Their New Beginning (Oh Captain, My Captain #5) (12 page)

Read Their New Beginning (Oh Captain, My Captain #5) Online

Authors: Lindsay Paige,Mary Smith,Rebecca Cartee

BOOK: Their New Beginning (Oh Captain, My Captain #5)
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He thinks about everything I said for a moment, rubbing his temple with his one hand. “How about a compromise? You keep it for me; when you feel as special as you did before then give it back to me. I don’t want a gift like this until you feel like that again.”

“There’s no point in arguing is there?” I know there is no point. I shake my head. “Fine."

Chapter Nineteen



We’re sitting smack dab in the middle of the room, waiting for the musical to start. Quiet chatter is going on all around us, giving the room one large humming sound. Avery is looking over the Playbill when I lean over, my lips brushing her ear as I whisper.

“Does this really make the thirty-ninth musical I’ve gone to with you?”

“Yeah, why?” Avery replies, puzzled.

I grin at her. “Feels like way more than that.”

She giggles. “Well, it shouldn’t.”

“Would you be mad if I fell asleep?” The look of horror on her face makes me laugh. “I’m kidding! I wouldn’t do that to you, Avery.”

“You better not,” she tells me firmly, hiding a smile. It falls away completely after a moment. “Are you tired? Is your arm bothering you?”

“No,” I lie. “I’m fine.” After giving her a quick, gentle kiss, I add, “Let’s watch this musical.”

While it starts, my mind drifts back to dinner. I still can’t believe she got me that puck. For possibly the first time, she left me speechless. The next time she gives it to me I will feel better about receiving such an incredible gift because I’ll know I’ve been treating my wife the way she should be treated.

Avery becomes mesmerized by what’s happening on the stage. You’d think they were doing some amazing magic trick up there. We’re definitely going to New York City this summer. She’ll be in heaven there, I think. If I’m going to have to go to several while we’re there, I might as well start paying attention now.

On the drive home, Avery is smiling and talking all about what happened. I nod and surprise her when I make my own comments. She unlocks the door and disarms the alarm before turning toward me, lifting on her tiptoes, and giving me a kiss. This is the first time she hasn’t hesitated to come kiss me. Just as I grab her hip to pull her closer, she leans back.

“Thanks for tonight, Jax.”

“Shouldn’t I be saying that to you? You are the one who took me out on the date.”

She smiles and giggles. “You’re right; you should.”

“Thank you for tonight, Avery.”

I press my lips to hers and she mumbles quietly against them, “You’re welcome.”

My shoulder is aggravating the hell out of me, so I kiss her one more time. “I’m going to go change and find the heating pad.” Smiling, I add, “Don’t you want to rub my shoulder again? It needs to be good and relaxed so I can move it a little tomorrow.” I’ll have to go in for some very gentle exercises to keep my shoulder from getting too stiff.

“I guess I’ll suffer through another shoulder rub for you. Go change while I put your puck up. Where do you want it?”

“On the mantle in the living room? Wherever you want; it’s still yours.” I kiss her forehead and disappear toward the bedroom before she can fuss at me for saying that. After happily removing the sling, I carefully change and get ready for bed.

Avery walks in and says, “I put
gift in the living room where you suggested.”

I laugh, grab the heating pad, and get myself situated in the bed. My eyes follow Avery as she changes into her pajamas, which includes only one thing every single night: an old college T-shirt of mine. She has them all in her dresser; they aren’t even mine anymore. I’m not complaining though. Avery stops when she comes next to the bed, about to climb on and straddle me. I grin. All she’s wearing is my T-shirt and a pair of panties.

“Something wrong?” I question, trying not to laugh.

“Nope.” She doesn’t hesitate as she comes to sit over me. She grabs the cream and starts rubbing my shoulder with a tad too much strength and force. When I wince, Avery quickly apologizes.

“It’s fine,” I reply, moving my free hand to rest on her bare thigh.

Avery glances at me, but doesn’t say anything. This is not exactly how our first fourth date ended. She shifts in my lap, my thumb dropping to the inside of her thigh, and the simple movement has me getting hard beneath her.

Clearing my throat, I ask her, “Do you remember what happened on our fourth date, Avery?” That was the night she told me she loved me, too.

“Of course I do, Jax. I’ve been trying to recreate them,” she answers softly.

My hand glides up and down her thigh. “Everything about them?”

“The important parts.”

I stop moving my hand, so she doesn’t think I’m asking about sex with my question. “Then haven’t we left a part out?”

She stops her work on my shoulder, placing her hands on her thigh, one over my own. Avery leans forward, keeping eye contact, and whispers, “I love you, Jax.”

I take away the space between us by moving closer and kiss her. “I love you, too.” This woman right here in front of me, sitting in my lap, trying to make my shoulder feel better after spending the day together is my wife. She’s an older, prettier, smarter version of the woman I married. Staying close to her, resting my forehead against hers, I don’t hesitate as I breathe, “I forgive you, Avery.”

She blinks fast two times and then, it’s as if what I said hits her, tearing down all the walls. Avery grasps my face with both hands and kisses me with everything that she is. I can taste her relief, her happiness, and her love. She breaks the kiss for a split second to ask, “Really?” before her mouth is back on mine.

My groan as she nips my lower lip is her answer. Avery presses into me deeper as I lean back into the pillow. This kiss, her passion, just might top the kiss she gave me after we said our I Do’s. A nagging discomfort starts to distract me. I try to ignore it as I slip my hand underneath her shirt to feel the skin there. Avery’s arm barely presses my shoulder where she’s still holding my face, but I grunt from the contact.

“My shoulder, Avery,” I remind her when she leaves my mouth to kiss my jaw.

She sits upright. “Sorry.” A lazy smile lifts my lips when she kisses my shoulder gently. “You need to put some heat on it.”

“Freezing cold ice might be better for me.”

Avery giggles, shakes her head, and reaches for the heating pad. She takes care of putting it in place before moving to her side of the bed. “Twenty minutes and you can get some rest, Jax.”

“Okay,” I nod. “Thank you, Avery, for everything you do for me,” I tell her seriously. “I’d be lost in more way than one without you.”

She gives me a small smile. “That’s what we do, Jax. We take care of each other.” Avery gives me a quick kiss before getting comfy. She turns on her side to look at me.

“Do you know what I want?” I suddenly ask her.


“I want to date you forever.” Avery looks confused so I clarify. “After a while, there was always a reason or purpose we went out and did things, aside from vacations. And often, that reason wasn’t so we could have fun together or do something new with one another and have time just for us. We went to make an appearance, to say we were there, or for work. Each time we go out on these dates, it’s about you and it’s about me. It’s about us. I want to date you forever, Avery.” I pause and wonder if that makes any sense to her. I’ve half confused myself, I think. “Do you know what I mean?”

“Yeah, I think so.”

“Well, my beautiful wife,” I reach for her hand despite the fact that I’m reaching across myself. “I promise to love you, cherish you, and date you for as long as we both shall live.” The corners of her mouth quirk up. “Do you, Avery, promise to love me, cherish me, and date me for as long as we both shall live?”

Her smile widens; a small laugh falls out. “I do.”

Chapter Twenty



It has been the craziest week of my life. Jax was given the all clear less than a week ago. He has been on the road with the team, but we have talked a lot more. We even tried phone sex, but the rookies ruined it because they were playing pranks.

Last night, Jax came home late and went to bed right away because they were having an early practice. I’m glad because it’s giving me time to work out my plan for date number five. 

That’s why I’m standing in the middle of the airport, waiting.

And waiting.

“Aunt Avery!”

I turn to see Reed racing toward me. I bend down and catch him in my arms. “Who is this tall boy? The Reed I know is little.” I pull back and he is almost as tall as I am on my knees. He laughs as his bright hazel eyes shine..

“I got to fly with Dad’s team.”

I look up to see Ashton walking up to us. “That’s so cool,” I say happily.

“Hi, Avery.”

I stand up, hugging Jax’s oldest and dearest friend. “Ashton, I don’t know how to thank you for this.”

“Anything for you and Jax. How are things?”

I’m sure that he knows everything. “It’s going really good. I mean it, thank you for letting Reed miss a day of school.”

“Well, it’s only one day; he’s fine.” Ashton ruffles his hair, and Reed gives him a dirty look.

“Reed,” I smile brightly at him. “Are you ready to help me surprise Uncle Jax?”

“Yes.” He pumps his fist in the air.

“Now,” Ashton looks at Reed. “You be good for Aunt Avery. Your mom is driving down tomorrow to get you, okay?”

“Okay.” Reed hugs his dad’s neck.

“Ashton, we’ll see you tonight at the game.”

“All right. Have fun.” Ashton heads back the direction he came from to get on the team bus.

“Reed, are you ready?”


I take his hand and we head off to the rink. Of course, Reed talks the whole drive to the rink, telling me all about Sadie, Lexie, and his mom. I have cared for this boy since the moment I met him on date number five.

I show my family badge when we get to the rink, and I grab the bag out of the trunk and head into the player’s locker room.

“All right, Reed, sit at Uncle Jax’s locker.”

He jumps up on the bench and starts taking his gear out of the bag. Together, we get him ready. I’m not the greatest person for this, but luckily, Reed knows more than I do. We walk down the tunnel to the ice where the Gamblers are doing a shoot-out.

I take his hand as I struggle, and finally, lift him up to sit on the boards. We watch the team try their best to get past the goalie. Jax, as always, goes last and makes it. Reed claps loudly through his gloves. Jax looks over confused before a bright smile appears. His dark eyes are shining as he skates over.

“What is this?”

“Hi, Uncle Jax,” Reed smiles.

“Reed, what are you doing here?” He hugs him.

“Go ahead, Reed, tell him,” I egg him on.

“Right. Aunt Avery says we’re on date five,” he announces proudly just like we practiced. “And look, I got a new jersey.” Reed points to the back. I had one for Reed and one for me made special with Jax’s number on them.

“The Godson.”

“That’s me.” He laughs. “Aunt Avery show yours.”

I pull my hair over as Jax reads the words: Mrs. Godwin. “I like that a lot. But, I’m confused on why it’s date five.”

“Godwin!” Coach yells for Jax and he skates away.

Reed and I finish watching practice and finally, it’s over. Jax comes back over, as excited as Reed is.

“Now, explain to me what’s going on.”

“You really don’t remember?” I shake my head. Of all the dates, I thought he would remember that one.

“I’m sorry, Avery. I don’t.”

“I was working a shift at the hospital and I couldn’t come to your afternoon game. So, you thought we would have dinner that night. Ashton was on the team back then, but he got hurt in the game. You had to watch Reed while Brooke was with Ashton.”

Jax’s mouth drops as he realizes that day. “I brought Reed to your apartment, and three of us had a date.”

“I don’t remember,” Reed pops into the conversation.

“Reed, you were only two. You were still little,” I explain to him. “So, I thought for today, Reed comes and stays the night with us. You two can play on the ice for a little bit, then we’ll go grab some lunch. After that, Reed and I will watch you and Ashton play tonight. Ashton can have dinner with us before he heads off to Alabama.” I smile at Jax. “So, what do you say,

He grins. “Come on, Reed. Let me show you how I’m beating your dad in points.” He picks him up and sits him on the ice.

I lean against the bench and watch Jax and Reed laughing, joking, and hitting the puck around. It makes me think of that night when he knocked on my door with Reed in his arms. For a second, I thought Reed was his, and he was trying to tell me. He hadn’t told me about Ashton, Brooke, or Reed until that night. I never knew why, but that night, I saw a different side of Jax. Any time Reed made a sound, he was trying to figure out was wrong with him or if he needed something. It was sweet to watch.

Just like now.

“Please explain to me why my son is wearing a Gambler’s jersey.”

I turn to see Ashton dressed for practice. “Because he loves his Uncle Jax,” I laugh.

Ashton groans as I yell for the guys. I didn’t realize time had gotten away from us. Reed waves and skates over.

“Reed, tell your dad what you learned today,” Jax smiles.

“Oh, right.” Reed looks up at Ashton. “Uncle Jax’s slap shot is better.”

I can’t help the snort that comes out when Ashton cuts Jax’s a mean look. Jax laughs at him. I swear they’re just like brothers.

“All right, let’s go, boys.” I try to keep everyone moving as the Bears begin to take the ice. Reed hugs his dad, and we head down the tunnel. Jax jumps in the locker room shower as I change Reed, and then we head off to grab some food. I leave my car at the rink because I can pick it up after the game.

“What are we going to eat, Reed?” Jax asks.

“Chicken nuggets.”

“Of course,” Jax smiles and heads to the nearest restaurant.

We spend the afternoon together. Jax buys anything Reed looks at or even touches. I swear Brooke is going to yell at Jax tomorrow when she sees the guitar to go with drum set. Let’s not forget the amp, too.

The three of us go back to the house, so Jax can rest a little bit before the game. I still worry about his shoulder, but he seems fine. Moreover, he keeps touching me: a brush against my neck, rubbing against my ass or his hand a little too high up on my side, close to my breast. If Reed weren’t here, I would have had sex in the car with him and wouldn’t care who saw us.

Reed and I watch cartoons while Jax lounges in the bed, taking a nap. I can’t think of a better day. It’s great and makes me thankful that Jax and I are still together. I would miss Reed, Ashton, and Brooke. They’re a part of our lives.

Jax jogs down the stairs in his light colored suit, ready to head to the game. We all head out to the car and drive to the rink. I have another surprise, but this is for Reed more than Jax.

“Where are we going?” Reed looks confused as we head down toward the glass sections, right behind the players’ bench.

“Well, we always sit up high. How about we sit behind Uncle Jax’s bench?”

“Yes!” Reed goes bolting for the glass, and it takes me a second to catch up. That kid is quick.

When the Gamblers come out, Jax sees him and waves with a big smile. Even Ashton sees him and waves.

“Do you think Uncle Jax will score tonight? What about Dad?” Reed is bouncing with excitement.

“I hope they both score.” I try to play fair, but even with Jax’s week off, he’s still three points ahead of Ashton.

When the guys go to center ice for the face off, I can see Jax’s mouth running, and Ashton shaking his head. I can only image what Jax’s saying at that moment. Reed is a ball of bouncing hyper-ness. He can barely sit still. He yells for his dad and Jax. I smile. My favorite part is that every time the lines change, Jax winks at Reed. No matter what.

Yes, Jax’s going to be a great dad.

At the end of the second period, it’s still scoreless. Reed had a whole thing of nachos, but I refused to give him soda. It’s water only. The kid isn’t going to be able to sleep tonight, let alone be able to eat dinner with us.

We watch on the edge of our seats as the midway through the third period, Jax finally scores. Reed is jumping all around. I have to give credit to Ashton. He tries so hard to score, but nothing hits the back of the net.

The game ends one to zero.

“Dad didn’t score, huh?”

“Um, no, and let’s not mention it at dinner either, okay?”


I take Reed’s hand and we head out to the Mustang to wait for the guys. He’s still talking about his day and the game. I wish I knew where this kid gets his energy. I should have taken a nap.

When Jax comes out, Reed goes racing to him and leaps into this arm. Jax catches him with ease. Ashton steps out a moment later.

“Hi, Dad.” Jax hands Reed off to him. “You didn’t score, but I’m not going to tell anyone.”

Jax busts out laughing, and I hide my smile behind my hands as Ashton shakes his head.

“Thanks, little man. I’m sure no one will ever know.” He looks at Jax. “I don’t have much time.”

“Let’s go.”

We all pile into the Mustang and head to a small diner near Ashton’s hotel where the team is staying. It’s a great time with the guys. Reed talks about his guitar, and Ashton’s sure Brooke will kill Jax later. The guys talk about hockey, while Reed and I color the pictures in the coloring book the hostess gave him.

Jax drops Reed and me off at my car. Reed says his goodbyes to Ashton, and it’s sweet how they are together. Jax takes Ashton to the hotel as we head back to our house.

Reed takes a bath and puts on his pajamas. We are on the couch when Jax comes in. He smiles at me and head up to the bedroom to change. After changing, Jax comes back downstairs and sits next to Reed.

“Can I call my mom?” Reed asks.

“Of course,” I tap Brooke’s name and hand him my phone.

Reed tells her all about his day, and the finally says good night. It’s a simple conversation between them, but it makes me wonder about my future kids. Will I be a good mom? I know that Jax says yes, but I think about my own mother.

I shake my head. No. I’m nothing like that. There’s no way I would put my children through what Regina and I went through.

Reed curls up next to Jax’s side. The three of us sit and watch more cartoons, and I can’t figure out what the appeal is for kids. I look over and see they are both asleep. It’s quite possibly the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.

I try to ease off the couch, and I’m not sure that I can carry Reed all the way up the stairs, but I try to lift him, when Jax wakes.

“I’ll get him,” he whispers, picking him up a lot easier than I ever could. That little boy weighs a lot more than he looks. I turn off all the lights and TV and follow him upstairs.

Jax puts Reed in the guest bedroom. I leave the hallway light on and the door open. We go across the hall, and I leave our door open in case Reed needs us.

“I’m exhausted.” I yawn, grabbing a T-shirt and shorts. I quickly change and crawl into the bed.

“What the hell are you wearing?”

“There’s a small child across the hall. He could wander in here. How would I explain that to Brooke?”

“Well, I need some adult time with my wife.” He pulls me against him.

“Right now? Reed’s right there,” I whisper, not sure why.

“Oh my God, I need you, and right now seems like the perfect time.”

“Uncle Jax,” Reed’s soft voice carries from across the hall.

“Come on.” He grits his teeth. “Ashton said that he has perfect timing.” He turns to check on him. I giggle because I know what he means.

Jax comes back a moment later holding Reed’s hand. “Someone’s scared.”

I smile, pulling the covers back as Reed jumps into the middle of the bed. Jax climbs in on his side, and the three of us snuggle together.

Yes, I love my life again.

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