Their Merry Little Christmas (Love Square) (10 page)

BOOK: Their Merry Little Christmas (Love Square)
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Aiden clears his throat and draws my attention to his face. I feel the blush creep across my face, knowing I was caught staring. He gifts me with a gorgeous, mischievous grin.

“Ready mom?” He asks before picking up a squirming and giggling Tessa.

“Let’s do this thing,” I say excitedly, wrapping my arms around his waist and walking into the family room with the loves of my life.

Chapter Eleven





The sun barely kisses the sky when I start the ascent into reality from my dreamworld. A soft pair of lips wrap around my cock and suck me into a hot, wet mouth. I come fully awake with a start and fist my hands in the sheet at my sides. Holy shit! This i
s turning out to be the best Christmas ever.

“Don’t stop,” I say gruffly as her hand joins her mouth to work my shaft perfectly.

Kara hums her acknowledgment around my dick, and I feel my balls begin to tighten.

“Do you have any idea how gorgeous you are when you do that?” I grit out, trying to hold off on coming down her throat. My hands gently pull her hair away from her face, so I can get a better view of her blowing my mind, pun intended.

I try to force my brain to remember that it’s Christmas morning and that the girls could be down here at any minute to wake us up, but her mouth feels so damn good that I can’t find the necessary restraint. Instead, I grab Kara under her armpits and haul her up the bed and onto her back. I roll on top of her and put my hand between her legs.

Thank God we fell asleep naked. My need for her is palpable. You
’d think it’s been weeks not hours since the last time I had her.

“Please be ready,” I whisper just as my fingers find her hot, wet and ready to take me.

I replace my hand with my cock and thrust into her to the hilt. Kara’s head flies back, and her mouth opens on a silent moan.

“Quick and rough, Kara. We don’t have a lot of time,” I grunt out as I start moving in her.

“Yes. God, yes!” Her arms wrap around my shoulder and pulls me down for a deep kiss.

There is nothing better than waking up to Kara
’s face, especially when she’s caught up in the pleasure that only I can give her. If I could take a picture of how fucking sexy she looks right now and keep it with me all the time, I surely would.

“You feel so good, Jacob!” Kara cries out. Her tight little cunt starts fluttering with her impending release.

Knowing I finally found my other half and that tomorrow she’s choosing to love me for the rest of her life is the most wonderful feeling I’ve ever known. There aren’t words to describe what it feels like when that missing puzzle piece clicks into place, making your life complete. I waited a long time to feel this content. I even thought I had it once before, but I was sorely mistaken. Now my heart is bursting with happiness and love.

Speaking of bursting

“Fuck!” I shout when my orgasm slams into me unexpectedly. Kara moans underneath me as she climaxes as well.

Staying connected to her, I pull the covers up over us in case the girls come downstairs. I wouldn’t want to scar them for life by giving them an eye full.

“Merry Christmas,” Kara whispers and peppers my face with kisses.

“Merry Christmas, Sunshine.” I slowly pull out of her, enjoying the feel of every inch of her and collapse on my back.

“We need to put some clothes on,” Kara says, yet makes no move towards dressing.

I roll her towards me and slap her ass. You can hear the crack of skin on skin echoing into the silence.

“Ow! That hurt!” She reaches around and rubs her butt.

Whoops! Maybe it was a little harder than I expected.

“Want me to kiss it and make it better?” I reach around to do just that.

“You are incorrigible! Don’t touch my ass!” She pushes me away and scrambles off the bed. “Now, get dressed!”

“Yes ma’am!” I love it when she goes all no nonsense on me.

We dress in sweats and t-shirts and then head upstairs before we can get trampled by a couple of miniature sumo wrestlers.




The house is eerily quiet as Kara and I enter the kitchen. Emma sits at the table sipping a cup of coffee, no doubt enjoying the peace while she can get it. I grab a mug from the cupboard and fill it to the brim, needing some caffeine after the little sleep I got. Kara fills her own and squeezes my arm before going into the living room in order to give me some alone time with Emma.

“Merry Christmas,” I murmur and kiss her head.

“Merry Christmas,” Emma says in a low voice and barely musters up a smile for me.

I sit in the chair next to her and sip my coffee, carefully watching her. There are worry lines that weren
’t present last time I was here and without makeup, you can see the dark circles under her eyes.

“Want to talk about it?” I ask, hoping that nothing is seriously wrong. I couldn’t imagine what I would do if anything was wrong with my sister. It feels like a punch to the gut imagining all the things that could possibly be wrong. A tingling ball of anxiety presses in on my chest at the thought of anything bad happening to her. She’s my rock, and my biggest confidante since my mom died.

She lets out a long sigh, but doesn’t say anything.

I grab her hand and squeeze lightly.
“Sis, you need to tell me what’s going on. It’s obvious that you’re run down and tired. You aren’t sick are you?”

I hate vocalizing that concern for fear that it will be true because I was stupid enough to do so. I stop myself just shy of knocking on the wood table for luck.

“I’m just tired, Jacob. My life is contained within the four walls of this house. I’m a wife and a mother. The girls are getting older and are more of a handful. They fight more. They whine more. They want to do more activities. And I’m doing it all alone. John works eighty hours a week. He travels at least twenty out of the fifty-two weeks a year. I’m just tired. Of everything.”

I watch as tears stain her lovely cheeks and I fist my hands, fighting the urge to pummel my brother-in-law for being oblivious to the strain my sister is under.

“Have you tried talking to him?”

She lets out a humorless laugh.
“Of course I have. He’s just as tired as I am, but for an entirely different reason. One thing I know for sure is that life is often unfair and it will repeatedly kick your ass.”

She sounds so dejected
and helpless. This isn’t my sister. And I’m disheartened by it.

“Hey,” I squeeze her hand again to get her attention. “Don’t say that. Didn’t you once tell me that you have to fight for what matters? Well fight for your family, Emma. Make John open his eyes before it’s too late. You two need to work this out, not just for you but for those girls too.”

A sigh and a short nod is the only answer she gives me. It pains me to see my sister hurting so deeply.

’m beginning to think my thoughts about being closer to family aren’t too far off the mark. Between Kara wanting to have a baby and Emma needing help with the girls, it makes sense. I wonder how Kara would feel about leaving the city.

“I’m surprised the girls aren’t up yet.” Changing the subject seems like the best thing to do. I look at the clock to see it is going on six-thirty. This is late for them.

“I give it another ten minutes or so before they come barreling out here. Enjoy it while you can, baby brother.” Emma finally gives me a real smile, and it confirms that changing the subject was the best move.

“Brad and Sophie had their baby early this morning.” I push my phone across the table and watch as she takes in the sight of the beautiful baby picture that Brad sent me.

“What did they name him?”

“Duncan Jacob. Crazy, right?” I chuckle at the thought of them naming him after me. It’s the highest honor they could have given me.

“That’s sweet.” Emma takes another sip of her coffee and sits back in her chair. “I can’t believe Brad has a baby… Hell, I can’t believe you’re getting married tomorrow. It’s not exactly the way I pictured it, but I think it’s perfect for you two. Oh, before I forget, Dad will be in town later this morning. He’ll be here for the wedding.”

“Good. I was worried he’d have to work. It wouldn’t feel right without him here.”


“Kara and I decided to try for kids sooner rather than later.” I’m usually not one to spill my guts, but I have a feeling my sister needs this right now.

Just as I anticipated, her face lights up and she looks years younger than she did a few minutes ago.

“That is so wonderful!” She claps her hands and exclaims. “I cannot wait to be an aunt. I’m going to spoil your children rotten and make you regret the years of torment you put me through with the girls.”

I feign horror. “You wouldn’t, horse breath!”

“Oh, I so would, penis face!”

Kara joins us in the kitchen when she hears us laughing.

“My parents just woke up. And I saw John heading into Grace’s room.” She sits on my lap and wraps her arms around my neck. Leaning over I kiss the tip of her nose.

At the sound of little girl voices and high pitched squeals, Emma stands up. “And that would be my cue to get their stockings out.”

“Is everything okay?” Kara asks when Emma leaves the room.

“It will be. I hope…” My voice trails off as I look out the doorway into the living room. I’ll wait until after the wedding to bring up moving. Kara doesn’t need to be concerned with that just yet. Besides it will give me a chance to work on my case. They say the best defense is a strong offense.

“What do you say, Sunshine? Want to go open some presents?”

“I’d love to.” She leans in and rubs her nose alongside mine before planting a quick kiss to my lips.

“Let the fun begin,” I shout as we join everyone in the living room.




“And this one’s for you,” Kara says as she hands me my present. I’m immediately surprised by how heavy it is for its size.

I grab her hand before she can walk away, and I press the jewelry box in her hand. “You forgot one.”

I smirk as she excitedly bounces
into her seat. Watching her get presents never gets old. Every reaction from Kara is a genuine one. She’s never fake, and I appreciate the hell out of it.

The living room is covered in torn wrapping paper and shredded bows. The girls are playing in the co
rner with their new iPad minis, while the grown ups open the last of the gifts.

Today has been one of the best Christmas
’ I can remember in a long time. The girls both have on the matching Christmas pajamas that they got, that they’ll spend the day in. Emma and I used to love getting to stay in our pajamas all day. I’m glad she continued with that tradition.

Maggie is in the kitchen making everyone breakfast. A huge feast, including breakfast burritos, is Kara
’s family tradition on Christmas morning. She vows that breakfast will be delicious, and that I’m going to crave these burritos every year hereafter. I swear the Andrews women are trying to give me a gut. I’ll just have to keep finding creative ways with my girl to burn off the extra calories.

Bill and
Maggie were gracious enough to gift us with a honeymoon for Christmas. Because the money they have saved for Kara’s wedding wasn’t needed, they thought it would be good to use it for the honeymoon. It was more than we could have ever asked for and extremely thoughtful of them. The more I think about it, the more anxious I am to whisk my girl away for two weeks of uninterrupted sexy time.

Surprisingly enough, the munchkins haven
’t realized that they didn’t get a gift from Kara and me. Bill is sneaking next door to get the puppies as we speak. I’ve been assured by Kara that they will have a green ribbon and a red ribbon tied around their respective necks. Luckily, we were able to get the brother, sister pair from the picture Emma had sent us.

Emma still doesn
’t know we got two dogs, and I’m starting to feel guilty after our conversation earlier. She certainly doesn’t need any additional stress.

Before we leave, I
’ll lecture the girls on responsibility and will make them promise that they’ll take care of them without complaint, or I’ll have to take them back. Scaring them into submission works most of the time.

I make quick work of the wrapping paper on my gift and open the box to find a new handgun. I pick it up and study the Kimber .45 pistol. Wow
… this is quite a gun.

“Holy cow! How’d you know to pick this out?” I gush and turn my attention to Kara, who is fiddling with the bow on her unopened gift.

“Mack went with me. You like it?”

“Like it? I love it! Thank you!” I lean over and kiss her thoroughly. Emma and John’s catcalls make me pull away.

“Thank you,” I whisper against her mouth.

Gesturing to her gift, I tell her to hurry up. I
’m dying for her to see the necklace.

She gives me a mischievous grin and rips open the package. She opens the velvet box and re
veals a silver necklace with a large round yellow diamond surrounded by tiny white diamonds. She picks up the card that I tucked into the velvet, and I watch her hands tremble as she opens and reads it.


Thank you for shining your light on me and warming my heart when I thought it was permanently frozen. I love you from the bottom of my soul and will spend the rest of my life giving back to you all that you give to me.

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