Those Who Have Borne the Battle (55 page)

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Wieviorka, Olivier.
Normandy: The Landings to the Liberation of Paris
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The Age of Reagan: A History, 1974–2008
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Wiley, Bell Irvin.
The Life of Johnny Reb: The Common Soldier of the Confederacy
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Wills, Garry.
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Abizaid, John
Abrams, Creighton
Abu Ghraib
Acheson, Dean
Adams, John
Adams, Sam
Adelman, Ken
Afghanistan War
analogies with Vietnam War
authorization for
casualtiesnotes and
cost of
counterinsurgency and
drawdown from
heroism and
nation-building in
public opinion on
support systems for
wounded veterans of
African American troops
desegregation of units
in Civil Warnote
in Korean War
in Revolutionary War and War of 1812
in Spanish-American War
in Vietnam War
in World War I
in World War II
African American veterans
Civil War
World War II
Agent Orange
Agnew, Spiro
Air forces, US
Air warfare, confidence in
Ajax in Iraq
Albright, Madeleine
Ali, Muhammad
Almond, Ned
al-Qaeda group
American Battle Monuments Commission
American Council on Education
American Legion
American Psychiatric Association
Amos, James
Anderson, Martin
Antiwar sentiments
Apocalypse Now
Apolinar, Martin
Appleman, Roy
Arlington National Cemetery
Armistead, Lewis
Armistice Day
Armitage, Richard
Army, US
concern over representation
cooperation with Marine Corps
effect of Vietnam War on
foreign born in
recruitment issues in all-volunteer army
size relative to armies of world
See also
Reserves; Specific wars; Standing army
Army Field Manual
Army officer corps, professionalization of
Army Specialized Training Program
Army War College
Asymmetric warfare
Bacevich, Andrew
Baez, Joan
Bakeman, Daniel
Baker, Newton
Balboa Naval Hospital
Ball, George
Barnett, George
Barry, Jan
Beattie, Keith
Beauchemin, David note
Beauregard, P. G. T.
Beech, Keyes
Beecher, Henry Ward
Berlin, Irving
Bethesda Naval Hospital
B-17 Flying Fortresses
Biddle, George
Bigart, Homer
Bilmes, Linda
Bin Laden, Osama
Birgenau, Robert
Blackwater Corporation
Blair, Tony
Blakely Rifle
Blasjo, Aaron
Blight, David
Bodnar, John
Body armor
Bombing, in World War II
Bonus Bill, for WWI veterans
Bonuses, enlistment
Bonus Expeditionary Force (Bonus Army)
Borglum, Gutzon
Borland, William
Boston Masonic Lodge
Bowron, Fletcher
Bradley, Omar
Braestrup, Peter
Brando, Marlon
Bridges at Toko-Ri, The
Brokaw, Tom
Browne, Malcolm
Buchwald, Art
Buckles, Frank Woodruff
Budget, military and
Bundy, McGeorge
Burnside, Ambrose
Burrington, David
Bush, George H. W.
Operation Desert Storm and
War Powers Act and
Bush, George W.
Afghanistan War and
Iraq War and
veteran status of
war on terror and
Calley, William
Cannons, as memorials
Caputo, Philip
Carhart, Thomas
Carriers, naval
Carter, Jimmy
Casey, Steven
See under individual wars
Casualty gap
Celebrities, serving in World War II
Center for Strategic and International Studies
Chamber of Commerce, US
Chambers, John W.
Chattanooga Times
Cheney, Richard (Dick)
Chiarelli, Peter
Chinese, Korean War and
Churchill, Winston
Citizenship, military service and
Citizen soldier, and American war note
Civil War and
Mexican War and
Revolutionary era and
Vietnam War and
volunteer army and
World War II and
Civilian control of military
Civil War
anonymity of those in combat
attendance to dead
Decoration Day/Memorial Day
mobilization for
motivation to serve in military during
percent of population serving in
revenue for
sustaining military during
See also
Confederate Army; Union Army
Civil War veterans, pensions for
Clark, Champ
Clark, Mark
Clay, Henry
Cleland, Max
Cleveland, Grover
Clinton, Bill
War Powers Act and
“Code of Conduct” for armed forces
Coffman, Edward
Cohen, Eliot
Cold War
Korean War and
Vietnam War and
Colleville-sur-Mer cemetery
Collier, James
Afghanistan and Iraq
Korean War
meaning and experience of
Vietnam War
World War II
See also
Combat fatigue
Combat protective gear
Coming Home
Committee of National Defense
Communism, defending against
Conant, James Bryant
Condon, Richard
Confederate Army
Confederate war dead
Congressional Committee on Claims
Congressional Record
Conway, James
Coolidge, Calvin
Counseling programs for veterans
Count Basie
Counter-Insurgency Field Manual
Country Joe and the Fish
Cranston, Alan
Crapaotta, Lewis
Cronkite, Walter
Crump, Pleasant
Cult of the fallen soldier
Custer, George
Dartmouth College
Davis, Jefferson
Decoration Day.
See also
Memorial Day
The Deer Hunter
Korean War
Vietnam War
World War II
Civil War
Revolutionary War
World War II
Democracy, obligation of to veterans
Democratization of heroic memory
Desertion, in War of 1812
De Weldon, Felix
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
Disabled American Veterans
Disabled soldier/veterans
public reaction to
Revolutionary War era
Dole, Robert
Domino theory
“Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policies
“Don't Sit Under the Apple Tree with Anyone Else but Me” (song)
Doubek, Robert
Dower, John
call for contemporary
Civil War
draft boards
end of post-Vietnam War
Korean War
Vietnam War
World War I
World War II
Draft evasion, pardon for
Draft lottery
Draft riots
Duncan, David
Du Pont, Pierre
Duvall, Robert
Dylan, Bob
draft-eligible men and
of military recruits
Educational deferments
Education benefits for veterans
See also
GI Bill, Montgomery Act
Eisenhower, Dwight
Korean War and
Vietnam and
World War II and
Ellington, Duke
Ellis, Joseph
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Enlisted men, place of
bonuses for
land grants as incentive for
Excise tax
Face the Nation
(television program)
Fairbanks, Douglas, Jr.
Families of service members
Faust, Drew Gilpin
Fehrenbach, T.R.
Feller, Bob
Fick, Nathaniel
Field Manual
Field manual for counterinsurgency operations
Fields of Fire
( Webb)
Films depicting Vietnam War
Fisher, Louis
Flynn, George
Fonda, Jane
Ford, Gerald
Foreign born in military
“Four Freedoms,”
Fragging incidents
Franks, Tommy
Free-fire zones, in Vietnam
Freidel, Frank
Friedman, Milton
Friendly fire
Fromson, Murray
Full Metal Jacket
Funston, Joseph
Gable, Clark
Galena (Illinois) note
Gallatin, Albertnote
Gallup, George
Grand Army of the Republic (GAR)
Gates, Horatio
Gates, Robert
Gates, Thomas
Gates Commission
Gentile, Gian
Gettysburg National Cemetery
Getz, Colleen
GI Bill of 2008 (Post-9/11 Bill)
See also
Montgomery GI Bill
GI Bill of Rights
Going After Cacciato
Gold Star Mothers
Goldwater, Barry
Goodman, Benny
“Good war” concept
The Good War
Gore, Al
Göring, Hermann
Graham, Lindsay

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