Read Through the Dom's Lens Online

Authors: Doris O'Connor

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm, #Interracial, #Romantic Erotica

Through the Dom's Lens (10 page)

BOOK: Through the Dom's Lens
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and no. He was too rough, and, well, let's just say he was very good at making
me feel guilty. I guess when you've heard you’re too fat all your
it's easy to believe someone when they say it's your
fault. I'm not proud of those few months I was with him. That person wasn't me.
It was
in the end,
sat me down and asked me what on earth I was doing. You see, he was always busy
when it came to meeting any of my family, but she saw him leave my place one
morning, and she went ballistic.
Turns out that she had an
injunction out against him for stalking her."

swore under his breath, and Sally nodded grimly.

didn't understand that, but I agree with whatever you called him just
now." Junsako tightened his hold on her and kissed the top of her head. He
had sworn in Japanese without even realizing it. Funny how many times he'd
lapsed into his mother's language since meeting Sally. He didn't usually. It
was yet another sign of how much she'd gotten under his skin in the short time
he'd known her.

called him a motherfucking bastard, and threatened to make him eat his own

giggled at that, and a weight lifted off his shoulders.

have trouble finding them, Sir. He wasn't exactly blessed in that department.
said all those steroids he popped to achieve
his muscle mass, took whatever brain he carried around in his non-existent

hooted with laughter, and his stomach muscles tightened when Sally ran her
hands all over him.

like you, Sir."

compliment settled deep in his heart, and he kissed her. The salt of her tears
mixed with the sweet flavor that was his Sally, and by the time he broke the
kiss they were both breathing heavily, and he was so hard he could drill holes
with his damn cock.

what happened in the end? You said there were pictures?"

shiver went through Sally, and he sighed.

you remember a few years back there was a bit of hoo-hah over naked pictures of
in the press?"

frowned and then swore as he remembered the brief but rather colorful episode.

was you?" he asked, and she nodded.

were horrible. I'm not really sure why anyone thought they were
. I mean she is so beautiful and skinny, and

"Just as beautiful, and curvy, like
a woman ought to be, pet."
Junsako interrupted her, and she
gave him a watery smile.

recall seeing those pictures, and all I remember is how bad the quality was. I
also recall some surprise that
had put on
weight. I thought it suited her, and it certainly helped to propel her career
forward. The whole thing was over in a flash."

She got him arrested, and the pictures were taken out of circulation but not
before he sent them all to me. And I don't care what you say, they were
horrible, Sir. Truly horrible, and every time I see a picture of me naked, I
just see those images again, and I hear what he said to me. That I was fat and
ugly and he only fucked me because he couldn’t have
and now we were both going to pay. I was such a gullible fool, and I swore off
men after that, but there was this tiny thing that niggled at me."

wriggled on his lap and tried to get away, but he wouldn't let her. Instead he
cupped her chin and made her look at him.

can guess what that was, but I want to hear you say it, pet."

took a deep breath and continued.

he tied me up, I always got that surge of excitement. It soon faded because he—"

know what the fuck he was doing and how to read you, pet. Trust me. You're
anything but bad in bed, or out of it." He winked at her, and that
delightful blush stained her alabaster skin again. "You are beautifully
responsive, and you give your submission so freely and completely, I'm not
surprised he pulled you in.
was right. You're a
born submissive and just what I needed."

stopped himself just in time before he said too much, but her face lit up in
the most breathtaking smile anyway. Like a flower blossomed with the first rays
of sun his Sally lapped up his praise and soothed his soul. If he hadn't
already fallen for her, right now was when he would have.

had to clear his throat before he could continue.

I guess you did some research into the lifestyle and decided that this is what
you wanted to explore?" he asked.

I did, but I was too afraid to approach anyone, and then when
said she was auditioning for this shoot with you, I
was so jealous. I mean, I know I'm not model material. No, let me finish what
I'm going to say, please, Sir." She put a finger on his lips when he was
going to protest. "You know I'm not. You may love my body shape, but it's
not exactly popular, is it?"

had to agree that she had a valid point, but he couldn't stop his grin from
splitting his face.

you finally believe me when I say I love your curves?"

giggled and winked at him.

I do believe we have the weekend for you to convince me."

shrieked when he stood up and dumped her on the table. He had her impaled on
his cock in record time, and as the remnants of their breakfast went flying to
the floor he showed her exactly how much he loved her, and her curves.




so glad he decided to keep your picture in the exhibition."

as she had been in the picture of herself suspended, Sally jumped at
words, and her sister laughed. "And I'm even
happier that you can look at it and see it for the beautiful piece of art it

turned around and accepted the flute of champagne
offered with a grateful smile. The centerpiece of the exhibition was indeed a
piece of art. True to his word Junsako had kept her identity out of it. With
the soft focus he'd applied, and some clever lighting tricks, even Sally
wouldn't have recognized herself, were it not for the feelings it evoked in
her. Since that day, Junsako had suspended her like this many more times, and
there were far more revealing pictures of her on the hard drive of his PC, but
they would never see the light of day.

smiled remembering his offer to not use the picture, if she didn't want him to.

don't want this to cause you problems with your work,” he’d said. “Come to
think of it, will your involvement with me be an issue?"

had gawped at him, and he'd kissed her.

ever would it? My private life is just that—private. And I'm damn good at my
job, so if they tried anything I'd
well fight
them over it. It's not as though I'll invite you in to teach my four year olds
how to hog tie their teddy bears, now is it?"

had laughed, and she had point blank refused to let him not use the picture.

trust you, Sir. You said you need it, so use it. Besides I like seeing myself
through my Dom's lens. He makes me look so beautiful."

had pulled her close and murmured something incredibly heartfelt into her hair,
before he'd made love to her. That night when he'd fallen asleep she'd
whispered her feelings for him into his ear, safe in the knowledge that he
couldn't hear her, and she had done the same every night they had been together

in turn had shown her in a myriad of tiny ways that he cared about her, but he
never said the words, and Sally told herself it didn't matter. They were happy
as they were, annoying hangers-on and stick thin models trying to get into his
pants notwithstanding.

sent me over to make sure you're all right."
said, bringing Sally back to the here and now. "He's held up with Baroness
. I almost feel sorry for him."

rolled her eyes
and gestured to the far side of the gallery, and sure enough Junsako was being
held hostage by the pint sized woman. As a major benefactor of the arts, she
demanded and usually got the attention of whoever she bestowed her affections
on, and Junsako seemed to be her current victim.

though he sensed her looking, Junsako glanced across, and his tight shoulders
relaxed. He smiled at her, and like always when he gave her his undivided
attention, the rest of the world just faded away. Had they been on their own
she would already have been on her knees. Alas there had been little time for
actual play lately.

to his word, Junsako was an incredibly busy man, and Sally's job as a nursery
teacher meant she couldn't just up and go with him, whenever he jetted off
Which made the time they did spend together even more
In the six months since she'd met him Sally's life had changed
completely. She hardly recognized the new confident woman staring back at her
from the mirror in the morning. Rather than hide her curves she had taken to
flaunting them in clothing that enhanced them. As a result she had been the
recipient of lots of male attention, and it had been rather amusing at times to
see Junsako almost combust with jealousy.

they were out in public he kept her close by. In the beginning it had been to
reassure her, and to help calm her nerves, and then as time went on and Sally
became more confident in her role as his girlfriend, he'd simply kept her close
keep the other fuckers away,
as he had summed it up in his own unique

sighed, and the
Baroness pulled on Junsako's arm demanding his attention and the connection
between them was lost.

know, I had the most miserable time until my meds kicked in, but I would suffer
it again a million times over just to see you so happy, little sis. I just knew
you were what he needed."

pulled Sally in
for a one armed hug, and much to Sally's surprise her sister clung to her.

, are you okay?" Sally asked into her shoulder,
released her. The shimmer of tears in her
sister's eyes was as unexpected as it was unusual, but before Sally could say
anything at all,
blinked and fixed her bright
model smile back in place.

, you two are turning me into a right watering pot.
You're just so perfect for each
it makes me
want to cry. I'll ruin my fucking make up."

had to laugh at that.
never looked anything but
perfect, and right now was no exception. The shiny silver dress clung to her
body and showed her flat stomach off to perfection, while the long slit just
enhanced her mile long slim legs. Even the slightest movement made her dress
shimmer and drew everyone's eyes to her sister, like always.

dress in contrast was an understated little black thing that clung to her
curves, showed off her back and ended just above her knees. With her hair piled
on top she felt sophisticated and stylish and as different from
as it was possible to be, and that felt good. She
knew she would never have
sylph-like figure,
but for once it didn't matter. Sally was comfortable in her own skin, and that
was all due to Junsako.

finally extricated himself out of the Baroness's clutches only to have another
woman throw herself at him. The well-known super model all but draped
over him, and Sally ground her teeth in frustration.
The red hot poker of jealousy stabbed her insides, and she turned her back on
the spectacle.

was probably just as well that she couldn't travel with him, so that she didn't
have to witness how women threw themselves at him. She would have been arrested
for scratching some skinny bitch's eyes out, otherwise.

her no heed. You know he's only got eyes for you."
touched Sally's arm, and some of her anger fled at her sister's words.
"She's been trying that crap the entire time we were in Paris, and not
once did he let her get away with it. The only reason he hasn't shaken her off
yet, is because we're in public and I know he's got something special planned,
and no doubt doesn’t want to cause a scene and take attention away from

was news to Sally, and she swung back round again in time to see Junsako speak
to the other woman. Whatever he said to her made her flinch, and Sally almost
felt sorry for her when he turned his full on irritated Dom look on the walking
stick insect. She drew in a sharp breath and nodded and took a step away from
him with a tight smile.

BOOK: Through the Dom's Lens
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