Thrasher (8 page)

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Authors: K.S. Smith

BOOK: Thrasher
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His balcony seemed to be screaming my name, so I slipped outside, sank down onto the chair, and propped my feet up on the railing. I lounged back in the chair and tried to soak in the morning sunlight that was reflecting off the water. The birds were chirping, and the cool breeze pushed salty air against my face.

“Daydreaming?” a deep voice asked.

My eyes shot open, and Duke was standing next to me with a Starbucks cup in his hand.

I scrunched my nose and did my best not to sound ungrateful. “Lesson number one… I don’t drink coffee.”

Duke passed me the cup and leaned down next to me, whispering into my ear. “I know. It’s hot chocolate, extra whipped cream.”

I couldn’t help but smile as I raised an eyebrow at him. “Hmm, I could think of a few ways we could utilize the extra whip.”

Duke pulled the hot chocolate from my hand. He scooped me up out of the chair and threw me over his shoulder.

I began to laugh hysterically as I squeezed my arms around his waist to keep myself from falling. “You forgot the whipped cream!”

He swatted my ass as his body shook with laughter underneath me. “Fuck the whipped cream. Don’t need it for what I’m getting ready to do to you.”

A surge of electricity darted straight to my core, and I knew today was going to be an amazing day.



The weekend came and went way too fast. I felt like I hardly had any time with Duke at all. I’d just dismissed my kids from class when I grabbed my lunch and made my way toward Megan’s classroom.

I turned the handle and tried to open the door, but it was locked. So I knocked and waited a minute, hearing stifled murmurs coming from behind the door. My assumption was that it was some of her students, so I waved down the janitor that was a few classrooms away. “Mr. Santos, would you please unlock the door? I think there may be students in Megan’s classroom.”

The tiny old man reached for his keys with his frail hands and unlocked the door.

I thanked him for his help and turned the knob. I pushed the door open and stepped into the room.

Megan was standing in front of her closet, hand over her mouth, holding back hysterics, cheeks flushed red.

“Umm, what in the hell are you doing? Who is in here with you?” I asked.

She sighed with relief as she relaxed back against the closet door before letting out a loud belly laugh, still not answering my question.

So I walked over, moved her from in front of the closet, and pulled the door open. As soon as the closet was open, Tripp came stumbling out, laughing just as hard as Megan still was. I looked at the two of them and gave them my best teacher face, pointing my finger between the two of them. “Busted!”

Tripp threw his arm around Megan’s shoulder. “It appears that way. I just can’t help it. My girl wanted dessert before lunch.”

My eyes widened and mouth fell. “You two just did it?”

Megan slapped Tripp’s muscular arm and began laughing again. “Hell no, I don’t want to lose my job. I was literally having dessert, a cupcake from Wright’s Gourmet House actually. But Tripp started kissing the icing off my lips and… well, you know how that goes.”

I shook my head at the both of them and grinned. “As long as you have a Wright’s cupcake for me, I promise I won’t turn you in.”

Megan clapped her hands together and darted over to her desk. She picked up a clear box with my favorite dessert, a hummingbird cupcake with cream cheese frosting.

Instantly, I snatched it out of her hands and popped the lid open. I took in a long drag of air, relishing in the delicious smell of my favorite bakery item. I collapsed down on to Megan’s chair and took a bite out of my cupcake, moaning in the process. “Oh my God, this is to die for.” I made a pig out of myself, eating the entire thing before engaging in conversation with my best friend and her boy toy.

“So, since you two obviously can’t stay away from each other, I was thinking it would only make sense if the four of us got together this weekend and go out on a double date.”

Tripp scrunched his face. “What? Do you think we’re in high school?”

I shot a quick glance around the room and smiled. “It looks to be that way.”

Megan fist-pumped the air. “I think it’s a perfect idea. We can get all fancied up and go out to a nice restaurant.”

I stood out of her chair and shook my head. “No, no, I’m not in the mood for fancy. I just want to relax. I was actually thinking we could do a barbecue at my parents’ house, maybe grill hamburgers and enjoy some beers. Mom will be in Miami this weekend on business, and Dad has a meeting with some general on the air force base in Panama City, so the house will be free.”

Tripp’s face changed from a grimace to pleasant. “A barbecue I can do. Has Duke agreed yet? If his schedule is free, I know mine is too.”

I slipped my fingers into my pocket and pulled out my cell phone. I dialed Duke’s number before putting it on speakerphone.

“Hey, babe, how’s your day going?” he asked.

A grin took hold of my face. “It’s going great so far. I have you on speakerphone with Tripp and Megan. I invited them to get together with us on Saturday night for a barbecue at my parents’ house. Does that work with your schedule?”

I could hear Duke clicking away on the computer in front of him, probably checking his calendar. “Yeah, Saturday night works.”

I shimmied in excitement. “Perfect. It’s a double-date. Call me when you’re finished with work.” Pressing the end button on my cell, I smiled up at Tripp. “I guess your schedule is free.”

Megan stood on her tiptoes and pressed a flirty kiss to Tripp’s lips. “This is so exciting, I can’t wait.”

The days passed so slowly that week. Duke had an emergency for work and had to fly out Monday night and wasn’t sure he was going to be back in time for our Saturday night double-date; but I wasn’t ready to cancel just yet. Although, by the time Friday rolled around, I was beginning to think he wasn’t going to be there.

As Megan and I made our way to our cars, she popped open her trunk and slung a folder full of papers that needed grading into the back, then closed it shut with a loud thump.
Her poor car
, I thought. She was so rough on them she had to get a new one every year, but then again, those were the perks of having an uncle who owned a high-end car dealership.

“Why don’t we go do some retail therapy? That way, if Duke doesn’t make it home in time for our double-date tomorrow night, I’ll ditch Tripp, and you and I can go out for a night on the town.”

I thought about her offer for a nanosecond before answering. “Reason number ten bazillion you are my very best friend.”

I hopped into my car and hollered out the window, “Follow me to the house so I can drop off my car.”

We both pulled out of the teachers’ parking lot and took off toward my house. My windows were down, chilly air swirled my hair, and country music blasted through the speakers.

When the two of us left the mall, I turned to Megan. “I still haven’t heard from him, and as much as going out for a night on the town sounds marvelous, I really want to have Duke home to get the four of us together.” I turned to look out the window, and my phone vibrated in my lap. I heard his deep voice when I answered it.

“Hey, babe, how was work?” he asked.

Excited, I responded, “Great, but I’m glad the weekend is finally here.” I paused for a moment. “Speaking of, do you think you’ll make it back into town for tomorrow night?”

I heard his sigh through the speakers. “I’m really trying.”

I tried to push the disappointment away. “Okay, I understand. I miss you.”

“Miss you too. I’ll call you later.”

When I hung up, Megan did her best to distract me. “So, what kind of trouble are we getting into tomorrow night?”

I forced my building bad attitude aside. “The bad kind,” I said as I winked over at my best friend.

The next night, Megan and I were getting ready as I slid my feet into my favorite pair of peep-toe heels, admiring my outfit in the mirror. “Damn, I look good.”

Megan let out a loud laugh from the inside of my closet. “You are so full of yourself!”

I posed and snapped a quick selfie then shot back, “I think I have every reason to be.”

Her laughter continued but was unexpectedly interrupted.

“I couldn’t agree more,” a deep voice echoed from the doorway.

My head whipped to the right, and I locked eyes with Duke.

“What are you doing here?” I shouted as I ran across the room and jumped into his arms, plastering kisses all over his face.

His arms wrapped around my tiny body and hoisted me up, kissing me back. “I thought we had a date?”

Megan appeared from inside the closet. “What the hell, Duke. Way to ruin our night out with random guys.”

Duke huffed. “That’s what we were afraid of, hence me being here.”

My body slid down his as he placed me on the ground, and I leaned against him, looking into his eyes. “Well, I better get out of this outfit if we’re staying in.”

I heard Megan groan from behind me, and in that very moment, Tripp walked into the room to join us.

“What the fuck, babe. You’d rather go hook up with some stranger than let me have my way with you tonight?”

A grin spread across her face, and she ran and jumped into his arms. “Of course not! Take advantage of me right here, right now.”

Duke and I laughed aloud at Megan. “Please. Not in my bedroom!” I yelled as Duke pulled me tighter into his frame, leaning down to speak into my ear.

“Change, now,” he demanded.



Dinner in had been just what the four of us had needed. Duke and Tripp had grilled, and we’d all pigged out on blue-cheese-stuffed turkey burgers, corn on the cob, asparagus, and fruity margaritas for the girls.

After Megan and I cleared the patio table of the dishes, I summoned everyone over toward the dock. “Boat time!” I shouted, excited for a night out on the water with the three of them.

Duke swiped the keys from my hand. “I’ll be the captain tonight. You’ve been drinking a bit too much to steer this ship.”

I glanced up at him, scrunching my nose. “My father always says you never let another man steer your ship.”

A gaudy laugh came from behind me as Tripp chimed in, “Your dad is a smart man, but tonight his rules don’t apply. You want a night out on the boat? Duke drives. Otherwise we stay in.” Tripp’s hands gripped my waist and hoisted me up, over the edge of the boat. He set me down next to Duke, who was already in the boat checking everything before we left.

Halfway around the bay, our boat was cut off by a smaller speedboat. It was filled with way too many people, and, from the looks of it, they were all drinking.

Tripp, of course, started in on them. “Damn kids, trolling the waters in their parents’ boat, not paying attention. Call the coasties, man.”

I sat down on Duke’s lap and reached for the radio, pretending to call for help. “Come in coast guard. There are a group of young kids having way too much fun in the waters of Tampa Bay. Come arrest them right now and add their fancy boat to my collection.”

Megan laughed and added in her own message. “If any of them are legal, send them to my house. I’m taking applications for boyfriends.” She winked at Tripp before falling into his lap and kissing him.

Seconds later, the boat flew past us again, and I could tell by the grimace on Duke’s face that he’d had it. He lifted me off his lap and pointed to the seat next to him.

I rolled my eyes and sat down, sipping my margarita as he took off after them. When we finally caught up to them, I stayed in the chair, trying to avoid being seen by the poor kids whose night was about to be ruined by Sherlock Holmes and his sidekick, Dr. Watson.

Our boat came to a complete stop, and I heard Duke begin in on the kids.

“Look, I’m all about a good time, but that’s the second time you’ve almost sideswiped my boat. You need to get yourselves under control, or I am going to call the coast guard to come out and deal with this situation.”

I listened in, curious as to what their response would be, when I recognized one of the kids’ voices. I stood to see if I knew them and was suddenly face to face with a group of my students. “Son of a bitch,” I whispered under my breath as our resident class clown stood up on the other boat.

“Holy shit, it’s Miss Hamilton.” The entire group of them started cheering.

“Hi, guys.” I waved, setting my drink down as I approached the edge of our boat. “Miss Tate is here as well,” I said, pointing over to Megan while she waved from Tripp’s lap. “What are you all doing out on the water at this hour?”

Mikey, the driver and one of my seniors, tried to answer for everyone. “We were just out on the water having a good time. We’re sorry we came too close to your boat. I promise it won’t happen again.” The rest of the kids all spoke up, ensuring me of the same thing, and I could hear in their voices that they’d all been drinking.

“How much have you all had to drink tonight?” I asked, trying not to sound like their mothers.

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