There All Along (7 page)

Read There All Along Online

Authors: Lauren Dane,Megan Hart

BOOK: There All Along
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“I’m going to advise you let Stace blow that bridge.”

“It’s a way for us to hunt without having to go all the way around.”

“I understand that. But if you can slow down a gang of brigands that’s going to be better than having to deal with rebuilding it when it’s warmer. You see my meaning? We may not be here the next time. You blow that bridge and they have no other choice but to come over the main bridge. It cuts down their avenue of attack. Makes it manageable.”

Haldeman sent a hand through his hair and then nodded. “Go on. Tell me what you need and how many you want to come with you.”


e shuffled back up the hill some hours later. He’d been up for far longer than he should have been and Indigo, his second, had shoved him out the door with orders to get some kip and a meal before he came back.

It was the calm before the storm. They’d prepared all they could for the time being. The team had left to destroy the bridge at the upper river with several of the garrison’s best trackers so he had every reason to believe they’d finish the job and likely be back at the garrison before the brigands had even reached that far.

His people would also do a survey of the river to be sure there were no weak spots to get across. They could use boats to get across, but the current was fast as well as cold. And the brigands were many things, but sophisticated they weren’t.

There was nothing to do at that point but rest while they could so he’d nodded and left.

The shutters were locked all over town, though some were out and about doing necessary business. But the mercantile was closed, he was pleased to see.

He went around back, unlocking the large blast doors covering the entrance and sliding them back into place when he’d finished.

She was curled in a chair near a shuttered window. He smiled at the juxtaposition of her there, small, the tumble of hair making her seem even smaller, and the rifles at each window.

He’d only gotten three steps into the room before she awoke.

“News?” She stood, stretching, and before he could think to say anything he was on her, his mouth on hers, his hands pulling her close. He
that contact in a way that should have scared him. Most likely would later.


He shoved her hair back over her shoulder one handed and slid the robe she’d been wearing off her shoulders, leaving her in a long nightdress that buttoned all the way up the front. He couldn’t wait. Didn’t want to wait. He grabbed either side and tugged hard, the material parting on the sound of buttons flying.

She gasped and he paused, waiting for rebuke, but got none. Instead she moaned, arching into his touch as he slid covetous hands over her bare skin. He’d had this well of need for her that appeared bottomless. And since the first kiss, he’d been unable to resist her.

She offered herself to him and he had no ability to turn away.

Pale and beautiful in the dim light that made its way through the shutters, he took her in as she stood, bare, the remains of her clothing pooled at her feet.

He fell to his knees. “I believe, before we were so unfortunately interrupted by brigand talk, I had plans for you.” He leaned in to kiss her belly, below her navel. “For your pussy.”

She shivered, sliding her fingers through his hair.

It was cool in the house and he noted the gooseflesh. “Wait for me there.” He pointed at the settee, before he moved to the woodstove and built up the fire within. The air began to warm a little and he moved back to where she sat, watching him without a word.

He took her mouth, still on his knees. She wrapped her legs around his body, holding him close.

“So beautiful,” he murmured, kissing down her neck to her breasts, licking and biting her nipples until she made a whimper deep in her throat. “I’ve been thinking about the way you taste all night.”

•   •   •

e’d come in looking haunted.

Long and lean, his hair close cropped so she could see the lines of his face. The lips, currently cruising down her ribcage, the blades of his cheekbones, the blue-gray eyes that failed to miss anything. He’d come in, loaded down, she knew, with the worries and fears of everyone in Silver Cliffs.

He’d stood looking at her as she’d shaken off her fitful sleep and managed to stand, moving to him as if he drew her by some magic.

But it wasn’t magic, it was him. Her heart beat for him. Had for years now, she realized.

Big, strong hands slid down her torso and to her hips. He continued to kiss down her body until he got to her pussy and she shivered. Not from cold. From the sheer delight she knew she was about to enjoy.

“Sit back.”

She did, obeying, watching down her body as he pushed her thighs open and spread her with his thumbs.

The room had warmed since he’d built the fire up, but his hands on her built the fire in her belly. His gaze found hers, locked as he kissed her knee and then up her thigh. He kissed her there, the heart of her, like it was her mouth. Fascinated, she kept watch, seeing his tongue lap, flick, taste her in such an intimate way it nearly sliced through her. No one had been this close to her and he reveled in it. She reveled in the way he touched her. Like he couldn’t get enough.

This man of few words but for the occasional whispered dirty ones between them in the dim. He was thrilling. Exciting. Fearsome and not just because he was a walking weapon. But because he made her want things she knew she shouldn’t. And did anyway.

Climax curled her toes, swept up her calves and thighs and burst over her until she indeed had to scream out, her face in a pillow from the settee should anyone be out on the street.

He stood. “Face the back of the settee. On your knees. Brace yourself with your hands.”

Still shaking from orgasm, she rose up and did as he’d said, the thrill of whatever he’d planned washing through her. He moved behind her, the heat of his body against hers after he’d gotten rid of his trousers.

The head of his cock brushed against her and slid in easily as he grunted. “So wet.”

She pushed back against him, her face burning with a blush. But not of shame. He never made her feel that for what they did together.

He set a pace, fast, deep. She held on as the settee moved just a little bit as he thrust.

“Want of you has set me on fire,” he murmured against the skin of her shoulder. “This is what I think about. Your sweet, hot, wet cunt wrapped around my cock like a fist.”

She stuttered a breath, curving her back to take him deeper.

Normally a chatterer, she found herself stunned silent by the things he said when it was just them, when it was this. Skin to skin, his body in hers. His hands caressing every part of her he could reach.

“Yes,” she whispered.

“Mine,” he whispered back, and she wanted to laugh. Yes, yes she was.

Instead she nodded quickly. “Yours.”

That seemed to satisfy him for a time as he continued to thrust. His teeth dug into the flesh of her shoulder as he groaned. The pain silvered into something else, something pleasurable as she felt the jerk of his cock deep within her, as she knew she made him feel this way.

She smiled against the fabric of the settee, the nub of it against her inflamed skin.

“Let us nap for a time.” He stood back and picked her up, walking her not into his room, but hers. He pulled the blankets back and she moved over, giving him room to follow. Which he did.

She moved into the hollow where his arm met his body, resting her head there. His arms surrounded her and she closed her eyes. Satisfied and unafraid.

•   •   •

e awoke to the scent of coffee and fried meat.

She spoke in low tones to someone, which is what brought him to his feet and into his pants. He had nowhere to come out but through her bedroom door and realized he wanted to be seen. Wanted whoever it was to know she was his.

He froze, his hand on the knob.
. Stupid to think in those terms. But there it was. He still tasted her, smelled her on his skin and he wasn’t ready to give that up. Wasn’t ready to give

He’d lived through a lot. Survived the loss of his family, years on the Highway. Battles. He brushed a hand over his belly, against the ridges of the scars he bore from a nasty ambush that nearly ended with his death.

He’d driven up the Highway, seen the silvery gray cliffs rising up to the east and his heart had eased. Had eased because he knew he’d be seeing her soon. Knew he’d be in her parlor, listening to her voice as she told him about all the silly goings on in Silver Cliffs. Eating the meals she’d created. Sleeping with such beauty and perfection only on the other side of the wall and it had been enough.

Barely enough, but enough.

But it wasn’t anymore. Now that he’d loosed the tide of desire that had lay within him for so long there was no going back. He couldn’t drive back through those gates and not come to her. Not seek the solace of her lips, the sweetness of her touch.

He was sure his shirt was tucked in before he opened the door to find Indigo leaning against a counter in the kitchen, watching her as she cooked.

Verity looked up from where she worked, a smile on her face when she saw him. “I hope you’re hungry. Indigo just arrived to fill you in on what’s going on.”

“My timing, as usual, is impeccable as I was also invited to stay and share the meal.” Indigo flashed very white teeth as he smiled at Verity.

She blushed, patting his arm as she passed.

“You can wash up. I’m just about to get everything on the table.”

Indigo tipped his chin. “Yes, ma’am. Thank you.” He moved past her toward the bathroom where he shot Loyal a smug look. Loyal barely resisted rolling his eyes.

He moved to her, kissing her quickly. “Smells good.”

“Comes in handy when folks in town pay me with food and I’ve got a hungry lawman under my roof.”

Hungry, yes. And not just for food.

“I’m sorry we’ve been invaded.” He spoke quietly, standing close enough to smell her skin.

She shrugged with a small, satisfied smile as she began to put platters on the table. He moved around her, adding plates and utensils.

“It’s all right. I like him and I like that because he’s here, you have the opportunity to take some downtime to eat and get a meal into your belly.”

Indigo came back out and they sat, digging in, the silence only broken by the sounds of utensils on plates. Finally, once they’d had a chance to fill up a little, Indigo sipped a mug of tea and looked over to Loyal, his gaze quickly cutting to Verity and back.

“Go ahead. You can speak freely.”

“Bridge is destroyed. We left someone in place up at the pass to report back when the brigands arrived. Not back yet though.”

“It’s a goodly hike up that far. Should take a fair bit of time.” She said this as she refilled everyone’s glass.

“I’m not alarmed. Yet. Haldeman would have said if he was worried.”

“So you mean to put them on the only possible path? Across the main bridge. Easier to defend that way I suppose. I read about it once in an ancient military manual. Killbox?”

Indigo sent Loyal a raised brow for a moment. “That’s it, indeed. Smart as well as pretty and a mighty fine cook too. No wonder Loyal is always fussy when we have to leave.”

She smiled, but said nothing else.

“We’ve got scouts out, keeping an eye on the road and the established trails.”

“Is there a chance that they’ll get up to the bridge and when they see they can’t cross they’ll move on?”

“They’re . . . unpredictable. It could happen that way. But I don’t think it will. I think they’ll come because they’ll be angry they were thwarted. Because they want this town and whatever is inside it. Because that’s who they are.”

“Like an animal who tastes human flesh.”

Indigo looked back her way. “How’s that?”

“We get big cats round here from time to time. Mainly they try to steal livestock. But every once in a while, someone is attacked and it changes the cat. Makes them . . . unpredictable I guess is a good word. As if taking that step somehow changes them and they can’t go back. They have to be killed or they’ll always be a threat.”

He supposed that was a mighty fine metaphor.

“It’s like their purpose is to raid. We can’t even take them prisoner. They mutilate themselves while in custody. Try to kill everyone in sight. They’ll kill themselves if they can.” Indigo’s gaze went distant, as if he was remembering. They all had memories.

She looked away, giving him that space, busying herself. “I think I’ll make some sandwiches for you to take back to the garrison. I imagine people might be in need of some food.”

Indigo got to his feet. “I’ll take it over if you like. We don’t need you yet,” he spoke over his shoulder to Loyal.

Who stood. No matter how much he wanted to crawl back into bed with her, he had a job to do. Keeping Silver Cliffs safe meant keeping her safe. And that’s what mattered.

“Go ahead on. I’ll be over in a bit. I want to check on the blips and then I’ll bring the food over.”

Indigo stood, nodded and turned to Verity. “Thank you for the meal.”

She took his hands. “It must be hard sometimes. All the traveling you do. Sometimes nothing is better than to enjoy a home cooked meal. You’re welcome at my table any time.”

Indigo ducked his head, charmed, it was plain to see. “Much appreciated, ma’am.”

She smiled, so pretty. “I’m younger than you are I’d wager. So how about you call me Verity instead of ma’am?”

“All right then. Lock up and stay safe. I expect you know how to use those?” He tipped his chin toward the rifles.

“I do. I’ve even been doing a lot of target practice lately. Making myself better.”


A few more instructions from Loyal and he’d gone quickly, leaving quiet in his wake.

Loyal moved to her, pulling her close. “I’m sorry to eat and run off.”

She shook her head. “You have a job to do. I understand that. People need you and your leadership.”

He blew out a breath, nervous to be held up as an example like that. Knowing the whys of course—it was his job—and lawmen were important in their culture. Looked to for leadership. He would do it because that was what he was bred to do. And he’d hope he didn’t let anyone down in the process.

“Go and wash up. I’ll come down to the garrison with you with the food.”

“I need this first.” He dipped down to kiss her long and slow. All his angst and worry smoothed out as her taste took over. She sighed into his mouth and he took it, greedy for all of her he could have.

He should have broken the kiss several times, but he kept on, her lips curving up into a smile against his when he finally stepped back. “I really don’t want to leave.”

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