This Changes Everything (94 page)

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. Melanie Wilkinson, “Pipeline Fighters Dedicate Structure on Route,”
York News-Times
September 24, 2013.

. “Our Mission,” RepowerBalcombe,

. Personal interview with Bill McKibben, November 5, 2011.

. Personal email communication with John Jordan, January 13, 2011.

. Patrick Quinn, “After Devastating Tornado, Town is Reborn ‘Green,’ ”
USA Today
, April 23, 2013.



. Scott Wallace, “Rain Forest for Sale,”
National Geographic
, January 2013; Kevin Gallagher, “Pay to Keep Oil in the Ground,”
The Guardian
, August 7, 2009.

. Esperanza Martinez, “The Yasuní—ITT initiative from a Political Economy and Political Ecology perspective,” in Leah Temper, et al., “Towards a Post-Oil Civilization: Yasunization and Other Initiatives to Leave Fossil Fuels in the Soil,” EJOLT Report No. 6, May 2013, pp. 11, 27.

. Angélica Navarro
Llanos, “Climate Debt: The Basis of a Fair and Effective Solution to Climate Change,” presentation to Technical Briefing on Historical Responsibility, Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Bonn, Germany, June 4, 2009.

. Susan Solomon et al., “Persistence of Climate Changes Due to a Range of Greenhouse Gases,”
of the National Academy of Sciences
107 43 (2010): 18355.

. “Kyoto Protocol,” Kyoto Protocol, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change,

. Matthew Stilwell, “Climate Debt—A Primer,”
Development Dialogue
no. 61, September 2012, p. 42; Global Carbon Project emissions data, 2013 Budget v2.4 (July 2014), available at


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of Modern Energy Access,” International Energy Agency, World Energy Outlook 2012; Barbara Freese,
Coal: A Human History
(New York: Penguin, 2004), 64.

. “Status of Ratification of the Convention,” UNFCCC,
; “Article 3: Principles,” Full Text of the Convention, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change,
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Convention on Climate Change,

. Martínez in Temper et al., “Towards a Post-Oil Civilization,” p. 32; Jonathan Watts, “Ecuador Approves Yasuni National Park Oil Drilling in Amazon Rainforest,”
, August 16, 2013.

. Mercedes Alvaro, “Coalition to Halt Ecuador Oil-Block Development to Appeal Invalidation
of Signatures,”
Wall Street Journal
, May 9, 2014; Kevin M. Koenig,
“Ecuador Breaks Its Amazon Deal,”
New York Times
, June 11, 2014.

. James M. Taylor, “Cancun Climate Talks Fizzle, but U.S. Agrees to Expensive New Program,”
Heartlander Magazine
, The Heartland Institute, January 3, 2011.

. Personal interview with Alice Bows-Larkin, January 14, 2013; David Remnick, “Going the Distance: On and off the Road with Barack Obama,”
The New Yorker
, January 27, 2014.

. Sustainable Buildings and Climate Initiative,
Buildings and Climate Change: Summary for Decision Makers
, United Nations Environment Programme, 2009,
; “Global Building Stock Will Expand 25 Percent by 2012, Driven by Growth in Asia Pacific, Forecasts Pike Research,”
, December 28, 2012; “Retail and Multi-Unit Residential Segments to Drive Global Building Space
Growth through 2020,” Navigant Research, press release, September 19, 2011,

. “Climate Change Leadership—Politics and Culture,” CSD Uppsala,
; Tariq Banuri and Niclas Hällström, “A Global Programme to Tackle Energy Access and Climate Change,”
Development Dialogue
no. 61, September 2012, p. 275.

. “ ‘The Most Obdurate Bully in the
Room’: U.S. Widely Criticized for Role at Climate Talks,” Democracy Now!, December 7, 2012.

. Personal interview with Sunita Narain, director general, Centre for Science and Environment, May 6, 2013.

. Nicole Itano, “No Unity at Racism Conference,”
Christian Science Monitor
, September 7, 2001; Declaration of the World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related
; Ben Fox, “Caribbean Nations Seeking Compensation for Slavery,” Associated Press, July 25, 2013; “Statement by the Honorable Baldwin Spencer, Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda to 34th Regular Meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community, July 2013—On the Issue of Reparations for Native Genocide and Slavery,” Caribbean
Community Secretariat, press release, July 6, 2013.

. Ta-Nehisi Coates, “The Case for Reparations,”
The Atlantic
, May 21, 2014.

. Eric Williams,
Capitalism and Slavery
(Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, [1944] 1994); “Legacies of British Slave-ownership,” University College London,

. Sanchez Manning, “Britain’s Colonial Shame: Slave-owners Given Huge
Payouts After Abolition,”
, February 24, 2013; “Legacies of British Slave-ownership,” University College London.

. Paul Baer, Tom Athanasiou, Sivan Kartha, and Eric Kemp-Benedict, “The Greenhouse Development Rights Framework: The Right to Development in a Climate Constrained World,” revised 2nd edition, Heinrich Böll Foundation, Christian Aid, EcoEquity, and the Stockholm Environment
Institute, 2008; Kartha, Athanasiou, and Paul Baer, “The North-South Divide, Equity and Development,” p. 54.

. For more information about Greenhouse Development Rights, and to explore what the framework could look like in practice, refer to the interactive equity calculators and other information available at the GDRs website:
. 30 PERCENT AND CARBON TRADING: Kartha, Athanasiou,
and Baer, “The North-South Divide, Equity and Development,” pp. 59–60, 64; personal interview with Sivan Kartha, January 11, 2013.


. Personal interview with Tracie Washington, May 26, 2010.

. Katsi Cook, “Woman Is the First Environment,” speech, Live Earth, National Museum of the American Indian, Washington, D.C., July 7, 2007,

. “Global
In Vitro Fertilization Market to Reach $21.6 Billion by 2020,” Allied Market Research, press release, January 29, 2014; F. E. van Leeuwen et al., “Risk of Borderline and Invasive Ovarian Tumours After Ovarian Stimulation for in Vitro Fertilization in a Large Dutch Cohort
,” Human Reproduction
26 (2011): 3456–3465; L. Lerner-Geva et al., “Infertility, Ovulation Induc
tion Treatments and the Incidence
of Breast Cancer—A Historical Prospective Cohort of Israeli Women,”
Breast Cancer Research Treatment
100 (2006): 201–212; Peter Henriksson et al., “Incidence of Pulmonary and Venous Thromboembolism in Pregnancies After In Vitro Fertilisation: Cross Sectional Study,”
346 (2013): e8632.

. Personal interview with Jonathan Henderson, May 25, 2010.

. Cain Burdeau and Seth Borenstein, “6 Months
After Oil Spill, Scientists Say Gulf Is Sick but Not Dying,” Associated Press, October 18, 2010.

. Doug O’Harra, “Cordova on the Brink,”
Anchorage Daily News
, May 1, 1994.

. Sandra Steingraber,
Raising Elijah: Protecting Our Children in an Age of Environmental Crisis
(Philadelphia: Da Capo, 2011), 28; Sandra Steingraber,
Having Faith: An Ecologist’s Journey to Motherhood
(Cambridge, MA: Perseus,
2001), 88.

. Lisa M. McKenzie et al. “Birth Outcomes and Maternal Residential Proximity to Natural Gas Development in Rural Colorado,”
Environmental Health Perspectives
122 (2014): 412–417.

. Mark Whitehouse, “Study Shows Fracking Is Bad for Babies,”
Bloomberg View
, January 4, 2014.

. Constanze A. Mackenzie, Ada Lockridge, and Margaret Keith, “Declining Sex Ratio in a First Nation Community,”
Environmental Health Perspectives
113 (2005): 1295–1298; Melody Petersen, “The Lost Boys of Aamjiwnaang,”
Men’s Health
, November 5, 2009; Nil Basu et al., “Biomarkers of Chemical Exposure at Aamjiwnaang,” McGill Environmental Health Sciences Lab Occasional Report, 2013.

. Personal email communication with Monique Harden, codirector, Advocates for Environmental and Human Rights, February 13,
2012; personal interview with Wilma Subra, chemist and environmental consultant, January 26, 2012; David S. Martin, “Toxic Towns: People of Mossville ‘Are Like an Experiment,’ ” CNN, February 26, 2010.

. Living on Earth, “Human Rights in Cancer Alley,” April 23, 2010,
; personal email communications with Monique Harden, February 13 and 15, 2012.

. Personal interview with
Debra Ramirez, May 27, 2010; Martin, “Toxic Towns”; Subra interview, January 26, 2012.

. “Initial Exploration Plan, Mississippi Canyon Block 252,” BP Exploration & Production Inc., p. 14-3.

. Personal interview with Donny Waters, February 3, 2012.

. Monica Hernandez, “Fishermen Angry as BP Pushes to End Payments for Future Losses,” WWLTV, July 8, 2011; personal interviews with Fred Everhardt,
crabber and former St. Bernard Parish Councilman, February 22, 2012, and March 7, 2014; personal interviews with George Barisich, president, United Commercial Fisherman’s Association, February 22, 2012, and March 10, 2014.

. “Scientists Find Higher Concentrations of Heavy Metals in Post–Oil Spill Oysters from Gulf of Mexico,” California Academy of Sciences, press release, April 18, 2012; “Gulf
of Mexico Clean-Up Makes 2010 Spill 52-Times More Toxic,” Georgia Institute of Technology, press release, November 30, 2012; Roberto Rico-Martínez, Terry W. Snell, and Tonya L. Shearer, “Synergistic Toxicity of Macondo Crude Oil and Dispersant Corexit 9500A(R) to the Brachionus Plicatilis Species Complex (Rotifera),”
Environmental Pollution
173 (2013): 5–10.

. Personal interview with Andrew
Whitehead, February 1, 2012; Andrew Whitehead et al., “Genomic and Physiological Footprint of the
Deepwater Horizon
Oil Spill on Resident Marsh Fishes,”
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
109 (2012): 20298–20302; Benjamin Dubansky et al., “Multitissue Molecular, Genomic, and Developmental Effects of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on Resident Gulf Killifish (
Fundulus grandis
Science & Technology
47 (2013): 5074–5082.

. “2010–2014 Cetacean Unusual Mortality Event in Northern Gulf of Mexico,” Office of Protected Resources, NOAA Fisheries, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,
; Rob Williams et al., “Underestimating the Damage: Interpreting Cetacean Carcass Recoveries in the Context of the
Deepwater Horizon
/BP Incident,”
4 (2011): 228.


Harlan Kirgan, “Dead Dolphin Calves Found in Mississippi, Alabama,”
Mobile Press-Register
, February 24, 2011; FOOTNOTE: “2010–2014 Cetacean Unusual Mortality Event in Northern Gulf of Mexico,” Office of Protected Resources, NOAA Fisheries, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,

. Lori H. Schwacke et al., “Health of Common Bottlenose
Dolphins (
Tursiops truncatus
) in Barataria Bay, Louisiana, Following the
Deepwater Horizon
Oil Spill,”
Environmental Science & Technology
48 (2014): 93–103; “Scientists Report Some Gulf Dolphins Are Gravely Ill,” NOAA Fisheries, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, press release, December 18, 2013.

. “Dolphin Deaths Related to Cold Water in Gulf of Mexico, Study Says,” Associated
Press, July 19, 2012.

. Moises Velasquez-Manoff, “Climate Turns Up Heat on Sea Turtles,”
Christian Science Monitor,
June 21, 2007; A. P. Negri, P. A. Marshall, and A. J. Heyward, “Differing Effects of Thermal Stress on Coral Fertilization and Early Embryogenesis in Four Indo Pacific Species,”
Coral Reefs
26 (2007): 761; Andrew C. Baker, Peter W. Glynn, and Bernhard Riegl, “Climate Change and
Coral Reef Bleaching: An Ecological Assessment of Long-Term Impacts, Recovery Trends and Future Outlook,”
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science
80 (2008): 435–471.

. The accelerated acidification is likely due to a combination of human emissions leading to more carbon being absorbed as well as natural upwelling of deeper, corrosive water. “MUCH MORE SENSITIVE”: Personal interview with Richard
Feely, November 20, 2012; SCALLOP DIE-OFF: Mark Hume, “Mystery Surrounds Massive Die-Off of Oysters and Scallops off B.C. Coast,”
Globe and Mail
, February 27, 2014.

. CARIBOU CALVES: Eric Post and Mads C. Forchhammer, “Climate Change Reduces Reproductive Success of an Arctic Herbivore Through Trophic Mismatch,”
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society
B 363 (2008): 2369–2372; PIED FLYCATCHER:
Christiaan Both, “Food Availability, Mistiming, and Climatic Change,” in
Effects of Climate Change on Birds
, ed. Anders Pape Moller et al. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010), 129–131; Christiaan Both et al., “Climate Change and Population Declines in a Long-Distance Migratory Birds,”
441 (2006): 81–82; ARCTIC TERN: Darryl Fears, “Biologists Worried by Migratory Birds’ Starvation, Seen
as Tied to Climate Change,”
Washington Post
, June 19, 2013; DENS COLLAPSING, DANGEROUSLY EXPOSED: Ed Struzik, “Trouble in the Lair,” Postmedia News, June 25, 2012; personal interview with Steven Amstrup, chief scientist, Polar Bears Interrnational, January 7, 2013.

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