This Trust of Mine (9 page)

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Authors: Amanda Bennett

BOOK: This Trust of Mine
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His deft
finger slipped under my chin, lifting it up enough that I was now looking into
those captivating green eyes. Everything seemed to slip away from me as his
lips pushed against mine. Our mouths began moving in unison and when he traced
my lower lip with the tip of his tongue, I instantly opened to accept him. He
tasted sweet and tangy, almost as if he had just eaten a lemonhead. Our kissing
began to become more rampant and I found myself pushing my hands into his hair,
knocking off his trademark ball cap at the same time.

He wasted no
time before leaning down and grabbing my ass, lifting me up enough to wrap my
legs around his waist. As I pressed my heat against his now more prominent
length, I couldn't help but let out a loud sigh. My eyes caught sight of his
and I smiled against his lips just before he started lowering them to the base
of my neck. My eyes slid shut as I bathed in his sensual touch.

seconds, I was all but pushing him off me with all my might. I dropped my legs
down and pushed against his chest. My breathing had become rapid and my breaths
were getting shorter with every passing second. I could feel the panic attack
consuming me, and there wasn't anything he or I could do to stop it.

He took a
step towards me and all I could do was hold him back at arms length. My fingernails
dug into his chest as my limbs began to retreat and react defensively. I
clutched at my chest with my free hand, willing my breathing to even out. After
what felt like an eternity, I was slowly regaining my composure. I slowly
lowered my hand from his chest, but still made it clear to stay back.

are you okay?" His voice was barely above a whisper, but it was enough to
bring me back to now, to him.

"I'm so
sorry. was nothing."

sure as hell didn't look like nothin'? What is goin' on with you? Is this why
you haven't been returning my calls? Kayla talk to me, please."

I knew I was
going to have to tell him the truth eventually, but now just didn't seem like
the right time. "I promise I will explain everything, soon. Just give me a
minute to catch my breath." I hoped he would. I needed this from him.

always here pretty girl. You know that, right?"

"Yes, I

He reached
his hand out for mine and for the first time since I had met Madison, I
hesitated to take it.

Chapter 11


I had made
the trip in less than ten hours, due mainly in part to the fact that the
anticipation of seein' her was impossible to ignore. I barely said hi and bye
before runnin' out of my grandparent's house and headin' straight to the
school. My goal was to make it there in time to surprise her before she left,
but when I got there, almost the entire lot was empty except for the football

I hauled my
ass down through town quicker than I ever thought was possible. When I pulled
up outside the boutique, I sat in the cab of my truck contemplating whether or
not to even go inside. I wasn't sure if me surprisin' her at work like that was
such a good idea.

Once I
finally made it out of the truck, I proceeded to pace back and forth, willing
myself to go inside, but changing my mind at least twenty times before I
finally opened the door. The minute I walked over the threshold and into that
shop, I knew without a doubt, it
the right thing to do.

I could feel
her presence before I even saw her. Although it took me a minute, because she
looked quite different from when I had left. Her hair was lighter and it had
some bright blonde streaks going through it. And when her blazin' blue eyes met
with mine, my heart stopped, right there in my chest. I swear I felt as though I
had just died and gone to heaven, but all that changed the minute I saw the
look on her face. She didn't seem pleased and I could feel her hesitation in
wanting to come to me. When she did, my heart literally picked up pace and all
but took flight in my chest.

That moment
only lasted for a short while before she broke down. I honestly didn't know if
it was me that caused her reaction, a panic attack, or whatever it was that
happened to her, but I knew that it wasn't the best time to be honest with her.
I knew I needed to be honest if this relationship ever stood a chance, but
right now it felt as though it would do more harm than good. Even if Cami
hadn't found me and Korena in my room, I still would've told Kayla. She meant
more to me than I ever thought possible and there was no way I was goin' to let
some one night stand get in the way of that.

I led her
over to a small velvet covered chair in the far corner, before I even tried to
ask what was goin' on. I tried to pull my hand from hers once she was in a
somewhat comfortable position, but she had a vice grip on it and I was quickly
coming to the conclusion that whatever it was, she needed me. I pulled the
other chair next to her's and took a seat. Her hand was tremblin' and it took
everything in me not to pull her into my lap and comfort her. So I pulled her
hand slowly up to my lips and pressed them against the back of her hand.

girl, are you okay? Is there anything I can do?" I was just prayin' that
she would let me in. Something wasn't right with her, I could feel it in my

She shook
her head no, but didn't say a word. I felt helpless and hopeless all at once.
There was obviously nothin' I could do to soothe her pain away and it made me
question everything I had ever thought I could be capable of giving her.

picking up on my self-doubt, she finally spoke. "It's not you, Madison. I
promise. You have to believe me."

I pulled her
hands into mine and buried them in my lap. "I do believe you darlin', but
you gotta help me here. I don't know what to do for you. I feel so

She slipped
one of her hands out of my tight grasp and pulled it to her heart. "You
will never be useless to me Madison. You do more for me than I think you may
ever know. Things are just, different now."

My heart
jumped and fear raced through my veins. "What do you mean,

don't mean different between us, I just mean
am different."

I pushed my
fingers back through my unkempt hair, letting out a loud sigh. Something
different, now all I needed was for
her to tell me what it was.

someone fill in for you for the rest of the day?" I was hopin' for a yes,
but that wasn't what I was goin' to get.

can't Madison. My boss is already being a freakin' terror today and the other
girl who is our other closer has dance practice tonight, so it's just me. I'm
sorry. Can we get together later?"

seconds, she was up and back to hanging clothes up behind the counter. I shook
my head in disbelief that this was how she was treating me. It had been almost
two months since we had seen each other and almost a week since we had spoken.
If time was what she needed though, I guess I had no other choice than to give
it to her.

I pushed
myself up off the chair and placed it back in its rightful place. When I approached
her to give her a kiss good-bye, she stood tall and placed a chaste kiss to my

call you when I get off."

I nodded and
headed out to my truck. Once inside the cab, I punched the steering wheel a few
times before turning over the ignition. I sped out of the parking space and
hauled ass in the direction of my house. I was at a loss for words. There was
only one person that could talk me down from this ledge, and I was just praying
he wasn't too busy with Cami to talk.

man, what's up? How'd it go?"

like I expected, to say the least."

I would've thought that she would've thrown you down right there and given you
a nice welcome home." He started laughing, but I was just getting angrier
by the minute.

went from shocked, to happy, to having a panic attack in all of about ten
minutes, bro. Something just isn't right with her. I need a favor Glenn."

dude. You know that."

"I need
you to ask Cami if anything happened while I was gone to make her this way. I
need a little insight. She refused to talk to me. She barely said all of three
words to me. Man, I am goin' fuckin' crazy right now."

first off, calm down dude. Did she say she would talk to you later or

said that we could meet up later."

that's a good thing. I'll talk to Cam and see what she says. But I'll warn you
now bro, those two are as thick as thieves. I'd be down right shocked if she
doesn't tell me to mind my own fucking business. I'll try though. Go spend some
time with your grandparents, maybe go by and say hi to her grandma. Just relax,
at least until you know more. Okay?"

I rubbed my
forehead knowing that relaxing wasn't what was goin' to happen. "Alright,
yeah. Text or call me later when you hear somethin'. Talk to ya soon."

As I hung up
with Glenn, I found myself parked at the end of the James' drive. I could tell
her granddad wasn't home because his truck was gone, so it was almost
guaranteed that Mrs. James was here. I wasn't quite sure how Kayla was going to
feel about me comin' to see her grandma, but at this point, I really didn't

I knocked on
the door twice and then stood back with my hands in my front pockets, waiting
for her to answer. After a few minutes I almost gave up, but then I heard the
latch of the lock and the door opening.

Madison Raine, do my eyes deceive me? What are you doin' here, boy?"

She sounded
happy to see me, so I took that as a good sign that she might let me into
what's been goin' on around here as of late. "No ma'am, I am really here.
I actually just got back into town. I came back to go to school closer to home.
Do you have a minute to chat with me? I don't want to interrupt you."

honey, you are never interrupting me. Come, take a seat by me." She
pointed at the two old rocking chairs on the porch and I was quick to follow.

"So how
are things?"

"I wish
I could say better, but as of right now, things are just okay. I went by to
surprise Kayla at work. She seemed happy to see me at first, but then she
practically had a panic attack after I kissed her. I just don't know what's
goin' on with her."

I watched as
Mrs. James soaked in all the information I was feeding her. I could tell she
knew somethin', but knowing her, she wasn't gonna tell.

Kayla's story to tell, not mine. Trust me, I wish I could. Hasn't she called
you to talk at all?"

really. Every time I try to call her she doesn't answer, or she never returns
my calls. Last time we spoke, she told me to move on."

Madison, don't listen to that silly girl." I could tell she was getting
concerned, but I didn't pry, I just let her finish. "I know how much she
cares for you. She's just havin' a bit of a rough time, that's all. Give her
some time. She'll come to ya." Her small weathered hand covered mine as she
began making small circles across the back of it. Everything about this woman
made me feel comfortable. She was understanding in a way that I had only felt
from my own grandmother.

Mrs. James. Can you please tell her to meet me out by the tree tonight around
ten thirty?"

love. I will personally make sure she hauls her butt up that hill." She
winked and then stood to go inside. "Tell your grandparents hello for me.
We will see ya soon honey."

I waved as I
made my way down the steps and back towards my truck. At least I knew I had one
James family member on my side.

Chapter 12


I was
locking the front door to the boutique when I felt a hand graze my lower back.
I was already on edge because of Madison's little impromptu arrival earlier, so
I literally jumped about a mile high when I felt the cool skin of someone
else's hand against mine. I turned ready for action. There was no way I was
going to let someone get me without putting up a fight. I had my truck key
between my first and middle finger that were in a fist, just like my granddaddy
had taught me. It wasn't the most effective weapon, but it would definitely do
a little bit of damage if need be.

shit there killer. You expectin' a throw down?"

The minute I
heard his voice, the surge of adrenaline that had begun spreading throughout my
body suddenly dissipated. "What the hell are you doin' here Joey? You
scared the ever livin' hell outta me." I clutched my chest as I tried to
slow my rapid heart rate.

I could tell
he felt bad the minute he saw me fighting to catch my breath. His arms snaked
around my waist, pulling me closer to his chest. "I'm really sorry love. I
swear I didn't mean anything by it. I was just havin' a little fun." He
pressed his lips to the top of my head and my fear and anxiety instantly melted

okay. I'm just a little jumpy."

say more than just a little." He chuckled.

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