Their Dark Hunter (Masters of Darkness) (4 page)

BOOK: Their Dark Hunter (Masters of Darkness)
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“Come to me, Melody.”

Longing jerked at her chest. Was it his status as a master, or something more? Just looking at him made her legs shake from need. “You can’t be serious. You think I’m just going to jump in your car…and what?”

A slight smile came to his face. “And be mine.”

“Yours?” She burst out laughing. “Yeah, right. You’re funny. I don’t think so, buddy, but nice try.”

He leaned against the car and she took in his white, sleeveless shirt. Odd sy
mbols weaved down to his elbows on both of his muscular arms. The delicate lines of tribal tattoos outlining them were beautiful. She wasn’t sure if it was Samoan or Celtic. Whatever it was, it held her attention for longer than she should have let it. Melody was ripped right into his body. He winced as smoke poured from his hand.

“You belong to me, Melody. We can keep playing this game for as long as you want, but know that I’m not a very
patient man. I want you. Under my body. In my bed when I wake up.” Fingers wrapped in her hair and his lips hovered above hers. “Come with me.”

She moaned even though she hadn’t meant to
. As she tried to move away, she felt his grip tighten against her head. The action only made her body react even more in his favor. “I can’t.” His eyes pulled her in again. The deeper she looked she could feel herself being sucked into a place she never knew existed. Time stopped completely until all she could see was Vex.


A priest came from the building. The master before her looked up and narrowed his eyes. “I have to go. Tonight, I
see you again.” Soft lips pressed into hers and Melody’s fists gripped into his shirt tightly. It was that, or else she was going to throw her arms around him, and that went against everything she stood for. She could not get involved with this master. He was evil, and represented everything she meant to put a stop to. Hadn’t her father been the same way?

Melody pushed back, and he let her go. “Oh yes, we’ll see each other tonight, but not for the reasons you think. Watch your back. I’m pretty sure I have a bullet with your name on it....”

She suddenly realized she didn’t know his name.

“Vex,” he
laughed. “And we’ll see about that. You see,” he grabbed the backpack from her shoulders and held it up in front of her. Flames erupted in his grasp and as the material fell to the ground, they disappeared right before her. “It’s hard to kill anything without a gun or bullets, isn’t it? If you think I’ll be an easy target, you’re mistaken. I cannot let you go around killing me, or my demons. I won’t.”

Words wouldn’t come as she stared at where her backpack had been in his hands. “Everything I owned was in there, you jerk!” Melody fought the urge to attack him and took a few steps back so he couldn’t reach her
again. The priest was almost to them, and she could sense Vex’s annoyance.

“Well, by all means, come with me and you shall never want for anything ever again. I know you feel our connection, Melody. Trust in it.”

Again, she took a few steps back. “I’ll never trust evil. Ever.”

He closed his eyes and breathed in deeply. “I don’t understand. Why this charade of fighting who you are? You have demon blood within you. I can smell it. I feel it calling to me. Yet you go around killing the men you’re connected to. Why?”

All the anger she felt for her father made her start shaking. “You don’t worry about that. Just trust me when I say that I will never stop taking out as many of you fuckers as I can. You all have no right to be here. All you know how to do is tempt, seduce, and ruin people’s lives. I will kill every last one of you until I die.”

Vex’s gaze peered behind her and she knew the priest was there
.  “See you, tonight, Melody.” He climbed in and the Maserati took off. She felt herself collapse to the ground. What in the hell had she gotten herself into? This man was nothing but trouble. She was in over her head, for sure.

“Are you al
l right, my child?”

Melody took the priest’s hand and watched as he flinched at their connection. He helped her stand and started opening and closing his fist.

“I’m sorry, father. Please, I’m not a bad person.” She looked toward the doors. Now that her gun and bullets were gone, what the hell was she going to do? Ugh, she wanted to scream. “I should be going. Thank you for your help.”

Melody got on her bike and took off back to Harvey’s. She needed to talk to Leon and let him know what happened. Maybe he could take her to get another gun. Suddenly, she didn’t think it was a good idea to be driving around
all by herself. At least not so soon after Vex had found her. She continually watched in her mirrors and over her shoulder to make sure he wasn’t following. The sooner she got back to those iron gates, the better. At least then she could sit down and come up with a plan.


Chapter Four


The lights surrounding the top of the vanity pulled Melody back into her thoughts. She couldn’t get Vex out of her head. Everything Leon kept saying behind her was interrupted by flashes of her demon master’s gorgeous face, or the muscle in his arms. Or the feel of his lips against her. A sigh came from her mouth...God, she shouldn’t want to fuck a person so badly. Maybe it was the evil in her. Vex was off limits. That’s why it had to have been so tempting. He said they were mates, and maybe he was right. It still shouldn’t have caused to her continuously shift in the chair just thinking about feeling his cock thrusting into her.

“What do you think, Melody?”

She looked at the reflecting of Leon in the mirror. The lipstick was still half way to her mouth. Dammit! She’d done it again. “What do I think about what?”

“Holy cow, Mel. That’s the third time you had to question me. What is up with you? You’re just going to the movies.”

The red lipstick slid across her lips as she continued to look at the immortal. “Sorry, Leon. I have a lot on my mind.” She reached back, separating her hair, and began braiding it.

said tomorrow we should go down to the water and have a picnic or something.”

The want was still written all over Leon’s face. A tightening took over her throat as she tried to think of a way to let
him down gently. Before she could answer he held up his hand and stood from her bed. “We’ll see what tomorrow brings.”

Melody nodded and wrapped the rubber
band around the end of her braid. It hung all the way down between her breast and hip. The tight black shirt and leather pants she now wore would be perfect for what she had in store tonight. She grabbed the leather jacket and slid it on. The new backpack was hanging in her closet and she placed it over her shoulders. “You sure you don’t want to come to the movies?” She hated asking, but it just seemed too rude not to invite him.

“No, I’m good.”

“Okay.” The kiss she almost placed on his cheek was routine. She almost stumbled, stopping herself. “See you later. I’ll probably be a little late. I’m going to catch dinner, and then head to the late movie.”

Leon followed her out of the room and down the long hallway that connected to the large staircase. Some of the immortals had their door
s open and she caught sight of a woman as she passed. They were all so beautiful. She was surprised no one knew they’d been angels, once upon a time.

The sound of her boots clicked against the tile as she made it to the front door. Leon spun her around just as she reached the handle. “No demon hunting.”

Lies about what she did came easily with him. The demon in her couldn’t help but get a little thrill out of the sin. “Of course not.” She hadn’t told him about Vex or what had happened. Something in her wouldn’t let anything about their encounter pass her lips. Probably because she feared he’d never let her leave the house again.

Melody eased back from him and headed outside.
She grabbed her helmet from the top of the seat and slid it on. As she fastened it underneath her chin she saw Harvey pull in through the gate. Damn, she had wanted to get out of here before he’d gotten home. Melody did a fast wave and climbed on her bike. She took off through the gate before it had a chance to close and waited on the traffic to thin out before she hit the main road.

Melody’s breath caught at the black car sitting along the side road, directly across from the house. God dammit! He knew where she was staying. Well, this wasn’t good. She turned back and saw Harvey getting out of his car. Should she go back in? Hell
, no. Her gun was waiting for her, and she was not about to be without one. Let him follow. What was he going to do? Kill her? With the way he responded to her earlier, she doubted it.

The cars thinned out and Melody
took off. Given where he was located he’d have to drive up a ways and make a U-turn at the next light. She definitely had enough time to lose him. Instead of staying on the main route, she shot across the road and started zigzagging down back roads. Before she knew it, Melody was pulling up at the gun store.

“Jerry!” She couldn’t contain the excitement she felt for losing the master. “You have my gun?”

“Yes, ma’am.” The older gentleman wore a camo shirt with a pair of blue jeans. He placed the case on the counter and opened it. “Background check came out perfectly clean. Still had all your info from before so we’re good to go.”

“Excellent.” She took out the small gun and placed it in the holder inside her boot. “I’m gonna need a box of ammo too.”

He laughed. “Already have it in a bag for you, Ms. Carpenter.”

Melody took out the money and was so glad that she’d kept the stash in her bag at the mansion. As she paid
, she glanced out the door: Still no sign of the black sports car. Good. Melody left the shop and made her way to the church. She walked quietly inside. Just being here made her lightheaded. The demon in her couldn’t stand the holiness. Nausea stayed with her the entire time of her task. Before she knew it, her hair was drenched with sweat and she was walking outside.

The sun
had long since set as she climbed back on her bike. The act of perfecting the bullets had taken forever. She had to empty the gunpowder out and refill it with holy water, so when she shot the bullet, the metal part butted up to the water would be saturated when it entered the demons.

“Fuck.” Melody breathed in heavily, fighting the queasiness.
What she needed was to get off this land. She adjusted the backpack and started the bike. The moment she hit the road, she instantly felt better. She grabbed a quick cheeseburger and ate it in the parking lot. The demons would be hitting the clubs by now. But that’s not where she intended to go. Not yet. There were other places besides Club Street. The gentlemen’s clubs were on the other side of town, and that was her first stop.

The drive was only five minutes from where she was
now. It didn’t take nearly that long with her bike. Melody rolled into the parking lot and looked down at her watch. It was only a little after nine. It wouldn’t really be busy for another three hours or so, but she knew demons ran and worked in this place.

Cars began to pull in here and there. It wasn’t until a Lexus drove
up and parked in front of the entrance that she spotted who she was looking for.
. Melody put the bike in gear and eased forward. The driver pushed open the door, and a passenger followed suit. It was a man and a woman. From the vibes she picked up, she knew they were both demons.

Melody lifted the visor of her helmet and pulled out her gun.  It was
imperative they see her face. If she couldn’t face the demons head-on, then she had no business sending them back. In a blast, she projected her demon energy out from her body in waves. The couple turned to her instantly. Two shots were all it took to drop both of them.

Movement caught her attention out of the corner of her eye. Another demon was rushing at her with lightning speed. The width of his shoulders made him an easy target. Melody’s hand jerked toward him and she pulled the trigger. His body fell inches from her feet. Holy shit. That’d been a close one.

Yelling erupted in the distance and she knew she needed to get out fast. This gun didn’t have a silencer yet, and Lord only knew how many people had heard the shots.

Wind whipped past her while she hit the back roads. There was only one more place she needed to go, and just the thought brought a smile to her face. Her master was heavily on her mind, and it was time she paid his club a visit. Maybe she’d even get lucky and see him.





“Looks like someone just won the lottery.”

Trace slid in the seat next to him. Vex contemplated wiping the smile from his face, but decided against it. The music, the atmosphere
…he was having a hell of a time sitting upstairs in VIP, watching the college kids begin to crowd his club.

“You could say I did, in a way.”

Trace took a drink of his beer and placed it on the table. “Ah, you found the girl? Did you kill her?”

worry from Trace
wipe the grin off his face. “Yeah, I found her, but she lives. Why do you care?”

Just wondering,” he shrugged. “What are your plans for her? Are you bringing her over to our side?”

Vex shrugged. “
Maybe. I’m still debating.”

The way Trace searche
d his face made him laugh. “Stop worrying about everything. Look, I took care of her weapon. She’s not going to shoot up anyone else. Even if she does, she’s my concern, not yours.”

Trace clenched his jaw, and he ignored him.

Hell, maybe Vex had lost his mind. If she weren’t his mate, she would have been dead by now. As it was, he was perfectly content playing her game. Demons might pay, but it would teach them to watch their backs better. It was a lesson they needed to learn. In the meantime, he’d work on bringing her around. The woman was too damn wild and reckless. The moment he got her in his clutches again, she was so going to get it. He couldn’t believe he’d lost her earlier when she’d left the mansion. She rode that bike like an irresponsible hooligan.

A new song began to play, and h
e didn’t miss Trace leaning closer to him. A sigh came from his mouth as he turned toward him. “
,” he growled.

“What are you doing, Vex? Couldn’t this get you into trouble?
Let me take care of her for you.”

Could he get in trouble? Absolutely. B
ut that wasn’t even a thought in his mind. “You are not allowed to worry about me or her. I have security beefed up. The moment she’s spotted, she’ll be brought to me and I’ll take it from there. You butt out.” He paused. “Actually, that reminds me. Tell me about the immortal you’re supposed to bring over. How’s that going?”

rolled his eyes. “We have a date tomorrow. She’s supposed to be here tonight, too.”

“Ah, nice. Good work. I knew you could weasel your way into her life. You’ll be a master in no time.”

Vex finished off his drink and placed his palm over the empty cup, watching his glass fill back up. He brought the scotch to his mouth and savored the flavor. It was going to be a great night––he could feel it. Soon, Melody would be his, and the years of being lonely and mundane would vanish into nights of pleasure and heat. Damn, he wanted her so much that he couldn’t stand knowing she was only a few miles down the road, and he was just sitting here, waiting.

As Vex went over their conversation in his head, he fidgeted in his seat. What was her deal with evil? Yeah, he knew she was half human and maybe that had something to do with it, but the other half of her was demon.
Her perception of what he and his men were was right. They did seduce and tempt humans. That was their way. But why did she have such bitterness toward it? Had she been tempted and hurt before by one of his men? He ruled a two-hundred-mile radius around Corpus Christi. Unless she’d met one of them from somewhere else, it was almost certain to be one of his men.

Just the thought of one of his demons touching her soft skin made his blood boil. He’d destroy them if
that were the case. No one would place a finger on her and live to tell about it. He’d put them so deep into the underworld that they’d spend eternity trying to claw their way to civilization again.

“Hey, you okay? Quite the shock waves you’re sending out.” Trace pulled at his dark blue buttoned up shirt.

“Fine.” If it wasn’t a man in her life…He paused. Was her mother a demon, or her father? Definitely had to be the father. She was mostly good. If a demon mother would have raised her? Lord only knew what destruction she’d be causing. “Trace, do me a favor: Find out who Melody’s parents are. I’m pretty sure her father is a demon. Get me his name.”

His head tilted
, and Vex didn’t miss the way his eyes narrowed. “This chick is really getting in your head. Vex—“

“Now, Trace,” he
snapped. “I am still your master. Remember that. Stop asking questions, and just follow orders. My patience is running thin with you.”

The tall demon stood from the table and stomped down the stairs. Better.
Now he wouldn’t have to worry about someone trying to disturb his thoughts. Loud shots had Vex jumping to his feet. That had to have been right outside. He instantly materialized in the dark alleyway beside the club and began running to the front. It was a hell of a lot faster than going downstairs and through all the crowds of people.

Melody’s bike flashed by
, just as he broke into the light. She was quick enough to flip him the middle finger as she sped by.
Son of a bitch
! He turned and noticed three of his demons lying in front of his door. People were beginning to crowd around them. Fuck. He needed damage control fast. It was still early, but people were definitely around. The police station was right down the road too. He had to make it quick.

Trace appeared at the door and he signaled to the demon. “No phones. Erase the memories.” It was a master’s task. But he knew Trace was capable of making them forget everything they’d just seen. They’d be walking around like zombies for the next half hour, but it had to be done. Vex walked up and began placing his hands on the three men. They disappeared and the people
stared at him shocked. “Now, Trace!”

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