Their Virgin Mate [Panther Cove 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (9 page)

BOOK: Their Virgin Mate [Panther Cove 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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He glanced out the window and watched two people go into the bank. “Oh, she’s interested all right, but I, too, wonder if she’ll want us once she finds out we’re shifters.”

“She seems open-minded enough.”

They did need to discuss when would be a good time to let her in on their secret. “Maybe this weekend we can discuss it.”

Casius laughed. “Discuss or show?”

“I’m taking it one hour at a time.” He held up a hand. “Take a look at this.

Casius grabbed the binoculars. A known shifter was walking out of the bank with a young woman. They stood talking for a few minutes before he motioned for a cab. “Let’s get down there.”

They were on the second floor and raced down the stairs. Too bad they couldn’t shift into panthers and follow the cab. Wouldn’t that cause a stir?

They’d parked right outside their hotel, paying a lot per hour to keep the car on the street. Hercules jumped in the driver’s seat and had the engine revved just as Casius slid in. The cab took off. In the back seat, it appeared as if the girl was struggling. In fact, there were three men and the girl.

Hercules didn’t want to appear too obvious he was tailing them, but in the city traffic, he didn’t want to get stopped at a light. This would take a lot of luck to catch them.

“See if you can get behind them. I’ll get the cab number,” Casius said. “If we lose them, we can find out where he dropped the fare.”

Hercules released his grip on the wheel. “Good thinking.”

It only took three more blocks before he was behind the cab. Casius jotted down the information. The light ahead turned red, but the cab drove through. Traffic coming in the opposite direction shot through the lane. “Dammit.”

“Don’t worry.”

“Call Segal and ask him to find out where that damn cab is headed.”

Segal was a panther shifter at the Baltimore PD. Having an insider always helped. While Casius contacted the guy, Hercules kept his gaze on the cab. The light turned green, and he shot forward. The cab turned right two lights up. By the time Hercules executed the turn, the cab had disappeared. They were in a residential area, so perhaps the cab had dropped them off.

Hercules pulled over and waited until Segal got back to them. Ten long minutes later, Casius’s cell rang. His pencil went to work as he jotted down the information. “Thanks.”

He looked up. “Only two blocks from here. Let’s go.”

He was uncertain what was going to happen, but he wanted to speak with the woman. He probably should have had Segal find out who lived at the address, but it was too late now.

They climbed the three steps to the brownstone and rang the bell. Shouts sounded inside, but no one answered.

“Baltimore PD. Open up.”

Casius looked over. “Are you crazy?”

He shrugged. The door opened, and the woman they’d seen come out of the bank greeted them.

“May we come in and ask you some questions about a man who met you outside the bank.”

Her eyes grew wide. The hair on the back of his neck prickled and his stomach tightened. There were tiger shifters in there all right. If they could beat some information out of them, the trip would be well worthwhile.

“Ma’am. We’re coming in.”

She held up her hands. “You can’t.” She mouthed,
They’ll kill my husband.

Knowing The Sword, they’ll kill not only her husband, but her. “I’m sorry, ma’am.”

Both he and Casius surged in. Being able to sense the shifters, they rushed into the kitchen where they were met by three men. Hercules wasn’t sure it they’d win as panthers or humans, but to keep their existence quiet for a while longer, he charged the two on the left and Casius took the one on the right.

The woman screamed. If she was out of the house, he could fight better.

“Run, lady.”

Her footsteps sounded. Hercules grabbed the first blond man by the neck, did a leg sweep, and they tumbled to the ground. The second man, who was shorter and thicker, pounded Hercules on the back. The pain ripped through him but did no damage. With a quick twist to the man’s neck, Hercules disabled him. The nerves in the man’s body would take an hour to regenerate. He rolled over and twisted with the stocky man.

Casius was boxing with his man. That was probably not a good choice, but right now he had his hands full. The two grappled, and the tiger shifter somehow managed to get him in a headlock. He remembered working with Danny and Trace Sanders, two rogue tiger shifters. Their center of gravity was lower. Keeping that in mind, Hercules adjusted and flipped the man over. He got him in a hold, and lifted his arm until he heard it crack.


The shifter would repair quickly, but it gave Hercules time to extract his knife from the sheath on the side. Only a stab to the heart or a major artery would stop this guy permanently.

Casius had his man in a hold. Sure, the guy could shift, but he had every faith his brother would win that battle.

“What are you doing in the bank?”

The man spit at Hercules.

Hercules placed the tip on the man’s heart. “Tell me, and don’t say you were withdrawing money.”

“Getting account numbers.”

They were getting somewhere. “What is the woman’s role?”

“She’s the vice president of the bank. We’re holding her husband.”

“Where are you holding him?”

“Like I’m going to tell you?”

Hercules didn’t think. The knife penetrated the man’s heart. His eyes widened. The man dropped to his knees.

Hercules moved over to the other man and held the knife to his throat. “Where are you holding the man?”

“1784 Williamsport Drive.”

Call this into Segal and see if it’s legit.

Casius did as he suggested. “Okay.” After he made the call, Casius faced Hercules. “He’s sending a unit there now.

Hercules smiled for the first time in days. “Now we wait.”

Chapter Eight


Once Georgiana heard about the men asking Tanya to some hot springs, Georgiana had insisted on working the store on Sunday. One time Tanya had to have a procedure done and was out for one day. Since Georgiana used to work in the mall as a cashier, it hadn’t taken long for her to get up to speed on how to use Tanya’s system.

Georgiana rubbed Tanya’s arm. “I want you to have a good time and not worry about anything.”

Tanya had no doubt the store was in good hands, but she didn’t like asking a friend to spend eight hours working on a weekend. “I’m going to pay you.”

Georgiana waved a hand. “Nonsense. My payment will be listening to all the cool things you did with your men.”

“There may be no story if they see me in my bathing suit.”

Her friend planted her hands on her hips. “Enough. I don’t want to hear how you think you’re fat. Those anorexic models you admire have no tits. Besides, men like big boobs and a good-sized booty.”

She had to admit that her men did seem to enjoy what she had to offer. “Maybe.”

“Isn’t it time to lock up? You should go and pack.”

That made her laugh. “I have a few days to get ready.”

“Well, then mentally rehearse how you’re going to act around them. Behave like you think you’re sexy and they’ll treat you like you are. And for God’s sake, don’t ask them what they think of your suit.” Georgiana shook her head. “You have so much to learn.”

“Sad but true.”

Now all she had to do was worry about getting a good attitude.


* * * *


At 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, the men arrived at her house, ready to embark on their one-night adventure. While she was looking forward to soaking in the hot springs, she was more excited about making love with Hercules. Casius had been amazing, and she wanted to have the same joy with his brother. Given he was taller and broader than Casius, and seeing how little of his cock fit in her mouth, she was going to be quite sore the next day if he fucked her hard.

She opened her front door, and the rush of excitement at seeing them erased her doubts about having a good time. “Hi.”

They both stepped inside together, but Casius got to her first and wrapped his long arms around her and lifted her up. He kissed her hard and thoroughly.

“Bro, don’t start.”

Casius set her down. He rubbed a thumb over her chin. “We made a promise there would be no touching until we arrived at the cabin.” He winked. “At least not much. Once we get started, we’re not sure we can stop.”

From the twinkle in his eye, they were both playing with her. She did appreciate that they knew she might be nervous about spending the night with two men.

Hercules grabbed her case. “Ready?”

“Let me put on my jacket, and I’m good to go.” Given she’d be in a warm car, she didn’t think she needed a hat.

Casius rushed to the sofa, picked up her jacket, and helped her put it on.


She inhaled. There was no reason to be nervous except if maybe they wanted to try something that put her out of her comfort zone.

Stop fretting. Just learn to love it

Hercules had driven a truck, and she scooted on the seat between them. While there would have been a lot of room for three normal people, she was a little squished between these two giants.

“You want to sit on my lap, babe?” Casius winked.

“That would hardly be legal. Plus, I’d probably bump my head.”

He grinned. “But think of all the fun we could have.” He leaned over and cupped her breast through the fluffy jacket. She doubted he felt much.

Hercules glanced over at his brother. “None of that. It’s hard enough to maneuver these curves without trying to get a glimpse of some skin on our sexy woman. I sure as hell don’t need you two trying to have sex in the front seat of my truck.”

They both laughed. Casius whispered in her ear. “Later, babe.”

She was looking forward to that. They took the Blue Ridge Parkway heading west toward the hot springs, hoping the road ahead was open. Snow closures happened too often.

Hercules glanced over at her. “We’re sorry about you having to shut your store tomorrow. We’d like to make it up to you.”

That was so sweet of them. “Actually, my friend Georgiana will be covering for me.”

“That’s awesome.” Casius rubbed her leg. “If we didn’t mention it before, you’ve impressed us both with your dedication to your job. Even if you got it covered, we’d still like to make it up to you.”

As long as it didn’t involve money, she was game. “Then thank you.”

As the elevation increased, so did the snow on the road. It wasn’t long before the traffic slowed and finally came to a stop.

Hercules leaned forward. “Crap.”

“Is the road closed?” She bit down on her bottom lip.

“Seems to be.”

That would delay their arrival. Sure enough, they sat on the highway for another twenty minutes before they reached a turnoff.

“Don’t worry, sugar. We’ll grab some dinner.”

She wasn’t worried about getting food. The delay would get them in late to the cabin, but hopefully it wouldn’t interfere in their sexual interlude.

They stopped at a small tavern that supposedly served great hamburgers. The men each had a beer, but she decided to keep her wits about her and order tea.

“Sugar, you been thinking about what we can do to please you?”

She decided to play it coy. “I don’t know what you mean. I thought we came here for the hot springs.”

Hercules laughed. “I’m not sure we’ll need any springs to get you hot.”

She widened her eyes. “So you think I’m easy?” She leaned close to make sure no one else heard.

Casius looked over at Hercules. “Herc, we’ve shared a lot of women, but I don’t remember anyone with a hair trigger like Tanya’s. You agree?”

They were playing with her, but she was interested in Hercules’s answer.

“I can’t remember. I think I’ll have to test-drive her to see.”

“Funny. I’m no car.”

Casius took a hold of her hand. “No, babe. You are not. You are the sweetest flower we’ve ever met, but there is so much we haven’t explored.”

She leaned back and smiled. “If you’re nice, I might let you go into more depth than the last time.”

The day after making love with Casius, she’d worn a butt plug all day, and while having something in her ass excited her, she decided it might spoil her when the real deal came along. Then she realized that, given Casius’s size, she didn’t need to worry.

Their dinner arrived. As soon as the waitress disappeared, Hercules glanced between them. “I say we eat as fast as we can and go. I’m harder than this table and ten times hornier.”

She laughed. “Tables don’t get horny.”

He knocked on the tabletop. “Tell that to him.”

Now he was being silly, but oh how both of her men could make her forget about life.

True to their word, they ate in silence, chowing down their food like they’d get no sex if they didn’t eat fast. As soon as she finished, they waved to the waitress for their check.

BOOK: Their Virgin Mate [Panther Cove 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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