Thoughtless Sacrifice (15 page)

Read Thoughtless Sacrifice Online

Authors: Kam Carr

Tags: #romance, #love, #kamcarr

BOOK: Thoughtless Sacrifice
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Here,” Amber
cheerfully said as she placed the tray of drinks down. Vodka
shots-- a Brett special! She took a seat and wiped the sweat from
her forehead.

Hot?” Maxwell

She took a seat and scrawled at
her older brother. “Observant as ever, Maxwell.”

I thought you
were selling this place?” I blurted out. Maxwell glared at me and
then gave his special smile. I had missed that. Opps! I had
forgotten about the game again!

His attention turned back to
Amber.” You’re not selling now?” he asked and I watched as Amber's
face turned sad. She stared down at her hands and her lip trembled
slightly. “We were” she began, “But the plan didn't go the way we
had wanted.”

What plan?”
All Maxwell's attention focused on his little sister. He had
noticed her reaction to his question.

We were going
to sell up, move to England and start a family.” She ran a hand
through her hair and gave a little sigh. “I can't have children”
she looked away but the tears were already falling down her

Maxwell grabbed her hand and
held it tight. “How do you know that?”

She wiped tears away with her
free hand. “I had a few problems, went and saw a doctor, had tests
and well...” Her eyes widened and fear crossed her face. “Please,
Maxwell” she begged, chocking on her own tears. “Don't make me say
it out loud!”

Cancer. You
have cancer?” Maxwell said slowly and amber nodded. “What treatment
are you getting?”

I had
some chemotherapy. I’m just waiting to get the all clear.” She said


“Does Mum know?”

No!” Amber
yelled. “You can't tell her not with all the trouble she is having
with dad!”


Amber sat back in her seat and
looked at Maxwell confused. “You don't know? Mum and Dad are
bankrupt. Dad lost everything, he has a gambling addiction!”




I placed my phone on the coffee
table. It was true... dad had a problem with gambling. My mum had
lied to me. He wasn't joining her in LA. Why? James—my brother, had
paid for her flight and mum was filing for divorce. I guess that's
why she was determined for me to get Georgina back.

I looked around the Villa. This
was being sold as well. Everything he had worked hard for was being
sold bit by bit, leaving them with nothing. How could he of been
stupid? He had always been a man with complete self control.

In fact I had based my whole
business ethics on what he had taught me. Now, he lost
everything... It made it all hit home, everything you had could be
taken from you with one stupid mistake. What happened in New York
had made me lose my wife, that one moment of stupid ness and
weakness at now led me to here.

Yeah, I had Georgina while I
was here but what would happen once we went back home? I couldn’t
end up like my father and I couldn't just stand back at watch his
world fall apart anymore. I was in a better position than anyone in
my family. God! I wanted to slap myself... mum, dad and Amber had
been going through so much and I hadn't even bothered to ask if
everything was okay.

Once again business had ruled
my life and I had been selfish. I had turned back into that man I
was before Georgina Dawson. She had told me on many occasions but I
had never listened.

I ran my hands through my hair.
It was crunch time. I had to get myself and my life sorted out
before it was too late. I couldn't lose Georgina. I had to come up
with something. Something that would blow her away and let her know
I had changed. I had to become Mr Golden Rule again!

I couldn't sleep even with my
wife next to me for the first time in weeks. I grabbed my phone off
the bedside cabinet and slowly walked into the living room. I had
to speak to my mother and I couldn't rest until it had been

I paced up and down as I waited
for her to answer. I had no idea what the time difference was
between LA and France, I also didn't give a fuck. I needed her to
explain everything in her own words.

Hello” my
mother yawned down the phone.


Maxwell, what
are you doing calling? Something wrong?”

No” I sighed.
“Amber has told me everything.”

There was a slight pause and
finally she replied. “She had no right to. You have enough problems
at the moment.”

Let me help

Nothing can
be done. Your father has taken everything away.” I could hear her
crying down the phone.

I can help
you both. I can get dad help. I have the money, mum. Please let me
help you.”

I can't let
you do it, Maxwell.”

I rolled my eyes. It was time
to get into boss mode. “Mum, this is an order. When I get back to
LA I will sort everything out. Tell Jay to book dad a flight.”


Just do it”
With that I put the phone down, my eyes slowly moved to the doorway
where Georgina was now standing. She had a proud smile on her face.
I held out my hands for her, she strolled over and wrapped her arms
around my neck.

That was a
nice thing you just did” she smiled. “I forgot how caring you can

You’re making
me blush” I laughed.

You seem to
be dealing with everything rather well.”

Because of
you” I smiled, leaning back to take in her beautiful face. “When we
met I was miserable, lonely and overworked.” I closed my eyes and
inhaled. “The last year I was beginning to turn back into that man
again. You noticed, told me and ignored you.”

Maxwell, we
all make mistakes.”

I made the
biggest mistake of possible. I 'm truly sorry, Georgina, Please let
me make it up to you.”

“You have already done that

I didn't mean
sex! Let me do something special...”

What do you
have planned?”

All in good
time, Miss Dawson. All in good time.”





I couldn't see anything,
Maxwell was guiding me. The feeling of anticipation was rushing
through my body. I had no idea what he was planning. All I knew is
that I was outside and he had been on the phone all day.

Ta-dah” he
whipped the blindfold off. I stared in astonishment as I looked
around the boat; a table on the far side was covered in flowers,
candles and a white crisp table cloth.

Two men stood either side
dressed smartly in white shirts and tight black trousers. Music was
playing quietly in the background. I looked over at Maxwell in
amazement. He took my hand and guided me over to the table. My
chair was pulled out for me and I took my seat. My eyes looked down
and in front of me was a black box.

Open it”
Maxwell smiled as he took the seat opposite me. I slowly opened the
box and my jaw dropped. I was staring down at my heart pendent, he
had brought it with him. He slowly got up, took the necklace and
placed round my neck. I couldn't speak. My heart was swelling up
with love for this man.

Exactly where
it should be” he kissed my cheek and instantly his composure
changed. “Champagne?” I nodded, I couldn't speak. Maxwell clicked
his fingers and one of the men rushed over with a bottle and began
to pour.

I want this
to be special.” Maxwell reached force my hand. “We are going to
have dinner, watch the sunset and spend the whole night on this

A night at
sea” I smiled back. “Sounds very exciting.” I picked up my glass
and took a much needed sip. It tasted divine and the bubbles popped
on my tongue. I had missed my Miss Dawson champagne

Good, isn't
it” Maxwell smirked as he raised a suggestive eyebrow. He clicked
his fingers again and this both men returned with our

Wow” I licked
my lips as I looked down at my food.

favourite” Maxwell said. “I remember you saying you didn't like
fancy food, Miss Dawson.”

My eyes glazed over with
affection for this powerful man. Only my Mr Golden Rule could treat
me to fancy set up like this and order me jacket potato, cheese and

I reached out for his hand.
“Thank you” I said breathlessly as I ran my fingertip over his
wedding band. Wedding band. My eyes darted down to look at it. He
was still wearing his ring, was he no longer playing the game or
was he just testing me?

The game is
still on” he smirked. “I just couldn't bear to take it off.” He sat
back and his blue eyes burned into me. “It is the only thing I have
that still connects me to you.”

I looked over at my bare hand,
I missed mine. That tiny piece of metal that told the entire I
belonged to Maxwell Thomas. How I loved belonging to him. I loved
waking up with him every morning knowing I was the only woman in
the world worthy enough to be his wife.

My stomach flipped and I
suddenly felt very sick. I had been stupid and childish. Why did I
always deal with everything by just running away?

What are you
thinking about?” Maxwell asked the look of worry spread across his

We’ve both
made mistakes” I mumbled.

I know” he
rubbed his brow and then his magic fingertip traced his bottom lip.
He shifted in his seat and his eyes finally looked back at

I’m sorry” I
pleaded. I really was sorry. I had ripped my family apart. My son
was home without me, Olivia without her dad. Everything was my
fault. Once again I was Miss Dawson who inflicted pain on others.
My eyes welled up and couldn't hold back my tears.

Shh” he said
in a concerned way. “Not tonight... Eat!” he demanded. “You’re
going to need energy for what I have planned.”

And he was right. I did need
energy as we made love three times. That night I decided it was
time to go back to my husband and I wasn’t ever going to let him go



I waited until Georgina was
deeply asleep. I slipped into some shorts and heading on deck with
my mobile. I searched my phone for Jay's number. Earlier I had
given him a massive list of orders and I needed to know if he had
dealt with them.

Mr Thomas,”
Jay answered his voice full of happiness.

Did you
manage to do everything?”

Yes” he
relied confidently. “Everything is in place just like you

What about
the lawyers?”

Jay gave a little chuckle.
“They will meet you at the hotel just like you requested. All you
have to worry about is getting there before 3pm.”

I gave a sigh of relief. The
lawyers were a big part of my plan. Without them the whole thing
would backfire and I couldn't risk that.

Good, if
something comes up please let me know” I ordered.

Mr Thomas”
his tone was now sounding more serious. “Do you think this is wise?
I’m only thinking of Mrs Thomas, this could have a devastating
effect on her.”

She deserves
it” I yelled. “Now remember not a word to anyone. Good night, Jay.”
I hit the end button and clutched my fist around my phone. She did
deserve this more than ever now. Tomorrow we would be returning
home and Georgina was going to get the shock of her




It was time to finally head
home. I watched as Maxwell checked his phone again. Since yesterday
morning he and that phone had been inseparable. Every time I had
stepped in a room he would lower his voice and quickly end the
call. I had a strange feeling he was up to something. I wondered if
he was still in contact with her.

I gazed out of the airplane
window and rested my head against my seat. The last few days had
been amazing. I had been trapped in a world of tranquillity with my
Mr Golden Rule by my side. Now it was back to reality and LA. Then
the dread set in, I didn't know where I was going to go or where I
was going to stay.

I had been hoping that maybe
Maxwell would ask me to move back home, but he hadn't. Maybe after
everything he still wanted to get divorced. I really hoped not, I
had never needed or wanted my husband more than now. I wished he
needed me.

I glanced down at my wedding
ring free hand and the sadness drifted through my body. I no longer
cared about him being controlling or caring about his work. That
was just who he was and I wished I had realized this before. He
loved to own everything in his world and who was I to deny him

My eyes wandered in his
direction, he was still on that phone. I now knew it was most
probably work! A few more hours and we would be home. I hoped he
let me come home.

I wanted get my family back
together. I no longer wanted to work. I wanted to spend time with
Bailey and Olivia. I wanted to change my life and be a proper
mother. I needed to get to know Olivia. I knew she secretly blamed
me for Debbie not being around. I grew up for a few years without
my mother and I could understand how she may of felt. Maybe I could
be to her what Caitlyn was like to me.

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