Three Thousand Miles (36 page)

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Authors: Deila Longford

BOOK: Three Thousand Miles
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“My friends are in the next room I am just going to say hi.” I say to the bodyguards. They gaze at me and one of them opens the door for me. I watch as he follows me along the hallway and up to the door of Sophie and Emma’s room. I knock firmly on the door an
d Sophie instantly answers
. As soon as she claps eyes on me standing in front of her with a massive guy by my side I can tell that she is shocked.

“Alanna what is going on?” She says in a confused voice. I glance to the bodyguard and I am sure that his name is Steven but again they look so similar and I could be very wrong.

“May I have a moment?” He again nods at me as I enter the room.

“Sorry about that,” I say as Sophie escorts me over to the sofa.

who was that guy?”
I feel slightly worried as to what Sophie’s reaction might when I tell her that he is my bodyguard. I bite my lip as I begin to explain.

“He is my bodyguard,” I just blurt it out, as I cannot explain it any other way.

“Why do you need a bodyguard?” Sophie quizzes.

“After my attack Adrian is - overprotective
and he has insisted that I have two bodyguards with me all the time.”

“That’s a little weird Alanna,”        

“I know but it’s just Adrian’s way of showing that he cares.” I try to reassure her.

“I suppose, anyway what are we doing today?” Sophie quickly changes the subject.


“Yes, you don’t
know how glad I am that you said that. I was worried that you wanted to do some boring thing like visit a museum or something.” I giggle at Sophie as I glance around the room in search of Emma.

“Where is Emma?” I ask Sophie when I fail to

“In the shower,” Sophie says as she slightly rolls her eyes. I sense that something is up so I begin to quiz her.

“How are you getting on with her?” Sophie exhales as she begins to respond.

“She is a nice girl,”

“I am sensing a, but?” Sophie again rolls her eyes and she glances around the room to see if Emma is anywhere in sight.

“I find her a little strange. She is very
I do not know how to put it
but I find her irritating. She is very silly and I feel that she is naïve.”
my lips at Sophie and I really wish that she were not talking
about Adrian’s sister in this way

“Sophie I need you to try and get on with her. She is Adrian’s little sister and she means the world to him. And it would mean a lot to me if you could make her feel welcome. She is young and maybe that’s why you find her naïve.”

maybe I got her wrong. I will try to focus on her good points instead of her bad ones.” I smile at Sophie and I give her gentle thank you hug. 

“Thanks Sophie,” I say as I pull back from her. “Do you mind if I invite my friend Jessica with us today?” I ask Sophie. She smiles at me. 

I would love to meet her.” I again smile at my friend and I make my way back to my room. I rush into the bedroom and I quickly take my phone from my bag. I look up Jessica’s number and I wait as the phone rings. She answers and her voice is ecstatic.

“Hello Alanna,” she says in a hyper, British accent.”

how have you been?” I say as I press a smile from my lips. Jessica immediately responds.

“I have been good, so what’s up?”

I am actually in London right now and I was wondering if you wanted to meet up today?” The phone is silent and then Jessica gushes.

“I would love to,”

“Great so where will I pick you up?”

“I am in Piccadilly right now.”

“Okay wait there and I won’t be long.” I say as I go to hang up the phone. However, Jessica stops me.

“Alanna, what has brought you back to London?” I smile as I reply.

“Adrian Black.”

Sophie, Emma and I sit in the luxury town car that Adrian has provided. Our faces are beaming as we take in the view of London. The car slowly drives through the London traffic and I cannot contain my smile. Sophie is gazing freely out of the window and Emma is speechless. I gaze at them and I take in their fashion forward outfits. Sophie is dressed in white jeans and a dark blue sweater. Her hair is high in a loose bun and her make-up is thick. Emma on the other hand is dressed in, tight black skinny jeans a red vest and a black leather jacket. Her long, dark hair is hanging freely and her eyes are glowing green. She smiles at me and I instantly smile back. Every time
I look at her, I see Adrian staring out from her eyes. She has a plain beauty that has no need for heavy make-up and I think that Sophie is perhaps a little jealous of her. I quickly stare at Sophie and I watch as she looks at Emma. Her eyes are narrowed as they stare and I am sure that jealousy is the reason that she does not like her. I briefly shake my head at her and then the car comes to a stop. I quickly open the door and Jessica is standing by the sidewalk.

“Hey,” I say as I wave her over. She walks instantly over to the car and I move over to let her in. Jessica as
always is dressed casually in
; blue boot cut jeans, a plain white t-shirt and
denim jacket. She smiles at me and I again watch as Sophie stares
the new girl. I briefly roll my eyes at Sophie’s behaviour and then I introduce Jessica.

“This is my friend Jessica, Jessica this is Sophie and Emma.” Jessica briefly says hi and then I watch as she locks her eyes on Emma. She turns to me.

“I am sorry but who is Emma?” I smile at her.

“Emma is Adrian’s sister.”

“I am sorry I am a little confused how can that be?” Jessica says as she cannot help but stare at Emma. I desperately try to respond with an answer that is considered of Emma’s feelings. However, Emma comes to my rescue as she tries to explain.

“Adrian is my half-brother we share the same father.” Jessica still looks confused and I feel that I need to add something to the conversation.

“I know it is a little confusing but it’s true.”

“I can tell it’s true she is the spit of him.” Jessica says in a sarcastic voice.

“Excuse me but how do you know Adrian?” Emma adds. I quickly look at Jessica and I remember her encounter with Adrian. I blush a little as I try to put that awful thought out of my mind.

“I dated him.” Jessica admits. I gaze at her as I feel that she is exaggerating a little. After all it was only one date you can hardly call that a full-blown romance. Sophie is staring at Jessica freely and I wonder what her words might be.

“Come on it was only one date you cannot really say that you dated him?” I lean back slightly in the leather seat and Jessica looks nervous as she thinks of a reply.

“I know it was only one date but he left a lasting effect on me. I will never forget his presence and the way he made me feel uncomfortable.” I stare at her and I am a little annoyed with her words. Jessica had one brief encounter with Adrian therefore; she does not really have the right to judge him. I feel anger building inside of me but I take a deep breath as I try to compose myself. I do not want to quarrel with Jessica so I change the subject.

well we are not here to discuss Adrian. Which stores shall we go to?” I say as I smile at the girls.

“Well I would love to go to Oxford Street,” Sophie gushes. The other girls nod in agreement and I reach over and inform the driver.

“Oxford Street please,”   


We arrive at Oxford Street and my memories of last time
I was here are flashing around my mind. The street remains the same with same stores and the same busy crowd. I take a deep breath as me and the girls walk along the
street with two huge bodyguards behind us. I catch people staring and I blush as I notice people beginning to whisper. I quickly turn my head away from them and I focus on the street in front of me. Many stores fill the street and not all of them are stores that I recognise. My mind is rushing with many thoughts but I cannot escape the thought of Adrian. I have realised that he is my dream come true. I always loved London and now I am here with the guy of my dreams. He has made all this possible and I cannot explain the love that I have for him. The last time I glided down this street I was plagued by the thoughts of a gorgeous, obnoxious out
league guy. Now as I walk I remember that I am with him and that he is now my gorgeous and obnoxious guy. As I have said, the street remains the same but one thing
I am sure of is that I have changed forever.

“Sophie can you come here a minute,” I say as I wave her over. Sophie quickly strides over and I continue to star
into the glass cabinet.

“What are we looking at?” Sophie says as she glares into the cabinet.

“Can you help me pick out a gift for Adrian?” I ask weakly. She smiles at me.

course, but what can we get the guy that has everything?”

“That’s my problem I cannot think of anything.” Sophie sighs as she begins to peer into another glass cabinet.

“Alanna why don’t you get him a watch,” I make my way over to her but I shake my head at her suggestion.

he has a Rolex,” Sophie again sighs.

“Okay what about some cologne?”

“I would but I don’t know what kind he likes.” I confess. Sophie wrinkles her forehead at my answer.

“Hey what about some cufflinks,” she says as she gestures me forward. I make my way over to her as she points out a pair of yellow gold cufflinks. I smile at them and I kindly ask the shop assistant to take them from the cabinet.

“Do you think that he would like them?” Sophie asks as she gently lifts one of the cufflinks.

“Yes, I will take them,” I say to the shop assistant.

would like them gift wrapped?” She asks as she points to the black wrapping paper.

“Yes please,” I say. I rummage through my bag in search of the credit card. I quickly find Adrian’s black American Express. However, I resist the urge to use it. Instead, I take out my own credit card and I quickly hand it over to the women.

“If Adrian asks I used his credit card, okay?” Sophie frowns at me.

“Okay Alanna.”

During lunch, the girls are talking freely about all of the wonderful things that they have bought. All though I am present in the conversation, my head remains elsewhere. In my head, I am in my suite with Adrian. We are sipping tea and he is kissing me gently. I let out a fluttering sigh and the girls instantly notice it.

“Oh my god Alanna could you be any more smitten?” Sophie says as she takes a bite of her food. I instantly blush and I notice that
girls begin to laugh at my emotions.

what can I say
I am in love?” I confess. Sophie quickly shakes her head at my words and Jessica lets out a gentle laugh. However, I notice that Emma does not respond. I watch as she sits quietly picking at her salad. I quickly begin to think that love is a touchy subject for her. Then Dr James flashes in my mind and I cannot help but wonder if she would talk to me about him. I make a gesture towards Sophie and I politely shake my head at her so that she will stop talking. I push my hair from my face as I look directly into Emma’s glowing green eyes.

“Emma do you have a boyfriend?” I ask in smooth tone. My heart races slightly as I wait for her reply.

I don’t,” she finally admits. I tilt my head to one side as I take in her sadness. Her once lively eyes are now masked in a dark haze. Her forehead is scrunched and she exhales very deeply. I again want to talk to her about D
r James but I am not sure of
how to approach the subject.

I think that I know your ex-boyfriend.” Emma
eyes quickly widen at my words and she instantly drops her fork.

“You know James?” She finally says. I nod at her.

he was my doctor after the attack.” Jessica turns immediately towards me.

“Which attack?” She asks, as she looks very concerned.

“I was in hospital for a while, I got shot.” I blurt out. Jessica is in a state of shock and I feel that she is lost for words.

“I am so sorry I had no idea,” she says as she gently rubs my shoulder. I smile at her and I again turn towards Emma.

“Emma what happened between you and Dr James?” Emma takes a deep breath as she begins to talk.

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