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Authors: Sinden West

This Darkest Man (8 page)

BOOK: This Darkest Man
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mouth returned to me with gusto. Sucking and licking at me, and I felt myself
begin to shake, not with nerves this time, but with lust as I felt myself begin
to build. I tried to fight it. I couldn’t cum with all these people watching, I
just couldn’t. But that mouth kept kissing me, my breasts kept being squeezed,
and the guy between my legs kept expertly eating me out.

had no choice.

shook and whimpered, shaking my head in denial, but I came all the same. My
body jerked uncontrollably, moans rang from me as the audience laughed and
jeered. When there was no more left in me, the hands and mouths left me and I
heard them walking away. I lay there, legs spread, panties down, breasts
exposed, juices running down my legs, and my mouth slack.

knew Little Red Riding Hood was so dirty,” mocked the announcer, and everyone
laughed. I tried to move, dying to be away from the prying eyes, but I couldn’t
seem to get my limbs to work or my brain to form a coherent thought. Would they
close the curtains? Would they cover me or just leave me here like a wanton,
shamed spectacle. I was too scared to remove the blindfold, because this would
make everything seem all the more real.

Chapter Twelve

heard a mechanism, and it must have been the curtains drawing closed. I let out
a sigh of relief, and hands were pulling me up. The blindfold was removed and I
saw the older woman smiling down at me kindly.

get you in the shower.”

was guided off the stage and into a bathroom. I was deposited onto a stool and
just watched helplessly as the woman turned on the shower and waited for it to
get to temperature. Then she turned to me and began to remove the garments that
sat on me in disarray. I didn’t even care that I was naked in front of her.

you go. There’s a robe and towel on the rail. Take your time, dear.” Then she
left me alone in the room with my mind racing.

that really just happened? Had I really just humiliated myself like that?  Came
like that? Had I enjoyed it? I stood under the hot spray of the shower for a
long time, unable to comprehend what had just happened. I let my hand creep
down between my legs and stroked myself gently, remembering how it had felt to
have those mouths and hands intruding on every part of me. I closed my eyes and
imagined one of them was there right then. I began to move against my hand,
gasping at the sensations that immediately over took me. I had to steady myself
with a hand against the wall as I wasn’t sure that my legs would be able to
keep me standing. My orgasm rippled through me, leaving me just as breathless as
before and I panted, a lazy smile on my face.

you done?”

eyes snapped open to see Daniel staring at me through the glass of the cubicle.


could see perfectly well what you were doing.” He held up the towel for me, and
I dipped my head down and turned off the water before stepping out. He wrapped
the thick white towel around me and taking my hand, led me from the room. I
clutched at the towel with my free hand, scared that it would fall. Soon we
were in the privacy of his office again.

sat behind the desk and I sat in one of the chairs before him. I was even more
vulnerable now that I was clad only in the towel, even though it covered far
more than the Little Red Riding Hood set did. The card that I had written sat
on the desk. My simple
staring out at me. At least I would get some
answers now.

picked up the card and showed it clearly to me. “That’s not very precise.”

lifted my chin. “I want all the answers.”

smiled slightly. “Sorry, the deal was one answer to one question. Since you
weren’t clear on a question, I’ll pick it for you.”

not fair. I met my end of the bargain.” I forgot to hold the towel and instead
bundled my hands into fists as fury built in me.

rarely fair, Mattie. You should know that by now.”

know that it’s not fair when people like you are involved in it,” I told him
through clenched teeth. “You didn’t need to sell the house and the land. The
debt wasn’t that big, and you didn’t have to sell it at such a low price. I
ended up with nothing. Why did you do that?”

regarded me for a moment. “That’s not the question I’m going to answer. You had
your chance to pick one, and now that time has passed.” He leaned forward
slightly. “Instead, I’m going to tell you why I had your puppy dog Josh bring
you to the club all those months ago.”

him bring me?” I said in disbelief, my voice rising.

nodded. “He’s doesn’t exactly have the status or money of most of my patrons.
It shouldn’t surprise you.”

?” I felt like scoring my nails down his smug smiling face.

humiliate you. His invitation was subject to him bringing you and having a
threesome. He didn’t even blink an eye at having to force you out of your
comfort zone. Even when you were crying and begging him not to make you, he
still wouldn’t have stopped if I hadn’t directed my men to interfere.”

stared at him; open mouthed and feeling like vomiting. “How did you know that?”
my voice croaked.

indicated to the screens behind him. “Nothing is private to me here. Not even
the private rooms.”

shook my head at him. “You’re a psychopath. Why would you want to humiliate me?
Why do want to ruin my life and—”

straightened. “Those are questions for another time. If you want, I would be
happy to make another deal with you on the same terms as before.”

got to be kidding me.” I got to my feet. “You really are a sick snake, you know
that? I’m leaving.” I hurried to the door.

Mattie. I’d like my towel back.”

spun back around to face him, seeing my coat on the chair where he had left it
earlier. I put it on and once covered, let the towel fall from underneath me. He
laughed as I began to leave. “Why so modest all of a sudden?”

didn’t answer him and let the door slam shut behind me. What a sick bastard. I
was still fuming as the driver escorted me to the car. I wanted to refuse his
offer of a ride, but I was naked beneath my coat and had no desire to walk like
that through the city. I sat silently in the back of the car, watching the
world pass me by, but inside my head, all I saw were three wolves all over me,
and a snake looming over us all and pulling all the strings. I had to wait
until the driver opened my door for me, and then I ran from the car and
sprinted up the stairs of my apartment, barely breathing until I had that door
closed behind me.

apartment was cold and dark. I fumbled for the light switch and turned it on,
and when I did, I ceased to breathe. There, in the center of the coffee table
sat a single blood red rose. Someone had been in my apartment. My eyes darted
around me as if expecting a knife-wielding attacker to jump out at me. But it
was plainly obvious that I was alone.

stepped toward the rose and picked up the card that lay beside it.

your next question?
It read. I let it drop to the floor in disgust. That prick had been in my
apartment, or at the very least had sent someone else to break in. He really
did think he was a god. I let my coat drop to the floor beside the card, and
slid into bed, naked and mad.

slept in the next morning. But I didn’t rush to work, instead I took my time
getting ready, not really caring. I even stopped for coffee on the way even
though there was a long wait. My name was called out and I made my way to the
counter to collect it. The barista was a handsome boy of about my age with ice
blue eyes and spiky blonde hair. There was something about him that looked
familiar but I couldn’t quite place him, not until he passed my coffee and
whispered in my ear.

Red Riding Hood.”

spilled the coffee. Cloth in hand he quickly began to mop it up. “Sorry, I
thought you recognized me.”

you?” I said dumbly, still in shock.

He looked around to make sure no one was listening, then leaned in and said, “I
was the one with my mouth on your pussy.”

God, this is embarrassing,” I muttered and turned to leave, but he stopped me
with a gentle touch on my wrist.

That wasn’t my intention. It was pretty frigging hot, right? Me and the other
guys were relieved that you were so attractive. Sometimes the women are old and
not so pretty, if you know what I mean? I guess they’re the only ones who can
afford to stage fee.”

fee? They have to pay to go on stage?” I said in disbelief.

yeah. They’re all debauched as fuck and exhibitionists. Everyone wants to get
up on stage in front of everyone and do their stuff.”

frowned. “So is that like you’re job or something?”

grinned. “It pays well, and I’m good at it, but you know that already.” He
winked at me, and for a second I forgot that I was absolutely mortified and let
out a laugh at his arrogance. He held out a hand to me. “My name’s Colt.”

shook his hand. “Matilda.”

hope to work with you again, Matilda.” He winked at me once last time before
moving away to serve other customers.  I managed to collect myself and my
thoughts before leaving.

the time I actually got to work, I was two hours late. The office manager gave
me a stern dressing down in front of everyone that had me turning bright red in
embarrassment. I had always hated being told off, that was why I was always
such a good girl at school. When she had finally finished, I slunk to my desk
and hid in my cubicle, hoping that my heated face would cool and hating myself
for reacting like that.

was hard to concentrate when all I could think of was Daniel, the snake that
was tormenting me.
But some of the torment you like…

those thoughts made my face flame, but they also made me wet between my legs.
So much so that I ended up going to the bathroom to check that the telltale
wetness hadn’t seeped through my skirt. Could people smell it? Could they sense
that last night I had been on display while a trio of gorgeous men had explored
my body? When I exited the toilet cubicle, the bathroom was empty. I stared
into the mirror. Something about me was different, I
different. I
ran a hand through my hair, messing it slightly, then I bit my lip and winked
at myself.

Chapter Thirteen

worked late to make up for my earlier tardiness, not to mention the fact that I
had nothing to do but return to my empty apartment and eat a meal-for-one. It
was cool by the time I emerged from the office building. I hugged my arms
around myself as I prepared for the trudge home. But I stopped short when I saw
the black foreboding car waiting there and the driver walking toward me.

Larsen, Mr. Hellman is waiting for you,” the unsmiling driver said.

do you mean, waiting for me?” I struggled to get those words out, keeping at a
safe distance from him.

Hellman would like to have you for dinner. With all due respect, ma’am, he
doesn’t like to be kept waiting. We should be going.” He held out a hand to me,
and I took a step away, nearly stumbling.

not going anywhere with—”

driver sighed and withdrew the hand, reaching into his pocket instead. “This is
for you, Miss Larsen.”

looked at him warily, before snapping out a hand to snatch the simple white
card from him.

answer this question after dinner: Why the torment?

stared at the card. That was exactly what I wanted to know, but did I want to
risk playing his games?

should be going, ma’am.” The driver gently took my arm and led me to the car
where the door was open and waiting for me, and I let him without a struggle.
Once ensconced on the soft leather of the seat, the door slammed shut behind me
and I jumped, feeling trapped.  What was I doing? This was a mistake. At once,
my hands went to open the door, but again, it was locked.  Then the car roared
to life and we were moving. The partition between the front and back was up. I
located the button that was meant to lower it, but when I pushed it furiously,
nothing happened. I gave up with a sigh. I didn’t just feel trapped. I

the windows, I saw that we were heading out of the city and that made me start
to panic. Where the hell was he taking me? The skyline soon changed from formidable
skyscrapers to rolling green hills and forest as we ended up on roads that I
had never been on before. Before long, it was too dark to see anything at all.
I took deep breaths to calm myself. This was just Daniel playing another of his
cruel games. It was how he got his kicks.
You’ll be fine, Matilda. Just

I really wasn’t that sure.

the car finally came to a stop and the driver opened the door for me, I fell
out of the car in my haste to escape. The driver was too slow to catch me and I
fell in a heap at his feet on a cobbled drive. His firm hand helped me up. I
saw that we were outside a gothic style mansion. The outdoor lighting meant
that I could tell even in the night that the brick walls were grey. It looked
dour and grim, and I half expected a fog to rise up around it.

you go, ma’am. They’re waiting for you.” I heard the driver close his door,
before starting the engine and driving off. I stared after him in alarm as I
stood outside this scary place all alone. There was nowhere to go, so I
gingerly walked up to the entrance where two enormous oak doors stood. One of
the doors was pulled open for me before I even knocked.

thin lipped, sour-looking woman opened the door. She didn’t give me any kind of
smile, just a near grunt of acknowledgment as she nodded with her head for me
to enter. I took a breath and stepped through into a grand entranceway. The
furniture was antique and the paintings that hung on the walls all looked
vaguely familiar; and something told me that they must have been originals.

way,” the woman said briskly, her long black skirts swishing as she walked. I
followed her up the curving staircase and down a dark hallway as she led me
into a bedroom. It was like we had stepped back in time, with a four poster bed
covered in sumptuous fabrics, and antique furniture placed around the room. The
only thing modern was the adjoining bathroom, which I saw through an open door.

to shower. I’ll lay your outfit on your bed. Go on,” she ordered me.

frowned at her. “Outfit?”

narrowed her eyes at me. “Hurry up. He hates being kept waiting. He gets mean,”
she snapped, bundling a towel into my arms and pushing me through to the
bathroom. Once I was inside, she stepped out and closed the door behind me. I
waited a few moments, before stripping off my clothes and stepping under the
hot spray of the shower. What was Daniel up to now?

showered quickly, her words playing through my mind.
He gets mean…

the time I stepped into the bedroom with a towel around me, it was empty. On
the large bed lay some skimpy, nearly transparent fabric. I picked up a piece,
and all that I could fathom was that it was a very skimpy, see-through bikini
top with a matching thong. Why bother making me wear anything at all? He could
humiliate me just as well by making me go completely naked.

when I put it on, I could see what his thinking was. The outfit was more
humiliating than nothing at all. It provided no coverage at all, while
obviously drawing attention to my breasts and crotch. It was like an invitation
to stare, and worse, it made me looked like some dirty girl who begged for

can’t do this,” I whispered to myself in the mirror. Although, I hadn’t seen
anyone else here except for the sour servant, perhaps it was just Daniel and I.
He had already had his mouth on every part of me anyway, there was need to be
embarrassed in front of that bastard. That was exactly what he wanted, I
registered, for me to be humiliated. I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of
knowing that he affected me, I told myself with determination.

the same, I scrambled to cover myself with my hands when the woman returned.
She cast her scathing eyes over me before giving a nod and approaching me.
“Hold out your hands in front of you.”


rough hand grabbed a wrist and began to bind it with a soft cord that seemed to
be the same material at the bikini, and then she grabbed my other wrist and did
the same.

are you doing?” I began to struggle but she gripped my wrists tighter as she
looked me in the eye.

don’t take orders from
, young lady,” she said in a vicious voice
that reminded me of my aunt. If she hadn’t been holding me so tightly, I would
have shrunk back from her.

I stuttered automatically, the old fear of my aunt returning. I stood there,
docile but shaking as she firmly bound my wrists together with her deceptively
soft cord. I didn’t dare ask her what was about to happen. The last thing she
did was to draw a blindfold over my eyes and securely fasten it behind my head.
I felt my heart beat nearly return to normal once all the light was blocked
out, even though common sense was telling me that this should have made me even
more afraid.

sharp tug on my bound wrists made me stumble forward, only just regaining my
footing as she pulled me along. “Mind the steps,” she barked, holding me with
surprising strength as she directed me down the staircase. I managed to make it
down without falling as my bound hands grasped at the railing. When we arrived
at the bottom, my ear was given a firm tug and I felt the woman’s warm breath
on my cheek.

not to speak unless spoken to, understand? Otherwise I’ll need to gag you. You
don’t want them all to see you drool around the gag do you?


shook my head, not able to speak even if I had wanted to. I was so glad of the
blindfold and the slight anonymity it gave but I still shook with fear as I was
led along blindly. I heard voices and laughing from a distance, and then the
squeak of a door opening as I was led through it.

and gentlemen,” Daniel’s rich voice rang out above the conversations. “Dessert
has arrived.”

up on the table,” the woman hissed at me, placing my hands on a smooth polished
surface, which was warm so it must have been wood. She yanked me up by my
thighs so I was forced onto my hands and knees on the table while titters of
laughter were all around me. I was surrounded. I wanted to run, but could just
imagine myself crawling blindly around on the table as I searched for escape
and losing even the meager bit of dignity that I had left.

were on me, forcing me onto my back and stretching my arms out above my head
where they were somehow secured there. A small whimper of fear emitted from me

adorable,” I heard a woman say. “Look at those breasts. Her nipples are so
inviting.” A hand stroked at my breast through the poor excuse for a top and I
felt my nipple harden beneath the touch.

the chefs work. You’ll have your chance, Lois,” laughed a man.

she’s so responsive,” complained the woman, but she withdrew her hand all the
same. I felt motion near me, and the only garments that I wore were whisked
away from me. Then something warm and sticky began to be painted over my chest
and I smelled chocolate. Then over that, something else was placed on me —cream
perhaps. I lay there in a daze as my body was decorated. I only struggled
slightly when my legs were pulled apart.

Mattie,” Daniel whispered in my ear, and I ceased struggling and lay there like
a helpless doll, waiting to be played with. Something was pushed up me and I
gasped in shock.

get the banana,” called out the voice of that Lois woman.

legs were then lifted skyward, and my bottom was revealed. Surely they
wouldn’t? Who would eat something from there? How disgusting…

strawberry. That’s mine,” said the man. I squirmed and moaned as something
mushy was pushed up my anus. I wanted to die of embarrassment, while part of me
recognized that it actually felt good and there was no pain. If it were a
strawberry, it must have been very ripe. The last touch was a strawberry placed
between my lips.

not for you to eat,” Daniel said, and I obeyed and just let sit there like a
type of gag.

then they descended on me.

felt like a hundred hands and mouths were on me. My breasts were licked and
nipped as my nipples formed painfully hard peaks. My lower torso was twisted
upward so my hips were off the table and a mouth began to eat at the banana
inserted between my legs, while another mouth attacked and sucked at the
strawberry. The sensations were everywhere and I shivered, no longer with fear
but with lust as my body was treated like a platter. These people took and
treated me like I was a mere object, and I moaned around my strawberry, amazed
that the mouth on my anus could be so electric, that the tongue could make me
jerk uncontrollably and begin to drool around the strawberry in my mouth. I
couldn’t help it, I bit down on it. As I did, another mouth dived down and
stole it from me, kissing me and crushing the juices so they slid down my
throat and smeared across my skin.

kissed back viciously. Was it Daniel? It had to be Daniel. I carried the
thought of him in my head as I came, a slave to these debauched and wanton
people. He kept kissing me as I climaxed violently, even when I could no longer
kiss back because my mouth was slack and my body exhausted. He took ownership
of my mouth just like he had taken ownership of…me? No, that couldn’t be true,
and my mind was too fuzzy to think about that concerning idea.

some stage, his mouth moved from mine and I was helped from that table, firm
hands grasped me and kept me upright even though my legs had turned to jelly.
“Mind the stairs,” barked the woman from before. I managed to get up them and
then I heard the hiss of the shower. I waited for her to unbind my hands and
removed the blindfold, but she didn’t. Instead I was pushed under the shower
and my limbs were moved and manipulated as if I were no more than a doll as she
scrubbed at me. I must have been absolutely filthy, because it took her a long
time to scrub my most intimate places. She made me bend over and passed the
sponge back and forth between my butt cheeks. Somehow, this was more
humiliating than having a roomful of strangers grope and use me, and I was
appreciative of the blindfold so at least I didn’t have to look at the shrew.

she was finished, I was scrubbed dry with a towel, and only then were my wrists
released and the blindfold removed. She pulled a white nightdress over my head
and twisted my arms into it, before she began to roughly pull a comb through my
bedraggled hair. I sat on the edge of the bed, obedient and docile, only just
feeling recovered from my orgasm and the events that caused it.

I finally met her satisfaction, she gathered her things together and turned to

his room? He hasn’t answered my question yet.”

twisted her head to look at me, and for a moment I thought that she would tell
me off for speaking out of turn, but all she did was grunt, “End of the hall.
Stay there, I’ll bring your dinner.”

after she closed the door quietly after her, I remained sitting on the edge of
the bed, trying to work up the courage to sneak down the corridor to his
bedroom. But the woman returned with a tray before I could, and only then did I
realize how hungry I was. I devoured the roasted meat and potatoes, and it was
the best thing that I had eaten in a long time. The only thing lacking was

BOOK: This Darkest Man
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