Their Merry Little Christmas (Love Square) (8 page)

BOOK: Their Merry Little Christmas (Love Square)
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Chapter Nine





Pulling into Emma’s driveway, I breathe a sigh of relief. The snow is really coming down now, and the roads were horrible once we hit Pennsylvania. 

Bill and Maggie pull in behind
us and step out of their car. Thankfully, they will be leaving the day after we get married to give us some time alone. I think they were planning on staying longer until we informed them of our plans to move the wedding up. I mentally shudder at the thought of having to curb our sexual activities any longer. The other night with the handcuffs was nice… beyond nice actually, but I doubt Kara would let me do that all the time.

Our wedding is all set up thanks to the help of Maggie and Emma. Maggie took Kara
shopping for a dress, while Emma arranged for her minister to marry us in her living room the day after Christmas. Brad and Sophie will be joining us as long as Sophie doesn’t pop between now and then. I tried to tell them it wasn’t necessary that they attend, but Sophie insisted. Mack is going to drive up as well to support us. Our wedding will be just what it should be, a small affair with close family and friends. Nothing more.

Our honeymoon is another story. Seeing as how we weren
’t anticipating getting hitched over Christmas, I can’t get the time off from work. We decided to go somewhere warm for Valentine’s Day. I’m thinking the Dominican Republic. I’ve heard great things about the resorts, and it will be nice and warm there, when it’s good and cold here. Plus it comes with the added benefit of keeping Kara in a bikini for the whole trip.

I mentally fist pump the air thinking how in less than forty-eight hours, Kara will be tied to me forever. It can
’t come soon enough for me.

After we are all out of t
he cars, we drag our suitcases inside through the garage. Once in the mud room, we proceed to shake the snow off of ourselves.

“Uncle Jacob! Aunt Kara!” Grace and Candace run into the room, full of excitement and cry out a little too loudly in my opinion.

“Hey, munchkins!” I pick each one up and kiss their cheeks before setting them down and letting them maul Kara.

“Hi, baby brother!” Emma greets us warmly as we step into the kitchen. “You must be Kara’s parents. I’m Jacob’s sister, Emma. And these rugrats are Candace and Grace.”

“Pleased to meet you, Emma. You have a lovely home,” Bill says shaking her hand.

“And your daughters are beautiful. Thank you so much for letting us spend the holiday with you,” Maggie adds as she hugs Emma.

“Thank you. It’s my pleasure to have you here. Please come in and I’ll show everyone to their rooms,” Emma replies, then proceeds to quickly and efficiently lead us to our designated rooms.

’s parents are staying in the guest room while Kara and I are staying on the new pullout couch in John’s basement man cave. Thankfully, Kara and I won’t have to squeeze into Grace’s bed this time around, and we’ll have the added benefit of some privacy.
Hint, hint.

“Where’s John?” I ask as we all gather in the living room with eggnog, while the movie
plays on the television.

“He’s working late, trying to finish a few things up before his long weekend. He’ll be home before the girls go to bed,” Emma replies with a frown on her face. I make a mental note to talk to her about that later. I know John works crazy hours, and I wonder if it is starting to weigh on my sister. Sometimes I wish I lived closer so that she had more help when he was out of town or working late. It can’t be easy not having family close by when you have kids. When Kara and I have children, I want that type of support system for us.

“What did you ask Santa for?” Kara asks the girls some time later.

“I want Santa to bring me Monster High dolls, Barbie’s, jewelry like you Aunt Kara, a new American Girl doll and makeup. Oh and an iPad,” Grace spouts off her list in a fast ramble.

“You’re too young for makeup,” Emma lectures Grace from the kitchen, proving she can hear just about anything regardless of her location.

“I want an iPad, jewelry, a new iPod because Grace broke mine…”

“I did not!” Grace argues animatedly with Candace.

“You did too!” Candace yells back.

“Did not!”

“Did too! Mom!” I feel like I’m watching a tennis tournament as our heads go back and forth between the two girls arguing.

“Girls! That’s enough! We have company.” Emma stands in the doorway with her hands on her hips. One look at her and the girls immediately stop fighting.

“I want a puppy too.” Candace goes back to naming the things she wants for Christmas.

“Oh yeah! I want a puppy too! Uncle Jacob you should see the puppies! They are so cute!” Grace jumps up and down.

Thank God I got them those dogs. Yet again I
’ll have the best present this year.

“Puppies, huh? Don’t you think you’re a little too young for one?” I tease them, knowing I’m about to get them yelled at again.

“We are not too young!” Candace stomps her feet and crosses her arms.

“Yeah! I’m eight years old!” Grace snaps at me.

“Nope, I think you are still too young. Sorry girls. I’m going to have to call Santa and tell him he most definitely should
bring you a puppy.” I sit back in my chair and cross my legs, resting my ankle on my knee, feeling pretty smug with myself.

“Noooooo!” Candace calls out at the same time Grace starts crying.

I lose my smugness when a hand slaps me on the back of the head.

“Hey,” I say and turn in my chair to see a very pissed off Emma standing behind me. If looks could kill, I’d surely be dead right now.

“Sorry,” I grumble and rub my smarting head.

Kara shakes her head mockingly at me and gives m
e a “What were you thinking?” look.

“Hey, Bill. What do you say we head downstairs and see if we can catch a game of some sort?” I say, wanting to step out of the lion’s den.

“Lead the way,” he replies with a big smile and follows me down to the basement.




There weren’t any games on seeing as how it’s Christmas Eve, but Bill and I are having no trouble at all watching ESPN for our sports fix.

Hearing footsteps on the stairs, I turn my head and spy Kara coming down to join us.

“Hey, Sunshine. Got tired of being with the girls?” I ask when she sits on my lap. For as much as I love the feel of her pressed to my groin, I’m immediately suspicious that she is being this affectionate in front of her father.

“No. I was hoping you’d do me a favor,” she says sweetly as she blinks up at me with that innocent looking expression that always does me in.

I groan in response, knowing this spells trouble for me.

“Do I even want to know?” I deadpan.

“Well see, a neighbor was supposed to stop over tonight dressed as Santa since Candace is at that age where she’s wavering on whether he is real or not. Anyways, Emma is afraid she’s going to ruin it for Grace, so she thought this would be a good idea. Only, the guy had something come up last minute and can’t do it. He offered us use of his suit though.”

And there is the heart of what she wants. Shit. I don
’t want to dress up as jolly, old Saint Nick. But then a light bulb goes off in my head.

“Well that’s easy. Who cares if he can’t do it? Emma can find another way to convince the girls that he is real.” I mentally pat myself on the back for getting out of that one.

“I could see where you’d think that would be an easy solution, but the girls already know Santa is coming. How would they feel if Santa suddenly canceled? It would be counterproductive really.” She gives me those damn eyes again, and I know I’m not getting out of this unscathed.

“Why can’t their father do it?” I grasp at my last hope for getting out of dress up time.

“Emma said he sprained his wrist the other day, so the girls would know it wasn’t really Santa once they saw the brace.”

“Damn it,” I mumble under my breath.

Kara leans in and whispers in my ear, “I promise I’ll make it worth your while.”

Her words coupled with the feel of her breath on my skin, has my cock stirring.
Down boy… Santa cannot sport wood.

“Fine. Bring me the damn suit,” I grumble begrudgingly.

“You’re the best! You know that?” Kara kisses me chastely. Her father is still there after all.

Bill laughs once Kara bolts up the stairs.

“Laugh now. Next thing you know she’ll make you be my elf!” I threaten good naturedly.

“I’d love to see that,” he says in between chuckles.

“Ah crap!” I pull my hands through my hair, seriously wanting to throw a child-sized temper tantrum at this turn of events.

“Think of it this way, son. It will be good practice for when you have kids. And you’re making those girls’ night.”

“Yeah… alright. I guess I can try to look on the bright side of things,” I concede. The last thing I need is for my soon to be father-in-law to think I’m a big baby.

Kara returns twenty minutes later with a giant red bag. I drag it into the bathroom and take my time changing. Pa
rt of me hopes that if I take too long the girls will fall asleep or something. Stranger things have happened.

“It’s Christmas Eve, Jacob. The girls won’t want to fall asleep regardless, so don’t think you can get out of this,” Kara calls through the door.

How the hell does she do that? It’s worse than the eyes in the back of her head.

“I’ll be out in a minute,” I yell through the door.

After I velcro the giant pillow onto my belly, I turn to the side and stick my stomach out further, poking at my now enlarged gut. I roll my abdominal muscles making the pillow bounce and ripple. Chuckling at my nonsense, I step into the red, velvet pants. I pull the black suspenders over my shoulder and do a little jig watching as my stomach bounces around.

Apparently, thi
s suit sucks the seriousness out of you.
Maybe it’s a magic suit…

I stop my musings and proceed to put the jacket on and button it up.

I look damn good in red. Even with a giant stomach.

Next comes the wig and beard, followed by the hat. Now I have absol
utely no reason to not walk out of this bathroom. Damn.

Opening the door, Kara is the first thing I see. Her face lights up and she graces me with a wide smile. She lifts her arm, and then she does the unthinkable when she snaps a picture with her cell pho

“Lump of coal for you!” I shout and make like I’m going to attack her. When I lunge for her, she screeches and runs across the room.

Once I catch up with her, she reaches out and rubs red shit on my cheeks.

“Really?” I ask not wanting to deal with this shit.

“You are so going to get lucky later,” she mumbles so only I can hear her.

“Damn straight. You owe me one creative session, Sunshine.”

“There is this new position I heard about that I’ve been curious to try.”

“It’s a good thing this suit is big, otherwise my sister would think Santa was a giant perv. What do you think you’re doing telling me that now?” I gripe, knowing my nieces can’t sit on my lap while I’m turned on.

“Sorry. I forget,” she says like that explains it all.

“You’re lucky I love you.” I kiss her cheek and start towards the stairs. “Let’s get this over with.”




“That position is pretty damn amazing if I do say so myself,” Kara informs me in between pants. Like I didn’t already know she came harder than I’ve ever felt her come before.

“I think my head blew off with the force of my release,” I concur with her observation. “That position just went on the short list.”

After we finally catch our breaths, we snuggle up together and my fingers play with
the curls in her hair. My body is fully sated from our first uninhibited bout of love making since her parents came to visit a week ago.

“You’re a good uncle, wearing that suit for the girls. And I know for a fact Emma appreciated it. I saw her wiping tears from her eyes,” Kara says after several long minutes.

“What’s up with her anyway? Has she said anything to you?” I ask, remembering that I wanted to talk to Emma about how upset she looked earlier.

I feel Kara
’s shoulder shrug before she answers me. “Nothing much. I think she might just be depressed.”

“Depressed, huh? I wonder why?” I ponder the reasons it could be while trying to think of anything she might have said to me during recent conversations.

“John is supposed to go to Germany for like a month after New Years. I think his job is starting to get to her.”

Sometimes I wish John would take a job that doesn
’t involve so much travel. I know he loves his wife and kids, so I’m not sure why he doesn’t feel driven to stay. To find a job that won’t always take him away from them.

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