Thief of Mine (20 page)

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Authors: Amarinda Jones

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Thief of Mine
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“Is this part of the job description?” Stella gasped as his
lips left hers. If so, she was definitely going to enjoy this job.

Kit placed Stella on the bed and smiled as she instantly
opened her legs wide for him. He loved the way she responded to him.

“I will insist of being inside you quite a bit.” Kit settled
himself between the cradle of her thighs and sucked down hard on her breast.

Stella moaned out loud. She loved his mouth on her. She
clasped his head to her breast and urged him on to devour both breasts equally.

“That seems an acceptable condition, as long as I can drive
you crazy.” She reached down and stroked the cock that lay hard and pulsating
against her stomach.

“I don’t doubt your ability to do that for a second,
princess.” Kit grabbed her legs and placed them over his shoulders so her pussy
was before his mouth. “Lie back and enjoy.” Kit licked his tongue down the
folded cleft.

Stella screamed and clutched the sheet below as Kit
ruthlessly dragged his tongue back and forward, stopping every so often to spin
it wickedly on her clit. She was panting with excitement as his tongue slid
into her vagina.

“Oh my God!” she yelled as she came in waves of intense
pleasure against his mouth. She saw the look of triumph in her lover’s eyes. “Get
that cock inside me now, lover boy,” she ordered, her voice husky and

“Yes, ma’am.” Kit pulled Stella to her knees and spun her
around to face the mirrored headboard of the bed. He wanted them both to be
able to see every minute of their love making.

Stella looked at the reflection of herself and Kit in the
mirror. Her eyes were hot with wanting and her nipples were red and swollen
from Kit’s mouth. She grasped the edge of the top of the headboard, spread her
legs and thrust her ass out toward Kit.

Kit moved in close behind her and grabbed her hips pulling her
up to meet him. As he drove deep inside he sighed in contentment. It was like
coming home.

“I love you, princess.” Kit pulled in and out of her several
times heightening their pleasure.

“Are you saying that ‘cause you have your cock inside me?”
Stella pushed back against Kit urging him to stay inside her.

Kit slid fully back inside and looked in the mirror at the
woman he loved.

“I’m saying it because I never want to miss a second of
being with you again.” Kit started thrusting deeply within Stella, feeling her
muscles contract and suck his cock even further inside. “I’ll steal whatever
time I have.”

* * * * *

“I have to tell you that I am pretty impressed with the
whole fake folder thing.” Kit kissed Stella softly as they lay arms entwined on
the bed. That she had been smart enough to transfer all his files and change
the password impressed the hell out of Kit.

“It’s true, I am impressive,” agreed Stella delighted with
the chuckle from Kit. “So is that offer of a job still good?”

“Got sacked from the last one huh?”

“Yes the man had a problem with me having a sex life.”

“Philistine,” murmured Kit as his hands roamed the curve of
Stella’s ass.

“I would actually call him a whiny little bastard.” Stella
pushed Kit over and rolled on top of him. “So do I get a job or what?”

“What is it you want to do?” Kit’s hands instantly rose to
caress to her breasts.

“Other than make love to you on a regular basis?” Stella
asked smiling down at Kit. She had never felt so free and loved in her life.
What the hell had she been so scared of? “Teach me about the thief business.”

“Are you sure?” This was not something Kit expected,
especially in light of the whole idol incident.

“As long as it means spending time with you, I’m, sure.”

Kit pulled Stella toward him and kissed her.

“I love you.”

“And I love you right back.” It felt so good to say it
without worrying about the consequences.

Kit felt Stella’s hand reach for his cock.

“What are you doing?” They had made love for hours. Kit
doubted his ability to be ready soon so. But the gentle, firm touch of Stella’s
hand allayed any fears he may have had. His cocked jumped instantly to

“Whatever I want, any objections thief of mine?”

“Take me. I’m yours, princess.”

Stella grabbed his cock and slid down it until her vagina
had sheathed it completely.

“As I belong only to you, lover boy.”


Six Months Later


“Oh, bloody hell!” The woman yelped as she came across the
couple making love in the bride’s room. This was not what she expected to see
but she wasn’t surprised. The man had a thing about brides.

Kit Kincaid was once again shagging the bride and enjoying
every minute of it. He delighted in the soft whimpers that emanated from the
woman who had her ass up in the air and her long white skirts thrown over her
head as he pumped back and forth inside her.

“Do you want to join in?” He looked at the woman, not
shocked by the intrusion. He recalled this scene happening once before. But it
was much different now.

“No, I’m a married woman.” She watched the couple and felt
an intense heat rush through her. “I actually came in here to tell Stella it
was time to take that walk down the aisle. “

Stella fought her way through the skirts that were thrown
over her head.

“I’ll be there in a moment.” Not that for one second she
wanted Kit to withdraw his cock from her ass until she was good and ready,
wedding or no wedding. The bride needed an orgasm. Everything else would have
to wait.

“Are you going to tell me this is not what it looks like?”
Simone asked the bride, smiling as Stella threw her head back and moaned.

“Oh, it is exactly what it looks like, and it has nothing to
do with farewell sex.” Stella felt the orgasm start to erupt inside her. She
panted softly. “By the way, that’s a horrible dress.” No one looked good in
lime green. That’s why Stella chose it specifically for her matron of honor.
Payback was a bitch.

“We’ll just wait for you to come then shall we?” Simone
grinned and left them to it.

Stella shrieked as waves of pleasure drove into her stomach
and down her legs.

“It sort of is farewell sex, princess” Kit grunted as he
thrust into her. “Farewell to the single life for both of us.”

Stella’s body slumped down against the back of the chair in
intense relaxation. Kit was damn good at making her relaxed. She had been
nervous before but now she did not care.

“You know, we’ll probably get staid and boring and not want

Maybe on planet Zork but not on Earth while they could still
breathe, thought Stella, negating her own words.

“Well, we can always visit our friend at the museum then,”
Kit groaned hoarsely as he came hard, shooting hot sperm inside her. He pulled
Stella back against him, wrapping his arms around her.

Stella pushed back into his embrace. She adored Kit Kincaid.
She blew a breath up to remove the hair from her face.

“You’ve got some mighty interesting guests out there on the
groom’s side, lover boy.” Some might call them well dressed thugs but Stella
was found them all perfectly polite and charming.

“They’re all harmless and innocent, princess.”

“As harmless and innocent as gin.” Stella no longer cared
about what Kit did for a living. She just wanted him. Whatever happened,
happened. She would work the rest out as they went along. “Time to make an
honest woman of out me, oh thief of mine.”

“Princess, I’m yours.”


About the Author


Amarinda Jones believes anything is possible and sometimes
just asking for the impossible will surprise someone enough that they will give
it to you. Writing is like that. Put it out there and wait for a response.
There is always the possibility you may fall on your ass, but after all, that’s
what cellulite is for. Amarinda believes in taking chances, speaking her mind
and aging disgracefully. Twenty years from now she plans on being the
neighborhood witch that all the kids are scared of. But then, everyone has to
have a hobby.


Amarinda welcomes comments from readers. You can find her
website and email address on her author bio page at





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Also by Amarinda Jones


Because I Can



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