Thin Ice (12 page)

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Authors: K. R. Bankston

BOOK: Thin Ice
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“What the hell does my brother have to do with this ,” he shot back angrily.

Ian chuckled slightly.

“First of all I owe the muthafucka anyway, but more importantly he’s your Achilles heel,” he told the man as Tariq tried to gather himself.

“KiKi already told me she didn’t want me,” Tariq replied.

“Yet you’re still try to get back into her life,” Ian threw back. “Leave the woman alone and live, keep playing with it and watch your brother die,” Ian finished icily as he prepared to leave.

“You might wanna find a new place too,” he added opening the door and casting a quick glance at Tariq. “Next time you might be here when they break in, and it might not end nicely,” he finished as Tariq caught the underlying threat.

“We straight,” Ian asked once more standing with the doorknob in hand ready to close the door.

To angry to speak, Tariq simply gave a quick nod as Ian chuckled softly and left, slamming the door behind himself.

As soon as he left Tariq cursed aloud, kicking some of the clutter that was still at his feet.
That sonofabitch deserves a bullet in the worse way,
he thought his rage continuing to simmer. Once his anger began to abate, Tariq realized the hopeless helplessness of his situation. He loved Kaitlyn with his whole heart, but he couldn’t risk his brother’s life. Not to mention the subtle threat on his own life Ian made before departing.
Why the situation gotta be so hard,
he thought again grabbing his bag of weed from the kitchen drawer and rolling himself a blunt.




“You missed me?” Ian asked Kaitlyn as he kissed her softly.

He’d arrived this morning to pick her up and bring her home.

“Yes,” Kaitlyn replied simply as Ian continued to touch her.

They hadn’t been together for almost three weeks and she needed him.

“I missed you too baby,” Ian replied as they kissed deeply continuing to touch and arouse each other.

Kaitlyn was moaning softly as Ian continued to kiss her body and turn her on.

“Mmm,” she moaned again as his tongue began to work its magic and she felt herself fall over the edge. Ian smiled with satisfaction as Kaitlyn came hard and her body trembled. Finding his way back to her lips he began kissing her again as he rolled her over on top of him. Kaitlyn deftly placed Ian inside of her as they began making love enjoying each other completely oblivious to the outside world.


Ryan smiled hearing them inside his guest bedroom as he stood on the other side of the locked door. Walking quietly away his mind continued to race. He and Ice were close, extremely close, and he hadn’t seen his brother this happy and content with a woman ever that he could recall. KiKi was absolutely perfect, not only for his brother, but for their business. Ryan wasn’t going to let anything or anyone rip her from their family now that she’d become a part of them. Ice confided to him the attraction he felt she still held toward Tariq. Ryan didn’t think KiKi would cheat on his brother, but having that temptation still lingering wasn’t good in his estimation.

Grabbing his overnight bag, Ryan headed to his car. It was a short four hour drive to his destination. Relaxing and enjoying the scenery as he drove, Ryan’s mind continued to work. He thought about the other loose end Ice told him about, still contemplating what they wanted to do about it. Finally pushing it out of his mind again Ryan began making new plans for KiKi’s continued immersion into the family.
She needs to head down to Mississippi,
he thought to himself of their operation. Ryan believed KiKi could run it just as well as he or Ice and it was time for her to test her wings. Deciding he would tell Ice about his plans once he returned, Ryan turned up his radio, set his cruise control, and sang along smiling as he looked excitedly forward to reaching his destination.


Kaitlyn awoke to find herself alone in bed. She’d awakened suddenly with a deep sense of dread and Tariq flashing in her mind’s eye. Kaitlyn sighed deeply thinking about him. They hadn’t spoken in almost two months leaving a huge hole in her heart.
Why can’t I let go of this man,
Kaitlyn questioned sighing deeply. It was futile for her to continue to carry the emotion she carried for Tariq. Their relationship had been doomed from day one.
Why couldn’t he have told me the truth earlier,
she wondered again still wrestling with her feelings. Kaitlyn’s thoughts were interrupted by Ice’s voice. He was on his cell talking angrily to someone. As bad as she felt for it, Kaitlyn listened to the conversation.

“Man, I don’t wanna hear that ,” Ian was going on angrily. “I want it done by the end of the month,” he continued to rant. “Yeah, I’ll be there tomorrow and I’m going to see to it, my orders are carried out,” he told them as he disconnected.

Kaitlyn sighed deeply. She knew Ice was going to be on a short fuse today effectively ending her plans to try and talk to him about not killing Tweety. Kaitlyn knew for a fact all the clientele had been turned over to Ice as well as the potentials. He hadn’t said anything lately to her in any of their conversations, but Kaitlyn was still unsettled. Ice was unpredictable and she wouldn’t take that chance with her friend’s life. If Jaleesa could find a way to disappear, Ice would have no choice but to let her go. Kaitlyn crept quietly back into the bedroom, going into the bathroom and closing the door. She hit the speed dial on her phone waiting for the call to connect.


“KiKi?” Tariq questioned as he answered the cell seeing her name on the caller ID.

“Hey,” she replied quietly.

Tariq smiled as he returned her greeting. “You OK,” he questioned again as Kaitlyn sighed deeply.

“Yeah, I just wanted to check on you, and see how Hasaan was doing,” she replied truthfully.

“He’s coming along,” Tariq replied calmly trying not to let his nerves get the better of him.

Honestly he wanted to tell Kaitlyn how much he loved her and wanted them to be together. Still her calling was a good sign in his mind, so Tariq decided to continue to play it cool.

“Mm, that’s good,” Kaitlyn replied breaking his thought. “How bout you,” she threw out once more. “How are you doin’?”

“I’m cool KiKi,” Tariq replied. “Just tryna stay busy, you know, the usual.”

“Do you still love me KiKi,” Tariq asked out of the blue.

The question brought all the pain and anguish crashing back for Kaitlyn and she closed her eyes to shut it out, taking a deep breath and releasing it before answering his question.

“Yes,” she replied simply. “I’ll always love you Tariq, but this is the last time I’m going to call you,” she added, digging deep and reinforcing her will.

“KiKi,” Tariq began softly. “Don’t do this to us,” he pleaded. “Baby, leave Ice alone and come to me, where you belong.”

Kaitlyn took another deep breath and forced her emotions off.

“No,” she replied plainly. “We’re over,” she told him once again. “I shouldn’t have called,” she added preparing to disconnect.

“You called because you know what I’m saying to you is true,” Tariq responded a bit more forcefully. “You don’t love Ice,” he said plainly daring her to refute it.

“Yes, I actually do love Ice,” Kaitlyn replied crushing Tariq’s heart. “I just don’t love him the same way I love you,” she added as Tariq questioned her yet again.

“So you love what Ice represents,” he threw out as Kaitlyn remained mute. “That’s not love KiKi and you know it,” he chastised her.

“Maybe not in the old fashioned romantic sense of the word,” she began. “But I do have love for Ice and he’s been more than good to me,” Kaitlyn replied forcing her emotions to grow cold. “Anyway, I’m sorry I called and opened this can of worms again,” Kaitlyn told him her tone taking on an unemotional chill as she fought to stay sane.

As much as she wanted to deny it, Kaitlyn loved Tariq and that was just that.

“I hope Hasaan does well in rehab, and I hope you move on with your life and find someone to share it with,” she added, her tone the same. “Good bye Tariq, be well,” she finished and was about to disconnect when he spoke.

“KiKi, damn baby, what happened to you,” he threw at her not getting an answer. “You sound so cold, like we never meant anything to each other,” he finished trying to get some sort of response from her.

“Tariq, it was a cute fantasy,” Kaitlyn began again even colder than before as her heart berated her for the web of lies she was weaving with him. “That’s all it was though, a cute fantasy,” she went on as Tariq listened trying to figure out who the woman was on the phone he was talking to. “I’ve moved on with my life, I suggest you do the same,” she finished and said nothing more.

“KiKi,” Tariq began again. “This isn’t you,” he told her calmly. “I love you, and I’ll be here if you need me,” he went on as Kaitlyn frowned deeply almost at her breaking point.

“When you decide you’re tired of pretending and being someone you’re not, you call me,” Tariq went on. “I promise I’ll be here for you baby, no questions, no drama,” he finished and waited for a response.

Receiving none he spoke again. “Did you hear me KiKi,” he asked.

“Yep, I heard the speech,” Kaitlyn replied angry and hostile because she felt even more trapped and helpless. “This is who I am Tariq,” she fired off. “Maybe you shoulda looked past the rose colored glasses you were wearing and saw that two years ago when we first started hanging out,” she continued. “I’m done, this conversation is done, and you and I are history,” she retorted hanging up before Tariq could respond.


Sucking her teeth angrily Kaitlyn turned on the shower and climbed in, letting the water calm her nerves. Ice entered the bathroom as she enjoyed the spray and undressed. He climbed into the shower pulling Kaitlyn to him and kissing her deeply. As they ended the kiss, Kaitlyn looked into his eyes and smiled. Ice smiled back and began kissing her again as they both became aroused by the others touch. As they made love Kaitlyn prayed he hadn’t heard her conversation with Tariq. It was over now for certain and she didn’t want Ice thinking she was cheating on him or even thinking of cheating on him. That would definitely serve to hasten the end of Tariq’s life and Kaitlyn would never forgive herself if anything happened to him because of her. Pushing it away from her mind Kaitlyn relaxed and continued to enjoy the feel of Ice as he made love to her, finding herself quickly reaching orgasm and crying out her pleasure.


Ian heard her cry out as he continued to enjoy her. He loved KiKi without question. He’d only heard bits and pieces of the conversation, but he wasn’t angry, even knowing she was talking to Tariq. Ian planned to listen to the conversation in its entirety later as KiKi handled business at the club later today.

“Mmm Ice,” Kaitlyn moaned softly as he continued to make love to her.

Ian knew she was telling Tariq goodbye and that was the best news he’d heard all day.

Still there were some realizations he needed to make KiKi come to before she could take her rightful place by his side for good. That could wait however Ian thought, feeling his own orgasm looming close on the horizon.

“Yes, Ice, right there baby,” Kaitlyn whispered in his ear as he doubled his effort and she clawed his back.

They both came hard moments later, out of breath, holding each other tightly.

“Good,” Ian asked kissing her neck gently as they dried each other.

“Mmhmm,” KiKi replied rubbing her body against his own, kissing his ear.

Ian pulled her closer, kissing her deeply.

“Come on let’s get dressed before I change my mind,” he told her chuckling slightly and heading back into the bedroom.

KiKi giggled and followed heading for the closet to choose an outfit.



“Delivery for Jaleesa Mitchell,” the man said behind the two dozen roses she could see through the peephole.

Jaleesa giggled excitedly as she opened the door to sign for them. Ryan pushed the flowers at her hard knocking Jaleesa off balance and quickly entered her apartment; closing and locking the door behind him. Terrified, Jaleesa tried to run to her bedroom and get to the gun she kept in her night stand. Ryan caught her with ease and threw her onto the couch, brandishing his own weapon and regarding her silently for a few moments as she watched him warily.

Jaleesa’s mind was racing. Who was this guy? Why was he here? She was praying with everything in her that Ice hadn’t sent him to kill her. They’d turned over every client to him. She and KiKi weren’t dealing together anymore and from what she knew; KiKi and Ice were still a happy couple. Taking a deep breath she finally spoke.

“What do you want,” she asked carefully as the man continued to silently observe her. “My purse is in my bedroom,” she threw out again trying to get an angle on the man’s visit.

“That ain’t what I’m here for,” Ryan finally spoke. “You and me, we need to talk,” he told her cryptically.

Jaleesa gave him a quizzical look as Ryan smiled slightly.

“I guess I should introduce myself first though huh,” he told her taking the cigar from his pocket and lighting it. “My name is Ryan,” he told her as Jaleesa continued to regard him. “Ryan Bailey,” he clarified as he saw comprehension begin to dawn in her eyes. “Ice’s older brother,” he finished as Jaleesa began to tremble involuntarily.

Please don’t let him be here to kill me,
she was thinking as Ryan continued to smoke and regard her. Finding her voice once more Jaleesa addressed him anew.

“What did you want to talk about Ryan,” she asked using his name this time.

Exhaling deeply, he put down his cigar and returned his attention to her.

“I want to talk about your life,” he began as Jaleesa’s apprehension and sense of dread deepened. “So far KiKi’s been the one paying to keep you alive,” he told her never taking his eyes off her. “My question today is, are you ready to start paying,” he questioned as Jaleesa once again gave him a quizzical glance.

She was totally lost.
What the hell,
she was thinking behind the calm exterior she was trying to maintain.

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