Thin Ice (8 page)

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Authors: K. R. Bankston

BOOK: Thin Ice
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Ian smiled after he cleared his phone. Kaitlyn was the best decision he’d made in a while, he thought as he once more focused on his business and the task at hand.



Finally getting a chance to spend a night in her own home for a few days Jaleesa excitedly opened the door and entered her condo. She’d been out of town for almost three consecutive weeks with Tristan at various locations. Stripping once she hit the bedroom, she headed for the shower. Jaleesa exited moment’s later feeling refreshed and invigorated. She was singing along to the music she’d put on when she arrived, heading out of the bathroom, when the open hand slap knocked her off balance and to the floor.

“I told you I was gonna get you didn’t I?” Evan told her menacingly as he stood over her.

Jaleesa was trying to think of an escape route. She was naked and cornered, with this madman standing over her looking ready to kill.

“Evan please, just let it go,” she pleaded as she tried to move away.

Evan moved into her path and slapped her again. “Where the hell do you think you’re going?” he bellowed.

“After all the things I’ve done for you, you think you’re just gonna walk away and say to hell with you Evan?” he threw at her.

He was breathing hard and looking hatefully at Jaleesa.

“I kept your ass comfortable, bought you things, introduced your hood ass to Tristan, and this is how you repay my kindness?”

Evan continued to look her over as she sat naked on the floor, feeling himself become aroused. He stood and walked over to Jaleesa, speaking slowly and deliberately.

“Get up and come over to the bed,” he commanded.

Jaleesa was repulsed at the thought, knowing what Evan had in mind.

“Please Evan,” she began pleading as the man hit her again.

“Shut the hell up,” he said coldly as he undressed.

He slapped Jaleesa several more times making sure his point got across.

“Thought you were so damned fly, kicking my ass to the curb and screwing Tristan huh,” Evan railed as he pulled the condom out of his pants pocket.

He grabbed Jaleesa and turned her over, pushing her face into the pillow and pulling her to her knees, roughly assaulting her.

Jaleesa was in excruciating pain. Evan was being extremely mean and spiteful.

“Call my name like you used to bitch,” he commanded as he continued to thrust into his ex-lover. “Say it!” he yelled again.

Jaleesa did as she was told hoping the carnage would soon end.

“I’m the best fuckin’ man you’ll ever have,” Evan told her again as he continued, “No one else will ever give it to you better than I can,” he finished as Jaleesa felt him reach his peak.

He collapsed on top of her, still whispering in her ear.

“Don’t even think of telling anyone about my visit tonight or I’ll kill you,” he said harshly.

Jaleesa was near tears. She was unarmed, thinking she was safe her in the penthouse.
If I had my .380 right about now,
Jaleesa thought remaining mute. She just wanted Evan to leave.

“OK Evan, I hear you,” she finally replied as he rose and removed the condom dropping it on the floor beside the bed.

“You ain’t as slick as you think your ass is,” Evan told her cryptically as he dressed and Jaleesa lay in bed watching him warily.

“Thanks for the ass,” he told her cruelly throwing a one dollar bill on the nightstand. “I hope you saved some money, cause Tristan’s gonna find a new piece of ass here soon, and you’re going to be back in southwest where your trashy ass first started,” Evan finished and added a final insult by spitting on her before turning and leaving the way he came in.

As soon as the door closed Jaleesa broke down sobbing deeply as she ran and locked the door, propping a chair behind it, then heading once more to the shower to wash off the grime she felt coating her skin from Evan’s touch.


Kaitlyn sighed deeply and dialed Jaleesa’s number. They were supposed to have dinner tonight and she wanted to make sure they were still on. It’d been a while since they spent time; because of Jaleesa’s constant traveling. Tristan wanted her to be there every time he flew anywhere which was frequently.
She doesn’t understand how deeply in the quicksand she is, no one does,
Kaitlyn thought tiredly, trying daily to find a way out of the mess and save her friend’s life.

“Hey girl,” Jaleesa answered trying to sound like herself. “You’re not canceling are you,” she asked, needing very much to get out of the apartment and enjoy a normal evening.

Kaitlyn chuckled slightly and told her no, she was actually confirming. They both laughed and Jaleesa told her they were still on.

“Great, I’ll meet you at Savannah Grill in twenty minutes,” Kaitlyn replied still chuckling as they disconnected.


Jaleesa arrived first and headed inside garnering them a table by the window. As she sat and waited, Jaleesa ordered a drink and tried to relax. Her mind replayed for her the horror she’d endured only a couple hours earlier.
That damned man is a walking damned time bomb,
she thought her hands shaking as she sipped her drink. Kaitlyn arrived moments later and joined her at the table smiling.

“Damn stranger,” Kaitlyn teased as the two embraced.

“Girl I feel like a gypsy,” Jaleesa returned.

“What the hell you been putting on that man,” Kaitlyn teased again as Jaleesa laughed.

“Hey girl, you know how we do, don’t act new,” she replied as they both roared with laughter.

The server came and took their order as Kaitlyn regarded her friend. She’d noticed the tremors and jumpiness, at first dismissing them, but now she needed to address them. Kaitlyn also needed to warn Jaleesa, tell her to the get all the money she could and get the hell out of Atlanta immediately.

“What’s wrong,” Kaitlyn asked calmly sitting up and looking right in Jaleesa’s eyes.

“Everything’s cool KiKi,” Jaleesa lied.

“No it’s not, so why you tryna play me of all people, Tweety,” Kaitlyn threw back as Jaleesa sighed deeply.

“It’s cool KiKi, let it go,” she returned knowing Kaitlyn’s reaction and the actions to follow.

“I’ma ask you again, Tweety,” Kaitlyn started once more her tone tense. “What’s wrong,” she asked slowly and deliberately.

“Not here,” Jaleesa replied simply as Kaitlyn nodded.

Their food arrived and they ate having guarded conversation. After paying the check they left and Kaitlyn followed Jaleesa back to the condo.

“Spit it out,” Kaitlyn told her after they arrived and Jaleesa was still silently holding back.

“Evan came to see me today,” she told her friend unable to maintain eye contact.

“What did he want,” Kaitlyn asked trying to contain the anger she felt rising, having a sneaking suspicion of the circumstances surrounding his visit.

“To get his payback,” Jaleesa said plainly as the tear rolled down her cheek.

“What was done,” Kaitlyn asked again as Jaleesa looked up at her knowing the tone very well.

“Leave it alone KiKi,” she told her friend vainly already seeing the look set on her face.

“He took it,” she asked never removing her eyes from Jaleesa.

Looking away unable to answer verbally, Kaitlyn had all she needed.

“I had actually planned to tell you some info I found out about his nasty ass tonight,” Kaitlyn told Jaleesa allowing the previous conversation to rest for the moment.

“What,” Jaleesa asked simply.

“He’s on the down low,” Kaitlyn told her as Jaleesa felt herself become physically ill thinking of the blow jobs and unprotected sex they’d had while she was with him.

“How you know that story is true,” Jaleesa asked not wanting to believe it.

“His lover buys weed from me,” Kaitlyn told her as Jaleesa’s mouth dropped and her eyes filled with unshed tears.

“I found out by accident last week when he made a buy driving Evan’s car,” Kaitlyn went on to tell her. “I questioned him a bit and managed to get the information out of him,” she finished as Jaleesa began to wretch.

Running from the room she managed to make it to the toilet before the onslaught hit and she regurgitated her earlier dinner.

Hearing the water running finally, Kaitlyn took the opportunity to slip Evan’s house key off Jaleesa’s key ring and check the .9mm in her purse. She was going to pay that ass a little visit, and when she left his trifling, double-dealing ass, Evan wasn’t going to be a bother to anyone else ever again.

“You OK,” Kaitlyn asked as Jaleesa came back into the room.

“Yeah, I’m gonna be,” she told her friend as she headed into the kitchen and grabbed herself a soft drink. “I’m headed to my doctor in the morning and getting myself tested again,” she told Kaitlyn.

“You just had an AIDS test didn’t you,” Kaitlyn threw back as Jaleesa confirmed she had. “Then you’re good till next year,” Kaitlyn replied telling her to calm down. “Did he use a condom tonight,” Kaitlyn asked giving her a look once more.

Jaleesa nodded that he had and Kaitlyn let it go. They chatted a little while longer, even watching a movie and laughing together before Kaitlyn told Jaleesa she was headed out.

“Thanks for coming over KiKi,” Jaleesa told her hugging her friend tightly just as her cell rang.

“Tristan?” Kaitlyn asked as Jaleesa chuckled and nodded yes.

Kaitlyn waved and let herself out as Jaleesa began talking to her lover.




Kaitlyn had been sitting outside in her car watching the building for the last few hours, waiting for traffic or people to come and go. It’d been a long week as she patiently waited for Evan to relax and think he was safe. Finally it was the weekend again, and the time was right for her visit. Kaitlyn didn’t want anyone to see her enter or exit. Most people were either already in for the night, or wouldn’t be in until later, she thought knowing the timeframe of the Atlanta nightlife crowd. Finally getting out, Kaitlyn carefully crossed the street and entered the building through the parking garage, being careful to stay close to the sides of the wall out of camera vision.

She calmly summoned the elevator and headed up to his floor, checking her pocket once more, finding what she needed contained. Arriving, Kaitlyn stealthily made her way down the hallway to the penthouse where Evan lived. Quietly using the key she’d taken from Jaleesa and entering the unit, she allowed her eyes to acclimate to the darkness. There was nothing on, so the apartment was deathly still and silent. Kaitlyn took her shoes off, deciding to walk in her bare feet. She didn’t want any sound to give away her presence until she was ready to announce it. She took the gun from her pocket and headed down the hallway to bedroom.

Kaitlyn thought about the gunshot, and if she would have enough time to get away. She knew on this floor there were only three units, including this one. The one couple Jaleesa told her was always out of town, and the other looked as if they were out tonight, since she’d seen no lights while she watched the building. Dismissing it, Kaitlyn continued making her way to the bedroom.

Kaitlyn stood over him as he slept looking hatefully into his face. Taking a deep breath she flipped on the light as he sat bolt upright in bed.

“Shit!” Evan said loudly, before seeing Kaitlyn and the gun in her hand.

“Wassup dickhead,” she greeted him coldly as she took the safety off and placed the steel against the side of his head.

Evan was completely stunned.
What the hell was going on
, he wondered as Kaitlyn continued to give him orders. He moved out into the living room into the chair she directed him to, finally getting the chance to talk her.

“I know why you’re here,” Evan said calmly finally coherent, eyeing her, trying to figure out a way to disarm her.

“I know your double dealing ass knows why I’m here,” Kaitlyn told him evenly. “I bet Tristan, Landon, and your team, don’t know you like dick just as much as you like pussy though, do they?” she finished giving him a distasteful look.

“So that’s why you’re here?” he threw back angrily.

Evan didn’t like questions about his sexuality. He didn’t feel that he had to justify his tastes to anyone, including this beautiful woman in front of him holding a gun.

“No, I’m here to give a couple people in this city a little peace of mind,” she told him flatly, her meaning very evident.

Evan began to be afraid for the first time this evening. “So you’re going to kill me?”

Kaitlyn chuckled and abruptly stopped. “Hell yes, you’re an asshole and the world will be better off without you,” she told him without emotion.

“Look, Kaitlyn, lets talk, I’m sure we can come to some sort of arrangement,” he began trying to bargain. Everyone had his or her price. Evan just had to find hers.

“You don’t have anything I want,” Kaitlyn told him coldly as she continued to watch him.

“I have a lot of money, I have a lot of connections,” Evan said again, breaking her thought and bringing her back to the present.

“So?” Kaitlyn asked plainly.

Evan was getting frustrated. He couldn’t seem to find anything to grab a hold of.

“Well, isn’t that the plan you and Jaleesa had, to make connections, to get money,” he told her, eyeing her hopefully.

Kaitlyn smiled slightly. “That’s already covered Evan,” she told him plainly, using his name this time.

This side of Kaitlyn unnerved him. She was cold, almost robotic in her approach. It was as if she wasn’t even here in the room. She sat on the back of the chair watching the expression change on Evan’s face as she did. Kaitlyn frowned slightly before speaking, as she effectively read his mind. “You have the audacity to be sitting there thinking about screwing me at a time like this,” she asked disbelievingly.

“I can’t help it Kaitlyn,” Evan said softly as his eyes found hers again. “I’ve been attracted to you since we met at Infusion.”

“Oh yeah,” Kaitlyn asked irritably. “Well I’ve never thought of you that way,” she replied evenly as Evan continued to watch her. “You did some foul and evil things to Tweety,” she spat venomously using Jaleesa’s nickname.

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