Thrasher (4 page)

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Authors: K.S. Smith

BOOK: Thrasher
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I crossed my arms over my chest. “You’re leaving me? I just ordered a pizza.”

I watched in disbelief as she grabbed her phone and keys and began waltzing to the door. “Sorry, girly, but tonight it’s hoes before bros.”

I couldn’t hold the loud laugh that escaped my throat, and I cursed her name while she ran toward her car, leaving me to an evening all alone.




A loud knock on the door pulled my attention from my laptop. “Coming!” I yelled, hurrying over and opening the door. My heart jumped when I saw Duke standing there, pizza in hand.

“The delivery guy forgot the gate code.”

My hands flew to my hips, and I did my best to sound angry. “What are you doing here?”

He didn’t answer; he just pushed his way past me with the pizza and headed into the kitchen.

“Duke, I thought I told you to leave me alone. I’m not going to keep going back and forth with you. It’s giving me whiplash.”

Still ignoring me, he opened the cabinet with the dishes in it and reached for the drawer that held the napkins.

“What the hell. How do you know exactly where everything is? It’s like you’ve been here before.”

He set the plates down in front of the pizza, opened the box, and placed two slices on each plate. “Lucky guess.”

I shook my head, puzzled, and followed him into the living room.

Duke sat down on the couch, handed me my plate, and began eating. Meanwhile, I just stared at him, totally perplexed before slowly lowering myself down into the seat next to him.

Halfway finished with his second slice of pizza, he glanced over at me. “Your food's getting cold.”

I just sighed. “Are you going to tell me what you’re doing here?”

He lifted his pizza up as if he was toasting a glass of champagne. “Eating.”

Annoyed, my eyes rolled, and I decided I wasn’t upset that he was here, so I should just forget about our last telephone conversation and enjoy my dinner. Half-hour later, I laid my head back on the couch, rubbing my belly. “Oh my gosh. I ate too much, but it was so good.”

Duke grabbed my plate and took it to the kitchen sink before coming back into the living room and stopping in front of the DVDs. “Feel like watching a movie?”

I nodded. “Sure, surprise me.”

I watched him as his fingers slid across the titles of each DVD before picking one out.

I had to chuckle when the title of the movie flashed across the screen:
The Terminator

“What’s so funny?” he asked quizzically.

I just shook my head. “Oh nothing. It’s just funny seeing him in this movie. It’s so different from the person he is today.”

Duke lifted an eyebrow. “You act like you know him.”

I couldn’t help but grin as I reclined back on the couch. “I do. He and my father are great friends. Look, I have his number in my cell phone.” I scrolled through my iPhone, pulled up his contact information, and showed it to Duke.

He began to laugh loudly, his body shaking the couch. “Arnie, you have him listed as Arnie? That’s hilarious.”

I grinned. “That’s what my dad has always called him, so I do too.”

The movie began playing, and Duke leaned back against the couch, stretching his arm out so it was resting behind me. “So, who else do you know?” he whispered.

I leaned in closer to him, my shoulder resting on the side of his torso. “I know a lot of people. The majority of the celebrities I know are just by acquaintance. I mostly have political friends. It comes with the territory.”

He shifted his body and looked down at me. “Political friends?”

Here goes nothing
. “Yeah, my father is sort of the Governor of Florida.” I looked away, waiting for the usual shocked reaction that I got when people found out who I was, but he didn’t say anything. Slowly lifting my eyes back up to him, I blinked, waiting for him to make some kind of remark.

“The governor’s daughter, huh?”

I shrugged my shoulders. “That’s me.”

Duke smiled and fixed his eyes back on the TV. “That’s cool.”

Stunned, yet thrilled with his reaction, I snuggled up next to him even farther and continued to watch Arnie on the big screen.

Waking to movement of my body, I opened my eyes and realized Duke was placing me in my bed. “What time is it?” I whispered, barely audible.

His eyes glanced down at his watch. “Ten after two,” he whispered back, pulling my covers up to my chin. “I’ll let myself out. Text me tomorrow sometime. Maybe we can grab lunch.” He leaned in toward me, his masculine woodsy-scented cologne filling my nose as his rough lips pressed gently against my forehead. “Goodnight, beautiful.”

I softly smiled up at him, still half-asleep, and reached out for his hand just before he left my bedside. “Do you want to stay?”

He glanced at the door and back to me, then knelt down so we were eye to eye. “Here, with you?”

I nodded and watched on as he licked his lips while it looked like his brain went a mile a minute. I stifled a tired giggle and pulled the covers down on the other side of the bed. “I don’t want to stay here all alone.”

He lifted himself off the floor and began walking toward my door.

It was worth a shot.
I sighed to myself.

Duke took the knob of the door in his hand and pushed it closed then twisted the lock. His giant frame stood there, staring at the closed door, and then slowly turned back around toward me.

My sleepy smile grew wide as he walked to the other side of my bed.

His eyes were locked on mine, almost requesting permission, even though I’d been the one who asked him to stay. He was taking way too long to get in bed.

“I won’t bite. I promise.”

A small grin spread across his face. “Close your eyes.”

My brows pulled together in a look of confusion. “Why?”

He pointed to his clothes. “I’m not sleeping in these.”

Disappointed that I wasn’t going to see him strip down to his skivvies, I grabbed a pillow and tugged it over my eyes. I heard the swoosh of his shirt being pulled off his body, and, without hesitation, I sneakily peered from behind the pillow just in time to see him pull his jeans down and stand up in nothing but a pair of boxers. Inhaling deeply, I held my breath, watching this beautiful man stand before me almost completely naked, yet so very clothed. His body was perfectly sculpted; each muscle as if it had been chiseled by the great Michelangelo himself. I was lost in a daze, admiring the prominent
that dipped into his boxers, when he cleared his throat, pulling me out of my own personal heaven.

“I shouldn’t be doing this. You know that, right?”

I rolled my eyes. “Oh shut up and get into bed.”

He climbed into my giant bed and positioned himself to where he was comfortable, yet far enough away so he wasn’t in jeopardy of touching me.

I just shook my head, rolled over, and whispered to myself, “Is it really that difficult for a guy to just sleep in bed with a girl?”

The covers shifted with the movement of Duke’s body. “You have no idea.”




The breeze from my open windows woke me out of a sound sleep, and I began to shiver underneath the covers.

Duke carefully slid closer to my side of the bed, resting his warm hand on my hip. Instantly, it felt as if a heater had been placed a top of my cold skin. Half-asleep, he asked groggily, “You want me to close the windows? You’re freezing.”

I shook my head no and reached for his hand. I pulled it over me, forcing his body to press up against my own. “No, you’re warm enough.”

His frame was rigid so I wiggled deeper into his body. “Relax, Duke. I’m not going to steal your virtue.”

He chuckled at my comment and pressed his nose into my hair, drawing in a deep breath, relaxing as he exhaled.

I smiled to myself just as he whispered into my ear, his breath kissing my skin. “Go back to sleep.”

I nodded my head, a smile plastered on my face, and pulled his arm tighter around me as I drifted back into a deep slumber, dreaming of the man who’d entered my life so unexpectedly and had somehow managed to find his way into my bed.



My internal alarm clock went off at exactly six in the morning. My muscles stretched as I glanced over at the body lying next to me. This man was the epitome of perfection, even when he was sound asleep.

The sheet caressed his ass effortlessly, and I suddenly wished I was Egyptian cotton. He was asleep on his belly, so I had full view of his muscled back and arms. My eyes lingered on each tattoo; I could count three from where I was lying: one on his right arm and two on his side.

The biggest one on his right arm was definitely military-related, having an American flag draped behind a memorial of some sort, with a helmet, rifle, and a pair of boots. The medium-sized tattoo stretched down the length of his ribcage; it was in a different language.
Semper Fidelis
. I’d have to remember to Google search that and see what it meant.
And lastly, the smallest of the three was about two inches under his armpit and seemed to have all of his information in black block letters:

002 02 1984


My curiosity was killing me as to what each tattoo meant, and so was my ability to keep myself from reaching out and tracing the artwork on his delicious body. Before I could stop myself, I lifted my hand toward him and gently placed the pads of my fingertips on to the writing on his ribcage.

Duke’s body jumped just as our skin collided. I pulled back quickly, and he rolled onto his side, looking up into my eyes. “Your hands are freezing.”

I rubbed them together as I moved across the bed and slipped off the edge, hoping that he hadn’t realized that I had been running my hands over his tattoos. “Sorry, I was just going to wake you up to tell you I am headed out for a jog. Feel free to stay in bed. I should only be gone for an hour or so.” I rushed into my closet and began to change into running pants, an old University of Florida sweater, and my favorite pair of Nikes.

When I emerged out of the closet, Duke was pulling his shirt over his head.

“You leaving?” I asked, disappointed.

“Yeah, I have a few things I need to get squared away before Monday rolls around.”

I grabbed my phone and pulled my earbuds out of the nightstand next to my bed. “Well, I guess I’ll see you around.” I was suddenly in a bad mood and needed to escape the walls of my lonely house and concentrate on my run. I stuck each earbud in, turned away from Duke, and headed toward the bedroom door.

His hand grasped my wrist before I could make my escape. “You want to grab dinner tonight?”

I smiled, relieved that this wouldn’t be the last time I saw him, and nodded my head then darted for the door.
I need to get out of here before this man ends up back in my bed.

Exiting the fortress I called home, my feet began their journey toward Bayshore Boulevard, the longest continuous sidewalk in the world and my favorite place to run. It was a little over a mile away from my house, which meant altogether I’d get in about thirteen miles total, a perfect distraction.

I adjusted my iPhone and hit play as my favorite Pandora motivational station blasted through my earbuds,
Linkin Park,
which guaranteed to get my feet moving. The rock music pulsating through my ears set fire to my entire body as my pace began to quicken. I pushed harder than I ever had before and ran as fast as my legs would allow. I passed the first regular, whom I’d usually kept pace with each morning, causing a grin to take over my lips. My feet were working double-time, and my body loved it.

I’d run my entire life, but never like this; each mile passed, becoming easier than the last. By the time I’d looped Bayshore and was making my way back to the house, I was on such a high I couldn’t help but laugh as I finished my run, climbing the steps and collapsing back on the front door as I breathed heavily.
All he did was sleep in my bed, and I’m this worked up. Damn, spending more time with Duke is going to either be really good or really, really bad

After I’d caught my breath, I made my way inside, sending a quick text to Megan in the process.

Up for a mani/pedi and some shopping?


Her response was awaiting me upon finishing my shower.


Yes, on my way now. We’ll grab breakfast first; I worked up quite an appetite last night. ;)

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