Thin Ice 7 - Echoes of Reckoning (29 page)

BOOK: Thin Ice 7 - Echoes of Reckoning
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Welcome back,” Ray told him calmly as he regarded his son.

What the hell, Pop,” Brent asked praying his father hadn’t found out about his roll in India’s fall but not counting on it.

That should be my question, don’t you think,” Ray replied calmly.

Glancing around, Brent recognized his surroundings turning his attention back to his father, who was now smiling at him.

I see you remember,” Ray told him calmly. “Mountain View really is a nice facility,” he remarked again of the mental hospital.

Why the hell do you have me here,” Brent threw back pulling against the restraints.

Obviously because you’re not well,” Ray told him calmly. “How else do you explain a young man trying to kill an unborn child, endangering his best friend of years, and sexually assaulting his own wife,” Ray told him coolly.

Brent swallowed hard hearing the words leave his fathers mouth and seeing the detachment in his eyes.

So you’re going to kill me,” Brent threw out, more than a bit unsettled by the thought.

Ray smiled again.

No, I won’t kill you,” he told him causing Brent to relax a bit more. “Even with all the stupidity of you trying to destroy and replace me, you’re still my son,” Ray said simply.

Then what,” Brent asked again wanting to know his fate.

You’re going to undergo some modification and rehabilitation treatment,” Ray told him as Brent’s eyes narrowed.

What the hell does that mean,” he raged as Ray chuckled.

Calm down Brent,” he told him, raising and eyebrow. “I’d hate to call the nurse to sedate you again,” he added as Brent immediately calmed.

He wanted to know the extent of his father’s treachery. He also knew that his father basically ran the hospital’s staff and there wasn’t much they wouldn’t do to comply with his wishes.

There, that’s much better,” Ray told him as he continued to sit calmly. “India is fine by the way, some bumps and bruises, but otherwise fine,” Ray told him as Brent continued to watch him mutely. “My new son is fine as well,” he informed as the frown came immediately to Brent’s face.

Ray laughed seeing his expression.

Brent, you know the sad thing is,” he began anew. “This child was never about you, never about the empire we amassed or even you succeeding me,” Ray explained patiently. “This child was about India, pure and simple,” he told him as Brent’s face registered confusion.

I won’t be with her always, and she’s always wanted a child with me,” Ray patiently went on. “I’d denied her for years and yet she continued to unselfishly love me and stay with me,” he told him. “So I simply decided to stop being an ass and give the woman I love a lasting piece of me,” he finished as Brent felt every bit the mental idiot he knew his father saw him as right now.

Now however,” Ray began anew. “You’ve shown me the true depths of your selfishness and as much as I am probably responsible for it, I cannot allow it to destroy everything I’ve spent my entire life building,” he told him as Brent spoke now.

Pop, I’m sorry,” he tried earnestly. “I didn’t know, I was, yeah I mean,” he floundered as Ray shot him a look and he grew silent.

You’ll be better when you leave here Brent,” he told him cryptically.

Pop, wait, what about Necie, and Diamond,” he tried.

Ray assured him they would both be taken care of.

I told you before Brent,” Ray began. “You cannot beat me, not ever,” he threw out acidly the anger finally coming to the forefront. “You acted like a five year old throwing a tantrum because he had to share his favorite toy,” he raged, growing angrier Brent could tell.

He swallowed hard the fear taking root again. Brent had seen his father’s temper full blown on a scant few occasions, none of which ended well.

What if you had killed India,” he told the young man getting right in his face. “I would have killed you then Brent,” Ray growled and Brent saw the malice in his eyes.

Mr. Lockhart,” Rahja spoke softly seeing Ray close to losing control.

Brent turned his eyes to the man now, not having seen him earlier as he stood deep in the shadows of the room. Ray snapped out of his rage at the sound of Rahja’s voice, backing away from his terrified son.

Thank you Rahja,” Ray said some of the anger leaving his voice.

When you leave this place you will have a brand new lease on life Brent,” Ray told him again as Brent got that sinking feeling once more.

How long Pop,” he asked pitifully as Ray regarded him again.

Until I decide I have a son named Brent again,” he said simply turning on his heel and walking from the room, Rahja directly behind him.

The nurse entered immediately afterward giving him another shot as the darkness almost instantly fell and he again disconnected from the world.


Gabrielle was still uneasy about being pregnant. Ian had been loving and supportive telling her he wasn’t angry, admonishing her not to do anything stupid. She knew he would hurt her badly if she aborted his child, but Gabrielle was terrified of his wife’s reaction if she found out.
That damned woman is deadly,
she thought of Kaitlyn quaking slightly. Ian assured her that his family with her would never interfere with the family he had with Kaitlyn.
He must really want this baby,
she thought again of his reaction. Ian had been genuinely happy when the home tests showed them a positive reading, even more so when her physician confirmed it.
Had he planned this,
Gabrielle continued to wonder. She heard his car and pushed the doubts and worry from her mind as he entered the house.

Hi Bri,” Ian greeted, kissing her softly.

Hi Ice,” she returned as he sat down and relaxed. “How are you feeling,” he asked, giving her a look.

She smiled and told him she was fine.

Then what’s bothering you,” he threw out still looking into her eyes.

Nothing’s wrong, Ice,” she tried to bluff.

Ian gave her another look before asking the question again. Gabrielle swallowed softly before finally leveling with him.

I’m terrified of KiKi finding out about us Ice, and about this baby,” she told him honestly.

Ian breathed deeply, understanding her fear, but wanting to put her at ease.

I told you Bri, everything is going to be fine,” Ian told her calmly. “I can handle my life with KiKi, and it has nothing to do with what we have,” he added hoping she would finally relax and let it go.

Sighing evenly she told him all right and that she would really try not to think about it.

I’m going to try and be here as much as I can,” he began anew. “I definitely want to be here when you give birth,” Ian added as Gabrielle frowned slightly once more.

What if you can’t be here Ice,” she asked softly, the disappointment evident.

He moved closer to her, taking her in his arms.

Bri, I know this isn’t the ideal situation, but please know I won’t abandon you and I’ll be here for both you and our child,” Ian explained as she hugged him back and told him she knew.

He continued to hold her his minding racing.
How fair are you being to this woman knowing how she feels about you and knowing you will never leave KiKi,
Ian’s conscience weighed in. Pushing the thoughts aside, Ian shored his resolve. He wanted this child, praying it was another son. Kaitlyn was his heart and he knew she was devastated by the loss of they’d share. So much so that she was dead set against having any more children. Ian knew she thought he didn’t know, but he could read her very well and he’d seen it in her eyes when he asked about it the last time they talked.

I have to go out for a while,” Ian told her softly in her ear.

Gabrielle pulled away and told him okay as she rose and headed to the kitchen to prepare dinner. Pulling out his cell Ian called Creeper and Pirate.

Everything in place,” he asked as they assured him they would accomplish their goal tonight.

Good, I’m in a killing mood,” Ian replied as the men told him they were glad to hear that, sharing his sentiments as well.

Ryan is riding with us out to you,” Pirate told him as Ian grunted his acknowledgement.

I’ll let Gabrielle know all of you are coming for dinner,” he added as Pirate told him that was straight.

I’ll see you all in about an hour,” Ian returned disconnecting. “Bri, we’re having guests for dinner,” he called out as she told him okay and continued cooking.

Ian had to set up another trust for the baby once it got here and of course there was another matter to handle as well, but he would cross that bridge when they got to it. Rising he headed into the bedroom wanting to get himself mentally prepared for the execution they had planned this evening. When the sun rose tomorrow the Bayou would be two inhabitants lighter.



Shango stretched as he got out of the car. The trip had been long and solitary but that was over. He was here now. Pulling out his cell he made a call.

Yeah man wassup,” Blue greeted him.

I’m here,” Shango replied as Blue told him that was straight asking where he was.

Shango gave him the name of the restaurant and the street name from the sign he could see standing in the parking lot.

I know where that is, go inside and get us a table, I’m on my way,” Blue returned as Shango grunted his understanding and disconnected.

Turning he walked into the coolness of the restaurant, grabbing a booth in the very back. The waitress came to his table, greeting him and asking what he’d like to drink.

Water is good,” Shango replied, looking her over.

The woman was very sexy and he was definitely needy. She blushed slightly at the look as he asked for her name.

Dee,” she returned still smiling.

How old are you Dee,” Shango returned still enjoying the view of her thick hips and ample breasts.

23,” she returned as he grunted slightly.

Hmph,” Shango replied saying nothing else for the moment.

The waitress excused herself as he continued to watch her wondering if he would ask for her number before he left. True he was in Atlanta on business, a little pleasure never hurt anyone, Shango mused smiling still. Dee brought back his water, asking if he were ready to order. He asked for the pancake breakfast and if she were single. Dee smiled at the question telling him she was at the moment, single. Shango smiled murmuring he might have to rectify that and she chuckled walking away and putting in his order. Blue arrived moments later, joining him as he sat.

Wassup man,” Blue greeted as Shango returned the greeting.

Glad to see you got here in one piece,” he added as they both laughed. “Here’s your suite key,” he told Shango sliding the plastic card across the booth table.

Dee returned, asking Blue if he wanted anything. He ordered water to drink and the steak and eggs breakfast.

How would you like your steak sir,” Dee asked politely well aware Shango was still checking her out.

Medium rare,” Blue returned as she thanked him and walked away.

You stalking that or what,” he teased Shango.

The man chuckled saying he might want a pleasant diversion.

I feel you,” Blue returned as they continued to talk and discuss the business Shango was here for.

Sounds like everything was thought of,” Shango remarked as they continued to converse.

Yeah, every meticulous detail,” Blue threw back.

Hmph, well I have no issue with that,” Shango returned. “Are you ready to deal with her after all this time,” he asked Blue, aware of his interest in Lauren Cisneros.

Probably more now than I was years ago,” Blue returned as Shango again nodded his understanding.

When can I see the layout,” he threw out as Blue told him he should have the plans for him later today or first thing tomorrow.

Hmph that will be good considering it will be Thursday,” Shango replied.

Blue had informed him the target day was Saturday and it wasn’t subject to change.

I’ll have it for you Shango, don’t worry about that,” Blue returned as Dee brought their orders and set them down in front of each man.

Thanks,” Blue returned.

Thank you beautiful,” Shango returned, smiling at her again.

You’re welcome, she told them both turning to leave as Shango reached out and grabbed her wrist.

Dee turned back to him, waiting expectantly.

Can I get your number,” Shango asked sweetly.

Dee chuckled and gave it to him.

I’m off after 4:00PM,” she returned as he smiled once more.

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