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Authors: Bobbi Jo Bentz

Through The Pieces (13 page)

BOOK: Through The Pieces
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Chapter 26


Scott guided me down the stairs. Feelings of dread swirled around in my head. I was uncertain where he was taking me. Would Maggie and Rose be alright alone?
No, of course not!
Realization crashed down around me. Would I see Maggie ever again? Scott looked so calm. He
looked this calm. Tightness in my chest made it hard for me to breathe. When we got to the bottom of the steps, he held the door open, but I was frozen in place. I glanced up the stairs, tears sliding down my cheeks.

"They will be fine." Scott’s voice crashed into my thoughts. His hand latched onto my arm, pulling me to a beat up truck and shoving me in.

Trying to devise a plan, my mind came up blank. I had to do something. Maggie needed me and the baby inside me needed protection, too. Scott tied my hands up with some plastic ties. He pulled on it hard, making sure it was tight enough, causing me to wince in pain. He got into the truck on his side and cranked it, heading out of town.

I looked at the dash. The clock read five pm. Buck would be at Annie's and Matt’s now or very soon. They would hopefully come over if I didn't answer, and the girls could tell them what happened. Okay, not the best plan, but it was all I could come up with. Knowing that at least Maggie would be safe right now was worth doing what he wanted. He continued down the highway, and I knew he was taking me to the house that we had once shared. Nausea began to consume my thoughts. I tried to calm my breathing. My hands went to my stomach, and I rubbed it, in a vain attempt to convey a message to my baby that I would do whatever I had to do to keep us safe.

"Were you ever happy with me, Claire?"

"Yes, but that was a long time ago."

"Do you love him?"

I stared at him. Did I tell him the truth or did I stroke his ego and tell him I didn’t.

"Yes." I went for the truth.

He gripped the steering wheel tightly. Maybe I should have said no, but I didn't. Scott slammed on the brakes and swerved the truck towards the ditch. My head slammed into the dashboard. In my confusion I turned to Scott just as his fist connected with the side of my face. The pain radiated through my head, my vision blurred, and I blinked a few times. When I was able to focus, Scott drove back onto the highway, as if nothing had happened. My face throbbed.

We rode in silence, Scott focusing ahead on the road. I could see the muscle twitching in his jaw, and he was grinding his teeth. My nose tingled with the tears I kept at bay.

When we pulled up to the house he and I had once shared, I looked over at Sandy's house. It was dark. She was my last shred of hope. I had been praying she would see me with Scott, know something was not right, and call the police.

He got out of the truck and opened my door, refusing to look at me. He grabbed the plastic binding my hands and pulled. I stumbled from the truck, and he pushed me up the steps and through the front door.

He shut the door behind us, sealing my fate inside and any hope outside. I didn't cry, I wouldn't cry. He would not take anything else from me.

He dragged me through the hall, and into the living room, where he turned on a light and pushed me to the couch. I landed with a hard thump. He began to pace back and forth the length of the couch, becoming more agitated each minute. I knew my time was limited, and if I wanted to survive, I needed to wait for the perfect moment to make my escape.

His eyes cut in my direction, and he came over to where I was sitting, falling to his knees in front of me.  He brought a hand up, and I flinched. His eyes hardened at my reaction, but his hand continued its journey to my face. He brushed his fingers over the spot where he’d hit me. I wanted to pull away, but knew that would only make him angry, so I remained still. Then he leaned in, and I pulled back instinctively. I would not let him kiss me.

Anger flashed in his eyes, and he reached out, grasping the back of my neck and pulling me forward. He pressed his lips against mine, but I remained unresponsive. He pulled away from me and his hand shot forward.
  "You bitch!"

The impact snapped my head savagely to the right, stars blurring my vision. A warm, metallic taste flooded my mouth. I leapt to my feet and darted towards the hall. I had just reached the back door when fingers bit into my shoulders, pulling me back. I felt myself falling. I hit the floor with such force, I immediately scrambled away trying to put distance between us. He grabbed my leg and dragged me back towards the couch, I tried kicking at him.

"Don't you fucking move, Claire!"

He opened the end table drawer and turned towards me. In that moment, I knew it was all over. My time was officially up.

"We said ‘til death do us part," Scott said as he pointed a gun at me.

Chapter 27


Buck pulled up to Annie's and Matt's house, a bit surprised Claire wasn't there yet. He got out of his car and stretched his arms above his head, exhausted after the night he and Claire had shared. The thought brought a smile to his face. He was addicted to her, body and soul, even though they had only been together for a short while. He’d thought of nothing but her since he first laid eyes on her in a photo Annie kept in the living room. He wanted to know everything about her and gaze in those beautiful green eyes for hours. When he’d heard she was in an abusive relationship, he’d wanted nothing more than to rescue her and her daughter.

Matt walked out of the house and leaned against the rail. He and Matt had met in college and had been best friends ever since. Matt understood his past, accepted Buck’s fucked up childhood, and didn't feel sorry for him. "Hey, where are Claire and the girls?"

"She said she was meeting me here."

"Well, Annie is not happy. Apparently she’s been calling and Claire isn't answering. I told Annie you were probably with her."

Annie pushed through the front door, looking frantic "She's not with you?"

An uneasy feeling coiled in his gut. "I’ll go over to her place now." He turned to leave, Annie and Matt close on his heels.

"We are coming, too. Have you tried to call her?" Annie asked, her voice trembling.

"Not since before she picked up the girls."
If this had anything to do with Scott, things could get ugly real quick.

They drove to Claire's apartment, and Buck let out a sigh of relief when he saw her car. He took the stairs two at a time, stopping short when he found the door unlocked. This was not good. Clair would never leave the door unlocked. His stomach dropped when he saw the contents of Claire's purse strewn across the floor.

"Claire, are you here? Rose, honey? It’s Mommy," Annie called out.

The door to Maggie's room opened and little footsteps sounded in the hall. Sobbing, both girls flew into Annie's arms, trying to talk at once. They were impossible to understand.

"Maggie, honey, where is your Mommy?" Annie questioned as she held each girl.

"Da--Daddy, came." Maggie turned to Buck and ran to him.

He picked her up and held her tight, his stomach clenching in fear. "We need to call the police." Annie released her grip on Rose and pulled out her phone, dialing 911. He felt helpless at the thought of what Claire was going through. He could not lose her. He would
lose her.

Finally assured that the police were on their way to Scott's place and the Sheriff was on his way over to talk to the girls, Buck calmed Maggie enough to sit by Annie. He wished he could calm himself, but he couldn’t sit still knowing what was happening to Claire at this very moment. He paced around the room, which felt ten times smaller today. He ran his hands through his hair, wanting to bellow in rage. If Scott hurt her, he would kill him. It was that simple.

"Oh, God, the baby." Annie picked up the contents of Claire's purse and now stood holding a pill bottle.

"What are you talking about, Annie?" Matt crouched down beside her and put and hand on her back.

Annie looked up to Buck tears in her eyes. "Buck, Claire is pregnant. If Scott found this, he will kill her." Her bottom lip trembled.

Claire was pregnant? Fear gripped him, a fear like he had never felt in his life. Before he knew what he was doing, he had exited the building and was running for his car. Claire was having his baby!

As he drove, he knew in that moment Claire, Maggie, and the baby were his world. He had to do everything in his power to make sure they were safe. His phone buzzed, and he saw it was Matt. "Yeah?"

"Buck, where are you going?"

"Please, watch over Maggie. I am bringing her Mom home." He ended the call and tossed the phone onto the passenger seat.

He remembered how long he had waited for someone like Claire to come into his life. Then she’d arrived, bringing Maggie with her. Two rays of sunshine. He could not ever imagine being without the two of them. Now he would also have a baby with Claire. A tear rolled down his cheek. He had not cried since the day his mother said she couldn't see him anymore. Claire was his lotus, strong and beautiful. He sped down the highway, pounding a fist on the steering wheel as he imagined different scenarios, none of them pleasant. If only he had gotten done earlier or went and picked her up.

"I'm coming for you, Claire. I’m coming for you and our baby."

Chapter 28


There are times in your life that go by slowly. This was one of them. Deep down in my soul I knew death was coming for me. I could see the flashing red and blue lights. I could hear the sirens. I could see the sweat running down Scott's face. I heard the deafening sound as he pulled the trigger and felt the searing hot pain of the bullet as it entered my chest. Then I was falling forever as time seemed to stand still. Warm liquid soaked my clothes. In slow motion, I saw policemen barge in. It was almost like a movie.
A horror movie
. Scott doesn't put up a fight. He stares at me as they take him down to the floor and handcuff him. Is that remorse I see? Shock? Am I dying? Am I already dead?

Someone kneels beside me. Their mouths are moving, but I am unable to hear what they are saying. Darkness clouds my vision.

Chapter 29


He pulled up to the house he knew to be the one Claire had shared with Scott. Police cars lined the street. The policemen were moving across the lawn. Buck stepped out of the car, and a police officer ran over, ordering him to stay back. He looked the house, anxious to get to Claire. He heard the sound of gunfire, and his gut clenched in fear.
Please, let Claire be okay.
He pushed his way past the policeman, only to be restrained by another.

"I'm a doctor." His voice quavered, but now was not the time to break down.

The policemen were saying something to him, but his focus and eyes were on the house.

He watched as EMT's entered the house, and then Scott was being led out in handcuffs, guilt written on his face as he made eye contact with Buck.
No, no, no, no! 
Buck fell to knees, shaking. He looked up to see the EMT's bringing her out on a stretcher and ran to her side without a second thought.

"Claire, I'm here."

"Sir, do you know the patient?"

"Yes, I do, and I also know that she is pregnant.”

The grim look on the EMT's face made Buck want to take over. "We’re taking her to St. Mary's, sir, if you want to follow." They loaded the stretcher, shut the door and took off with a screech of tires and siren wailing. Buck knew he needed to let Annie know what was going on, but he was frozen in place. He could tell by looking at her that she had a chest wound. She looked so pale and weak. It would be a miracle if she survived and an even bigger miracle if the baby did. He sprinted back to his car, throat burning from the emotions he was trying desperately to keep under control. This one day could end his family. The family he had yet to fully enjoy.

Chapter 30


Someone is sticking a hot poker in my skin and twisting it. The pain is so intense. I try to open my eyes but they feel glued shut. As I force one eye open, I hear the beeping of machines. I look down and see Buck, his head resting on the bed near my hip. His hand is wrapped in mine. His hair looks like he has been running his hands through it.
A lot.
My other eye finally opens, and I exam Buck's face. He apparently hasn't shaved in days.

I shifted in the bed, the throbbing pain in my chest causing me to suck in a sharp breath. Buck's head flies up at the sound. I see worry etched across his face. He brings up a hand and caresses my cheek.

"You made it." That's all he says. Memories from the night with Scott flood my mind.
I was shot!.
My hands instinctively go to my stomach.

"The baby is fine," Buck reassures and relief washes over me.

I gave him a weak smile. "I was going to tell you when we had dinner at Annie’s. So much for my surprise."

He looks at me with sincerity. "Claire, my Lotus. You have survived dark and painful things. You have fought your way to your own sunlight and have brought me so much joy and happiness. I am so happy to have a child with you. I love you, Claire. I love you, Maggie, and our baby."

Tears filled my eyes. "I love you too, Buck."

He stands over me and captures my mouth with his. I try to move closer to him, but the pain shoots through me.  Buck breaks the kiss and smiles down at me. "I have to get the others." He bends over and places a kiss on my belly and leaves the room but stops at the door. "I love you, Claire." Warmth spreads throughout my body as I gaze at the man I love.

BOOK: Through The Pieces
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