Immortals? The people who are already destroyed by the sins they’ve committed to begin with? Do you know how hard it is for them to get their wings back? And you just go around tempting them and—“ Melody could feel herself getting too worked up. She couldn’t believe that she was about to rush back into his arms. What had she been thinking? He was evil.

“Wait.” Vex put up his hand, trying to calm her. “I haven’t tried to corrupt anyone since you left my penthouse. I swear.
Trace hasn’t either. I told you we were trying to change. I didn’t lie when I gave you my word. And I know Trace didn’t lie either. You have to trust us.”

Leon’s eyes got big. “Wait. You were at his place?
And who is Trace?” He stepped inside the room. “Did you sleep with this guy? Or Trace. Or both!”

The hurt on both of their faces was clear. “
They’re my mates, Leon,” she snapped. Fuck, what was she supposed to do? Her heart ached for the very men she’d vowed never to trust. They claimed they were trying to be good. And she knew she believed them, but it still didn’t change what they were. And then there was Leon. He was pretty much the epitome of good, and he would have made a perfect mate, yet, fate hadn’t worked it out that way.

“Both of you leave my house right now.”

“What did I do,” Leon asked.

Vex placed his arms across his chest. “No way I’m leaving until after he does.”

Having to continuously hold the towel up was getting on her nerves. “Then get out so I can get dressed. You both wait for me in the living room, and so help me, if I hear any indications that a fight is about to go on, I’ll never speak to either of you again. Now, out!”

Vex closed the door, and she headed to her dresser. As she pulled out her undergarments, Melody felt herself go stiff. She pushed the clothes out of the way to expose a picture taped to the bottom of her drawer.

Mindlessly, she got dressed while she continued to stare at it. For the life of her, she couldn’t reach in and pull it out. The man looking back at her from the Polaroid could have only been one person. Melody walked to the closet and took down a pair of jeans, but found herself being pulled back to the photo. She quickly got dressed.

“You okay?” Vex’s voice ec
hoed through the door. Dammit. It was crazy how he knew every time she was upset.

“Actually, can you come here for a minute?”

The door opened and Leon followed her mate in.

“Look at this.”

Vex walked up to her and stared into the drawer. “I don’t believe it.” He reached in and pulled the picture up. “You just found this?”

“Yeah.” Melody nodded. “It wasn’t here earlier today.” Her eyes went to Leon. “Did you put this in here?”

“No. Of course not.”

Anger took over as she tried to process everything. “Was my door open or closed when you came in the first time?”

Leon looked over to the side as if he was trying to remember. “Open, I think.” He paused. “No, wait, it was definitely open because I walked right in and looked around. Closet light was on and everything. I thought it was kind of weird. You were always lecturing me about the electric bill.”

“I knew it
! Someone has been coming in here. Question is, who?”

Leon leaned toward Vex and looked at the picture. “It looks old. Who is that?”

Melody glanced at her mate. “Who is he, Vex? I know you know.”

The demon master handed the picture to her.
“His name is Helix. He was the master here before I took over.”

“Is he…

“Your father?” He took a deep breath. “I suspect as much. Only thing is, my sources can’t find out anything about him, or where he even is.”

Leon leaned against her dresser. “Someone has information or else that picture wouldn’t have been placed there.”

Melody nodded. “He’s right. Someone knows a lot more than they’re letting on
, and I think it’s about time to find out who it is. It’s either a demon or an immortal. But which one?” The decision that she’d come up with in her head probably wasn’t a very good idea, but it felt right. One more day to get her affairs in order and then she knew where she’d have to go to settle her past: To the dark side.


Chapter Eight



Vex looked over at Trace, who was staring at the club’s computer screen.

“Nada, my man. I’m telling you, it’s as though he’s vanished.” Trace stood and walked around the desk. “I seriously don’t know what else to do. I’ve never
been able to find out information before.”

“Dammit.” Vex rubbed his eyes. After he’d left Melody’s place, he hadn’t go
tten a wink of sleep. He did not like the idea of her being there alone. It went against every instinct he had as her mate. Trace was still giving him a hard time about not being able to convince her. They were both walking a tightrope of patience.

The sound of Trace’s phone filled the room and the demon pulled it out of his pocket and looked at the screen. “Evangeline.” He hit the ignore button and slid it back in his pants. “You know my time has been up for weeks now, right
? I have to tell you, once Mel came into my life I pretty much stopped even trying. And Evangeline knows what I am, just so you know. I really think I could have brought her over. Aren’t you going to punish me?”

“I’m over it,” Vex said, waving his hand. “You didn’t get her, so what.
I completely understand what you’re going through. I’m mated to Melody too. Remember?”

Trace narrowed his eyes. “
You’ve changed so much. What happened to the master who ruled this region?” The way Trace looked around confused made him laugh.

Oh, I’m still every bit the master. You’ll find that out tonight. Just…not sure I’m liking the mastery of the city anymore.” Vex sat down in the chair across from the desk. “Melody has changed me, but into what, I don’t know. Have you ever heard of a demon turning good?”

A laugh came from his mouth. “Uh, no. Not personally.
But I know what you mean. Maybe it’s just jitters. I’m sure your drive to run the city will come back.”

“I’m not so sure.”

The door flew open and Vex jumped to his feet. Malcolm had his fist locked in Melody’s hair. Blood was running down his forearms from where she’d clawed at his grip. “Look who’s decided to grace us with her presence. She actually walked through the door like everything was chill.” His hand pulled back her head and Vex had the demon by the throat against the wall so fast he never even realized he’d moved. Trace had Melody in his arms just as fast.

“Never,” he said, tightening his grip, “touch my mate again, or so help me.” His eyes were burning from the illumination he knew was coming from them.

Malcolm fell to the ground coughing. He sucked in air, hard. “No one told me!” Another round of coughing took over as he fought to stand to his feet.

“Are you okay?” He
turned to Melody. The short, black dress she wore clung tightly to her body. All he wanted to do was give her his jacket to cover the length of her exposed legs, and cleaved breasts. 

She looked up at him. “I’m fine.” Slowly, she
stepped from Trace and walked to Malcolm. “I’m sorry about shooting you. I wish I could take it back.”

Vex felt his eyes get big
, and his demon was just as surprised.

Malcolm shrugged.
“It’s fine. We do what we do, and you…” He glanced at her and averted his gaze from her breasts, fast.
Very smart man
, thought Vex. “Boss, I’m back to the front if you don’t need me for anything else.”

“You’re good. Go.”

The door shut behind him and he looked to his mate. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

“Fine. I actually wasn’t going to stop by, but since I was in the area I thought, what the hell.”

Melody shifted under his stare. The way she was looking at him was making his heart race.. He turned to look at Trace and the demon quickly stepped behind her, just like he wanted.

“You,” he said, stalking toward her, “need to get some clothes on. You’re going to have my men distracted from their jobs.
Malcolm couldn’t stop taking peeks at these.” His finger traced the cleavage of her breasts.

Trace’s hands gripped her shoulders and he leaned down by her ear. “You’re playing a dangerous game coming in here so exposed.”

“Maybe I like seeing you both like this.” Melody leaned against Trace’s body. At his hands wrapping under her breasts, the length of the black dress lifted higher. A growl came from Vex’s throat and he pinned her in between them. His thigh eased against her pussy and she moaned loudly.

penetrated through his suit and he knew he was seconds from tearing the thin material off of her. “You said you wanted us to be good. How do you expect us to stick to that with you tempting every man you cross?”

She laughed. “I didn’t say to be a saint. I’ve come to the realization that I can’t change who you
both are.” Her fingers pushed through the bottom of Vex’s jacket and pulled at his tucked in shirt. “I’m tired of denying this need.”

Confusion set in. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining, but what brought this on?” He lifted her face to look at him. “Where were you?”

She paused. “I lied. I wasn’t anywhere.” A blush came across her cheeks. “My intention was to come see both of you all along. I’ve been sitting outside for the last hour trying to come up with the courage to walk through the front door.”

Vex smiled and cupped her face. “Really?”

“Yeah.” She laughed. “I’m so embarrassed.”

“No, no.” He brought his lips down to hers. “Never be em
barrassed about anything with us.”

Melody put her hand on his chest and pushed back, gently.
“Before things get hot and heavy, we need to clear some stuff up.” She wiggled down from Trace and walked over to the edge of the desk. “Now that I’ve decided to take the first step in our relationship, and that’s acceptance, I need to be honest. There’s something I have to show both of you.” She swallowed hard. “Can you turn off the lights?”

“Sure.” Vex looked at
Trace, curiously, but flipped the switch. The glow from the computer screen filled the small space. He walked around and hit the button, making the room pitch black. “How are we supposed to see what you’re talking about, if we can’t see?”

“Shh. Just wait. You won’t miss it, trust me.”

A few minutes went by. Vex scanned the room, even looking on the ceiling to see if he was missing what she wanted them to see. Suddenly, a light the size of a pen tip caught his attention a foot away. By the second it began to grow, until it was the size of a golf ball. Melody’s face was visible through the bright light, and he gasped as he realized the glow was positioned between her hands.

“You’re doing that?”
Trace asked, walking up.

“Yes. I noticed I was capable of it shortly after I left the penthouse. I
was lying in bed, thinking, when it just kind of happened.” The light moved a few inches above her hand and began to hover. “At first I wasn’t sure it coming from me, but then I noticed that it was following where my mind wanted it to go. What is it, Vex?”

“I don’t know. I’ve never seen anything like it. Rumor is that really powerful immortals have power
s like these, but I’ve never gotten to see it firsthand.”

neither,” Trace whispered. “Can you do anything besides move it around?”

Melody looked across the light to his face. “I haven’t tried. What should I do?”

An evil smile came to Vex’s face before he could rein it in. He couldn’t help it. Demons loved power. He felt like a kid in a candy store. Melody raised an eyebrow at him. “Try throwing it at the door as hard as you can,” Vex said, low.

She nodded and took a deep breath. Slowly, her lids closed. A few seconds went by and Vex twisted his mouth.
He looked over at Trace, who seemed just as confused by her gift as he was.

A shock wave slammed them back against the far wall
, hard. Vex blinked, in shock. The light had been so blinding he couldn’t even see straight. “Melody? Talk to me.” Vex reached out his hands to find her. Trace stood, and Vex noticed he’d somehow gotten to her and protected her from the debris. She was nestled in his arms, and looking around in panic.

“What the fuck was that?” Vex looked over at
Malcolm, who was standing where the door used to be. A huge hole stood in its place. The door was completely missing.

“Vex?” Melody looked at him
in shock.

“Don’t be scared. You have a hell of a gift. Next time, we’ll test it in a bigger space. It was stupid of me to tell you to try to throw it against the wall. Don’t get me wrong, I’d hoped it had that result, but I never dreamed.”

walked over and gently pushed his chest. “Maybe you should have warned me. I thought it was going to bounce. You know, like a ball or something.”

He looked up to Trace. “Get everyone out of the club.
We’re going to see what this thing is capable of.”

Trace was suddenly gone, and within an hour they were all standing i
n the main room of the empty club. Vex pulled a table over and placed a beer bottle in the middle of it. “Do it, again, Mel.”

Nervousness clouded her features. “I’m scared.
Where did this come from? What if something bad happens?”

He grabbed her hands. “Don’t be afraid. Trace and I are here to make sure nothing goes wrong. I’ll use my powers to block any blowback if it doesn’t react the way you want.”

She nodded and held out her hands. Within seconds the light appeared. Trace looked at him with big eyes and Vex smiled. The glow became bigger and by the time it was the size of the marble, she was shooting it right at the bottle. Glass exploded and the beer poured onto the floor.

I can’t believe it.” Trace grabbed her hands and looked at them. “How did this happen? You’re only half demon. And that doesn’t even count because you’re not bad. That’s why you hardly have any powers. Now if you’d embraced it, then I could see you getting stronger, but this doesn’t make sense.” He looked up to her. “Where does the feeling come from when you make it appear? Your head, chest?”


Trace laughed. “Fucking incredible. And you just realized this talent?”

It was never there until I met both of you. And I say both, because even when I’d only met Vex, it wasn’t there.”

Banging erupted on the door and all three of them turned toward the noise. “Probably the police or fire chief. I’ll take care of it. They probably just got a report on the explosion
,” Vex said as he headed for the entrance and unlocked the door. He groaned at Leon and Harvey standing there. Harvey swept past him.

“Melody, come on. You’re coming with us.”

Heat began to build in Vex’s insides at the rage he felt. He walked to Melody’s side while she stared at the immortals. Trace was practically molded against her, and Vex didn’t hesitate to do the same on her other side.

“Mel, let’s go.” Leon motioned her over, but she shook her head.

“I don’t want to go.”

Vex smiled at them. “I th
ink you both heard her. Our mate wants to stay with us. I suggest you boys take off.” They were in his territory. He wasn’t stupid enough to step up to them in their own compound, but between those two and him, he’d easily have this in the bag. Not including Trace. That was just icing on the cake.

“Melody.” The authority in Harvey
’s tone had the evil projecting from his skin like poison.

she’s not going.” For the first time in weeks Vex felt like his old self. Harvey took a step back at his power, but Leon didn’t move. He also didn’t get any closer. “Why the sudden need to get her away from me, Leon? You didn’t seem upset when we were at Mel’s house, last night.”

The immortal looked over
at Melody. “I thought about it, and I can’t let her go to the dark side. She’s too good for that.”

Melody put her hands on her hips. “Who said I was going to the dark side? I wish to be with my mate
s. It doesn’t mean I’m going to adapt to their ways. Plus, we both know how good Vex can be when he wants. You saw it firsthand. This is bull, Leon, and you know it. Now why are you really here? I don’t believe it’s because you had a change of heart.”

The immortals walked forward, their eyes glowing with bright light. “You either come to us, or we will come to you.” Harvey held out his hand and the same light
Mel had, balled in his fist. Melody gasped and stepped forward. Vex pulled her into him. He reached for Trace and made them materialize into his penthouse. Immortals might have had amazing powers, but materialization wasn’t one of them.

“Harvey had the light too!” Melody’s hand covered her mouth. “How do I have the gift? I’m only half demon, for crying out loud.”

“Are you?” Trace looked at her. “You may smell like a demon, but I knew there was something off about your scent.” He walked to the windows and spun around. “Now what? We have two powerful immortals on our ass. Any ideas, master?”

Vex walked over and poured him a scotch. “The key lies with her biological father. Is it Helix? Is it not? Until we know what’s in her blood and figure out what those two want with her, I think maybe we should disappear for a while. We need to leave the city. It’ll be too easy for them to track her to us here.
If we stay, it’ll start a war. As much as I would thrive in that sort of situation,” he looked at Melody, “I don’t want her anywhere near it.”

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