Through the Dom's Lens (9 page)

Read Through the Dom's Lens Online

Authors: Doris O'Connor

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm, #Interracial, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Through the Dom's Lens
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?" she finally asked.

about her?"

wasn't going to make this easy on her, clearly, and Sally wanted the ground to
swallow her up, but she couldn't look away from his intense gaze either.

thought, you and her … well, I mean … I…" Her words failed her when he
didn't answer and instead just raised one eyebrow in seeming irritation.

he finally spoke his voice was just above a whisper. Growly and deep, that
voice turned every feminine cell in her body to emotional goo, as it dripped
into her consciousness and wrapped itself around her heart.

you think so little of me? Have I given the impression that I would be so
callous as to make
tend to you, when I was
still involved with her?"

dark eyes showed a maelstrom of emotions that she couldn't decipher, but that
made that tiny kernel of hope in her chest expand nonetheless. Maybe he did
care for her a little, then?

he asked, and this time there was no mistaking the anger in that one word.
"Answer me, girl."

flinched and tripped up over her answer.

Sir. I mean I just assumed when I saw the collar that you and she …
. You're not then?"

rose in her cheeks, and Sally called herself all kinds of fool in her head.
Could she be any more inane, and why did he not say anything?

mean, I guess I assumed you …
, took on more than
one sub at a time. I mean that's done, right?"

thoughtful look passed across Junsako's features, and he dropped a kiss on her
nose and released her chin with a sigh.

that something you're looking for, because I—"

I'm not." Sally interrupted him and then clamped her mouth shut and didn't
dare look at him.
, she'd goofed again. She was pretty sure a well
behaved sub didn't interrupt when her dominant was speaking.

"Sorry, Sir."
mumbled the words and waited for his reaction that never came. Instead he ran a
calloused fingertip along her collar bone and down in between the cleft of her
breasts. He circled one of her tits and then brought that digit up to her
already puckered nipple. Taking the hard nub in his fingers he pulled and
squeezed until he had a generous amount of the surrounding breast tissue in his
hands, and Sally panted as the sharp darts of pain shot straight to her clit.
He repeated the action to her other breast, and when her nipples were hugely
extended and throbbing he flicked each just once with his fingers. Sally yelped,
and Junsako grasped her by the neck and kissed her.

was a kiss of ownership, hard, bruising, as their teeth clashed together, and
he devoured her mouth until her lungs burned with the need for much needed
oxygen. When he finally released her with a bite to her bottom lip, she gasped
for air, and he smiled.

"Good, because I don't share—ever.
very possessive of what's mine, and you, my little pet, are very much

stomach hollowed out at that growled declaration, and she could sense the
sincerity behind those words. He didn't give her a chance to process them
however, because he spoke again.

was my sub for a while. I trained her, and we tried
to make a go of it, but she wanted more than I could give.
wants to be owned. She wants, needs a Master who completely controls her every
move. She lives to serve and to be needed, and for her that needs to be a total
power exchange. This is not what I'm looking for."

stopped talking and cupped the side of Sally's face. She leant into his touch,
and he smiled.

you understand what I'm saying here, Sally?"

blinked at the use of her name, and his smile deepened until it crinkled up the
corners of his eyes, and she nodded.

think so."

because I want us to be clear on this. I'm a dominant man, and I need your
submission in my bedroom. Fuck, even outside of the bedroom when it's just us,
like this weekend, for instance. But I cannot take on that responsibility all
the time. It's exhausting, and I'm too busy with work and away too much, quite
frankly. What I need is a woman who gives me her submission freely when I ask
for it, but is perfectly happy to call the shots at other times. I want an
equal partner, who challenges me and is bratty enough to push the boundaries
and lets me think of inventive ways to punish her."

threw her such a wicked glance that it took all of Sally's willpower to not
jump him there and then and show him just how bratty she could be.

don't get me wrong.
is a great assistant, and
she is an intelligent and independent woman, but she doesn't want that
independence. For her, she needs the constant control of her Master, and she's
leaving my employ at the end of the month to become a full time slave to her
Master. I wish her all the best in the world and I'll always be fond of her,
but she never held my heart."

he stopped talking, and Sally could have sworn there was a faint blush staining
his cheek bones, but maybe that was just a trick of the light.

anyone ever?" Sally had to ask.

ran his hand through his hair in an agitated gesture, and he didn't look at her
when he replied.

from my mother, you mean? No, I don't think so. I'm not entirely convinced love
exists." He glanced at her, and this time she was sure he was blushing, as
much as it was possible to tell with his dark skin. It made her feel all sorts
of happy inside, and she smiled up at him.

you see I'm not really a romantic, at all. Some would call me a cynical and
perverted bastard, in fact."

shook her head, and he laughed.

me, baby, you hang around me for long enough and you might just end up calling
me that, too."

endearment added another layer of happiness on top of her store of gooey inside
her, and she shook her head.

I won't. And I still say a man who goes through all the trouble of lighting all
those candles and making sure I'm okay
a romantic. So there."
She stuck her tongue out at him and then added a belated, "Sir."

laughed and tapped her nose, but before he could respond the ring of the
doorbell interrupted them.

that will be breakfast, knowing

At this hour?"

just laughed and jumped out of bed. Sally's throat went dry at the view of his
perfectly formed ass, before he covered it with a pair of sweat pants.

knows my habits. I would normally have breakfast at
the local café, but she quite rightly assumed that I wouldn't want to go out
today, and half eleven isn't that late. We can all it brunch if it makes you
feel better. Go freshen up and meet me in the kitchen, pet. It's on the floor

I put some clothes on? Please, Sir?"

turned at the door, and the heat in his gaze set her alight from the inside

suppose you better.
There is a robe you
can use in the wardrobe. We do need to eat something, I guess. You'll need your
strength for what I have in mind later."

knew she blushed to the roots of her hair, and the dratted man just laughed and
strolled out of the door.


Sally demolish her croissant was an exercise in torture. Junsako groaned under
his breath when she bit into the pastry with such a look of bliss on her face
that his cock threatened to appear over the top his waistband. The thin silk
robe she had chosen to wear revealed more than it concealed. He could clearly
see her aroused nipples through the sheer fabric. They would look beautiful
pierced and adorned with nipple clamps, and he knew just which ones to

grinned around his coffee cup, and Sally smiled.

"What' so funny, Sir?"

much, pet. I'm just thinking of delicious ways to torture you."

choked on her mouthful of orange juice, and he rocked back on his chair and
adjusted his damn cock for the umpteenth time. Sally's gaze dropped to his
groin, and heat rose in her cheeks.
God, how he loved the way
she did that.
There was that word again—loved.

shook his head at himself. He was turning into a soppy fool, and she had given
him no indication that she felt anything more for him than simple lust. Yes, he
thought he read more in her eyes, but women got emotional when they had sex. It
didn't mean that she cared for him in any other way than sexually.

I might say so, Sir, you're thinking awfully hard."

sassy comeback shook him out of his maudlin thoughts, and he shrugged his

was just wondering what your take on love is. You never said, earlier. Was
there someone special in your life?"

regretted his question the minute he asked it, because her beautiful eyes
clouded over and she bit her lip. It made him want to find the bastard who had
taken her love and thrown it back at her and beat him into a pulp.

thought there was, once. But he turned out to be after

was Junsako's turn to choke on his sip of coffee, and Sally's smile was so sad
it tore at his heart.

okay. I should have been used to it. People always preferred
. If she wasn't such a sweetheart I'd hate her."

reached across the table to take her hand in his and squeezed, and she gave him
a watery smile.

grown up in her shadow. She's five years older than me, as you know, and when
she first started modeling I was developing curves. I had been as skinny as her
before. The spitting image in fact, but where she got taller and skinnier, I
got taller and grew these."

waved at her breasts as though they were some form of abnormality, and he
growled his annoyance. Her eyes widened, when he spoke through gritted teeth.

not make me put you over me knee again, pet. You have the most amazing tits,
and as for the rest of your body, I could spend all day exploring those curves
and not get bored, so don't even go there with the hating. I warn you."

when your sister is a model and your mum is an ex-model and still as skinny as
anything, curves aren't popular, trust me. Mum put me on countless diets and
fitness regimes, but I was still left with too many curves. It was somewhat of
a relief when she stopped trying, because
it big, and then I met Luke."

frowned and tried to pull her hand away, but Junsako wouldn't let her,

he prompted. "That the bastard's name?"

lips kicked up in the semblance of a smile.

met him in a bar. I don't frequent them often, but it was my work colleague's
hen night and he came up to me, and, well, he was so charming and tall, and
good looking, and…" She blushed again, and Junsako gave her hand another
reassuring squeeze.

was all an act?"

swallowed hard and nodded.

ended up going home with him. It's not something I'm proud of, but I had drunk
one too many and he was very persuasive. He fancied himself an expert in all
things kinky, so we did … well, let's just say he tied me up and spanked me,
but it didn't exactly turn me on. I thought I'd just drunk one too many, and anyway,
he took pictures, too, without me knowing. It wasn't pretty."

tear slid down her face, and Junsako let go of her hand and opened his arms. He
couldn’t do anything to take her obvious pain of what happened away, but he
could damn well comfort her.

here and let me hold you, baby."

jumped off her chair with such haste that it clattered to the floor, and was on
his lap in the blink of an eye. Her actions soothed the savage anger at the way
she'd been treated. It tore away at his insides, and there was more to this
story. He sensed it.

she was safely ensconced in his arms she started talking again.

didn't know about the pictures at first, and when he took me home in the
morning he was all charm and insisted he wanted to see me again. I wasn't sure,
because, you know, but he was very persistent. He bombarded me with flowers and
wined and dined me, and he even made an effort to … you know … get me

"I should fucking well hope so,
Did he at least manage that?" Junsako had to ask, even though he dreaded
the answer. He didn't really want to know what the asshole did with his Sally,
did he? And she
his. There was no
denying the strength of his feelings that made his heart beat faster and wanted
to keep her with him always. That way he could protect her from all the
of this world who didn't know a precious gift when
they were given it.

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