Thief of Mine

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Authors: Amarinda Jones

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Thief of Mine
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An Ellora’s Cave Romantica




Thief of Mine


ISBN 9781419911064


Thief of Mine Copyright © 2007 Amarinda Jones


Edited by Helen Woodall.

Photography and cover art by Les Byerley.


Electronic book Publication July 2007


This book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by
any means existing without written permission from the publisher, Ellora’s Cave
Publishing, Inc.® 1056 Home Avenue, Akron OH 44310-3502.


This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons,
living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The
characters are productions of the authors’ imagination and used fictitiously.

Thief of Mine

Amarinda Jones



For fellow author Carol Lynne for reminding
me to use the knick knacks on the table.






Trademarks Acknowledgement


The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark
owners of the following word marks mentioned in this work of fiction:


Bat Cave: DC Comics composed of Warner Communications, Inc.

Boy Scouts: Boy Scouts of America Corporation

Charmed: Spelling Television Inc.

Indiana Jones: Lucasfilm Ltd. Corporation

Sara Lee: Sara Lee Corporation

Target: Target Brands, Inc. Corporation

Tim Tams: Campbell Soup Company Corporation


Chapter One


“Holy crap!” Stella Rowallan shrieked out loud as she
stopped in amazement and took in the scene before. Of all the things she
expected to see going on the brides’ room, this was not one of them. She
expected maybe to see bridesmaids fighting over flowers, possibly the damage of
a stiletto heel through a hem, perhaps the bride’s mother rushing around in a
panicked frenzy or even something fairly simple like the bride dancing
drunkenly after one too many glasses of the champagne that they had opened
earlier. None of that would have surprised Stella. She had been to weddings
before. She had seen and coped with all that and worse.

However this was different. Stella had not expected to see
the bride bent forward over a chair, her white bridal skirts thrown up in wild
disarray as a man thrust his cock in and out of her exposed and clearly willing
backside as the bride begged him to go faster and harder. That was unusual. But
that really wasn’t the thing that threw Stella the most. It was more that the
man who was enthusiastically shagging the bride was not the groom. In fact, he
was a stranger. A stranger with a muscled, flexing butt pointed straight at
Stella and seemingly not about to stop what he was doing. How did one cope with

Kit Kincaid, the man in question, heard an intruder enter
the room but he didn’t stop as he thrust back and forward into the bride’s ass.
Why should he? He was enjoying himself and the bride had all but begged him not
to stop. The pleasure between them was mutual. Kit didn’t care if another
person was standing open mouthed and staring at him. As long as it wasn’t the
groom, of course. It would be hard to explain why he was inside the man’s soon-to-be-wife’s
body. The thought of telling the groom that the bride had begged him to fuck
her was not a conversation he wanted to have with any man just about to get
married. However, anyone else could watch. In fact, Kit kind of enjoyed it. He
liked to shock people and knew that the intruder was most definitely shocked.

“Do you want to join in?” Kit turned to look at the
intruder, grinning widely at the startled woman who stood behind him, her eyes
on his butt. She was open mouthed in astonishment and dressed in an ugly pink
dress that didn’t become her, nor probably any other woman on the planet.
However, despite the dress, she was kind of cute standing there looking all
stunned and outraged. Kit had a thing for prissy brunettes. And he certainly
wasn’t averse to having an audience or having another woman join in on the
action. In fact, the thought of it spurred him on and the bride shrieked out
loud as he increased his thrusts.

“I… What? No.” Stella said as she moved further into the room.
She was stunned, mesmerized and amazingly jealous. A long absence of sex could
do that to a woman. Stella was starting to think all sorts of things she knew
she shouldn’t but damn it, just watching this man rhythmically thrusting back
and forward into the bride was making her hot and aching for action. How could
he keep doing that when he had an audience? Did the man have no shame or sense
of decorum? Why was he grinning at her as if he were enjoying being found with
the bride like this? Didn’t he care that was taking another man’s woman on
their wedding day?

The man with the great ass had his trousers around his
ankles and his lean, muscular legs tensed with effort as he slammed into the
bride. She moaned with pleasure. Stella could vaguely remember what that sort
of pleasure felt like. Her eyes roamed his hair-sprinkled legs and wondered
about the size of the cock that was ensconced within the bride. It had to be
good to have her howling out loud like that. And that ass, all tensed muscle
and…no, better to look at his face. It was a face that commanded attention,
strong and angular with dark brown eyes that seemed to bore into Stella as if
trying to work her out.

“Do you prefer to watch?’ Kit was amused by the fact the
woman was too stunned to do more than just stare. Most women would have run out
of the room screaming in embarrassment. He was sure this woman probably meant
to do just that, but something was holding her back. Interesting. He believed
people’s first reactions were always their most telling. So maybe threesomes
weren’t her thing. Maybe she just wanted a man. Kit Kincaid was happy to oblige
once he was finished with the bride. “Do you want me to take you hard and fast
in the ass as well, princess?”

Stella looked at the man incredulously. Just what was he
suggesting? What did he take her for? She wasn’t like that.

“You are a disgusting pig!” Oh sure, he was all that with
his great ass and probably amazing cock. But he was also clearly arrogant, and
he had straw-blond hair and she had never liked men with blond hair. The hair
alone was a good—although not completely rational—reason to dislike him
intensely, great ass or not. And, for God’s sake he was fucking the bride of
another man. What did that say about him? Like she would ever invite anyone
like that to take her. She may have been as horny as all hell but she had her

“Yet you’re still here, which tells me you’re either
interested in me, or in her, or you haven’t had sex in a very long time and you
are jealous.” Bingo, Kit thought as the woman’s face went red. Oh yeah, he
wanted the prissy woman in the ugly pink dress. Her full breasts alone
commanded his instant respect and attention.

As if that was why she was in the room watching them. Stella
stiffened in realization. Good God, she was still in the room watching them!
Stella felt her face blush brightly. This was embarrassing and disgusting and
lots of other things she could not even begin to name.

“Stel…it’s not what it looks like.” The bride moaned in
delight as the man behind her slammed into her ass.

Stella looked at the bride’s flushed face. She was wearing
white for heaven sake. Wasn’t she even going to make an attempt at purity and
abstain long enough to get married to the groom? Did Stella really even know
her best friend? Sure, in the past, Simone had been fairly wild and reckless
when it came to men and sex. But this behavior was not the slightest bit
appropriate on her wedding day with the groom in another part of the church. Oh
good God. That’s right, they were in a church. That made it even worse. Stella
wasn’t the slightest bit religious, but she knew this scenario had the makings
of a one-way ticket to hell.

Stella held her hand up to forestall any explanations. It
was none of her business what or who the bride did.

“I don’t want to know, Simone. I’m leaving the room.”

The bride screamed out loud in release.

“Way too much information…” Stella mumbled to herself as she
hurried out. She had to get out before she did something dumb like beg the
blond man for a turn.

“I’ll see you later, princess,” called Kit just before he
came with a groan.

“In a pig’s ear!” Stella yelled back as she slammed the door
on them. Her thighs were sweating and her heart was pounding. She could not
remember being so turned on in her life. She needed a man. But not just any
man. She wanted the blond man. Once seen, he was not forgotten. But there was
no way she would let that arrogant prick know she was interested in him. Want
and need was one thing. Flinging your skirts up for someone like lover boy to
take you was completely different. Stella liked to be in control. For the
moment she would take matters into her own hands, so to speak. She was on edge
and she needed release. She headed for the ladies room to let her fingers do
the work.

“Stella, we have to get in our places.” One of the other
bridesmaids called.

“Bloody hell,” Stella swore softly to herself. She clamped
her legs together and gritted her teeth. No relief was coming soon.

* * * * *

Everyone agreed that the Sunday evening wedding ceremony and
the reception that followed in the grounds of the old homestead reception hall
at Narangba, had been lovely. The bride had looked stunning and the groom so
handsome. Could there be a better matched couple than Simone and Peter?
Everyone could tell they were in love.

“Everyone my ass,” Stella Rowallan muttered to herself. She
had stood beside the bride at the altar and looked at her best friend cynically
as she had spoken her vows about trust and fidelity in her frosty white wedding
gown, the same one that had been up around her waist only thirty minutes ago.
Yeah sure, trust and fidelity. Whatever. It seemed words were cheap to the
bride. She loved her friend but there were times she truly wondered about her.

Stella had been goggle-eyed when one of the groomsmen had
turned out to be the blond man from before. He looked all suave and polished in
his well-cut tuxedo. Apparently he was an old friend of the groom’s. She had
not seen him at the rehearsal dinner, but she’d known there was another
groomsman who had been traveling interstate. She had made damn sure he had not
been the one to walk her down the aisle. She had all but knocked another
bridesmaid over to take the arm of another groomsman as the blond man came to
claim her. There was no way she wanted to have anything to do with him, even if
it was just to walk down the aisle. Stella wasn’t shocked about walking in on
them having sex. That was their choice. What shocked her was the tacky and
un-groomsman-like behavior of fucking his friend’s chosen bride. But what did
she know?

“Anything wrong, Stel?” The bride whispered innocently as
she smiled for the photographer who was taking their pictures.

“Jeeze, what could be wrong, Simone?” If Stella had to stand
still for one more photograph she would puke. It had been a long day and the
evening’s wedding festivities had only just begun. Stella was still itching for
some action to relieve the pressure within her. Just having the blond man
standing and grinning at her at the altar had set her teeth on edge. She had
tried to ignore him, but that was impossible since he kept his eyes glued on
her face. Just looking at him reminded her of what he did to the bride and what
she would have liked him to do to her. But that was irrational and she would
get over it—eventually.

Stella still had that wet and tight feeling between her
legs. She longed for something big and hard sliding inside her and grinding
away the built up tension. Just the thought of it made her wetter. It had been
so long since a man had touched her. She thought again about the blond man. No
way. Not him. That would be asking for trouble. She would have to settle for
some wine, maybe a bucket full, with a long straw. If she got drunk enough
Stella would forget for the moment that she was a thirty-three-year-old
frustrated spinster with an uncontrollable itch.

“Is this about what happened before?” Simone knew her best
friend was on edge. She wasn’t thrilled that Stella had walked in on them but
it had happened and they both had to get over it.

“Oh you mean when some strange man was fucking you as you
urged him on?” Stella said the words softly. No one else needed to know what a
slut the bride was. Actually, to be fair, a lot of people did know of the bride’s
reckless past with men but the simple act of donning a white wedding gown
seemed to erase any stain upon her reputation as she became virginal once
again. Such was the magic of a wedding. What a joke, thought Stella.

“It was just farewell sex.” Simone did not see a problem
with it.

Stella looked at her friend incredulously. She was no
defender of morality but even Stella had some basic principles she held to.
Some things were right while others were wrong. Stella’s motto was to do as few
of the wrong things as she possibly could. Or if she did a lot of wrong things,
either don’t get caught like Simone did or have an excellent, justifiable excuse,
which Simone didn’t. Although Stella wasn’t married, she had some basic theory
that getting married indicated you had chosen to place yourself off limits to
everyone but your significant other. Or was she living in some fairytale

“Farewell sex?” Was there such a thing or could you justify
any suspect action by giving it a title?

Simone linked her arm with that of Stella’s. They had been
friends a long time. She didn’t want to ruin it with one indiscretion.

“Yes, he is an old and dear friend from long ago.” Kit
Kincaid and Simone Shaw had had a wild fling a couple of years ago. Then she
had met Kit’s friend Peter and that was it for her. She had found her one. The
man she wanted to be with for the rest of her life. And maybe having Kit one
last time on her wedding day was wrong but she didn’t regret it. Simone knew
that it would never happen again. It was just an enjoyable one off. Both Kit
and Simone knew that.

“So this Kit person is a friend to both you and Peter. A
friend that you chose to screw on your wedding day to another man who you have
promised to commit your life to.” Simone was looking at her as if Stella were
talking in another language. Was there something about this situation that
seemed logical and acceptable? Something that Stella had missed? Okay, Stella
could admit she might be a bit jealous, but what Simone did was wrong. “This
dear friend of yours should have had the sense to say ‘No’ to a bride who
should have had the sense to know better and keep her knickers on.”

“God, you’re sounding like my maiden Aunt Hattie, Stel.”
Simone sighed as she looked at her friend. She could normally have told Stella
anything and she wouldn’t have batted an eyelid, no matter how shocking. That
was one of the things she liked about her. “It didn’t mean anything and it
doesn’t count in the scheme of things. It was a one off and we used a condom

“By all means, Sim, screw around if you want to. That’s your
choice.” Stella interrupted her. She was sure whatever further reasons that
were going to spring from Simone’s lips would be excellent and creative, but
the less information she knew, the easier Stella would be able to look the
groom in the eye. “But it’s tacky on your wedding day, especially when you
stand up and doing the vestal virgin act promising truth, honor and matching
dinner sets.”

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