Three Men and a Woman: Evangeline (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (16 page)

BOOK: Three Men and a Woman: Evangeline (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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His head was about to explode. Her pussy was fucking heaven, fitting his cock like she was tailored just for him. He loved it all, the flex of her firm ass as she rocked up to take him, like she wanted every millimeter he had. The wetness that smoothed his way and coated his fingers, the evidence of her desire for him, and of his friends’ taking of her before him. Her needy groans and erotic words.

If she’d been timid about sex up until now, she was getting over it. She was freaking stepping up. “Briggs, Briggs,” she groaned. “More. I need more. Fuck me. Briggs, fuck me.”

. “Yes, baby. I have you.” He pounded harder, hooking his fingers to work her clit more. “That’s it, Evvie.”

She rode him, rode his fingers, his cock. He was no longer holding her wrists, rather, she was gripping him, her hands wrapped around his wrist, clutching, her nails digging in.

“Ahhh!” she wailed. “Ahhh! Briggs!”

He felt her coming again, her pussy spasming, clasping his cock, milking him hard. It was wildly hot, beyond anything he’d ever experienced.

He fucking came, hard jolts of ecstasy torn from his balls. His cum tore through his dick, spurting into her as she rode out her own orgasm, his cock nailing into her even as she bucked hard beneath him.

Groaning, cursing, ears ringing, he blasted into her.


* * * *


Briggs’s muscular body was dead weight on top of Evvie. She’d have been happy to stay there, covered by him, possessed. It was a lovely feeling, the sense of belonging to him, to them.

There was just the little matter of difficulty breathing. Still, she loved it so much she might have turned blue before she complained. But Chase, the one who would have to initiate CPR, was aware of her predicament.

She felt the ungentle nudge he gave Briggs. Felt it everywhere, even in places that should be completely numb to it by now.

She should feel overdone, overfucked. But she didn’t. Apparently, there was a well of sexual desire inside her that she hadn’t explored up until now.

These three men were hers, and she wanted them. Endlessly, it appeared. If one of them recovered enough to fuck her again right now, she was game. She was eager for it.

Maybe it was just the long drought. Maybe any woman would feel this way after eight years. But she didn’t think so. She was pretty sure she’d still feel this way tomorrow, if they were there, wanting to make love to her. And the next day. And the next.

She loved them, all of them. And she wanted them all. She tamped down the little shiver of concern. Perhaps it wasn’t quite fair to think of her mother as a whore, but the fine line separating Fancy Charles from that profession had largely to do with the fact that she was a rank, incompetent amateur about it.

Evangeline hadn’t worried that she’d loved these three since they were boys and she a girl. She’d formed a woman’s love for them on the night she had those single, intensely moving sexual encounters. But since that night it had been a chaste love, a thing she held dear to her heart, like a child’s comforting blankie.

Having incredibly hot sex with them, all three of them, and loving it, wanting it, wanting more, well, that put a troublesome spin on it. One might think that eight years of content celibacy would effectively establish that she was
her mother’s daughter.

Or not.

Briggs rolled off of her but kept hold of one hand. Chase turned onto his side and slid his hand around her waist. Evangeline couldn’t move, still laid out prostrate on the bed.

Giovanni—by the looks of him, the one who might be the first to be interested in another round—lifted his head.

“Were you in her pussy, Briggs?”

Briggs was still gone, but Chase answered for him. “Yeah, he was.”

“I want to know if anyone’s fucked her ass.”

Briggs grunted, “Not quite,” at the same moment Chase said, “Yeah.”

Giovanni pushed up and rolled off the side of the bed. “Goddammit, Ev. Why the fuck did you leave before I was done with you?” He walked around to the foot of the bed. He grabbed both her ankles and separated them. Evangeline shuddered, her body sure what was coming before it happened.

With a strong tug, he pulled her down the bed. He brought her further by moving his hands to her thighs, pulling until he had her bent over the edge of the bed. He held her spread open and he pushed up against her center. His cock was hard again, lying against her pussy.

Evangeline groaned in anxious anticipation.

Something—his finger? thumb?—circled her anus. It dipped in, teasing, testing. His voice was low, dark, when he spoke. “This will go easier for you if you have some lube. But easy or hard, it’s going to happen.”

He made his point with a full thrust into her. Thumb. Definitely thumb.

She shivered, surprised again at the pleasure she took in stimulation of her ass. She lifted her head toward Chase and nodded at the bedside table. “Second drawer,” she said.

Of course he found all of her supplies there, and with a lift of his eyebrow, he showed Giovanni her vibrator.

“Yeah, that’ll be good. Bring that, too.”

Chase tossed the lube over then came to crouch on the bed by her shoulder. His cock was stirring, hanging down nearly to her face.

But Giovanni distracted her. He put the lube right at her opening and shot some in. She wailed a bit at the cold jolt.

Chase appeared to be watching. He knew what was going to happen next before she did. “Go ahead, man. Take her. She likes it.”

Evangeline was breathing hard, moaning even before it happened. And then not just moaning but screeching as Giovanni abruptly shoved in.

He was stretching her. Not deep, but the widest part of him distending her.

Oh, oh
. Chase was right. She did like it. It was so compelling, so owning. She liked being taken that way, liked giving over to their possession.

Giovanni huffed, full of pleasure even when he’d just worked the head of his cock in. It turned Chase on, too. His cock was thrust up now, and he was urging Gio on. “Do it. Do it. Fuck her, Gi.”

Giovanni grunted and followed Chase’s instruction. Slowly, steadily, he pushed all the way in. “Fuck, that’s good, Ev. Fuck.”

When he was all the way in he paused, breathing hard. His hands gripped her hips, his fingers digging in to hold her. “Jesus.”

“Lift her up,” Chase urged. “Let me get at her.”

Between the two of them, they lifted her top half up off the bed. The motion brought her down further on Gio’s cock, and she groaned. Briggs lifted his head to watch and put his hand on his cock, stroking himself. Then Chase nudged in front of her. He held her head back with a grip in her hair and kissed her. He dug in, tonguing her.

Then the sound of the vibrator drew her attention. Her breasts were suspended in front of Chase. He touched her there, setting the vibrator lightly against her nipples.

Evvie jerked and twitched. It was shocking, overwhelming, the stimulation of Gio’s big cock reaming her ass and then the exquisite torture at her nipples.

Her response seemed to drive Gio. He started fucking into her, long strokes through the tight ring of her ass. Even with the lube, it pulled at her, gritty and grinding. He grunted, and she started panting.

“Here.” Briggs got to his knees and took the vibrator. Chase kept kissing her and used his hand on her breast now, light slaps and then flicks at her nipple.

Briggs took the vibrator to her pussy. He ran it over her clit until she was weeping. Gio humped into her hard and fast. They were both nearly there when Briggs took the vibrator and shoved it into her cunt.

Gio hollered, no doubt feeling the vibrations through her body. He slammed hard into her, thrusting deep, and she felt the spurts of his cum. She was overcome, surrendering to the excess of stimulation.

She cried out, convulsing, overwhelmed by it. That big cock emptying deep inside, the touches, the vibration. Each breath was a wail, each shudder a wracking, consuming devastation.

Gio collapsed on top of her, his weight sinking more onto her with each harsh breath. His cock was still in her ass, softer now but still there, still big.

Then, not gently, he pulled out. Or was pulled out. Briggs was there, nudging Gio aside.

“I want it, too, baby. I need it. Let me fuck your ass.”

Yes, she said, yes. She wasn’t sure she’d managed to say the word out loud, but she moaned in helpless permission.

He shoved into her, a long grunt expressing his satisfaction. He humped into her hard, growling all the while, like a caveman claiming his woman.

Evangeline just lay there and took it. Bent over the bed, her legs were really too weak to support her weight. But no matter, that cock up her ass held her, each thrust shoving her up, keeping her suspended. One of the guys lay over her on the bed, securing her under her arms, holding her in place.

That was Gio, because she realized Chase stood beside Briggs, waiting his turn.

They both did it, one after another. They fucked her in the ass, hard, slamming thrusts followed by deep, howling comes.

Evangeline’s body had reached its limit. She didn’t come again, just passively let them have her. But she loved it anyway, loved their hard taking, loved the way they filled her, loved accepting their cum high up in her ass.

In the most basic, base way, they marked her as theirs. And she accepted.


* * * *


Evvie was all but unconscious when Chase emptied himself into her. Clearly, she’d had it when Gio finished in her ass, the three of them working her, driving over the fucking top. She’d collapsed after, done in.

But still, she’d taken it, when Briggs had shoved that big dick of his in. He’d asked her consent, kind of, though they could claim she’d given it only by virtue of the fact that she hadn’t swatted him away.

Somehow, that had been the hottest thing yet, watching Briggs ass fuck her while she passively accepted it, then doing the same thing himself. Nothing had said she belonged to them like that. Nothing ever would.

He had to admit he loved to ass fuck a woman—he’d said so to Ev, in a way he’d realized was not particularly gentlemanly, that Sunday morning. Rightly or wrongly, he loved that concession, that submission. Somehow it spoke to the animal in his soul, the Neanderthal. If a woman let you up her ass, she was saying you owned her. She was yours.

It was a thing that had always deeply satisfied him. And when the woman was Evvie, well, that fucking beat all. It felt like his head exploded in that wild orgasm. It was a fucking wild ride to ream her, to blast his cum into her ass, just after Gio and then Briggs had done the same thing.

And that passive deal, something about that really sent him. Not to say he didn’t love it when Evvie was bucking away, riding a fuck. Their little girl had turned into an incredible sex toy. She clearly loved getting fucked by her guys. She was sweet and loving at the same time she was amazingly responsive and into hot, flailing fucking.

But that last thing, letting them have her ass when she was all fucked out, submitting, offering herself to that, well, that was some shit. Some hot shit. Freaking beyond all.

They’d all known it. He’d seen it in Briggs’s eyes when he pulled out and Chase took his place, in Gio’s when he’d finished blasting into her.

She was their girl.

Gio had gently pulled her up on the bed when Chase had finally fucked himself out. He’d tugged up a light blanket up and covered her. She curled into his arms and dozed.

“Downstairs,” Chase murmured, and the other two nodded. He pulled on his shirt and took a minute to wash up. He guessed they did the same, joining him in the living room one at a time a couple minutes later.

He looked at his friends. After a little quiet moment, he started. “Well,” he said. “That was…unexpected. And spectacular. But where do we go from here?”

Giovanni had a quick answer. “We don’t go anywhere. We stay right where we are. More of the same.”

Briggs glanced at Gio then met Chase’s gaze. “I don’t want to give her up. Do you?”

Chase sighed. “No. Fuck no. But we can’t all have her.”

“Why not?” Gio asked. “She’s willing. You know she is.”

Chase shook his head. “It’s not right. You know it wouldn’t be. We can’t let her—”

“Don’t you think we should be past letting her or not letting her do something? She’s an adult, not our little girl anymore. I think she should make her own decisions.”

Dammit, he hated it when Gio made sense. “But you know where it’s coming from. She was a needy, abandoned little girl when she fell in love with us. We were heroes to her. She thinks we saved her. Clearly, she’s never gotten past that.”

“And do you think we have the right to force her past it?” Briggs looked from one to the other. “Is that our—responsibility?” He lounged back in the chair he’d taken. “How would we do it, in any case? You said you don’t want to give her up. I don’t, either. And Gio obviously isn’t going to.”

“What else would work? We let her have three lovers?”

“There’s that ‘let’ thing again.”

BOOK: Three Men and a Woman: Evangeline (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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