This London Love (28 page)

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Authors: Clare Lydon

BOOK: This London Love
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“Fuck!” Meg was holding her face — that always hurt more than she thought.

Beside her, Kate stuck her head up and peered out of one eye at Meg. “You alright?”

“Yeah, my phone just attacked me.” Meg sat up a bit more and retrieved it.

Kate closed her eyes again and moved to be nearer to Meg.

Meg clicked, read, sighed, then smiled. “She’s okay.”

Kate opened an eye again. “Your mum?”


Kate gave Meg a squeeze. “Awesome.” Her hand wended its way up under the covers, and under Meg’s T-shirt. Kate stroked along Meg’s pelvic bone and slid over her belly button, before settling on her stomach. She raised herself up on her elbow and kissed Meg’s shoulder, then with a bit more effort, her lips.

“Good morning.” Meg kissed Kate right back, placing her phone back on her bedside table. Then she put an arm around Kate, who huddled into her, still half-asleep.

Sex was on the horizon this morning, Meg was certain, but she also revelled in these times of calm that she’d forgotten existed. The sleepy morning moments. Humid skin. Quiet stillness. Hot, lazy breath. Heavy limbs. Foggy thoughts. At this moment, Meg was totally at one with the weight of Kate’s body on hers — Meg could taste the contentment on her tongue, could feel her bones sighing as they squeezed it tight.

Kate scooched closer and opened one eye. “You okay? You’re very quiet.”

Meg nodded. “I’m more than okay. I was just thinking how lovely this was. You, me, the stillness.”

“And no Tanya,” Kate said.

Meg laughed. “You had to ruin our tranquil morning by mentioning her?”

Kate stroked Meg’s stomach again and smiled. “Sorry.”

They were silent for a few minutes, just enjoying each other’s presence and warmth.

Until the baby next door started screaming.

“Well that’s spoilt the peace and quiet. But I can think of a way to block the noise out.” Meg slid down the bed so her head was level with Kate, then proceeded to kiss her on the lips, on the neck, on the cheek, then back to the lips again. After a few seconds she slid her tongue into Kate’s warm mouth. Meg’s heart exploded in her chest, but she styled it out, riding the waves of want as they surfed down her body.

“I could well get used to waking up with you.” Meg kissed Kate’s face again.

Kate eased back and grinned at Meg. “Me, too.”

Meg sat up, before gently nudging Kate onto her front. Then she threw a leg over Kate’s bum and straddled her, running her hands up and down Kate’s warm, naked back, grinding into her with her hips.

Kate was still rubbing her eyes against the pillow.

Meg leaned down, her breasts touching Kate’s back, her breath hot in Kate’s ear. “I know I’m more the morning person, and that’s fine. You just enjoy the ride,” she said. “All that sleep has left me with
of energy.” As she finished, Meg trailed a tongue up Kate’s earlobe and around her ear.

“I love that you’re a morning person.” Kate’s voice was rusty with sleep.

As Kate closed her eyes, Meg pressed her lips to the back of Kate’s neck.

Kate shivered.

A firecracker rumbled through Meg’s body, ending at her centre. She got to work, trailing her tongue up Kate’s back in one long stroke. Kate’s skin was hot and salty, and best of all, it covered her whole body. Meg kissed her way from Kate’s shoulder blades to her butt, nibbling her cheeks, which got the desired response.

Then Meg’s thigh was between Kate’s legs, shifting them open. A bead of sweat trickled down Meg’s back. She ground into Kate, hand stroking up and down between her legs, before eventually slipping inside her from behind.

Kate was so wet and inviting, Meg couldn’t help but groan out loud. “Damn, you feel good.”

Kate turned her head, struggling to speak, her body taut with anticipation. “I thought you said I could lie back and… Aaah… Enjoy the ride?”

Meg grinned and slapped her butt cheek with her free hand. “I lied.”

Kate’s knuckles turn white as she clenched her pillow and groaned again.

Meg increased her speed, with Kate showing she wanted more by pressing back into her. Meg thrust forward as she moved in, out, around and around, Kate moving perfectly in sync, Kate’s grip tightening with every second.

The rush was building in Meg’s body as she picked up her speed. She smiled down at Kate’s gorgeous form, soaking up this moment of poetry. Meg pushed Kate higher and higher, until eventually her body spasmed and she flew over the edge with a strangled cry, sinking forward and then pushing back onto Meg with another cry.

But Meg didn’t let up. She was still behind Kate, still going, now circling Kate’s swollen clit. Very soon, Kate threw back her head and came again, riding out her orgasm to the end before collapsing under Meg.

Meg allowed Kate to lie flat before extracting herself. She then lay fully on top of her, their hot skin mingling deliciously. The sheets smelt of their warm bodies and the moment was captured in slow-motion — it was raw, intimate and blissful. Meg was folded around Kate and she wanted to stay there forever.

They lay there for a while getting their breath back, then Kate began to giggle.

“You think your neighbours heard any of that?”

Meg smiled into Kate’s shoulder. “They wake me up enough, so if they did, it’s about time.” She kissed Kate’s back and ran a hand over her bum cheek. It fitted neatly into Meg’s hand, which she absolutely loved.

“That was… You are… Incredible.” Kate rolled Meg off of her gently, before running a hand down the side of her face and kissing her softly.

“I know,” Meg said. “You make it pretty easy, though.”

“So do you,” Kate replied.

They lay there, staring into each other’s eyes, lost in the moment, their breathing returning to normal.

“I missed you,” Kate said.

Meg kissed her lips softly. “I missed you too. More than you can possibly imagine.” Kate had cinema skin, a superstar smile.

“If we ever have another disagreement, can you do me a favour?”

Meg nodded. “Whatever you like.”

“Just remember this, remember us. And remember we should not be apart. Deal?”

A 100-watt smile lit up Meg’s face. “That’s a deal I have no problem signing up to.”

Kate jumped out of bed and scrabbled in her bag.

Meg frowned. “What are you doing?”

“Getting something for us to sign.” Kate scooched back onto the bed, clutching her wallet and a pen.

Meg shivered and wrapped the duvet around her again. “You’re letting the cold in.”

Kate produced a Sainsbury’s receipt and, using her wallet as a surface, wrote on it.

“I, Kate Carter,” she spoke as she wrote. But the pen wasn’t playing ball — Kate shook it and scribbled until the ink ran free. Then she returned to her writing space on the edge of the receipt. “I, Kate Carter, promise to remember our brilliant morning sex the next time we have a row. We should not give that up. Signed, me.”

Kate offered the receipt, wallet and pen to Meg.

“You really want me to sign a Sainsbury’s receipt?”

Kate nodded. “Yes. We’re incredible together. We should never forget that.” Kate put the pen into Meg’s hand.

Meg signed her name and gave it back to Kate. “You’re crazy, you know that, don’t you?”

Kate smiled and put the receipt in her wallet, before grabbing Meg under the covers. “And you’re a lover of crazy, if I remember correctly.”











One week later, and life was almost back to normality. With Olivia was out of hospital, and Kate and Meg back on, tonight was Vicky’s big party.

“You think it’s going to kick off tonight?” Jess was leaning in their kitchen doorway, examining her fingernails.

Kate was loading the dishwasher, filling the top tray with mugs. There was a waft of fish as she shut the door, and Kate wrinkled her nose as she straightened up.

“Vicky has talked herself off the cliff — or perhaps I should congratulate your big brother for that — and now she’ll be all sweetness and light. At least in front of Mum. Plus, it’s her birthday, so she’s got tons of mates to distract her. It’ll be fine,” Kate said. “I hope. What time’s your girlfriend getting here?”

Jess checked her phone. “Any minute now.”

Right on cue, the doorbell rang.

Jess looked panicked. “Shit, I’m not even changed and she’s bang on time. Damn her.”

Kate chuckled as she heard Jess take the stairs too quick, swear as she hit Kate’s bike at the bottom, then heard the sound of lips connecting.

A few seconds later Lucy appeared and gave Kate a hug. “Big night tonight!” Lucy was loosening her shoulders, as if she were about to compete in some Olympic-style javelin tournament.

“Yep — Vicky finally grows up, age 38.”

“I didn’t mean that — I meant you introducing Meg to the family. That’s a big deal.” Lucy elbowed Kate in the ribs.

Since when did she take over Jess’s wind-up duties? They’d clearly been spending far too much time together.

“No biggie,” Kate lied. “It might have been normally, but everyone’s going to have their eyes glued to Vicky instead — there’s no room for me and my new squeeze. Tonight is going to be a drama-free evening with no heart attacks or tantrums or anything else of that nature. Everybody got that?”

Jess and Lucy both nodded.

“Good,” Kate said. “Anyhow, I better go and get ready. Half an hour till we leave?”



“I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore, Toto.” Jess swiped her Oyster card over the reader and the gate opened. Lucy and Kate followed her out.

“Finchley has its charms,” Kate said.

“There are so many places on the tube that you never go to. Cockfosters. Morden. Epping. Maybe we should have a day where we go to all the places we’ve never been. Drink a half at the end of every tube line. What do you think?” Jess’s face lit up.

“I think you’d spend half your day on the tube, and the other half in dodgy pubs. I’ve told you before — there’s a reason we live in the inner city. It’s got better stuff in it.” Kate scratched her cheek as they began the walk up the High Street.

“Killjoy. What do you think?”

Lucy wrinkled her nose and took Jess’s hand. “I’m with Kate on this one. Take some photos, put them on Instagram, and we’ll see you back at the flat with a glass of wine.” She grinned broadly at Jess.

Jess shook her head. “You can tell we’re not in the honeymoon period anymore.”

A couple of minutes later, Kate pointed out a couple of prime landmarks — the Pret where she’d first bought coffee for her and Meg; and then Fabulous Flowers, which they stopped in front of now, peering in the window.

“Nice display,” Lucy said.

Kate smiled. “Pretty good, isn’t it? Artistic.” An autumnal scene played out in the window, all shades of green, mustard yellow and golden brown to the fore. “Don’t ask me what they all are, but Meg’s got an eye for colour.”

“True,” Jess said. “But while we’re here, can you re-enact that day you fell over on the pavement?” Jess’s shoulders shook with laughter. “Was it about here?” she asked, pointing to the pavement. She shifted marginally left. “Or about here?”

Kate pursed her lips, but couldn’t stop a smile coming through. “Yes, very funny. I’m going to treat that comment with the disdain it deserves.” Kate shook her head and walked away, but was still smiling.

“Spoilsport,” Jess said, catching her up.

“Talking of Meg — where we meeting her?” Lucy asked.

“She’s coming straight to the party, probably around nine.”

“And is she bringing her housemate?” Jess backed away as she asked.

Kate gave Jess a withering look. “I hope so. Because there won’t be enough tension tonight.”

“I thought you said there wouldn’t be any tension?” Jess said.

“It’s Vicky. I lied.”

They hailed a cab, stopping to pick up supplies for the party — beer, red wine, fizz. At the door, they were greeted by Jess’s brother Jack, who was dressed in a vibrant floral shirt. His cheeks were flushed as he greeted the trio, taking coats and brushing cheeks with his lips.

“You’re looking very Noel Edmonds tonight,” Jess told him. “Are we the first here?”

“Almost — how terribly unfashionable you are,” Jack said. “Where’s number four?”

“She’s the fashionable one, clearly.” Kate gave Jack a hug.

“What you lack in timings, you more than make up for in diversity. Three lesbians to add to the party mix - we’re all for equal opportunities in the suburbs.”

In response, Jess whacked him on the arm.

Jack laughed in the way only brothers can, carrying the coats upstairs.

The trio walked through to the kitchen, where the table was laid with a party buffet where surprisingly, not everything was beige. As well as having two types of hummus, quiche, a whole salmon and assorted dips, there was even a cheeseboard with grapes
quince — terribly cosmopolitan. Vicky was busy eating cocktail sausages when they walked in — she had four empty cocktail sticks in her hand already. Cocktail sausages were Vicky’s kryptonite.

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