Thin Ice (17 page)

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Authors: K. R. Bankston

BOOK: Thin Ice
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She’d found out that Ryan was insanely jealous and she suspected he cared a whole lot more for her than he would readily admit.

“I’m not sure,” he replied evasively.

“OK, that’s cool,” Jaleesa replied hoping it would reassure him she wasn’t trying to mess around or play him. “I miss you,” she added softly, hearing Ryan sigh lightly.

“I’ll be there soon baby,” he told her gently and Jaleesa relaxed finally.

They talked a few moments more before disconnecting. Jaleesa’s mind was still whirling as she sat in the office and watched LaDonna take a new john in her room.
I’ve got to be careful,
she thought as she once again saw the woman sell extra services and pocket a portion of the money.
You’re going to have to kill him,
Jaleesa’s mind kicked in anew. She still wanted out of this captivity, to find her best friend, and to get even with Ice for ever subjecting her to this hell. Sighing deeply Jaleesa continued to plot and wait. As much as she was beginning to care for Ryan, he was an obstacle and for Jaleesa there was no obstacle big enough to keep her from accomplishing her goal.




“Yeah” he answered not recognizing the number.

“Hi Ice,” she replied softly. Shelby knew his mind was racing and he was trying to figure out how she got his number. “I begged Tye for your number,” she told him, answering his unspoken question.

“What do you want Shelby?” Ian asked annoyed.

This bitch is definitely asking for a quick hearse ride
, he continued thinking waiting on her to speak.

She sighed lightly before answering. “To apologize to you again,” she told him earnestly. “I want to put all the drama behind us. I know we could at least be good friends Ice,” she went on. “We know each other so well, and I’d hate to lose someone like you as my friend,” she finished, hoping he would at least consider the idea.

Ian heard her but his mind was already miles ahead thinking how he was going to kill her as she continued talking.
He sighed deeply before answering.

“I guess that would be all right Shelby,” he told her calmly playing the game so he could set up her end.

Ian couldn’t see the smile that was adorning her face. Shelby was so happy for the small crumb he’d just given her.

“Thank you so much Ice,” she told him quietly. “I’ve been miserable without someone to at least talk to.”

Ian grunted his understanding, but said little else.

“You wanna get together this weekend for a drink or something?” she asked.

“I’m out of town,” Ian told her calmly, still plotting.

There wasn’t a snowballs chance in hell of the two of them reconnecting ever, but this stupid trick just didn’t seem to get that memo. KiKi was his future. He wished Shelby had given up and finally moved on. Now she left him no choice except to forcibly remove her, Ian thought irritably.

“Oh, I didn’t know,” Shelby replied. “That’s cool though, whenever you wanna hang out, just call me,” she added, leaving the ball in his court.

“I should be back later today,” Ian told her, not adding he was already on the road. “I’ll give you a shout then,” he finished telling Shelby what she wanted to hear to get her off the phone and she told him okay.

They said their goodbyes and disconnected.

Ian was amazed that Shelby was still trying to play games.
That girl hasn’t learned yet has she,
Ian thought once more. Shelby was still smiling as she put the phone back into the cradle.
We’re going to be together again baby, and I’m going to do right this time,
she thought happily as she headed to the shower. Shelby had a long day ahead.


Landon was thinking back on his earlier conversation and the task he still faced. Poking around Ice’s club and his personal business would be deadly if he got caught, but Landon needed the man out of the way permanently if he and Kaitlyn were going to have a chance at a happy normal life. Taking another deep breath he entered Inferno and ordered a drink. He thanked the attractive bartender as he took the glass from her and headed toward the private area. He was detained only momentarily while Tye checked his name. Finding it on the list he allowed Landon entry. Landon was pretending to be far tipsier than he actually was. He needed security to pay him less attention so he would be free to explore and hopefully find the information that was requested. Ben was extremely meticulous in telling Landon what evidence would or wouldn’t stand up in court, giving them a far greater chance of convicting Ice.

Please let me find what I need and quickly,
Landon thought as he stumbled drunkenly toward one of the betting rooms. One of the security guards noticed the impaired man, but let him pass, surmising he was too drunk to be of any harm. Seeing that his act was working, Landon took a chance and stumbled a little farther down the hall to the area marked restricted. Again security offered no resistance. Just as he began to step near the signs marking the area, the officer appeared out of nowhere and stopped his progress.

“Come on man,” the guard told him pushing him in the opposite direction. “The party is the other way,” he finished chuckling lightly as Landon allowed himself to be herded back the other way.

he thought as he entered the stripper’s room and fell into a chair. Satisfied that Landon was no longer a threat, the guard chuckled again and left the room. Landon sighed deeply and began sipping the drink the waitress brought to the table, disappointed but undeterred.
I’m gonna get what we need, I can’t let Kaitlyn down,
he thought once more finishing the drink and ordering another.


Ian was still looking at her. He wasn’t sure how to start the conversation so he just jumped in headfirst.

“Who did you kill last week?” he asked point blank.

KiKi was annoyed.
Why the fuck you care,
she thought. “What are you going on about Ice?” she threw back instead of an answer.

He sighed deeply and tried again. “I saw the story on TV,” he told Kaitlyn as she continued to remain mute.

She took a deep breath to calm her anger, still looking him in the eye. “Let’s just supposed for arguments sake, you’re right,” she began. “Why the hell are you here on my ass about it,” she threw at Ian coolly.

Ian looked at her evenly, got up and moved over to the couch beside her.

“I’m here because I keep an eye on my business,” he began. “Because it’s buzzing all over the street that you’re a one woman execution force right now,” he went on. “I need to know just what the hell is going on in your mind KiKi and if you’re gonna go off the deep end on my ass again,” Ian told her and stroked her face gently.

Kaitlyn sighed deeply never removing her eyes from Ian as she spoke. “Isn’t this what you brought me on for,” she threw back nonchalantly. “To make sure your business ran smoothly, that people didn’t steal from you, or make you look bad?”

Ian watched Kaitlyn as she spoke taking in her every nuance. It was as if she weren’t even in the room. Her responses were almost automated.

“Yes,” Ian began, still watching her closely. “But even in that, it can’t disrupt the entire flow of the business, because everyone is to scared to breathe a whisper you might disagree with,” he patiently told her as Kaitlyn’s expression never changed.

“So what do you want from me Ice,” she finally asked, regarding him again. “You want me to hold these muthafucka’s hands and baby them,” Kaitlyn threw out. “Or do you want your house in order, your money right, and your product sold,” she questioned, again waiting patiently for his response.

Ian sensed there was a lot more going on with Kaitlyn than the issues she’d encountered here in Mississippi.

“KiKi,” Ian began again. “What’s eatin’ you,” he threw out. “On the real,” he added as she rose and made herself a drink.

The fact that you’re still breathing is eatin’ me,
she thought venomously as she added the coke and took another deep breath returning and sitting down once more.

“Ice,” Kaitlyn began, treading carefully. “I’m just trying to make sure these fools know you aren’t playin’ about your business,” she told him softly. “I’m just trying to do what you asked me to do.”

Ian sighed deeply and took the glass from her.

“You’re doing fine baby,” he told her gently, kissing her lips softly. “But relax and enjoy runnin’ the empire,” he added as Kaitlyn smiled slightly.

“You don’t hafta prove yourself to me KiKi,” Ian told her kissing her again, more forcefully. “I know what I got,” he continued as he unbuttoned her blouse. “I knew it the first time you tried to kick my ass in your apartment,” he told her as Kaitlyn chuckled slightly. “Relax baby,” he added once more as they began to kiss earnestly and he started to undress her.

As they made love Kaitlyn’s mind continued to whirl. She was still furious with Ice for killing her best friend. There was also the matter of Tariq and that bullshit he’d pulled on her at the funeral. She hadn’t forgotten or forgiven that either. Kaitlyn had a plan and slowly but surely it was all coming together. She thought about Landon and smiled slightly. He was definitely going to come in handy as she put all the pieces in place. He was also a nice guy and Kaitlyn was going to try and make sure he didn’t get hurt in any of the fallout.


After they made love KiKi drifted off quickly. Ian rose stealthily from the bed and headed into the den.

“What the hell is going on with her?” Ian mumbled as he continued to search for her journal.

He finally found it hidden away among a box of old books she kept in the room.
‘He won’t let go, and it’s making me crazy’
it began and Ian assumed he was the person KiKi was referring to.
‘They told me he would make my life hell, I should have listened

Ian definitely wanted to know who the they was, she was referring to.
‘He would probably hurt me badly if he knew the things I really feel,
the journal went on. Ian was getting angry. He needed to know what KiKi was planning.
‘Everything is almost ready though,
Kaitlyn wrote. Ian was incensed at this point.
What the fuck is she doing,
he thought making a mental note to keep a closer eye on her. KiKi sounded like she was planning to leave him, and he had the feeling his time was short. He continued to read, trying to steady his breathing and reign his fury in.
‘I’m scared he’ll find out. Thankfully he hasn’t yet, but my luck will run out one of these days,’
the entry concluded.

Something inside Ian’s mind snapped and he knew exactly who they were now.

“Son of a bitch!” he said angrily aloud at the revelation.

OK, that much is good, now I know how to handle that,
Ian thought before returning his attention to her journal. ‘
I’m scared he may kill me, but I can’t keep living like this, the saddest part though, is I’ll have to give him up too’
the entry began anew. ‘
I should have never let him kiss me that first night, and I definitely never should have slept with him,’
she added, going on to write about things that were inconsequential to Ian. Finishing, he closed her journal absorbing all he’d read.

“So she’s definitely still into Tariq, huh?” he said darkly. “That muthafucka just bought himself death warrant number two on my list,” Ian said aloud rising and making himself a drink to calm his nerves.

He couldn’t act any differently or KiKi would know he’d found out about her plans, about her sleeping with Tariq, and trying to leave him.
Did she sleep with him after we got together,
he continued to brood and plot. Deciding it didn’t matter; Ian put it out of his mind for now and returned to bed. As he watched her sleep Ian stroked her cheek gently and continued to plot.
You are not leaving me
, he thought venomously.
Once he’s dead, you’ll come around and realize I’m all you have,
he finished the thought, kissing KiKi’s cheek softly and laying down beside her, closing his eyes, as sleep quickly found him.




Landon was angry. He was tired of the cat and mouse game he was playing trying to get information on Ice and he was tired of not having Kaitlyn in his life.
If I thought I could get away with it, I would kill that trifling sonofabitch my damned self,
he continued to ponder as he quickly downed the drink and poured himself another. He knew 10:00AM was too early to be drinking the hard liquor but Landon was frustrated. Things were moving entirely too slow. He wanted Kaitlyn with everything in him. The erotic dream he’d had last night had done nothing but worsen his mood today. The league was getting on his nerves too with all the changes and new rules being instituted. Still, Landon knew that wasn’t the source of his anger. The source of his fury was his impotence at being in love with a woman who was completely unattainable to him.
Hell, maybe I should just give up and say fuck it,
he thought again crossly before immediately dismissing the idea.

No matter how he sliced it, Landon was in love with Kaitlyn and now his pride was in it. He could not fathom the idea that a low-life like Ice would be able to take an amazing woman like Kaitlyn away from him in the first place.
There’s got to be something she’s not saying,
Landon reasoned as he finished the second drink, dropped his glass into the sink and headed to his shower.

Still completely angry after showering and dressing, Landon grabbed his keys and headed to the office. Maybe a couple hours of working out would relieve his tension and lighten his mood. He doubted it, but what the hell else was he going to do. Kaitlyn was still with Ice, and Landon still hadn’t found what he needed to completely destroy the affiliation. His cell rang and broke his thought. He answered brusquely.

“Yeah,” he threw into the phone still wholly angry at not having Kaitlyn in his life.

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