Through The Pieces (9 page)

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Authors: Bobbi Jo Bentz

BOOK: Through The Pieces
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Chapter 16


We ate dinner while a sultry female voice sang onstage. She was accompanied by a band of musicians. The soft light from candles on the tables made the room glow. Buck rested a hand on the back of my chair, his fingers delicately brushing my bare skin. As the band played into a slow song, people began to take up spots on the dance floor.

"Claire, could I have this dance?" Buck stood at my chair, hand extended. I placed my palm in his and allowed him to lead to the dance floor. We moved together, his right hand on my lower back, his left hand clasping mine closely to him. I rested my head on his chest, loving the feel of his body so close to me. His faint scent of aftershave lingered, and I inhaled, wanting to burn it into my memory. We continued to sway to the music, our bodies melding together, until the band switched to an upbeat number. I detached myself from Buck reluctantly, cold without his body heat. He smiled down at me, his hand on the small of my back as he walked me towards the table.

"I'll be right back. I’m going to use the bathroom and get us some drinks." He placed a small kiss on my head and walked away. My face ached--I had no idea how long I had been smiling, but from the feel of my cheeks, it must have been all night. I sat down and looked through my purse for my phone. Three missed calls. I scrolled through them and saw Annie's number pop up. She’d left me three voicemails. I tried to listen to the messages but couldn’t hear, so I got up quickly and walked to the lobby where I found a quiet corner.

"Claire, don't freak out, but we are headed to the hospital with Maggie. She fell. I think she may need stitches."

My heart began to race as I listened to the next voicemail.

"Okay, we just got to the hospital. Call me!"

Frantic, I listened to the next message.

"Claire, everything is okay. I just want to say they’ve taken her to an examining room. I’m not sure my phone will work in there."

I glanced at the time. It was only five minutes since the last call. I dialed Annie’s number, but it went straight to voicemail.
I needed to find Buck and get to the hospital. I scanned the lobby for his tall figure and spotted him, but halfway there I stopped in my tracks. He was talking to his colleagues, but next to him, her tentacles draped around him, was Jenny. She was whispering into his ear, her hands all over him. I swallowed nausea at the sight. At that moment Jenny looked up at me, a devilish grin forming on her face. She leaned into Buck and kissed his cheek, never taking her eyes off me. Bile rose up my throat. Abruptly, I turned and walked toward the lobby. I found the exit and continued outside, not even worrying about my jacket. Tears crashed down my cheeks. I was at least a mile and a half away from the hospital, but I didn't care. I needed to be with Maggie. I headed in that direction, scared for Maggie and heartbroken by Buck. How could I trust him so easily? Why would he let her touch him all over while on a date with me? My phone began to ring. I grabbed it and looked at the name.
. I hit the ignore button. I began to shake from the cold but my skin was on fire.

By the time I arrived at the hospital, my feet were aching. The warm blast of air in the lobby burned my skin. I looked frantically around the waiting area, searching for someone to tell me what was going on. I hurried to a nurse sitting at a desk.

"I’m looking for my daughter, Maggie Blair. She was brought in by my sister, Annie Grayson." The nurse clicked at the keys on her computer.

"Yes, she’s in room five. Just go through there and you will see it." She pointed at a set of double doors to her left.

I pushed through the doors, scanning for room five. I noticed Matt pacing in the hallway. He looked up and saw me, relief evident in his expression.

"What happened? Is Maggie okay?"

"She’s fine. She knocked over a vase and slipped and cut her hand." Tears filled my eyes. I pushed past Matt and into the room.

"Mommy, I'm getting stitches!" Maggie exclaimed. Only my little girl would think this was cool. I took a deep breath. She just had a small cut on her hand needing only a few stitches. I wrapped her in my arms, Rose and Annie watching with pale faces.

"Are you okay, sweetie?" I asked. Maggie nodded. "Are you okay, Annie?" She looked sick, but shook her head no. "Why don't you go get some coffee? I’m here, so I can take care of Maggie." Both Annie and Rose left the room looking like zombies. I shook my head at the sight.

"Annie doesn't like blood. Neither does Rose. I thought they were going to puke."

An older balding man walked in just as I was about to laugh at Maggie's comment. He put three tiny stitches in her hand and gave her a sucker and a pair of doctor gloves she absolutely adored. We returned to the waiting room and to my sister and her family.

"Claire, I am so sorry! It happened so quick. One minute we were dancing, the next there was blood everywhere."

"It was a couple of drops" Matt stated.

"It was a bloodbath!" Annie appeared ready to faint.

"It's not anyone's fault,” I assured her. “I’m just glad Maggie is all right. Do you think you can give us a ride home?"

"Where's Buck, and how did you get here?"

"I walked, so can we get going? I think I’ve had enough excitement for one night."

"You walked? Why? What happened?" Annie gave me a questioning look as we started for the car.

"I don't want to talk about it right now. I just want to get Maggie home and settled."

We drove to my place and I got Maggie settled in her bed with a bowl of ice cream, then went to the living room and got my phone out of my purse. I had four missed calls from Buck. I couldn't even think about him and the Barbie. The phone rang in my hands. Buck was calling again.


"Claire, what happened? I looked everywhere for you." He sounded nervous.

"I had an emergency with Maggie and needed to go to the hospital."

"You had an emergency? Why didn't you tell me? What kind of emergency?"

"Maggie cut her hand and needed stitches."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I was going to, but you were busy with the Barbie."

"What? Oh, you don't think she and I..." Buck paused. "Claire, there is nothing going on between us. How did you get to the hospital?"

"I walked."

"You walked instead of asking me to take you? Why?"

"Well, I was going to ask you, but Barbie made sure to have her hands on you and when I saw her kissing you, I just decided to go by myself." Now I was acting like a jealous teenager.

"Claire, you should have come over. I don't know why she kissed me. Can I come over so we can talk about this?"

"No, I really need to take care of Maggie, and I think I need some space."

"How can you say that? I have done nothing to deserve your mistrust. I know what it probably looked like, but if you’d  come up and talked to me, you would have heard me ask her repeatedly to not touch me."

"You're probably right, but I think this proves I may not be ready for this to go any further." A tightness settled in my chest.
Did I really want to do this?
"Goodbye Buck."

I hit the end button and let the tears pour down my face. Buck had been nothing but nice to me since we met. But the sight of him and Barbie made me incredibly angry. I got ready for bed, hoping the heavy feeling in my chest would go away.

Chapter 17


The days passed and the hollow feeling in my chest did not cease. I received a few calls from Buck, begging me to contact him. Even though I didn’t, I listened to the messages over and over. I wasn't sure if I was being too hard on him or if I truly wasn't ready to dive into a relationship head over heels. The calls became less frequent, as did his visits to Annie's and Matt's house. I knew I was to blame, but I felt both relief at his absence and an undeniable regret.

"Claire, I asked if you are still going to the Winter Fair." Annie’s voice interrupted my pity party.

"Oh, yes we’re going. what time is it at again?"

Annie was clearly irritated with my inattentiveness. "We’re leaving in an hour. You know you can talk about what is going on between you and Buck, right?"

"I know. I just don't want to yet." I looked down at my coffee, cursing the tears that formed in my eyes.

"Claire, he really likes you. Whatever happened, you two can get through it. Whatever it is, let me ask you this. Does it feel better to be away from him or does it feel better to be with him?"

"It's not that easy, Annie." I glanced at her, knowing deep down I was being unfair to Buck. Was it too late? I had ignored his calls for days.

"It is that easy, you’re just making it hard. Buck made you happy. Maybe you don't think you deserve it, but you do, Claire. You need to at least listen to him. Buck deserves that from you." Annie she had a serious expression on her face--a look that reminded me of Mom. She left the kitchen, and I sat and contemplated what she had just said. Was I treating him so unfairly?
Would he hurt me like Scott did?
No, he is not Scott! What have I done?
I got up and went to look for Annie. She was standing by the door with my jacket in her hands.

"Welcome back, Claire. Now go and talk to him. We’ll meet you at the Winter Fair." She had a cocky smile on her face.

"Thank you, Annie. Please make sure Maggie bundles up." I barely had my jacket on as I raced towards the car. The hollow feeling inside me had vanished. It was replaced with a fluttering in my chest.

As I drove, I fumbled for my phone and dialed Buck's number. The call went straight to voicemail, dammit! I redialed and again it went to voicemail. I gripped the steering wheel as the fluttering in my chest intensified. I needed to apologize to this amazing man and beg him to forgive me. I’d treated him unfairly. I should have just talked to him instead of assuming he’d let Barbie kiss him. As I pulled up to his condo, I spotted his car. Relief washed over me. I parked and left the keys in the ignition as I bolted out of the car and ran to his door. I knocked loudly. After a few knocks, the front door swung open to reveal
Barbie. What the hell was she doing here? Why the hell was she in only a bathrobe?
A hollowness coiled around my insides.

"Can I help you?" she asked in snotty tone.

"I was looking for Buck, but I see he is busy..." I backed away from the door.

She gave me a fake smile and purred, "Yes, he is

I ran back to my car and drove in shock to the Winter Fair. Once in the parking lot, I sat, unable to move, unable to do anything but replay the humiliation in my head. She was where I should be, with Buck. I rested my head on the steering wheel, sobs shaking my body. I was too late. He didn't need me anymore. I don't know how long I sat in that position when a tap on my window made me jump. Annie peered down at me, a sad expression on her face. I opened the door and got out.

"Didn't go as planned?" she asked. I shook my head and immediately felt her arms around me. If I had any tears left, I’m sure I would have cried again. "Do you want to go inside or would you rather just go home? I could bring Maggie over after the Winter Fair is done."

I detangled myself from her and shook my head. I would not ruin this day for Maggie. We entered the Community Center where the Winter Fair was held. I plastered on a fake smile the rest of the day, looking up every once in awhile to find Annie watching me with sympathy in her eyes. My stomach knotted each time.


Later that night, Maggie and Pippi were curled up beside me on the couch. I checked my phone again. No missed calls. My eyes filled with tears, as I tried to wiggle my way out from under Maggie. Pippi looked up at me yawned, then went back to sleep. I stepped into the kitchen to get a drink when my phone dinged, alerting me to a message. I did not recognize the number and clicked to open the message.

Unknown Number

What happened to your boyfriend?

I was confused as I stared at the message. Who was this and how did they know I’d broken up with Buck?

I racked my brain, trying to figure out who this could possibly be, when it dinged again.

Unknown Number

You will always be mine

Oh God, it was Scott. A chill ran through me, and I scanned the room, half expecting him to leap out at me. My phone fell to the floor. I ran to the door and checked. Locked. I checked the windows, knowing they were already locked. I frantically looked in every room and every closet. My phone dinged again. My feet could not move fast enough as I scrambled back to the kitchen and snatched it up the phone.

Unknown Number

Talk to me Claire

I sat on the floor, frozen and unable to move until the morning light began slanted through the windows. My place had always felt safe. It didn't right now, but as the sun rose higher in the sky, I felt my fear begin to subside. On shaky legs, I wobbled over to the couch and sat next to Maggie. Funny how she could look so peaceful while I felt so scared.

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