Threes Company (15 page)

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Authors: N.R. Walker

Tags: #erotic MM, #Romance MM

BOOK: Threes Company
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Falling to the side of a blissed-out Adam, I did as



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Simon wanted. I lay on my back, and he positioned himself between my thighs. He lifted my legs, pushing them back toward my chest and he slid back inside me, filling me so completely.

He leaned over me, fused his mouth to mine, and kissed me so profoundly. He held my face like I meant the world to him, and he pushed every inch of his cock deeper and deeper inside me.

And he was everywhere, and everything. All I could feel, all I could taste.

"You're so hot together," Adam murmured beside us, threading his fingers through our hair.

Simon turned his head to kiss Adam, and my head pushed back against the pillows with a low moan. And then Adam was kissing me, thrusting his tongue into my mouth while Simon thrust his cock in my ass.

I was so full of both of them. They were over me and inside of me. It was overwhelming, and crushing, and perfect.

So perfect.

And then Simon leaned back on his haunches, still thrusting inside me, and he fisted my cock.

"Oh, fuck," I gasped.

Simon's head fell back. He was panting, and his thrusts were harder, more erratic. "Wil, baby, I need you to



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come for me."

Adam knelt beside Simon then and patted his hand off my cock. Leaning down over my leg, he took my aching dick into his mouth.

I almost bucked us off the bed, moaning and

grunting without shame. Simon fucked me harder, deeper while Adam sucked me all the way down. And my body took over.

I couldn't have stopped if I'd wanted to.

I came so hard. So fucking hard. Painless fire ripped through me, and I shot hot and thick down Adam's throat with a roar. Simon gripped my hips and pinned me to him, holding onto me while wave after wave of pleasure crashed through me. And only when I was done did he fuck me until he came.

I'd never experienced anything like it.

The three of us lay on the bed naked, sated, and sweaty. It was a peaceful silence. Simon was tracing patterns on Adam's chest, while Adam was staring at the ceiling, a million miles away.

Then Simon moaned. "Ugh. I wish I could spend all day here with you both."

I propped my head up on my hand so I could see Simon over Adam, who was lying between us. "So did the owners tell you exactly what they wanted all these reports



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"No, just gave me a list of financials to have ready.

They didn't say exactly. But I better get started," he said, rolling off the bed.

"Don't go."

Simon stopped just short of the bathroom and

looked at Adam. He'd been quiet so long, his words surprised us both. Simon smiled at him. "I have to go, babe.

I've got all those financial reports to organize. I know we need to talk, and we will. You guys could come with me into the office to keep me company…" Simon's words died away when he realized Adam wasn't talking to him.

He was looking at me.

"Oh," Simon said like he understood. Then he looked at me. "Oh."

I shot Adam a look. "Me?"

Adam rolled his eyes. "There's not a fourth person in here, is there?"

Simon's trip to the bathroom was seemingly

forgotten. He walked back to the bed and waited for Adam to explain.

Adam looked at me and said it again. "Don't go."

I shook my head. "Adam—"

"I'm asking you not to leave," he cut me off. "I'm asking you to stay, Wil. Don't go back to Alabama."



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"Adam," I said quietly. "It's not that simple."

"Yes, it is," he retorted quickly. "It's exactly that simple."

I looked at Simon, and his eyes were darting

between me and Adam. "Sy?"

He swallowed hard and I could see his chest rise and fall with each breath. I could almost hear his mind racing. He stared at Adam for a long second then he looked at me. "Stay."

Oh, hell.

Adam grinned. "We just found you. I know it's a lot to ask, but I don't want to lose you.
don't want to lose you." Then Adam sat up on his knees and looked to Simon.

"I'm right, aren't I? This is right, isn't it? We're supposed to be together."

Simon looked at Adam and nodded. Then he looked at me. "Do you want to? Stay, that is? With us? To be a part of us?"

Adam added, "Live with us, work with us. Here, at the hotel."

I looked at them both and thought about what they were proposing. The three of us, together, as a permanent thing. "Sounds perfect."

Adam buzzed with excitement and started to bounce on his knees, but then he stopped and frowned. "There's a



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'but' coming, isn't there?"

I gave him a sad smile. "But I have a business, a house."

"And nothing else!" Adam threw back at me. "You said yourself your business was as good as over, Wil. You can work here, with us! You need a chef, don't you Sy?"

We turned to Simon. He nodded, "I do, but I don't expect you… I don't want you to think that's what this is about. But the job's yours if you want it."

Jesus. They're serious.

Adam shook his head. "It scares me to think you'll be going back to a town that wants you gone, Wil. What if someone tries to hurt you?"

"Adam," Simon gently stopped him.

"What?" Adam cried. "You can't tell me you're not worried about some homophobic rednecks waiting for him to get home. Doesn't bother you that he's prepared to go back to a closeted half-life?"

"Adam," I said gently. "I'm sure it'll be okay."

"You can't be sure!" he answered, shaking his head.

"So then don't stay with us and don't be a part of us, if that's what you're worried about. Get a job somewhere else, but just don't go back there." His eyes were wide. "Please."

I wanted to tell him, reassure him, that it would be okay and I'd be perfectly safe. But the truth was I didn't



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know for sure.

Simon's voice startled me. "What time does your flight leave tomorrow?"

"Six am."

"How much time will you need? To think about it?"


"Come on, Ad. Wil needs some time on his own. He can't make this decision with us around."

I could see Adam was torn. He didn't want to leave.

But he knew Simon had a point. And quietly, they got dressed while I sat on the bed.

Adam looked at me. "I know it's a lot to ask, and I know we haven't talked about anything from last night," he said with a frown. "And we really need to talk about how you feel about us." He shrugged. "But I know you feel the same, Wil. I can see it in your eyes."

Simon smiled.

I opened my mouth to say something, anything, but Adam kept talking. "But you need some time, and I understand… it's an awful lot to take in. But, Wil, you know how we feel about you."

Simon walked over to where I sat on the bed with nothing but a sheet puddled over my hips. He knelt on the bed, leaned over, and pressed his lips to mine. "If you need to talk about anything or ask any questions, we'll be



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through the foyer and up the stairs. There's two doors, one says office, one says residence. Knock on both if you have to. I know it's quick and you've had two point five seconds to think about it, but we're very serious about this. We can do this, the three of us," he said with a nod. "Take your time. We want you to make the right decision."

I nodded, though my head was spinning.

I looked at Adam, and he smiled. "You know, if you want me to stay and help you… make up your mind…" He trailed off suggestively.

Simon tried not to smile as he pulled Adam out the door. And then I was alone with an awful lot to think about.

Two minutes later there was a knock at the door, and I still hadn't moved. My brain was stuck in neutral. I edged off the bed, wrapped a towel around my waist, and opened the door.

It was Adam, handing over a cup of steaming

coffee. "Made a decision yet?"

Simon came from nowhere. "You said you wouldn't ask. You said you'd just drop off the coffee and leave him alone…" Simon apologized to me, rolling his eyes, and pulled Adam by the hand, leading him away.

I stood in the doorway, watching them. Adam

looked over his shoulder at me and waved. It made me laugh.



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I shut the door and sipped the coffee. He'd made it just how I like it. They wanted me to stay. To really stay.

To live with them, to work with them. To be a part of them.

To be a permanent threesome. Boyfriends. Partners.

Holy fuck.

But I wasn't stupid. I knew it wouldn't be easy. I knew it would take a lot of hard work. And my restaurant…

my house…

And the one person in that town who'd miss me.

The one person I told everything to, who understood me, who knew me. The one person who wouldn't hesitate to tell me I was being a fucking idiot.

I pulled out my phone, flipped it open, and dialed.


"Hi, Callie. It's me."



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Chapter 11

There was a long silence. "What?"

I sighed and repeated what I'd already said. "If I was considering selling the restaurant, would you be in a position to buy it?"

There was another beat of silence. "Wil, what are you doing?"

"I'm not sure yet," I answered honestly. I wasn't sure. I didn't have a clue. "I'm just weighing my options. It might not even happen yet. I just wanted to run it past you."

"You don't want to come home," she whispered. "I know things aren't great for you right now, but this business was your baby. Remember?"

"I know…" I conceded. "I mean, yes, it was. Back when people didn't want to scalp me or burn me at the stake. But you saw how they were. If I go back there, I'd probably only be shutting the doors in a few weeks anyway."

Callie was quiet again, and I knew she knew I was right. She sighed. "Just don't make any rash decisions, Wil."

"I'm not, Cal. That's why I want you to think about it first. Don't answer me right now, but if I were to offer



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you the business…" Then I amended, "Well, all stock, plant and equipment anyway." Lord knows there wasn't any goodwill to sell. "I'll call the accountant and get last year's financials, less depreciation. I've got a fair idea, but we should do this properly."


"If you don't want it, or whatever, you can tell me, Cal," I said quietly.

"It's not that," she replied with another sigh. "What will you do?"

"Um, stay here."

"In Key West?"

"Well, yes. But stay here, at the hotel."

There was another beat of silence. Then she asked,

"With that other couple?"

"Their names are Adam and Simon," I told her.

"And yes, they've asked me to stay."

"Jesus Christ, Wil," she cried. "After just two weeks?"

I knew it was rushed. I knew it was fast. "It's…

complicated," I offered poorly.

"I bet it is," she huffed.

Then neither of us spoke for a little while. I didn't push her. She had a lot to take in. And so did I.

She sighed again. "It sounds like you've already



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made up your mind."

I shrugged, though she couldn't see. "What have I got to come home to?"

Her answer was quiet. "Me."

I frowned and swallowed down the lump in my

throat. "Cal…"

"I know, I know," she answered softly. And she did know. Yes, she was my best friend, and I loved her dearly.

But that just wasn't enough, and we both knew it. "What do you want me to say, Wil?"

"I want you to tell me it's okay. To follow my heart.

To take a chance at happiness," I told her. "Or I want you to tell me if you think I'm foolish for even considering it, and that you'll pick me up from the airport tomorrow."

She chuckled into the phone. "Yes. I think you're foolish. Fucking crazy, actually. Like you've had too much sun, or salt air, or something." She let her words hang in the air between us for a long moment, then she sighed again and her voice was softer. "But what kind of friend would I be if I didn't want you to be happy?"

The air left my lungs in a rush. Then I laughed.

"Yeah, be happy, you son-of-a-bitch," she snapped, though I could tell she was smiling. "You listen to me, Wilson Curtis. It better be a damn good offer you're gonna send through to me, Mr Buy-my-business-or-be-fucking-



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unemployed. I want a damn good offer."

I was still grinning. "Of course, Cal."

"And one more thing."

"What's that?"

"I want to speak to these two men of yours and set them straight on a few things. I can't be leaving Alabama to kick their asses every time one of them breaks your heart."

I laughed.

She sighed loudly. "Ugh. Fucking hell, Wil."

"I know."

"You're damn lucky I love you."

Her words made me smile. "I know I am. But Cal?"

She huffed. "What now?"

I chuckled. "I love you, too."

* * * *

I needed to think.

Not about my restaurant, or about finances, or the house. I needed to think about what it was I was entering into: a full-fledged relationship. Not only that, but an already established full-fledged relationship. Adam and Simon knew each other so well. They had a history. They had a "before-me". And I needed to get my head around the whole concept of being in a permanent threesome.

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