Thief (12 page)

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Authors: Alexa Riley

BOOK: Thief
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I go to cover myself, but he hauls me up and over his shoulder, making me squeal.

“I’m too big! You’re going to hurt yourself!”

“You’re a tiny little fox. Besides, it will be a cold day in hell when I can’t carry my woman around whenever I want.”

I want to say something about the
comment, but I opt not to. Everything is little compared to him.

“Your woman?” I ask, as I stare at a very nice firm bare ass, the urge to bite it strong within me.

“Come on, baby. For a smart girl, you’re a little slow on the uptake. I’ll keep reminding you just how
you are until you finally believe it. And I’ll enjoy every second of it.”

God, I hope he does, and I will soak up every second of it like a lost little kitten just wanting attention. I don’t even care. At this point I don’t care if it’s only for this weekend. I’ll cherish this weekend for the rest of my life. It will totally be worth any heartbreak it might bring.

He pulls me off his shoulder, and I slowly slide down the front of his naked body, his chest hair making my nipples harden as my feet touch the cold tile floor of the bathroom.

The action sends arousal coursing through my body as I stare up at him.

“None of that. I’ve got to get you clean, and I’m not putting my cock back inside you until you’re well fed and we give your pussy some time to rest.” Leaning down, he softly kisses me on the lips. “You sore?” His tone turns from playful to concerned. “I tried to be gentle, but with you…” His hand comes up to stroke the side of my face, his thumb grazing my cheek. “I find I get carried away. My control isn’t so great with you, but I’ll try to be gentler.”

“It was perfect.” I turn my head to the side and kiss his palm, wanting him to know I mean it. “Just a little sore, but it was worth it.”

I’m not sure how the man could be gentler with me. In fact, I liked it when he went a little rough with me in bed. The things he said, the things he’d made me say…it made me feel freaking sexy. A feeling I’m not used to. But he makes me feel that way.

“I’ll make sure all of it’s worth it.” He places another soft kiss on my lips. His words seem to be about more than this moment, but he pulls away to turn on the shower and drags me in with him. Sean lets the water hit him first until he gets it to the temperature he likes. Then he pulls me under with him.

He takes his time washing every inch of me. I cringe a little when he drops to his knees and starts washing my stomach and hips, the places on my body I’m most self-conscious of. Washing the soap away, he starts trailing open-mouthed kisses all over my belly and my hips before going lower.

He slowly pushes me back until I’m against the shower wall. My breathing picks up as he stares right at my pussy.

“I’m going to show you how good I’ll make you feel every day.” He licks his lips, his intent clear.

“Every day?” I moan, just thinking about what he’s going to do. Put his mouth there. Holy shit. I close my eyes, dropping my head back, nervous and excited.

“Every fucking day,” he confirms. His face goes right between my legs as one hand locks onto my hip. His other hand grabs my leg, throwing it over his shoulder as his mouth attacks me.

He doesn’t tease; he goes straight for my clit, sucking it into his mouth. My hips jerk, but he keeps a firm hold on me.

“Oh God, oh God,” I chant between moans, not able to put a thought together. His beard rubs along my inner thighs, and I’m sure there are going to be marks left behind.

“Cum on my face, little fox. Show me how good I make you feel.” He sucks my clit back into his mouth again, and his words send me over the edge. My orgasm races through me, making me feel weightless. It’s not until a few moments later do I realize it’s because I’m back in his arms once again, cuddling into him.

We stand there, letting the water run over us as we hold each other close. I have no idea how long we’re there, but I have no desire to leave, until I realize the water starts to run cold.

“Come on, little fox. I need to feed you. Don’t want my curves going anywhere.” He kisses me right under my ear, where he just whispered the words.

“You like my curves?” I know he keeps implying it, but I want to hear him say it.

is putting it mildly.”

I smile against his neck as he carries me out of the shower and places me on the bathroom counter. He grabs a towel and dries both of us off before wrapping the towel around his waist, hiding his very obvious erection from me. It’s then I remember he didn’t get off in the shower, too. I want to make him feel as good as he did me.

“Let me take care of you.” I can’t look at him when I say the words, but I reach for the towel. He stops me, grabbing my wrist with one hand and putting his finger under my chin to make me look up at him.

“You already did. But my cock just can’t seem to go down when you’re naked. Hell, when you're breathing.”

“But…” I don’t understand what he means.

Releasing my wrist, he takes a step towards me, crowding me on the counter. He makes no move to touch me, but he places his hands on either side of me, caging me in. His smell invades my senses, making it hard to think.

“Oh, I came eating your sweet cunt.” He leans in a little more, his mouth just a breath from mine. “My woman is so fucking sexy and tastes so fucking good, I came just from eating her pussy.”

His words send a rush of desire through me, making my vagina clench.

“Oh, Jesus.”

“I’m never going to get enough of you. Never going to let you go.” His eyes are so intense, I believe him. I should be running because of how fast this is happening, but all I can do is close the sliver of distance between our mouths, my fingers latching behind his neck, never wanting to let go.

The kiss goes on and on before Sean finally pulls away.

“Got to stop, baby. I want you again, and I want to get you fed and give your pussy a little rest.”

“Mmkay,” is all I can say, still in the kiss fog.

He grabs my hips, pulling me off the counter before leading me back towards his room and over to a closet. He pulls out some clothes and hands me a dress.

I pause. He has a dress in his closet? What the heck? I want to say something, but I stay motionless as he grabs himself something. When he turns around and sees my expression, he rushes to explain.

“That’s for you, little fox. Only you. Never even had another person in the apartment. Only you,” he says earnestly.

“But we just met…” Shit. Yesterday.

“I’m always three steps ahead. It’s how I’m so good at my job, and I find with you I try to be even further ahead.”

I don’t know what to say to that, so I just look down at the dress. It’s a simple navy-blue halter dress. I own a few like it. Checking the tag, I see that not only is it my size but it’s from my favorite store. I find I’m inclined to believe him.

“Thank you.”

“Again, don’t thank me for taking care of you.”

“It’s a habit. And it’s the polite thing to do,” I counter.

“Alright. How about when you want to thank me, you do it by telling me you’re mine or how much you want me.”

I start laughing because that’s ridiculous, but the look on his face says he’s not joking. It makes me laugh even harder, and his brow furrows.

He cracks a smile at me and lunges at me, scattering the clothes to the floor. I try to dodge him, but he’s quicker and he throws me onto the bed. I go to scramble away, still laughing, but again he’s much faster than me.

His starts tickling me, making me laugh even harder, my whole body shaking.

“Please, I can’t take anymore!”

He keeps tickling me as both of us roll around and I try to get away from him. A clearly impossible task. I can’t remember the last time I laughed so hard. Maybe never. Definitely not since I lost my grandma.

“I’m yours! Totally yours! I swear it!” I finally scream, and he stops instantly. His big arms wrap around my body. It’s then I notice how we’re both naked again, his towel having been lost in his tickle attack.

“Kiss me,” I say breathlessly. And he does, his mouth coming down on mine. After just a second, he pulls away too quickly, jumping off the bed and placing a good amount of distance between us.

“Stop trying to seduce me, little fox.” He leans down, picking up the clothes he dropped. I take the chance to roll to my side, propping my head in my hand to enjoy the view. His tattoos cover not only his arms but most of his chest, too.

“Like the view?”

“I think anyone would.”

“I’m not asking anyone. Don’t care what anyone thinks but you.”

is putting it mildly.” I use the same words he used for me earlier, making him smile.

“That’s really good, baby, because this is the only naked man you’ll have for the rest of your life.”

Once again I’m struck speechless. The man can’t go five minutes without reminding me I’m his and I’m going nowhere. He’s definitely making sure I know by the end of the weekend I’m his. Hell, I might already be there. There’s no reason for him to put on some show. I’m here and not going anywhere until he asks, and I’m starting to think he won’t.

“Now I’m going to get dressed in the other room and start your breakfast, because I’m about to pounce on your sweet ass and I’ll never get you fed.”

He walks out the room, giving me his ass to watch as he exits.

I roll onto my back, looking up at the ceiling of the warehouse that has been turned into an apartment. Maybe it’s a condo. I’m not really sure what it is.

I almost feel like I’m dreaming.

Not wanting to lie here and start second-guessing stuff, I pull myself from the bed and slip on the dress. I look around and spot my bag in the corner of the room.

Thank you, Harper. That might be the first time I actually mean it when it comes to her. I pull my stuff out and use the bathroom to get ready for the day. I put on some light make-up, brush my teeth, and pull my hair into a ponytail.

I stop and study myself in the mirror. Even after getting ready, I still look well loved. My lips are a little swollen, and I swear I’m almost glowing. I can still feel the marks Sean’s beard left on the insides of my thighs.

No wonder Harper was always doing the sex, because this is amazing!

Following the smell of bacon, I make my way through the warehouse slowly, taking it in as I go, wanting to learn more about Sean because I don’t really know much. Except that he’s crazy good with his mouth. In all ways.

There isn’t much to the place. Everything is really bare and furnished with just the essentials. The walls are brick and stark. There are no decorations of any kind—no paintings, no photos, no ornaments. Simple black furniture and nothing more.

“How many pancakes, baby?” I pull my eyes over to the kitchen where Sean is watching me. He’s got on a pair of jeans but has yet to put on a shirt. His body is really a piece of art. He’s broadly built, but it looks natural. It doesn’t seem like he spends hours in the gym.

“A few should be good.” He goes to pouring the batter into the skillet before flipping the bacon. I move towards him, taking a seat at the breakfast bar. It looks like the area that should be the dining room is also empty. No table or anything. Just the breakfast bar to eat at.

“Kind of bare around here.”

“I’m a simple man.” He turns to look at me from the stove. “The new place you can do up however you like. I seem to want a home now. This is just a place I sleep. I didn’t need or want more from it.”

“New place? You’re moving?” I don’t ask about him wanting me to decorate his place. I’ll leave that one for now. Or why he suddenly wants a home and not just a place to lay his head. The way he says it made it pretty clear I was the reason for that. It makes my insides warm, but I don’t want to read too much into it.

“Yeah. I think you’ll like it.” Sean makes his way over to the fridge, grabbing some orange juice and pouring me a glass, setting it in front of me.

“Where is it?” I hope it’s close to the train and not too far from my place. I’d hate for him to move somewhere that would be hard for me to get to if we’re going to keep seeing each other. And all signs point to a solid yes that we are.

“Don’t want to ruin the surprise. You’ll see soon enough.” He grabs a plate, puts some bacon on it, and places it in front of me. I grab a piece and take a bite.

“Is it closer to your work?”

“You could say that. I plan on retiring soon.”

“But you're only, like…” Shit, I don’t even know how old he is. Wow. How is that even possible? This man is imprinted into my skin, and I don’t know anything about it. He must read the look on my face.

“Thirty-five.” He places the cooked pancakes onto a plate and brings them over to where I’m sitting. He takes the seat next to me. He swirls the chair so I’m facing him.

“We have all the time in the world for us to get to know each other, and we will. One question at a time, but I think we know the important stuff. More than what we do for a living or in our spare time. We know we fit. All the other shit will come.”

He reaches for my ponytail and pulls out the elastic, letting my hair fall all around my face. “For instance, I love when you wear your hair down.” He grabs a lock of it and brings it to his nose like he’s smelling it, and maybe he is. “Makes me want to bury my face in it. I can’t tell you how much I loved sleeping with my face buried in it last night.”

“You say the sweetest stuff to me. I swear you’re too good to be true.” Something flashes across his face—it looks almost like guilt—but it’s gone so quickly I’m not even sure it was ever there.

“Told you. By the end of the weekend.”

“I might already be there,” I whisper, dropping my eyes to my hands in my lap.

He growls at my words, making my eyes pop back to his.

“Keep talking like that and I’m going to drag you back to bed.”

“I kind of like that idea.”

“Eat. Then we’re getting out of here for a few hours before I fuck you on every available surface in this place, making it impossible for you to walk for a few days.”

He swirls my chair so I’m facing my plate.

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