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Authors: Sinden West

This Darkest Man (12 page)

BOOK: This Darkest Man
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I finally stepped out from the bathroom, my skin red from the heat, my bedroom
was empty. On the bed lay a simple white nightgown and I gave a crazy laugh
when I saw it. What a contrast from the slutty slave girl outfit from earlier.
This looked like something that a virgin would wear. A girl who would never do
the things that I had been forced to do.

were you forced, Matilda?

slipped the gown on and stared in the mirror.  I may have been dressed as a
picture of innocence, but there was definitely something dirty about me.

Chapter Seventeen

couldn’t sleep. The noises died down and I assumed that the guests had left. My
window looked out on the rear of the house. When I pulled back the heavy velvet
drapes, I could see a manicured lawn lit by moonlight, and beyond that stood a
hedge maze. I stared at it in wonder. I had been in one as a child and managed
to find my way to the center and back again before anyone noticed that I was
missing. I made up my mind; I was going in that maze.

door wasn’t locked and I slipped through it and down the staircase without
coming across anyone. I could hear the chatter of servants, as they must have
been cleaning where the party had been held. It wasn’t difficult to locate a
door that lead to the rear, and I ran down the stone steps and onto the lawn.
The grass was cool beneath my bare feet, but I just ran across it as the maze
loomed dark against the night sky. I paused at the entrance, contemplating
going back, but then I just went for it. I ran, following the path around
twisting corners until I hit a dead end, then turning back and taking another
path. It wasn’t long before I hit the center. It was marked by a crumbling
stone birdbath and it seemed almost an anti-climax. There should have been
treasure there, or something exciting.

turned back. Now that I had stopped, I felt the chill on my skin through the
thin nightgown. I began to run again to increase the blood circulation, but I
kept coming upon dead ends. “Shit!” I swore. I was going to freeze to death in
this damn hedge maze and panic started to overcome me.

I heard. “Are you in there?”

I’m here,” I cried out desperately. “I’m lost. I can’t find my way out.”

you make your way to the middle?” Daniel called.

think so,” I yelled back.

meet you there.”

took it slowly this time, trying to remember the way that I had come. Before
long, that old bird bath was in view and I gave a sigh of relief. A few seconds
later, Daniel appeared. He still wore his tuxedo but the tie was loose around
his neck.

frowned at me. “What the hell were you thinking? Why would you go into a maze
in the dark?”

don’t care about the dark,” I told him.

gave a nod and his face actually cracked into a smile. “That’s right. It
doesn’t scare you, does it?” He removed his jacket and placed it over my shoulders.
I smiled at him gratefully; I hadn’t realized how cold I was. He looked down at
my bare feet. “You could have at least worn shoes, or proper clothes.”

didn’t give me any.”

stared at me then gave a nod. “I guess that I didn’t.”

took a step closer to him. “Are you going to despise me forever?” I asked
softly, lifting a hand to touch his cheek as he watched me warily. “Will you
ever be that man from the farmhouse again?”

grabbed my wrist like my touch burned him. “Stop it, Mattie. I’m not that guy,
it was just a game. None of it was real. I’m not your fairytale hero. I’m not
going to rescue you or turn your life into something good. I’m just a guy who’s
sick of his family getting fucked over by yours, and I get off on sexually
humiliating you. That’s it. Don’t read more into this than there is.” He still
didn’t let go of my wrist, nor move his eyes from mine.

gave a laugh. “There’s my answer.” With my free hand I reached over to cup his
groin, rubbing it with my hand and feeling him harden.

are you doing, Mattie?” His voice was controlled.

you only like to fuck in public?” I rubbed in harder.

know that I fuck anywhere, good girl.”

Then I want to you to fuck me here while you tell me about yet another atrocity
my family has inflicted on yours.” I smirked. “It might help me to cum,” I said

gave a laugh. “Look at you, growing balls finally.” And with that, he roughly
shoved me back into the hedge, his hand immediately pushing up my nightdress,
baring my thighs, then pussy, all the way up so my breasts were full and hard
in the cold air and the moonlight. The hedge roughly scratched my back and
bottom, but I didn’t mind. The pain spurred me on.

kissed him hard while I freed him from his pants, relishing it as he squeezed
at my breasts. He entered my quickly, gripping my bare ass with claw-like
hands. I yelped with pain, and then wrapped my legs around him and pulling him
even closer to me. “Fuck me,” I whispered into his ear with a raw voice. He
pounded me even harder and I cried out, closing my eyes as so many sensations
went through me.

want a story?” he grunted. “There once was a girl named Mae, fresh off the
boat, no family and friendless, prospects weren’t looking good for Mae. All she
had going for her was a pretty face. She got a job as a maid with a certain Mr.
Larsen and she thought that things were looking up for her, after all he was
the one of the wealthiest men in the area at the time.” His voice shook at he
kept thrusting into me. “But unfortunately for poor Mae, her new employer was a
depraved individual. He turned Mae into his personal plaything, and she
couldn’t go anywhere, she had no money, so she was at the mercy of this Mr.
Larsen. And then he married her, that took everyone by surprised, but he’d
knocked her up so what could he do? She lost the baby not long after it was
born, so not only was she devastated, she was also owned by Mr. Larsen.”

was hard to concentrate with the hedge scratching into me and the delicious
feeling of being filled completely by Daniel, but I took in his words
regardless. “More,” I said in a strangled voice, although I wasn’t sure if I
were urging him on to keep screwing me or to keep talking. He did both.

poor Mae met a young man from the old country. He was handsome and charming,
known as a real player. But he wasn’t like that with Mae, he fell in love with
her fairly quickly and soon they were talking about running away together. But
before that could happen, Mae disappeared. Larsen said she’d left him, but her
lover knew that wasn’t true and that he’d done something to her, of course, no
one official cared enough to look into it. And the lover turned into a violent
drunk. He married a woman he didn’t love and beat her and their children,
starting a legacy that had spurned violent drunk after violent drunk in each

came, shaking and jerking to the awful story as he let me down. My mind in a
haze of lust with a poor girl trapped in a wall just on the edge of my
consciousness. “That’s awful,” I told him when I could speak. Luckily, his
hands were on my hips holding me up. “But you’re wrong.”

what?” He sounded like he was struggling to get his voice back.

family wasn’t violent because of anything anyone did. That’s how they
to be. Look at me? I’m not cruel, and I should be. The people in my life who
were supposed to care for me treated me like crap, but I don’t follow their
lead. I’m not like them.”

reached up and cupped my face. “Mattie…maybe you should be.”

stepped back, away from his reach and shaking my head. “No. I don’t want to be
like you people. You think that you can treat every how you like just because
you have money and power.” I pulled down my nightdress and pulled his jacket
tighter around me, and started walking away.

jogged after me. “You may not want to
me, but you certainly
me.” I rolled my eyes at his arrogance, and then looked at him in surprise when
he took my hand. “You need me or you’ll get lost, remember?”  I wanted to tell
him that I already was lost, and that was partly because of him.

what other things have my family done to yours?” I said instead, following him
as he led us around turns in the maze with confidence.

a tale for another day.”

stopped, pulling back from him but he wouldn’t let go of my hand. “No. You said
I could leave tomorrow.”

smiled, his teeth glittering in the moonlight. “You can. But it doesn’t mean
that I haven’t finished playing with you, Mattie.”

I could speak, he continued pulling me along and I didn’t resist as he led us
effortlessly out of the maze. He still did not release my hand as we walked up
to the house, and then up the staircase. Once in my bedroom, he closed the door
behind us. I stared at him, waiting for him to leave or to speak. But he did
neither. Instead, he walked over to me, cupping my face in his hands and kissed
me deeply. Instantly, my body responded and my arms went around him. He pulled
off his jacket from my shoulders and let it fall to the floor, kissing me all
the while. Then he took the thin nightgown in his hands and tore it in two,
letting it flutter down to our feet and exposing me in all my nakedness.

what I was dying to do in the farmhouse,” he said between kisses, as his teeth
nipped at my bottom lip. Then he turned me so we were facing the full-length
mirror; him still fully clothed and me naked as he began to kiss my neck. My
eyes were glued to our image and I had never believed that I could look as sexy
as I did right at that moment.

me, what part did you enjoy most about this weekend?” he murmured as he nipped
at my neck. My mouth was dry, and part of me wanted to scream that I had
enjoyed nothing that he had forced me to endure. But we both knew that that
would be a lie. He laughed as I remained silent. “Why are you still so shy
around me?” His kissed the base of my throat and it sent a delicious tingle
through me.

entered me from behind while his hands stroked between my legs. It was a fast and
furious coupling that had me cursing as I came while he clutched at my breasts
and screwed me hard. Afterward, we both collapsed into the bed. We didn’t
cuddle or touch, instead we lay side by side with barely an inch separating us
and it was easy to pretend that were different people.

Chapter Eighteen

was gone in the morning and I was left alone in a cold, empty bed in an even
colder house. I blinked and tried to remember if what had happened the night
before had actually even occurred. Flashes of me trapped in the stocks, being
touched by strangers and brought to orgasm by Daniel came back to me.  Shame
sat at the edge of my mind, but more than that, excitement.

now he was gone and disappointment tugged at me. Margaret opened the door
without knocking and swept in with a breakfast tray. I pulled the sheet up to
cover my nudity as well as the love bites that marked my breasts and neck.

Daniel?” I asked her as she arranged the tray in front of me.

gone back to the city. He’s a busy man and can’t play all the time,” she said
curtly, her eyes going to the torn nightgown that lay on the floor. She briskly
picked it up and oddly I felt embarrassed, although I shouldn’t have, not with
everything that had happened.

up and eat your breakfast. You’ll be returned home this morning.” She went to
move through the door.

he leave a message for me?” I called to her, trying to hide the apprehension in
my voice.

turned to look at me with her stony eyes. “No.” She closed the door behind her,
leaving me alone. I couldn’t eat the food. It was frustrating that I was upset
that he hadn’t left a message for me; that he had left at all. I shouldn’t have
felt like that. He was not a nice man and was upfront about his cruel
intentions. Then again, Josh wasn’t a nice man either. Maybe I was one of the
women who got off on that kind of thing, I thought with disgust. Still…the
memory of having him in my mouth, him using me, sent a spasm of pleasure
through my vagina and I found myself rubbing my thighs together to continue
that feeling.

thrust the tray aside and threw off the sheets so my marked body was visible.
My nipples were already hard and when I touched myself between my legs, I found
wetness there. I started to stroke myself, remembering the torturous teasing of
the night before. Only now I could touch myself and bring myself to that
thrilling climax. I let out a low moan as I got closer, squeezing my breasts
with one hands while the other rubbed harder at my clit.

door opened and I froze. Margaret stood there, looking down at me. “Dear,” she
said, “you really are like a bitch on heat, aren’t you?”

flushed and pulled the sheet back over me in shame. She gave something that may
have been an amused smile as she placed the folded garments on the bed. I
couldn’t speak to her, nor did I want to. I just stayed hidden under the sheet
until she left. I couldn’t continue after that.

promised, I was delivered right to my door in freshly laundered clothes and not
a hair out of place. No one would have guessed that I had spent the weekend as
little more than a sex slave. As I opened the door to my apartment, I held my
breath, hoping for some message from Daniel to be waiting inside for me. But
there was nothing.

was hard to sleep that night. It was like my body was wired with desire and
much of the night was spent with me tossing and turning and trying to bring
myself to orgasm. I found that I only could if I fantasized about being watched
and humiliated. After I would come down from my climax, then the shame of how
dirty and disgusting it was would hit me.

next morning, I dragged myself out of bed for work. Even though all I really
wanted was to hide in my apartment. Still half asleep, I went into my usual
coffee shop for my desperately needed shot of caffeine. They had to call my
name three times before I registered that my order was ready. As I made my way
up to the counter, I was confronted with the grinning gorgeous face of the sex
boy, Colt.

Matilda,” he greeted as he passed me my coffee.

I mumbled; my hand shaking as I took it. I tried to leave but he gripped my
wrist and leaned over to whisper in my ear.

seriously have the best tasting pussy that I’ve ever had,” he whispered in his
sexy voice. I felt my cheeks heat and to my horror, tears began to prick in my
eyes painfully. He leaned back from me with that cocky grin on his face, then
he saw my tears and the grin dropped. “Hey, it’s okay. That was a compliment,”
he said softly.

know, I just…” My throat was thick with threatening sobs now.

going on my break now,” Colt called to a co-worker, and then he rounded the
counter and put his arm around my waist and guided me through a door that led
to a storage room. I felt pathetically grateful for being taken away other
people. I hated anyone seeing me cry. “Are you okay?” he asked once the door
was securely closed. “Sorry, that was stupid thing to say.”

shook my head, wiping at my face and feeling slightly more under control. “No,
it’s fine. It’s just me. I find this all so…confusing. I shouldn’t like it, but
I do.”

wiped a strand of hair free from my face. “If you enjoy it, then it can’t be
bad, right? Just go with it. You’re not doing anything wrong.”

was the problem though. It was wrong. I was the victim of a sadistic man and
should have been standing my ground and shouting about women’s right and
dignity. Instead, I had become his willing toy.
Poor, pathetic Matilda.

know.” I stepped back from him. “I’d better get to work.”

Are you sure that you’re gonna be all right?” he asked, concern showing on his

forced a smile and nodded. “Yeah. I’ll be fine. Thank you, Colt.”

grin was back. “You’re welcome, Matilda.”

made it just on time to work and could feel my supervisor’s disapproving eyes
on me. She seemed to find a lot of fault with my work and I felt myself nearly
begin to shake every time she approached me. The day dragged on uneventfully,
and so did the rest of the week. There was no word from Daniel, and the
sensible part of my brain told me that I should have been feeling relieved that
no one would be humiliating me. But it was still my disgusting fantasy as I
brought myself to climax each night.

spoke to Erin and acted like I was happy. There was no way that I could ever
tell her about any of the things that had happened. I couldn’t bear to say it
out loud and see her disapproval.

was on Friday when the package arrived at my door not long after I had arrived
home and kicked off my shoes. The man who delivered it was unsmiling and wore a
suit, this was no ordinary deliveryman. The huge box was pale pink with a
matching ribbon around it. For a moment, I thought about not opening it, but
then I took a breath and pulled at the ribbon and lifted the top off of it.

first thing that I pulled out was a wig made of tumbling golden curls. Beneath
that was a dress in a pale blue fabric. The top was modest, in fact there was
nothing revealing about it at all. The skirt however, was short and stiff with
petticoats sewn into it to keep it flared out. There were matching panties,
which was fortunate since all of me below the waist would be on display.

accompanying card said nothing but the time that I would be picked up at. With
dismay, I looked at the dress. I would look absolutely ridiculous. I kept
arguing with myself like I had an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the
other. The devil won and I proceeded to dress.

looked like an overgrown child. My unfettered breasts looked obscene in the
dress that would have been better suited to a young girl. The puffed sleeves,
the petticoats, the ribbon in the wig…I cringed when I wondered what Daniel had
in mind tonight. Although, with the wig on, I did look like a different person,
and surely no one would recognize me like this.

by now familiar driver arrived right on time, and again spoke little to me,
which I was grateful for. I had, of course, worn my coat again and I hugged it
around me as I sat in the back seat of the car, nervously awaiting the night
which lay before me.

we arrived, I wasn’t taken to Daniel’s office. Instead, I was taken straight to
the wings of the stage. Colt and the others were there and he winked at me.
“Hey, Goldilocks.”

made sense now. I was Goldilocks and they were the three bears. Only they were
the sexiest bears that I’d ever seen and obviously they were going to eat me
up. The kind stage mistress came over and inspected my costume, giving a nod of
approval. “Perfect. Now, the bears will guide you where you need to go. Don’t
be nervous.” She gave me a reassuring pat that I barely acknowledged because I
was looking around for Daniel, but he was nowhere to be seen.

was more humiliating than the stupid dress and the wig. He was treating me like
I was nothing more than an employee. Actually, I was less than that, I was a

on,” the stage mistress hissed in my ear and gave me a push. I had been aware
of the announcer speaking but I hadn’t listened to what he was saying.
Suddenly, I was out in front of the debauched audience. I saw them all, some
dressed, some naked, and they were all staring out me. Hands took me, and I
breathed a sigh of relief as I saw it was Colt.

announcer was still speaking, telling the audience the fairytale.

down on your knees,” Colt whispered.

swallowed and obeyed, not struggling when my hands were pulled behind my back
and securely bound.

your porridge.” Colt placed a wooden bowl in front of me. Whatever it was, it
wasn’t porridge. “Trust me, it’ll make you feel good and relaxed. You need to
eat all of it. It’s his orders.”

I whispered, but I knew already with a sinking heart.

gave me a look of pity, then placed his hand on my neck and guided my head
down. I was to eat like a dog or a cat, and I felt myself blush and tears sting
at my eyes at the thought of all of these people witnessing it. What was erotic
about that?

lick the bowl and I’ll lick your pussy,” he whispered.

hesitantly let my tongue touch the strange mixture. It had a bitter taste to it
and made my tongue tingle. Behind me, my panties were being pulled down, baring
my ass to the audience and I jerked up in reaction but another strong hand
guided my head back down to the bowl. This hand was stronger and I knew that I
had no choice. But then I felt the tongue lick between my butt cheeks and down
to my waiting pussy and all thoughts flew out the window. I lapped at the bowl,
almost as enthusiastically as Colt was licking me. It made a mess on my cheeks
and around my mouth, I could feel the stickiness and at first I cringed in
humiliation. But then a warm, hazy feeling came over me, and it wasn’t just due
to Colt’s masterful tongue.

I’d been drugged

head felt light and all of a sudden, my orgasm exploded. It was intense and
jarred every part of me. What the hell was in that bowl?

I was being lifted up, and taken to a chair. The announcer was speaking again,
but I was too dazed to listen. The chair was a standard wooden rocking chair,
but in the center of the seat was an upright dildo. The bears helped me onto it
so I kneeled there over it, and then they guided me down so it sunk into me. I
gave a moan and felt my muscles tighten around it. It filled me completely and
my hazy brain was amazed that it could feel that good. My body started to slide
up and down it and the bears supported me. God, this felt so
and I
could feel another orgasm building within me. I tried to stop it because I
didn’t think that I could stand having something so intense so soon. I shook my
head frantically but there was no stopping it. I gasped and shook as it rippled
through me.

laughed in my ear. “Good drugs, huh?”

turned my face to him as I was helped off the dildo. He looked so good as he
stood in front of me, hands holding me. I suddenly had this strong desire to
have my mouth on him. I fell to my knees, my mouth going to the waist of his
outfit, my teeth pulling down his pants to reveal his erection.

want your cock,” I said in a hoarse voice, before closing my mouth down over
his length. I enthusiastically worked up and down him, covering him in saliva
and sucking like I couldn’t get enough.

we’re not supposed to…

smiled to myself when he gripped my hair and held me in place while he thrust
into me.

enough!” Daniel’s voice cut through, but I didn’t stop what I was doing and I
nearly whined when Colt pushed me away, turning to fix himself up while I sat
on my knees with an angry Daniel looking down at me.

laughed. I wasn’t sure if it were the drugs or me that gave that laugh. I
imagined what I looked like, wig in disarray and my juices smeared down thighs.
I caught Daniel’s glaring gaze again and gave another laugh. He stared hard at
me, before relaxing his posture and turning toward the audience, giving a smile
that was all charm and ease.

seems that the privileged Ms. Larsen thinks that she’s allowed to have a cock
in her mouth without my say so.” The audience was hanging on his every word.
“But what she doesn’t seem to understand is that she is not allowed to do
without my permission. Eat, breathe, laugh…those are all privileges that Ms.
Larsen should be thankful that I grant.”

BOOK: This Darkest Man
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