Threes Company (18 page)

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Authors: N.R. Walker

Tags: #erotic MM, #Romance MM

BOOK: Threes Company
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Simon looked up at us. He looked at our joined hands and happy faces, and he smiled. "I just finished up," he told us.

He stood and walked over to us, and Adam quickly wrapped his free hand around him and pulled him into a three-way hug.

Simon was drained. He kind of slumped into us and sighed. "I'm really sorry," he said. "It's not how I wanted to spend Wil's last day here." Then he added, "If it's his last day here."

"It's not," Adam said, grinning.

Simon's head shot up, and he looked at me with wide blue eyes. "It's not?" he asked. "You're not leaving?"

I shook my head. "Callie just called. She got a loan pre-approval and—"

My words were cut off by Simon's lips on mine. His hands were suddenly on my face and in my hair, touching and gripping, holding my face to his while he kissed me.

We both moaned and when Adam whimpered beside us, Simon broke our kiss, only to rest his forehead on mine.

"Oh, Wil. Thank you."

Then Simon kissed Adam, then Adam kissed me,



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and the three of us were a kissing, groping, panting mess until Adam said, "Bed. Now."

But we didn't go downstairs to my room. We went across the hall, into the apartment.

The apartment where I now lived.

We stumbled to the bedroom, trying to undress but not wanting to stop kissing. Our hands never left each other, our mouths always touching one of us. We were on the bed, the three of us writhing hard and grinding, seeking, needing.

I ended up riding Adam, sinking down on his cock while Simon took me in his mouth. Such dual sensations, such pure pleasure. Adam filled me so completely, brushing my gland with every thrust, and no sooner did I shoot down Simon's throat than Adam flexed underneath me, stilled, and with a strangled cry, he pulsed inside me.

And when I thought my body had had enough,

Simon flipped me onto my back, folded my legs up near my chest, and slid inside me.

I groaned, long and low and my still-hard cock throbbed. I wondered if my body would ever have enough, if
ever have enough. When I came again and still wanted more, I doubted I ever would.

* * * *



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It was well after midnight when we showered

together and when we walked back into the bedroom, it was different. Still great, but just different. There was no unbridled passion pushing us onto the bed. This time Adam climbed up and sat in the middle, and Simon walked around to the side near the window while I stood at the door. Adam looked at me and smiled like he always did as he patted the bed beside him. "Your side," he said.

I climbed up beside him and tried not to grin. Simon was now sitting on his side. They were both smiling at me.

I burst out laughing. The happiness just bubbled out. Adam laughed and Simon shook his head, but we all lay down, snuggled into each other, each of us touching the others, and fell asleep.

The next morning, I woke up in a strange room. The light was different, the bed was different, but the smell was familiar as were the arms around me.

Adam's nose traced circles on the back of my neck.

"Aren't you going swimming?" I asked, my voice croaking with sleep.

He kissed my shoulder with smiling lips. "Mm-mm." He shook his head. "Not today."

Without rolling over—or even turning my head—I reached behind me blindly searching for Simon. He took



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my hand. "I'm here."

I sighed, more content than I had ever been.

"It's six thirty," Simon said. "Your plane to Alabama would be leaving right about now."

I squeezed his hand, and Adam's arm tightened

around me, and I told them without an ounce of doubt, something I felt in my bones. In my heart. "There's nowhere else I'd rather be."



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Chapter 13

We really needed to talk. So much had happened so soon, and because we were now technically a threesome, we
needed to talk.

So I collected my bag from my old room, Adam

went downstairs and collected some coffee and fruit salad for the three of us, and Simon checked his e-mails. Then for the rest of the morning that's what we did.

We sat in the apartment and talked.

I told them I'd spoken to Dee and whether it was right or wrong, she'd told me a little about their families. I took Adam's hand, and told him I knew his parents had kicked him out when he was just seventeen.

He nodded and sighed. "Simon always shakes his head at me, and he thinks I'm a little OCD about the apartment," Adam started quietly. "I usually spend most of my time cleaning it, making sure everything's in the right place." Adam looked at me then, and gave me a sad smile.

"I'll probably annoy you and drive you crazy, but I just like to make sure it's a nice place to live, ya know?"

I nodded slowly. I think I understood. "Were some of the places you stayed not very nice?"

Simon rubbed Adam's back, and he shrugged. "Not



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really very nice, no. And I know what it's like to have nothing." He took a deep breath and looked around the room. "I know what it's like to not have a home, and now that I have one, I want to make sure it's clean and tidy…"

His words trailed off. "That probably doesn't make any sense to you."

I squeezed his hand. "It makes perfect sense, Adam."

He looked at our joined hands. Simon kissed the side of his cheek, and Adam gave him a smile, then he sighed again. "When I left New York, I didn't have very much. Did you know it's cheaper to pay for an overnight ticket on a Greyhound bus than it is to pay for a night in a motel?"

I shook my head. I didn't know.

"I just ended up going south, as far south as I could," Adam explained. "I ended up here in Key West.

Even though I was underage, I talked my way into a job picking up glasses and stocking fridges at a local bar. Told them I didn't want money, just some food, maybe a bed."

Oh, fuck. My stomach somersaulted to the floor.

Adam looked far off and I could see he was

remembering that time in his life. "I could have easily fallen into the drug scene. Lots of the kids I ran with did.

Some hooked for it." Adam shook his head, as though he



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was shaking off a bad memory. Then he looked at me and asked, "Wanna know what I did every day?"

I nodded.

"I swam," he said. "I used to be in a swim club back home, trained every day. So it was nice to have something familiar, ya know?" He smiled. "Plus, the water was right there, and it didn't cost me any money to swim in the ocean."

"Oh, Jesus," I whispered. "I'm sorry."

While I blinked back tears, he smiled his usual smile. "Don't be sad, Wil. Because not long after that I was taken in by a batshit-crazy black woman from Barbados, who introduced me to Sy."

Dee. Dee had taken him in.

Adam laughed. "She felt sorry for me and fed me. I offered to wash up at the café for her trouble, and she stood there with her hand on her hip and pointed her finger at me." Then Adam mocked her perfectly. "Young man, you will be here at eleven am sharp every morning. You'll wash up and clean and do whatever-the-hell-it-is-I-tell-you-to-do.

You will come home with me and get cleaned up, young man. I have a spare room and a seat at my dinner table that'll cost you a week's work."

I smiled at his impersonation of Dee.

"So that's what I did," he said with a shrug. "She fed



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me and gave me a bed, and I gave her free labor. It was the sweetest deal I'd had."

"But then you met Simon?" I asked, looking at Simon, who'd been quiet to let Adam tell his story.

Adam nodded. "He was seeing some other guy—

who was a loser, by the way," Adam said with a serious nod. "But he was taking over as hotel manager and needed a bartender."

Simon chuckled. "He was smitten."

"I totally was," Adam laughed and nodded without shame. "Here was this gorgeous and smart guy who needed someone to tend bar. There was no way I was letting
pass me by. So when Sy asked if I'd worked in a bar before, I said yes."

"You lied," Simon said with a smile.

Adam chuckled. "Technically picking up glasses and stocking fridges in a bar isn't what he meant."

I laughed at them. Simon pulled Adam's chin

around to face him and kissed his lips.

And then Simon told me about his family. "Not much to tell really," he started out. "Mom and Dad are still together. Got a brother Jamie and a sister Rachel, both older than me, and they both work for Dad. He has an import-export business." Then Simon shrugged. "I guess I got off pretty lucky. Jamie and Rachel were both willing to



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make Dad happy by working for him, and both of them will make Mom happy by giving them grandchildren. So there were few expectations on me."

"But they know you're gay?" I asked.

"Oh, sure," he answered. "I told them when I was about fifteen. Well," he amended, "Jamie told them when I was about fifteen. They weren't exactly happy about it, but all things considered they took it very well."

I nodded. Compared to Adam, I guessed they did.

"Did your parents know?" Adam asked. "You know, before they died?"

I shook my head. "I'd like to think they would have accepted me being gay, but the truth is I doubt they would have. I know they'd have kicked me out, cut me off, whatever," I said softly, and Adam squeezed my hand. "It's easier to dream of how I'd have liked them to react now that they're gone and I know it can't ever be proven otherwise. So in my mind, I see them being loving and supportive, whereas the honest truth is it wouldn't have been like that at all."

"And they died two years ago?" Simon asked gently.

I nodded. "It was a car accident. We lived on a few acres, and they were driving to town. There was an oncoming truck that crossed lanes." I didn't need to fill in



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the rest. I sighed. "Rod was one of the cops who came to tell me. Then he came back later on to check on me." I shook my head as I remembered. "You know, I had no idea he was gay. To be honest, I don't think he knew he was gay," I said with a laugh. Then I exhaled loudly. "But I was upset and he put his arms around me. Nothing happened then, but the way he held me wasn't exactly a professional pat on the back. And over the next few weeks, he would call in to see how I was doing, and he'd touch my arm or shoulder a little longer than normal."

"And that's how things started between you?" Adam asked.

I nodded. "In all the time we were together, we never talked about what we did. It was like our dirty little secret."

"Did you love him?" Simon asked. "Do you still love him?"

I looked at both of them and answered honestly. "I thought I did." I shook my head. "But then I met you two…"

Adam grinned. "See? I knew you had feelings for us!"

I laughed, embarrassed. "I'm here, aren't I?"

"Well, yes," Adam answered. "And you know how we feel about you?"



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I nodded, feeling myself blush.

Adam traced his fingers over my warmed cheek.

"And the fact you're here, the fact you're now living with us, tells us you feel the same, even if you can't say it."

I swallowed loudly and looked at them. "This all happened so quickly, didn't it?"

"We can make this work, Wil," Simon said confidently. "I know there will be some teething problems, but I have no doubt the three of us can do this."

I nodded and gave them a weak smile. "But living and working together, it's gonna be pretty full-on."

Adam smirked at me. "It's gonna be awesome!"

I couldn't help but chuckle, and Simon leaned over and kissed me. "I know you're worried about that, but with us all working different shifts and odd hours, you might be surprised at how often we're not together."

"True," I conceded. "Oh, I guess we should talk terms of employment."

So we did. Simon and I discussed the ins and outs of what we both expected, while Adam snuggled in between us. We talked rates and hours, responsibilities and contracts, and when Adam started to fidget we knew he'd gotten bored.

And then he started to rub his hand over his dick. "I can't help it!" he defended himself. "I can't be lying here in-



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between both of you for this long without someone getting off. Figured it may as well be me."

Simon chuckled, and I snorted out a laugh. He was incorrigible. Absolutely, adorably incorrigible.

Adam just grinned, then sat up on the back of the sofa between us, undid the fly of his cargos and pulled his hardening cock out. "Wanna share?"

So Simon and I both sat between his spread legs and wrapped our joined mouths over his dick. We kissed each other around his cock. We tongued his shaft, his balls, and the head while sucking on each other's tongues and lips.

Our mouths never stopped working him over.

"Oh fuck!" Adam cried. "Yeah, both of you. Kiss my cock like that."

And when Adam started to thrust into our mouths, Simon got up on his knees and took the length of Adam's cock in his mouth. I watched as he took him in and swallowed him, as Adam flexed and cried out as he came.

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