Thin Ice (13 page)

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Authors: K. R. Bankston

BOOK: Thin Ice
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“I don’t understand what you’re asking from me,” Jaleesa returned honestly.

Ryan smiled slightly and grunted before requesting a drink. Jaleesa complied, rising quickly to get him the glass of juice he’d requested and returning with it. Taking a long sip Ryan finally returned to his conversation.

“You’re a smart girl,” he began once again maintaining eye contact. “For now I’ve convinced Ice you’re worth more to us alive than dead,” he went on. “But now its time for you to prove that,” he finished and took another drink of his juice as Jaleesa continued to listen intently.

Selling dope for Ice wasn’t the end of the world and if that’s what it took to keep on breathing she would cheerfully do it.

“So what does he want me to do,” Jaleesa asked, holding her breath for the answer.

“He’s left that up to me,” Ryan told her as he continued to look her over.

Ryan had seen photos of Jaleesa, provided by Ice, before finally seeing her today in the flesh. He thought she was extremely sexy, his manhood beginning to take on life of its own.

“Now from what I can tell,” he started again keeping the lust filled thoughts temporarily at bay. “You’re good at selling dope, and selling ass,” he replied as Jaleesa frowned slightly. “Oh, don’t act like you ain’t selling it living up here in this penthouse, screwin’ old boy,” Ryan told her chuckling slightly at her indignation. “Being a whore, is being a whore,” he threw at her again enjoying the irritation he saw in her face. “You’re just in a penthouse instead of on the corner,” he finished, falling silent for a moment.

Taking a deep breath to keep the anger she felt at bay, Jaleesa spoke again. “So you want me to be on the stroll,” she asked finally gathering the courage to look Ryan in the eye again.

“We got a new operation in Louisiana,” Ryan began again never averting his glance or raising his voice. “I want you to run the house,” he told her casually. “I want my money right, no police drama, and the girls kept in line,” he went on as Jaleesa gave him her undivided attention. “I want you anytime I come there and say I want you,” he told her evenly his posture never changing. “You don’t have to love me, you don’t even have to like screwing me, but there better never be anyone else up inside you,” he took another breath before beginning again.

“Now, if you think you can handle that without issue, say so,” he told her once more brandishing the gun. “If not, tell me that too and I can go ahead and send you to meet the Almighty right now,” he finished and remained silent leaving the ball in her court.

Jaleesa wasn’t stupid and this was as good a deal as she would get out of Ice. She didn’t think sleeping with Ryan would be a horrific ordeal. He was a very attractive man. The hustle wasn’t anything new to her either, and at least he wasn’t going to turn her into a streetwalker. Sighing lightly she answered his question.

“I can handle it,” she replied softly. “I need a little help with the details at first, but I can do it,” she admitted honestly.

Ryan nodded his understanding and put the gun away.

“You leave tonight,” he told her flatly as Jaleesa nodded her understanding. “This is a closed deal, understand,” Ryan asked as Jaleesa frowned slightly not sure she did.

Reading her expression he explained his comment.

“No one will know where you are, or how to reach you,” he told her as comprehension dawned for Jaleesa. “Especially, KiKi,” Ryan added calmly as he saw the tears come.

“OK,” Jaleesa returned quietly.

She was going to be totally alone.
He’ll probably tell her I’m dead,
Jaleesa thought of Ice explaining her sudden disappearance.

“You on the pill?” he asked looking her over again and breaking her thought.

Shaking her head in the affirmative, Ryan grunted and told her he would make sure she got her refills once she got to Louisiana.

“OK,” Jaleesa replied quietly once more as he rose and walked over to her pulling her to her feet.

Ryan looked into her eyes as he held her and spoke again. “Don’t be stupid and try to play me,” he told her menacingly. “I’ll know everything you do, and if you mess up, I’ll personally blow your brains out,” he finished as Jaleesa nodded quickly that she understood.

Murmuring slightly again, Ryan leaned in and kissed her deeply as his hands roamed freely over her body. He undressed her where she stood and pushed her gently back on the couch as he removed his own clothes and joined her. Jaleesa shut her eyes and allowed her body to have control as Ryan caressed and aroused every part of her being. She couldn’t believe the skill he had and how much she was anticipating the act they were about to perform. Moaning softly, Jaleesa gasped as Ryan entered her and began making love to her.

She came quickly her body convulsing from the pleasure she’d derived as he continued his effort.
This might not be the hell I’m imagining,
Jaleesa thought as she once again arrived and Ryan held her tightly reaching his own end and collapsing on top of her. Kissing her neck softly he held her until they’d both calmed down and gathered themselves.

“Pack just your clothes,” Ryan instructed after rising and dressing himself. “I’ll be back to get you in a little while,” he told Jaleesa as she once again nodded her understanding. Ryan walked to the door, opening it to let himself out and turned to her once more.

“Don’t run,” he told Jaleesa icily as he eyed her. “I will find you, and I will kill you.”

“I’ll be here, and I’ll be packed,” Jaleesa answered him, looking directly into his eyes.

Ryan smiled slightly and nodded leaving her alone with her thoughts as he closed the door.


Landon was thinking about Kaitlyn again, wondering how and why things went so terribly wrong between them.
Why can’t I let this woman go,
he thought recalling their last conversation and how cold and robotic Kaitlyn was toward him. Still his heart just wouldn’t let go. Landon finally admitted he’d fallen, and he’d fallen hard. Sighing deeply he began preparing breakfast, deciding on an omelet and grabbing the skillet when his cell rang. Putting his equipment down, he glanced at the display seeing that the name and number were listed as unavailable.

“Hello,” Landon answered amiably.

The line was silent except for the faint background noise he couldn’t quite make out.

“Hello,” he tried again wondering if perhaps the connection was bad and the person couldn’t hear him. Still there was no response. Landon was about to disconnect when he heard the soft sigh. “Kaitlyn,” he queried softly. “Is that you baby,” he asked again holding his breath and praying it was. The person on the other end still remained mute, but they hadn’t hung up so Landon plunged ahead thinking he might not get another chance to talk to her.

“Kaitlyn, it’s okay,” he told her soothingly. “I’m not angry or anything,” Landon went on. “Please, just say something, anything, to let me know it’s you,” he implored and grew quiet waiting for a response.

Getting none, he tried once more. “Are you all right,” Landon asked his voice filled with concern.

“Yes,” Kaitlyn replied quietly.

Landon smiled fully and relaxed slightly at the sound of her voice.

“I wanted to apologize to you for that day,” Kaitlyn continued quietly.

“Baby, it’s fine,” Landon returned sincerely. “I’m just glad to hear from you and know you’re okay.”

“OK,” Kaitlyn said and grew quiet once more.

“Can I see you,” Landon ventured, wanting very much an opportunity to spend time with her again.

“No,” Kaitlyn replied as Landon sighed lightly. “I’m glad you forgive me though,” she went on as Landon assured her he did. “I hafta go,” Kaitlyn told him preparing to end the call.

“OK, Kaitlyn,” Landon replied. “Will you call me again,” he threw out, praying she would say yes. After a prolonged and pained silence, Kaitlyn finally spoke.

“Maybe,” she said simply and quietly before disconnecting and leaving Landon holding a dead line.

Sighing deeply Landon placed the phone back on the counter and stood looking out of his condo window, reflecting on his conversation.
At least she’s thinking about you,
his mind told him as Landon rolled around the unexpected call trying to analyze just what exactly was going on with Kaitlyn. He’d learned quite by accident that she and Ian were a couple.
There’s an affiliation I never saw coming,
he thought still clueless about Kaitlyn and Jaleesa’s illicit dealings.

“If I could just get her to see me,” Landon mumbled his mind still tumbling as he returned to his task and once again began preparing his omelet, pushing any further contemplation about him and Kaitlyn out of his mind.


“Wassup Hasaan,” Ryan greeted the man calmly as he took a seat across from him.

“Who are you,” Hasaan asked quizzically as he took in the visitor.

Normally Tariq was the only person who came to the hospital to see him. Sighing lightly Ryan took in the serene setting as they continued to sit outside the facility in the patient area provided. The wind was blowing softly as the sun shone brightly through the clear blue skies and the temperature continued to climb, making a prolonged outdoor stay almost unbearable.

“We have a mutual friend,” Ryan returned as Hasaan continued to regard him and say nothing.

“When do you get out,” Ryan began again, all the while keeping a watchful eye on the staff and other patients also present outside.

“A few more months,” Hasaan replied guardedly still unsure what the man’s angle was.

“You look like you need a hit,” Ryan threw out casually watching Hasaan begin to fidget and scratch his arms absently.

“I’m good,” Hasaan threw back, becoming slightly uncomfortable with the man’s constant gaze.

“I got some stuff if you want it,” Ryan again offered amiably as Hasaan looked into his face once more.

“I’m in the hospital man,” he threw back incredulous that it was even being suggested.

Ryan shrugged slightly. “I’m just sayin’,” he replied, calmly sliding the small packet across the table.

Hasaan looked at the heroin for a long time, licking his lips nervously, before pushing his chair back, preparing to leave the table.

“Sit down,” Ryan said quietly but forcefully looking directly into Hasaan’s eyes.

Unnerved by the man’s demeanor, Hasaan stayed put.

“Now,” Ryan began again tightly. “Let’s cut to the chase,” he went on his eyes never leaving the man seated in front of him. “Today is your last day on earth,” he said evenly as Hasaan’s mouth dropped. “You can make it enjoyable and take this one last hit, enjoy your high, and just not wake up,” Ryan told him plainly. “Or you can take this bullet I got with your name on it and die a painful, agonizing, death,” he finished as Hasaan finally glanced under the table to see the .380, silencer attached, pointed back at him.

“Man, who are you and what you doing here,” Hasaan threw back, terrified and helplessly at Ryan’s mercy.

“Seen Shelby lately,” Ryan asked cryptically as Hasaan’s mind began to race.

“Nah man,” Hasaan began. “That was over a long time ago,” he added hoping it was what the man wanted to hear.

“Hmph, I guess it was,” Ryan began again. “Especially after my brother, Ice, caught your dick up in her huh,” he finished as the fog cleared and Hasaan finally understood who, and why.

Ice had promised him retribution that fateful day almost two years ago when he and Shelby had spent the romantic afternoon together.

“That was a mistake man,” Hasaan again tried to reason.

He and Shelby had been a couple back in the day and he’d never truly gotten over her. They’d met unexpectedly one day at the mall and he’d talked her into coming back to his place with him. They’d talked and of course Hasaan had felt that familiar longing to be with her again. His mind continued to recall for him the soft, gentle kisses they’d shared, as well as the sensual caresses that finally overtook them and pushed them to the point of no return. They’d been completely enjoying the feel of each other, with Shelby moaning softly in his ear as he made love to her, when the door opened and Ice walked in, snatching him off Shelby and hitting him hard in the midsection, dropping him to the floor.

“You disrespected my brother on a deep level, fool,” Ryan told Hasaan breaking his thought and bringing him back to now.

“Ice already kicked my ass for that,” Hasaan tried again pitifully.

He didn’t want to die. He’d finally gotten help for his habit and was actually looking forward to living his life again.

“Well too bad for you, the apple hasn’t fallen far from the tree,” Ryan replied cryptically as Hasaan frowned deeply in confusion. “You ever met KiKi,” Ryan asked curiously as Hasaan shook his head no.

“I only heard the name a couple times,” he replied still lost about the connection.

“Hmph,” Ryan returned, taking another deep breath and blowing it out. “She’s Ice’s woman,” he added as Hasaan continued to give him the confused look. “Seems little brother got a serious case of heat for her,” Ryan patiently explained as understanding finally dawned in Hasaan’s mind.
Please don’t let Tariq have messed with Ice’s chick,
he thought.

“He don’t seem to hear well either,” Ryan began again still holding Hasaan’s attention. “So I guess I’ll hafta speak louder,” he finished, taking the safety off the gun as Hasaan’s breathing grew more excited. “So what’s it gonna be,” Ryan asked once more. “Nice and high, drift off to sleep,” he continued. “Or hot, painful, and agonizing,” he finished and waited on Hasaan to speak.

Quickly weighing his options, Hasaan knew he couldn’t get out of the chair without getting shot, but maybe he could maneuver his body so that the shot wasn’t fatal, cry out and pray one of the staff heard him.

“10 seconds,” Ryan threw out again impatiently, as Hasaan took a deep breath and made his move, pushing the table hard into Ryan and jumping from the chair.

Ryan gathered himself quickly from the surprise move, aiming, arm still under the now upright table and fired four shots in rapid succession, hitting Hassan with each one. The man screamed in pain, arms flailing, asking for help as several of the staff ran toward him. As the crowd gathered and the hospital staff tried to assess the situation, Ryan slipped quickly and quietly to an inconspicuous corner and watched the drama unfold. An ambulance was quickly dispatched arriving moments later as the EMT’s bounded out and began to work on Hasaan. Ryan continued to watch undetected from his hidden corner as the men worked frantically for the next 20 minutes before finally conceding defeat and covering the body with a sheet.

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