Those Who Have Borne the Battle (57 page)

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Puller, Lewis, Sr. (“Chesty”)
Puller, Lewis, Jr.
Pyle, Ernie
in military
veterans and
Rage militaire
Ramsay, David
Randolph, John
Rankin, John
Rayburn, Sam
Readjustment Act of 1952
Reagan, Ronald
Record, Jeffrey
in Civil War military
volunteer army and
Republic of Suffering
in Afghanistan and Iraq wars
in Korean War
Vietnam-era draft and
Vietnam War and
women in
Reston, James
Reston, James, Jr.
Revenue for wars
Afghanistan and Iraq wars
Civil War
Korean War
Revolutionary War
Vietnam War
War of 1812
World War I
World War II
Revolutionary War
blacks serving in
enlistment in militias
influence on view of military
revenue for
wounds to deaths ratio
Revolutionary War veterans
attitude toward and treatment of
Newburgh veterans' meeting
Reynolds, Bob
Ribicoff, Abraham
Ridgway, Matthew
Rieckhoff, Paul
Rivers, Reuben
Rizzuto, Phil
Robert Gould Shaw Memorial
Rockwell, Norman
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Roosevelt, Franklin
Army Specialized Training Program and
on attack on Pearl Harbor
on bonus for WWI veterans
on demobilization
draft and
on Four Freedoms
Japanese American internment camps and
on profiteers in wartime economy
veterans'benefits and
war taxes
Roosevelt, Theodore
Root, Elihu
Rose, Gideon
Rosenthal, Joseph
Ross, David R. B.
Rotation schedule
in Afghanistan and Iraq wars
in Korean War
in Vietnam War
ROTC (Reserve Officers' Training Corps)
Rumsfeld, Donald note
Russ, Martin
Russell, Jack
Russell, Richard
Russling, James
by citizens during World War II
military service and
World War II memorials and
Safer, Morley
Sallah, Michael
Sanchez, Ricardo
Saturday Evening Post
Savalas, Telly
Schlesinger, James
Schultz, Joseph
Schwarzkopf, Norman
Scott, Hugh
Scott, Winfield
Scruggs, Jan
Selective Service Act of 1917
Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944 (GI Bill of Rights)
Seven Years'War
Shadrick, Kenneth
Shafer, Michael
Shafter, William
Shay's Rebellion
Sheehan, Neil
Shell shock
Sherman, William
Shinseki, Eric
Shultz, George
Skelton, William
Skocpol, Theda
Smith, Adam
Smith, David
Smith, Elizabeth
Smith, Robert
Smith, Walter
Snyder, John
Society of Cincinnati
Socioeconomic casualty gap
Afghanistan and Iraq wars
Korean War
Socioeconomic class
draft and
volunteer army and
Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument
Soldier's heart
Soviet Union, Cold War and
Spanish-American War (War of 1898)
Spitting incidents, Vietnam veterans and
Spock, Benjamin
Staff College at Fort Leavenworth
Stalin, Joseph
Stallone, Sylvester
Standing armynote 7
American view of
following Civil War
following Revolutionary War note
following Spanish-American War
following World War I
following World War II
mobilizing for wartime
Stanton, Frank
Stanton, Jordan
Stanton, Robert
Star of David
“The Star-Spangled Banner,”
Steinbeck, John
Stevenson, Adlai
Stewart, Jimmy
Stiglitz, Joseph
Stimson, Henry
Student deferments
Suicide among service members
Summers, Harry
Sun Tzu
Suskind, Ron
Syngman Rhee
Taft, Robert
Taft, William Howard
Taxes to finance wars
Taxi Driver
Taylor, Maxwell
Teague, Olin “Tiger,”
Technology, war and
Vietnam War and
Terkel, Studs
Terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001
Tet Offensive
Thayer, Sylvannus
They Marched into Sunlight
Three Infantrymen
“Tiger Force” unit
Tillman, Pat
Toledo Blade
Tomb of the Unknowns
Tonkin Gulf Resolution
Total-force concept
Traumatic brain injury
Trench warfare
Truman, Harry S
desegregation of military and
draft and
Korean War and
MacArthur and
Marine Corps and
Turner, Brian
Tuskeegee Institute
Twentieth Century Fund
Ulmer, Walter
Union Army
demobilization of
demographics of
motivation to serve in
pensions for
size of
Union veterans
United Nations, Korean War and
United States Military Academy at West Point
Unknown soldier memorial
Upham, Jabez
American public's attitude toward
counseling programs for
as elected officials
families of
as percent of US population
public reaction to Afghanistan and Iraq war
See also individual wars
Veterans Administration
Veterans Administration hospitals
Veterans Affairs
Korean War
political and public support for
World War I
World War II
See also
Veterans Bureau
Veterans Day
Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 1984,
Veterans groups
opposing counseling services for war trauma
power of
World War II and
See also individual groups
Veterans of Foreign Wars
Veterans' protest/camp
Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW)
Vietnam Veterans Memorial
Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund
Vietnam Veterans of America
Vietnam Veterans Week
Vietnam War
alleged drug and alcohol abuse by troops
combat experience
drawing down of
escalation of
films about
lessons of
media coverage of
mobilization for
population serving in
prisoners of war/missing in action
protests against
public attitude toward
public image of
racial tension among troops
rotation schedule
tactical plan/objectives
troop morale during
US entrance into
as war of attrition
Vietnam War veterans
health needs of
public attitudes toward/treatment
V-12 Navy College Training Program
Volunteer army
demographics of
retention and veterans programs
Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW)
Wall of the Missing
Wall Street Journal
Walter Reed Army Medical Center
heroic narrative of
meaning/nature of
mobilization in response to
psychological effect of
sacrifice and abstraction of deaths in
See also
specific wars
War Advertising Council
War bonds
War-making authority
War Mothers organization
Warner, John
War of 1812
blacks serving in
percent of population serving in
revenue for
War of 1812 (
role of navy in
veterans' pensions
War on terror
War Powers Act of 1973
War profits tax
Warren, Joseph
War Revenue Act of 1917
War-risk insurance plan
Wars of attrition
Washington, George
on blacks in military
as commander of Continental Army
demobilization and
image of
memorial to
on military obligation of citizens
on militias
response to Newburgh veterans
support for national army
on sustaining military service
Washington Post
Watt, James
Wayne, John
Webb, James (Jim)
Weber, William
Webster, Don
Webster, Noah
Weigley, Russell
Weinberger, Caspar
Weinberger Doctrine
Weiss, Mitch
Weldon, Felix de
Westmoreland, William
Vietnam War and
Wheeler, Earle
“White Christmas” (song)
Whitman, Walt
Why Vietnam?
Widows, pensions for war
Williams, Ted
Wilson, Harold
Wilson, Justin
Wilson, Woodrow
“Winter Soldier” hearings
Withholding system
Wolfe, Thomas
Wolfowitz, Paul
Women in military
in Korean War
in modern military
recruitment of
in Vietnam War
in World War II
Wood, Gordon
Wood, Leonard
Woolson, Albert
Wooster, Robert
World War I
anonymity of those in combat
attendance to war dead
first national army and
mobilization for
percent of population serving in
rationale for
revenue for
war technology
World War I veterans
World War II
air forces in
attitude toward Japanese
bombing campaigns in
citizen soldier and
end of
home front
influence on Korean War
Marine Corps in
media coverage of
military planning for
navy in
oral history of
percent of population serving in
public opinion
rationale for
sacrifice on home front and
segregated army in
taxes to pay for
troop demographics
troop morale in
US entry into
veterans in narrative of
view of soldier toward
wartime production in US note 7
World War II Memorial (Hawaii)
World War II veterans
benefits for
deification of
Wounded Knee
Wounded veterans, Afghanistan and Iraq wars
Wren, Christopher
Wright, James, personal and family experiences note
Wright, Susan
Yemen, US military action in
Yingling, Paul
Zinni, Anthony
Zullo, Rocco

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