Thin Ice (20 page)

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Authors: K. R. Bankston

BOOK: Thin Ice
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The soft knock stopped him in his tracks as he sighed deeply and headed for the door. “Who is it,” Landon inquired.

Not getting a response he checked the peephole but could see nothing. He took a chance and opened the door.

“Hi,” Kaitlyn said softly as the smile spilled into Landon’s face.

Taking her hand Landon pulled her quickly into the loft and closed the door.

“Baby, are you all right,” he asked, checking her over as Kaitlyn assured him she was fine.

“I can’t stay,” she told him, looking frightened. “He has me followed,” she added as Landon’s anger began to rise again.

“You cannot go back to him” he told her praying Kaitlyn would listen.

Sighing deeply she regarded him quietly for a few moments.

“I have to,” she replied defeated. “He would kill me Landon,” Kaitlyn told him pitifully. “And he’d kill you just for helping me,” she added as Landon hugged her tightly.

“Kaitlyn,” Landon began sincerely. “Baby, I need you to hang on for just a little while longer,” he told her as Kaitlyn watched him silently. “This drama is gonna be over and Ice’s ass is gonna be on permanent lockdown,” he finished, not totally enlightening her of the efforts going on to indict Ice.

“What are you saying,” Kaitlyn questioned fishing.

“Baby, just trust me,” Landon returned. “Can you do that,” he asked as Kaitlyn continued giving him a quizzical glance.

“Please,” he tried again stroking her cheek gently.

Kaitlyn was no fool. She had been hustling long enough to know when there was a Five-O sting in the air. Catching herself before she smiled at the thought, she continued to play her role.

“OK,” she replied softly as Landon smiled again and kissed her softly.

“I’m glad you came,” he told her as Kaitlyn smiled again and looked around nervously.

“Its okay baby,” Landon told her, seeing her uneasiness. “You’re safe here,” he added as she smiled again and visibly relaxed. “You want something to eat, drink,” Landon offered.

“No,” Kaitlyn replied. “I just wanted to see you,” she told him shyly as Landon smiled again.

“I have missed you so much,” he told her as they began to kiss and his hands began to caress her body.

“Landon, I can’t,” Kaitlyn told him pulling away as the kiss became passionate. “Ice will kill me,” she told him as Landon kissed her softly again.

“Baby, I want you so much,” he replied as Kaitlyn sighed deeply.

“I want you too,” she told him. “But he would know, and he would kill me,” she added looking frightened again.

“OK baby,” Landon told her, completely disappointed they couldn’t make love, but not wanting to endanger her safety either. Leaning in he kissed her again as he gently laid her down on his sofa.

“Landon, I,” Kaitlyn managed before he gently told her to hush.

Landon quickly slid her thong off and gently pushed her legs apart as he buried his face in her softness. Kaitlyn sighed deeply completely enjoying the things he was doing to her. Landon brought her to orgasm hard and fast with Kaitlyn crying out loudly her satisfaction. After repeating the performance, he finally made his way to her lips as they began to kiss again. Kaitlyn smiled at him, pushing him onto the same sofa and returning the earlier favor. Landon loved the feel of her mouth on him as she brought him pleasure. He came hard, his entire body tensing and releasing at once.

“I have to go,” Kaitlyn told him after they’d gathered and dressed themselves.

“Baby, please be careful,” Landon told her.

“I should say the same thing to you,” Kaitlyn told him quietly as Landon simply smiled slightly.

“Call me soon, okay,” Landon prodded as Kaitlyn assured him she would.

He kissed her again deeply and passionately, telling her once more how much he loved her as Kaitlyn returned the sentiment and walked out of the door. She boarded the elevator and smiled to herself at how well things were going. Finding out Landon’s plans was also an added bonus.
I’ma make that muthafucka regret the day he ever fucked with me and Tweety,
she thought violently as the elevator stopped and Kaitlyn slipped out of the lofts through the same back service door she’d entered.




“Let’s go for a drive,” Ian said calmly as he looked at KiKi.

She’d been quiet and distant for a while and it unnerved him, his mind immediately going back to her journal and plans to leave him.

“Come on, I’ll even get you some ice cream,” he said again, smiling slightly.

Kaitlyn was irritated. She didn’t want to go anywhere with him. She just wanted this relationship nightmare behind her. Still, she had to play her role and bide her time. Sighing lightly, Kaitlyn finally answered.

“OK,” she told him as she rose and walked toward the door.

Ian smiled and opened the door for her.

They rode in silence, with him casting an occasional glance at her.
You are not walking away from me, that is not happening,
he thought knowing if he left her on her own again KiKi would take the opportunity to disappear. They arrived at the ice-cream shop and ordered. Kaitlyn was actually enjoying her sundae and sitting outside under their umbrella, her mind peaceful for a few moments.

“Do you hate me KiKi,” Ian asked, his expression neutral, his gaze unfaltering.

She was quickly brought back to the present, and tried to gather herself.

“No, of course I don’t hate you Ice,” she told him. “Where the hell did that question come from,” she threw out trying to find out where his mind was and just what he was up to.

He grunted noncommittal instead of an answer and finished his cone.

“You want something to drink?” Ian asked, getting up to get himself something.

“Maybe some water,” Kaitlyn told him and he nodded.

Her mind was still racing as Ice left to get the drinks.
What the hell is he up to,
she continued to think knowing there was way more to the question he’d asked earlier than just idle curiosity.
I gotta keep my guard up,
Kaitlyn continued to think, her eyes glued to Ice’s back and her nerves on edge.

Ian ordered his soft drink and her water, asking them to put it in a cup. He stood with his back to her and the counter worker, pouring the clear liquid into the water. He returned and handed her the cup as he sipped his own. Kaitlyn drank the water and finished her sundae.

“So where are we going?” she asked once they were back inside the truck.

“Nowhere special,” Ian told her, as he reached over and took her hand, holding it as he drove.

She began feeling sleepy and yawned widely.

“Wow, I’m sorry,” Kaitlyn apologized.

He smiled and told her it was okay. She couldn’t understand it. She was getting sleepier by the moment.
Damn, did my sundae do this,
Kaitlyn wondered as her eyelids grew heavier.

Ian watched her knowing the drug was working. Kaitlyn laid her head back on the headrest and closed her eyes. Ian saw her body completely relax moments later and knew she was asleep. He turned the truck around and headed for the other home he kept outside of Atlanta. It was in a very remote area and he could keep an eye on her.
I’m sorry KiKi, but you’ve really left me no choice,
he thought, turning into the wooded drive that would take them up to the house. He would keep her here until she saw reason and he didn’t have to worry about her running away or trying to leave him.


LaDonna was fuming quietly as she watched Tweety and Ryan interacting.
I’ma get that bitch when he leaves,
she thought hatefully. LaDonna had worked hard for months skimming money off her tricks so she could escape this horrid place and this bitch had effectively killed her plans. She was still trying to recover from the brutal beating Tweety meted out.
Beating me like I was some kinda damned dog or something,
she thought once more as the tears sprang to her eyes and she blinked them away. LaDonna wasn’t stupid though. Ryan was deadly and there was no way she’d try anything with him around, but once he left tomorrow, it was on.

“Wassup LaDonna,” Ryan greeted her as he walked over to where she sat curled in the easy chair.

“I’m good Ryan,” she returned pleasantly.

She didn’t want any trouble with this man. She’d seen his wrath on more than one occasion. He and Ice were absolutely crazy. There were no limits to the things they would do to keep any of the girls in line.

“I sure hope you get the lesson the first time,” he told her calmly, holding her stare.

LaDonna quickly nodded and averted her eyes. She began to tremble involuntarily as Ryan continued to watch her wordlessly. Leaning down he spoke softly in her ear.

“Don’t fuck up again, or it will be me in that room instead of Tweety,” he told her as the huge tremor overtook LaDonna and she had to grip the chair tightly to keep from passing out.

Pulling away Ryan looked into her eyes as she quickly nodded her head acknowledging her understanding.

Ryan turned and walked away heading upstairs to Tweety’s room as LaDonna let go the breath she’d been holding.
You better kill that bitch and make it out the door at the same time,
she thought to herself of her plans for Tweety. If she didn’t she could kiss her own life goodbye, knowing Ryan would kill her just for sport and serve her body to the gators. The bell rang and Destiny called out to her for the john waiting. Reeling her mind in LaDonna greeted the man with her best smile and took his hand as they headed upstairs and she began her days work once again.


Kaitlyn awoke lying across the most beautiful comforter she’d seen in a long time. The covering was a deep olive green, with orange and black highlights sprinkled throughout. The room was decadently furnished with matching drapes, sheers and window treatments. The furniture was antique Victorian, beautiful cherry wood stained with the king sized bed sitting high off the floor.
Where in the world am I,
she thought, using the step-stool to get off the bed. Walking to the window, Kaitlyn looked out, only to see trees and grass as far as her vision would allow. Turning to the door, she opened it and walked out into the hallway. She found the stairs and came down, looking for Ice and some explanation as to where she was. The house was beautifully furnished with more antique furnishings, in both the living and dining rooms. The magnificent chandelier hung in the entry foyer, leading to the kitchen.

“Have a nice nap?” Ian asked softly, startling Kaitlyn and causing her to jump.

He chuckled and apologized for scaring her.

“Where are we?” she asked, still taking in the house and her surroundings.

“We’re home,” Ian said simply, as she turned to him perplexed.

“This is my house,” he told her again.

Kaitlyn was confused. She’d been to his place and it looked nothing like this.

“I don’t remember your house being this way,” she told Ice, looking at him once again.

He smiled again. “This is my other house,” he explained as Kaitlyn nodded understanding.

“Oh, OK,” she replied and went to sit down in the den.

“Would you like something to drink?” Ian asked and she said she would. He returned moments later with her iced tea.

“This is very nice Ice,” Kaitlyn told him, genuinely impressed and wondering why he brought her here.

He smiled and sat next to her. “I’m glad you like it,” he told her softly. “Because we’re going to be staying here for a while,” Ian added and watched her reaction.

His statement immediately alarmed Kaitlyn.
What did he mean, we?

“I don’t understand Ice,” she tried.

Ian sighed lightly and pulled Kaitlyn to him.

“You and I are going to stay here, together,” he told her and kissed her passionately.

Kaitlyn didn’t fight him, but her mind was racing.
He’s keeping me prisoner here,
she thought, terrified because she had absolutely no idea where they were.

“Ice, what if I don’t want to stay?” she asked.

He sighed deeply again, immediately angry, and ignored her question.

“You can go anywhere in the house you want, and outside on the grounds,” he told her, the edge still slightly evident in his voice.

“You can’t get out of the gate. I keep it locked and it’s electrified,” he added plainly looking directly at Kaitlyn. “I want you to be comfortable, but I’m not letting you leave me, and that’s final,” he finished ignoring the incredulous look that had spread across her face.

This muthafucka has been in my journal
, Kaitlyn thought behind the calm façade.

“You can’t keep me here,” she told him plainly as Ice sighed deeply.

“Yeah, I can actually,” he replied. “You need to come to your senses and stop trippin’,” he threw out as Kaitlyn grew angry herself.

“Baby, this is for your own good,” he began again. “I know you don’t believe or understand that right now, but you’ll see,” he finished and kissed Kaitlyn again softly.

“How the fuck is you’re keeping me prisoner at this house for my own good,” she threw out pushing him away.

Ian rose, still trying hard to keep his temper in check. Kaitlyn’s mind was on overdrive. She had to get the hell out of this house. How was she going to complete her plans now? This was a complication she didn’t need.

“Why you wanna leave me anyway KiKi,” Ian threw out looking directly into her eyes.

“Who said I wanted to leave you Ice,” she threw back wanting him to admit he’d snooped in her stuff.

“Don’t play,” he returned evenly. “The dumb blonde act doesn’t look good on you,” he finished as Kaitlyn sighed deeply but said nothing.

“Did you fuck Tariq before or after we got together,” he threw at her, finally confirming he’d read her journal.

Kaitlyn had intentionally planted the entry wanting to know how deep Ice’s tentacles reached into her life.

“Why don’t you just read my journal some more,” she threw back.

Ian opened his mouth to say something then thought better of it.

“I have to leave for awhile, but I’ll be back soon,” Ian told her instead, taking her hand and placing the remote in it.

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