Thralls of the Dark Queen Part 1: Falling Into Bliss (3 page)

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Authors: Echo Stardust

Tags: #BDSM, #Erotic Fiction, #Lesbian, #Science Fiction, #Novelette

BOOK: Thralls of the Dark Queen Part 1: Falling Into Bliss
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Chapter the 3rd: The Queen

From behind the throne, a woman entered, escorted by a youthful looking soldier. The guard seemed dressed similar to all the others, bare chest, abs and legs, but his garments were pure white. He had feather brownish blonde hair that cascaded down to his shoulders and a boyish looking, angelic soft face. As Echo looked at him, she thought of the pictures of angels in her books.

But Alexia’s eyes seemed too fascinated with the Queen. Pale white flesh, dark flowing raven hair cascading down her bare back, combed back by a silver tiara, supple hips protruding out from behind dark linens pouring down from her silver belt. Supple, thick breasts encased in a tight velvet corset, fastened together by small silver chains. Long elbow length velvet black gloves clung to her arms, cut off at her fingertips to show off her black nail polish. Her hips swayed in step as she walked. Alexia became envious of her a little, as Alexia could not help her hips swaying, but the Queen seemed to relish their movement, each step a note in a slow, seductive waltz.

And she felt something else. A feeling she knew she should resist.

The soldier in white bowed and softly touched his nose to his Queens hand. The Queen bowed softly back before they broke their grasp. The soldier took a seat on an ornate iron chair next to the royal divan. Meanwhile, the Queen took a slow and deliberate pace splaying herself upon her divan, positioning herself to display as much of her naked flesh as possible, but subtly hiding her nipples and sex.

“Your exalted and beautiful highness,” Sulana called out in a booming voice. “The imperial expeditionary force has returned with their survey of planet 724 of the Andares cluster.”

As Sulana spoke, the Queen reached to a small onyx table near her divan, opening a small drawer and pulling out a silver pipe.

“They identified 47 unique instances of flora and fauna, 103 unique cultural and mythological variants amongst the local populations, 72 unique geographical anomalies, and…and….” Sulana found herself trailing off as the queen put her pipe to her lips, taking a draught of evaporated juice that she then blew into the air as thick, sweet smelling vapor.

Sulana knew it to be a sign her Queen was bored. “A-and various other phenomena that I am sure her highness has already read about in the report that was sent to her this morning.” Sulana laughed anxiously.

The Queen rolled her eyes. “You know I haven’t.” her voice was deep, sultry, but resounding.

A small look of worry flashed across Sulana’s face. “P-pardon, your highness.”

The Queen’s head rolled toward the direction of her Vizier. “You know I haven’t read it. It’s boring! I hate boring things! The other one-hundred and thirteen Sulana units knew I hated boring things.”

This outburst elicited a chorus of gentle laughter from the people of court.

The queen turned to the soldier sitting by her Divan. “You know I hate boring things, right my beloved champion.”

The soldier nodded as he smiled.

“And what do I love, dearest Akreon?”

Akreon, the soldier in white, shifted in his seat. “My Queen only loves beautiful things. Yet I know not where she finds them, for there is none more beautiful than she.”

The court chuckled more as the Queen feigned a swoon, then smiled as she took in another draught of her pipe.

Sulana softly closed her eyes and squeezed her hands together before she forced herself to smile and then continued. “Yes, well, I apologize of course.”

“So,” continued the Queen “what gifts have they brought for me?”

“The Expeditionary force has brought back a variety of scientific samples, rare and valuable metals and herbs,’ Sulana gestured to Alexia and Echo lying on the bed in the center of the room, “and, as our armed forces know of our Queens love of companionship, they have also brought two of the planets locals here to serve the Queen’s amusement.”

Alexia felt goosebumps all across her flesh at the word ‘amusement’.

“Lexy,” Echo whispered into her friend’s ear. “What does she mean?”

Alexia looked upward at the Queen, whose dark hazel eyes peered back at her, a finger tracing its way through her raven hair. Alexia shut her eyes for a moment, feeling the Queens eye on her, fighting away images of the Queens flesh against hers.

“I don’t know.” Alexia voice felt dry as she spoke.


Alexia always fought hard against her urges, and even harder to hide them from Echo. Echo was like a sister to her, and Alexia feared she wouldn’t understand. But it was always there, tormenting her like a sickness.

At the festivals back at the village, she would watch the local women dance with their suitors, hoping to attract a husband for marriage. For some reason, she felt envious of all the men, even the idiot ones who tried to win her hand. She envied how the women blushed and cooed and coquettishly fawned over them.

She wished one of those women would fawn over her.

On a few rare moments, she tried to entertain the thought of being with a man. When the bard took her on the mountain, he had kissed her many times. She tried her best to entertain him, tried to let herself be seduced by the witty and strange artist from another land like all the other girls. But in her heart, as his lips touched hers, she felt nothing. No heat or flutter in her stomach. Just the feeling of his lips and the faint scent of rum. And as she gave up, he still tried to take her, provoking her fists to give him a black eye.

But a month later, a travelling gypsy caravan visited town for a spring festival. Their leader, a brazen caramel toned woman in gold and violet colors, beckoned Alexia to dance with her. As their bodies touched in mid dance, the gypsy’s dark eyes meeting hers, Alexia felt her flesh boil and tingle in a strange an agonizing delight.

Later that night, after Echo went to sleep, Alexia stirred, her fingers reaching under shift and rubbing themselves madly against her slickening labia. As they circling along the entrance of sex, she desperately imagined them to be her gypsy, the woman’s hot breath against her cheeks as she whispered her name.  Her fingers stroked faster, finally driving inward as she held her sheets to her body, stifling her whimpers of pleasure as she climaxed less Echo awaken.

A month later, the village elders caught up with the Gypsy woman. They accused her of bewitching the town’s people in vile and immoral lusts. She was hung in a public execution.

Alexia cried hard after seeing her beloved Gypsy dangling there, her caramel toned face turning purple, a hopelessness overtaking her body. Echo did her best to comfort her friend, but Alexia tossed a pan at her, screaming at her to get out.

Echo came back later that night, the two hugging tightly as Alexia tearfully apologized.

She always feared Echo would not understand. She could never reveal that side of herself to Echo. She hated it. She hated how she felt she was committing a sin just by existing.


The Queen licked her lips, her eyes travelling over them. “Mmm yes. They have such exquisite knowledge of my tastes.” The Queen lifted her hand and beckoned the two to come closer. Alexia and Echo did not move. “Oh come now,” the Queen assured thought her soft, bubbly laughter. “I do not bite,” she quickly turned to Akreon, mouthing something to him. He laughed lightly.

The two women ascended the staircase, their hands still clinging tightly to one another. They reached the top floor the stairwell and stood before the darkly dressed monarch. On being closer, Alexia could make out her porcelain toned flesh, as well as her thick black eyeshadow which had the faintest hint of purple. The Queen sat up, the scooted to the center of her divan, patting the two empty spaces by her side. “Come ladies, sit with me a while.”

Echo took a breath, releasing Alexia’s hand before taking a seat at the Queen’s right. Alexia followed suit, flexing her hand, which was sore and clammy from how tight Echo had been squeezing it.

The two girls sat a small distance from the Queen, eliciting giggles from the court. “No, closer, my dears.” Echo and Alexia scooted closer to her, but the Queen pulled them much closer, their hips touching against hers as she wrapped her arms around their waists, smiling as though they were all friends. The Queen gave a long look at Alexia’s face, then turned to Echo’s face. “Oh my, you wear no makeup my dears.”

Echo’s lips opened slightly, words catching in her mouth, before she shut them again. In her head, words from the Book of the Gods flashed;
the painting and glamour’s of the female face is surely a sign of vanity and decadence. Cursed is the harlot who paints her face, for the Gods will cast them down to be devoured by unruly beasts.

The queen giggled. “Well it matters not. You are such pretty ladies without it. Still…” the Queen raised a finger to Echo’s blonde hair, brushing a tendril from her cheek. “….I may paint you ladies in makeup. For my amusement of course…. By the by, what are you names?”

Echo turned to the Queen, her blue eyes meeting the dark eyes of the queen for the first time. Echo then realized there was a light ring of lit violent around her dark pupils. “I am Echo, ma…” she remembered what she always told herself if she ever met royalty… even another world’s royalty. “I-I mean I am Echo… your Highness. Echo Starsmith. And she is Alexia Stormsong.”

“My Queen.” Nyxana sternly corrected.

“E-excuse me?”

“I wish my… guests… to refer to me as ‘my Queen’. It pleases me to hear you do so.”

Echo looked deep into the Queen’s eyes, still enamored with the ring of purple. Was it just her eyes? Did she do something to them?

“Oh…as you wish… my Queen.” Echo giggled, blushing.

“Oh I do wish it… and I wish many things.” As she spoke, she reached a hand around Alexia’s waist. The heat of the Queens flesh radiated against Alexia’s skin, and suddenly Alexia felt her layers of clothing stifling.

“You are very pretty, pretty girls. I take it you both must get many suitors on your home world.

Echo blushed, shaking her head. “I fear not, your high… my Queen. Alexia does. Men always call on her but alas I do not.”

On hearing her name, Alexia turned to the Queen, her green eyes meeting and clashing with the Queen’s dark violets. Alexia suddenly felt as a rabbit in the jaws of a hungry she-wolf.

“Akreon,” the Queen lightly called to her champion. “Which of these two do you find prettier?”

The angel faced warrior looked over the two women. Alexia did not even bother turning to him. Echo looked over her shoulder like she had seen all the other girls do to boys back at the village, subtly biting her lip as she eyed his bare, glistening and hairless flesh. His own eyes danced over her body.

Echo turned away, fantasizing about him fantasizing over what was beneath her bodice. His eyes travelled downward to her rear against the Divan.

“I… cannot say my Queen,” his piercing stare never left Echo “for I cannot see any other beauty more exquisite than that of my beloved Queen.”

He turned, the Queen catching his eyes. She looked over to Echo, then back to him, nodded, and smiled. “Of course, my Champion. So loyal you are.”

“What do you want with us?” Alexia broke in, her voice hard and demanding.

Queen Nyxana raised her pipe to her lips, taking in a draught of vapor. “You are my guests. You are to serve my amusement.”

“What does that mean?” Alexia asked.

The Queen replied by blowing a thick, billowing cloud of atomized vapor juice onto her face. Alexia expected to cough and gag. Instinctively, she shut her eyes, but the cloud felt cool, almost refreshing against Alexia’s cheeks. Alexia opened her eyes to dissipating haze of white smoke.

The Queen appeared through the haze, her supple bust pressing tightly against Alexia’s. So tight, Alexia felt her own heart beating in time with the Queen’s. Their lips were a hair’s breadth from one another, the heat of their bodies burning in a rising heat. The queen moved a little closer and to her right, their hot cheeks just barely touching.

“What,” the Queens voice was hushed “do you want it to mean my dear?”

Alexia swallowed, her eyelids fluttering as her body rebelled in a heat smoldering over her flesh.

In that moment, Alexia knew what she wanted it to mean.

The Queen moved back, her stare intense, almost seeming to burn away Alexia’s clothes, before she smiled once again.

“Sulana,” the Queen called out in a bubbly tone. “They have not yet been processed yet?”

Sulana’s head rose at the sound of her name. “No your highness. I refrained as per your request to oversee it yourself. I took the liberty of having the servitors calibrate the bathing pool in your bedchamber for such a task.”

“Ah yes!” the Queen elated with joy. She squeezed the two girls close to her voluptuous form. “I’ve needed such entertainment and I feel you will need the… shall we say… release?”

Chapter the 4th: Processing

The Queen led the way through the palace, humming a delighted tune to herself as Echo and Alexia followed. Echo was disappointed that the handsome Akreon would not join them, but as they parted, he reassured her they would meet again ‘very soon’.

Echo still felt anxious in her gut, but a part of her bubbled with excitement. She felt as though a maiden in one of her adventure stories, wandering through a faraway land. Still, she knew not how far away they were from home, or what a “planet” was, though everyone seemed to think she came from one. It was no word she knew from her books.

Alexia cursed herself for the tingle she felt in her belly, the fantasies of being wrapped in this woman’s arms as she cooed nothings into her ear. She wanted to yield, to just surrender to the desire. But somehow, she felt as though this might be some warped test of her cruel Gods.

And as she watched the Queen happily swaying her hips as she led the two to her bed chamber, she feared she was failing such a test.

They approached a set of golden doors inlaid with glittering stones in a symphony of glittering hues and color. The door parted and the Queen led them inside.

Her bedchamber was large, vaulted, with a massive circular canopy bed in the center and an archway leading to a veranda that looked outward toward the city. At the very top of the chamber was an open skylight, a beam of soft moonlight spilling down into the room, illuminating a large open bathing pool that bubbled like a cauldron. Standing by the pool were a line of servitors, four female and two male. The females were bald, dressed like Sulana. The males were bald as well, but they wore only white skirts around their waists, leaving their thin, lithe bodies otherwise bare.

“Your highness,” their soft voices sung out in chorus.

“These are our two new arrivals,” she told them as she moved to her bed, splaying her down upon its soft velvet sheets. “It would please me to watch as they are…” the Queen giggled to herself “shown how things are done here.”

“Yes, your highness.” The servitors sung out again.

The Queen took in a breath, moaning as eyed the two women standing before the pool. “My… you look so burdened in those garments of yours.” She licked her lips, sitting up cross-legged on her bed as her moistening sex touched against her soft sheets. “Now… undress them!”

In a flash, before either Alexia or Echo could muster up any protest, the servitors were ripping at their clothes. “W-wait! What!?” Echo struggled for the words as a trio of her servitors tore at her bodice, undoing the laces and not bothering with tact. As her bodice and skirt were tossed aside, Echo only offered stuttering words.

“Please do not fight,” one the females whispered in her ear. “It is for your protection.”

Heeding their warnings, Echo let the servitors undo the laces on her shift. As her underthings loosened, she felt the fabric fall from her body, leaving her naked as the Queen’s eyes devoured her pink, petite frame.  The sordid details from one of her forbidden stories replayed in her head like a holy sermon.
The young and virtuous maiden covered her nakedness, though she secretly longed for the pirate king’s animal gaze to enrapture her flesh.

Echo’s hands flew to her perk breasts, covering her pink nipples, which were cold and hard. She shut her eyes and turned away, feeling the thin fingers of the servitors undoing the braid of her flaxen platinum hair. Though part of her was uneasy, she also beamed with a strange and pleasant joy, as though she were playacting as her an Alexia did when they were younger. Except instead of playing “housewife” or “princess” or “fairy-queen”, they were playacting a bawdy novel.

In her ears, she could hear the Queen groan softly. It sent shivers of anticipation though her flesh at what might come next.

Alexia, in the meantime, felt an entire torrent of emotions. It was useless to deny it, to forbid the raging and impatient urge pulsing through her flesh. As the servitors undid the laces of her shift, exposing her tall, firm and peach toned body, her green eyes met the Queen’s once again. The Queen had unlaced her sliver heels and peeled off her black gloves. She rubbed her bare limbs and exposed belly against the soft velvet of her bed, softly purring as she wriggled and writhed, letting Alexia gaze upon her writhing flesh.

Alexia’s mind and heart raced once again. To the memories of her gypsy. To the purple eyed Queen whom devoured her sanity without even trying. To the moisture of her sex and soft tingle tormenting her belly.

A servitor pressed a button on a gold plated armlet, eliciting a soft whistling sound. A small set of stairs seemed to materialize from the depths of the pool. “Please,” the servitor asked “step into the pool.”

Echo stepped in first, then Alexia. The water held a pleasant warm, their nipples softening as the soft currents of the pool’s jets brushed against their flesh. Echo let out a soft yelp, then let out a moan of relief as the warm waters of the pool embraced her flesh up to her neck. “Oh,” she commented. “That feels rather nice.”

“Yes,” Alexia giggled lightly as a jet tickled between her legs lightly the water only reaching to her shoulders. “I suppose it is.”

The Queen rested on her belly, gazing lovingly at the two inside the water. “Be sure to soak your hair too, dears. And your faces. It’s part of the processing.”

The girls obeyed, dipping their heads under the bubbling surface of the water. Echo ran her fingers through her hair, being sure to soak every tendril. 

The lead servitor touched another button. Somewhere an electronic voice spoke. “Beginning processing. Phase 1: physical therapy.”

Suddenly, the pool illuminated in a soft white light. Echo and Alexia looked around the pool, intrigued by such a strange magic.

Alexia felt something touch the small of her back. She turned to find nothing there. Echo felt a hand grasping her hip, yelping cutely as her body jolted. “Wha… what is…?”

“Do not be alarmed.” One of the servitors said. “This is part of the processing.”             

Unseen invisible hands massaged their muscles, running themselves over their bodies and pressing firmly into their backs and thighs, then into the small of their backs. While strange, the girls began to moan out, the invisible hands seeming to touch all the right places on their bodies, pressing down on little balls of tension in their forms and making them melt. Then they felt soft fingers rubbing their feet, stretching their toes to press against the little aches the girls didn’t even realize were there, only to replace them with pleasant euphoria.

Suddenly, Echo felt the need to touch her friend.

Echo waded over to her friend, instinctively wrapping her bare limbs against her friend’s supple form, sinking her face between into her hot and glistening breasts. She pressed her belly into Alexia’s, wishing she could melt into her friend’s warm flesh.

Echo’s moan reverberated against Alexia’s chest. Alexia let out soundless breath against her friend’s hair, clutching her tighter as both their bodies melted into one another.

“Lexy,” moaned out Echo. “It’s…Mmm it’s….”

“Echo…oh gods it’s… its heavenly…”


Then the currents changed.

There was a tickling sensation against the girls’ feet, slowly spreading across their flesh, like a million little soft tendrils were grinding and writhing against their bodies. As they spread, the pair felt like some of them were wrapping and coiling themselves around their bodies, binding them together tight.  Their hands locked in place behind each other’s back, locking them in their embrace. They struggled to pull away, but the unseen force only tightened itself the more the struggled, until the unseen hands pressed them hard into each other bodies, bellies tight against bellies.

And then it poured into them.

Soft thick fingers of water spread their nether lips while little tendrils of current poured inside their pussies. Echo squealed in involuntary delight, Alexia gritting her teeth, as soft little anemones of water strokes the inner walls of their honeypots. Meanwhile, watery hands roughly groped and massaged their breast, tendrils wrapping around their nipples and forcing them to encircle each other.

Alexia let out an exasperated whimper, opening her eyes and gazing down at her friend. Echo’s eyes met hers as Alexia bit her lip. She longed to feel Echo’s pink tight lips against hers. 
Gods save me! It feels so good! I never want it to end. But I can’t! Not with Echo! She’s my friend! She wouldn’t understand! She’d hate me forever! I cannot corrupt her like some harlot tempting a saint. She’d never forgive me! Even with how beautiful this feels, I cannot…

Echo pressed her lips to Alexia’s, moaning loud into her mouth. Alexia’s knee raised, and Echo wrapped her legs around it, her tender pussy driven to rub itself against her thigh. “Alexia,” she whispered.  “I know…I always knew… I didn’t want to judge you. Sometimes I even fantasized about joining you but… I feared the elders would punish us. I feared the Gods would smite us and throw our souls into the seven hells as sinners. But now…”

She groaned out as a pleasant tingle of sensation boiled in her flesh. “I know it’s wrong! It’s sinful to feel such pleasure… but I don’t care! I don’t care if they throw us both into the Hells! We’ll ravish each other! We’ll torment each other and keep cumming again and again as demons drag us down! Again and again! Again and again! Again and—OH GODS IM!”

A sweet rapture blossomed in her belly as a climax took her, enthralling her in a mad tingle upon her flesh. She pressed herself tight against Alexia, her orgasm forcing her legs to squeeze down on Alexia’s thighs, grinding madly as she cried out, her words devolving to mad gibberish.

Alexia felt Echo’s pussy contracting against her thighs, followed by a warm gushing that spread throughout the water around them. She watched Echo’s blue eyes widened then roll back as she shrieked. When Alexia felt Echo’s tummy contracting, she lost herself, as though a sack of boiling water burst inside her womb. She pulled Echo tight against her, pulling her hair back and ravaging her friend’s lips with her tongue. She wound her legs around Echo, desperate to feel their pussies touch.

Alexia’s rested her cheek against Echo’s face, turning to the Queen.

As the two girls ravished each other, the Queen had peeled off her top, exposing her thick, melon-like breasts and reaching under the fabrics between her thighs. Her left hand squeezed her dark, tight nipple as her right hand plunged its fingers into her moistened canyon of her hole. Her eyes opened to meet Alexia’s gaze. A smile spread over her lips as she got on her knees, gyrating her hips, her belly wriggling softly, teasing Alexia’s eyes.

The pair began to come down from their bliss, but the water was merciless. Little tendrils still wriggled in their sexes, probing like mad to find little hidden crevasses of pleasure to pillage. Echo whimpered madly as the tendrils inside her continued their merciless work.

The Queen let out a sultry moan. “How does it feel my dears? Are your souls burning in ecstasy?”

“Curse you,” Alexia hissed as she held her friend closer, their bodies quivering with sensation.

“W-why won’t it stop? Gods why won’t it…”


Invisible currents grabbed their bodies, breaking them apart and pulling them to opposite ends of the pool. Hard invisible hands grasped them tightly, pining their arms to the pool walls and spreading their legs. Beneath the water, a cloud of bubbles seemed to form about their hips and slither its way between their legs.

“Alexia!” Echo screamed. She turned to the bed. “Please! I need to touch her! I have to! Please my Queen I beg you to…”

Something hard and thick drove into their pussies, unleashing a torrent of alien pleasures inside them. Their screams of ecstasy blended together as an unseen force pressed deep into the walls of their sex. As it writhed, gorging their cunts in sensation, something else suckled on their nipples, their clits, and their anuses. The waters seemed to grasp their bodies, bouncing them up and down, and their tits thrashing in the water. Echo groaned as the pressure squeezed down on her everywhere, her eyes upward gazing through the skylight.

This world had two moons, one small and the other large, currently waxing. Beyond them, a twinkling star field in formations Echo could not begin to recognize.

As the invisible force drove into her sex, she once again felt a sense of anxiety.

It’s not our sky! It’s not our sky! Oh gods it’s not our sky! Oh Gods where are we!?

The force inside her pressed deep, finally crashing against her cervix. Her toes curled, her hips taken by a paralyzing orgasm exploding and imploding all over her flesh. Her mouth opened, wanting to cry out, but nothing came.

Her orgasm came and faded. Then another. Then another. Her vision began to turn white, the twin moons fading from her sight behind glittering little spots.

Minutes seemed to stretch into hours, days, months, years. Endless eternities of their hips ravaged, bruised. An alien terror seized Echo as she feared her heart to burst from her chest from how hard it was beating against her chest.

Echo screamed. She heard Alexia screaming. The Queen was laughing. Echo and Alexia were crying. Echo felt hot tears streaming down her face. As her hips imploded in climax, she laughed, realizing they were tears of bliss.

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