Thy Neighbor's Wife (68 page)

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Authors: Gay Talese

Tags: #Health & Fitness, #Sexuality

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Dr. Alex Comfort, the British biologist who is introduced in this chapter as a frequent visitor to Sandstone—and who while visiting it wrote
The Joy of Sex
, a worldwide bestseller—died in 1991 at the age of seventy-one of a brain hemorrhage. In 2009
The Joy of Sex
is being reissued by Crown Publishers with revisions by Susan Quilliam.

Another scientific figure who was a regular at Sandstone along with Dr. Comfort during the early 1970s was Sally Binford, a leading anthropologist and archaeologist who was described in
Thy Neighbor’s Wife
as “an elegant gray-haired divorcee of forty-
six whose beautifully proportioned body invariably effused the passions of one lover after another.”

Dr. Binford committed suicide on February 20, 1993, and left the following note:

To those I love—

Most of you know that for some time I’ve been planning to check out—not out of despair or depression, but out of a desire to end things well. I’ve been lucky enough to have a remarkable life, immeasurably enriched by the love and support of a large (if improbable) group of friends and lovers. I don’t want to let it fizzle out in years of debility and dependency. I’ve gambled enough to know that quitting while you’re ahead (or at least even) is wise. And those of you familiar with my birthday will recognize the timing of my exit allows me to claim as my epitaph:

Toujours soixante-neuf!

Love and good-bye, Sally


Daniel Ellsberg, who was an occasional visitor to Sandstone as Sally Binford’s guest in 1970—but who in 1971 became a villain of the Nixon White House after he had leaked the Pentagon Papers to the press and thus exposed the U.S. government’s history of lying about its political and military dealings in Vietnam—is now seventy-seven years old, and very much alive as an active critic of the U.S. military’s mission in Iraq.


Charles Keating, a six-foot-four-inch Cincinnati attorney whose many years of lobbying against sex films and books had caused the Cincinnati headline writers to call him “Mr. Clean”—and who was Richard Nixon’s choice to head the Presidential Commission on Obscenity and Pornography—later went to jail for his
role in a multibillion-dollar savings and loan scandal that would burden taxpayers into the twenty-first century. Keating’s name emerged from oblivion in the autumn of 2008 near the end of the Obama-McCain election battle when political writers and editorialists reminded readers that back in the late 1980s John McCain had been one of the five senators who had received political contributions from Keating and had been accused of intervening to try to protect Keating’s Lincoln Savings and Loan Association from regulation.


Stanley Fleishman, the disabled but indomitable defense attorney whose career is recounted in this chapter, died in Los Angeles at the age of seventy-nine in September 1999. As a First Amendment specialist his list of clients included many individuals who are featured in this book—Sandstone residents, Diane Webber, the pornographic publisher William Hamling, and the producers who marketed the X-rated film
Deep Throat

The director of
Deep Throat
, Gerald Damiano, died of a stroke in Fort Myers, Florida, in October 2008. He was eighty years old. The film was introduced in 1972 and was so successful at the box office that it was often referred to as pornography’s
Gone with the Wind.


Hugh Hefner’s
magazine and his other enterprises are described in this chapter as being financially troubled, a condition that would continue as his firm marked its fifty-fifth anniversary in 2008. The magazine’s monthly circulation was estimated at 2.6 million, down from the 3.4 million figure of the 1980s. A recent article in
The New York Times
interpreted this, together with the dip in advertising revenue, as reflecting the “squeeze between old media and new media,” and “the easy availability of bare flesh on the Internet.”


In this final chapter of
Thy Neighbor’s Wife
I make a cameo appearance as the book’s author, referring to myself in the third person as a way of suggesting that however intimately engaged I was with certain individuals whom I wrote about, I never completely ceased being an observer. Still, I often doubted that my marriage would survive the writing of the book. But it did. And in June 2009, Nan and I will be marking our fiftieth wedding anniversary.

Note: Entries in this index, carried over verbatim from the print edition of this title, are unlikely to correspond to the pagination of any given e-book reader. However, entries in this index, and other terms, may be easily located by using the search feature of your e-book reader.


Abortion, 58, 192, 262

Acapulco, 455, 479

Accused, The
(film), 39–40

Adamites, 296

Aday, Sanford E., 400

Adolescents, 187.
See also
Youth; specific groups; juvenile delinquency, 104

See also
Mate-swapping; specific groups: Kinsey report and, 36

Advertising Age
, 79

Africa’s Black Sexual Power
, 409

Agee, James, 252

Agnes, St., 71

Agnew, Spiro, 378, 416

Albany, Ga., 419, 438

Alberts, David S., 407

Alcohol (wine; liquor), 333

Algeria, 124

Alhambra, Calif., 171

Amants, Les
, 387

American Aphrodite
, 105

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 401

American Massage and Therapy Association, 261

American Psychological Association, 193

Anchell, Melvin, 405

Andover Theological Seminary, 305

Andress, Ursula, 538

Andrews, Dana, 47

Ann-Margret, 420

Another World
, 465

, 119

Antivice societies, 55, 57, 64.
See also
specific locations, societies

Antonioni, Michelangelo, 192

Arabs, 228

, 74

Arizona, 400, 427

Arnstein, Bobby, 460, 466, 474, 482, 484, 485, 486–90

Arrowhead (publishers), 100

Art of Love
(Ovid), 58

Art Photography
, 46

Ashrams, 330

Ashton, Dr., 58

Aspen, Colo., 454

Astaire, Fred, 133

Athens, Ga., 423, 424

Atlanta, Ga., 273, 494

Atlantic City, N.J., 500, 544

Atlas Shrugged
, 179–80, 189, 195

Avalon Press, 100

Avedon, Richard, 125


Balfour, David, 24

Baltimore, Md., 494

Balzac, Honoré de, 96

Baranco, Victor, 330

Bardot, Brigitte, 10

Barr, Candy, 242

Beach, Wally, 245

Bean, Carolyn, 520

Bean, Orson, 520

Beardsley, Aubrey, 105, 123

“Beat” movement, 191

Beauvoir, Simone de, 120

Beckett, Samuel, 120

Beecher, Henry Ward, 306, 322

Beecher, Lyman, 306

Bellow, Saul, 357, 500

Beltz, Stephen, 334

Bender, Paul, 375

Bendix Corporation, 246, 251

Bennett, D. M., 59–64, 321

Bennett, Mrs. D. M., 63

Benton, Barbi (Barbara Klein), 452–55, 456, 463. 465, 471–73, 476, 477–78, 483, 496, 502

Bergman, Ingrid, 75

Berkeley, Calif., 131, 192, 330

Berkman, Alexander, 94

Berlin Heights, Ohio, 302, 320

Bernard, Keith, 24

Berwyn, 111., 535.
See also
Hefner, Hugh M.

Bettelheim, Bruno, 379

Bible, 61, 393

Bible Communism, 305.
See also
Noyes, John Humphrey

Bierce, Ambrose, 82

Big Bear Lake, 225–26

Bikinis, 91, 126

Biltmore Publishing Company, 100

Binford, Sally, 354, 355–60, 515, 516–17, 521

Birth control, 59, 91, 192.
See also
Pill, the

Birthrate, 229

Black, Hugo L., 108, 365, 392, 397, 446

Black Book, The
, 123

Blackmun, Harry, 365, 407, 418, 428

Blacks (including civil rights), 67, 228, 229, 243, 301, 393–94, 482

Blasphemy, 54

Blithedale Romance, The
, 304

, 192

Blue Ball, Pa., 395

Boar’s Head (publishers), 100

Boccaccio, Giovanni,
of, 50, 72, 81, 98

Boeing Aircraft, 175, 176

Bok, Curtis, 101–2

Book of Nature and Marriage Guide
, 58

Literature; specific books, cases

Boone, Ilsley, 544, 545

Bosch, Hieronymus, 296

Boston, Mass., 64, 98, 171, 228

Brady, Frank, 487

Brando, Marlon, 412

Brattleboro, Vt., 300

Brecher, Edward M., 347

Breedlove, Theresa, 519

Bremer, Arthur, 270

Brennan, Peter, 254

Brennan, William, 109, 397, 413, 418, 427, 428, 440–41, 445

Brimfield, Mass., 304

Brisbane, Albert, 303, 304

Britton, Nan, 393

(periodical), 51, 64

Brock, John Wiley, 169, 170

Brooke, Edward W., 387

Brook Farm Institute, 303–4

Brothels, 65, 229, 243

Brothers and Sisters of the Free Spirit, 295

Browning, Edward West, 255–58

Browning, Peaches, 255–57

Bruce, Mrs. (Lenny’s mother), 496

Bruce, Lenny, 91–92, 125, 381, 387, 488

Bryn Athyn community, 330

Buckley, Jim, 252–53, 254

Bullaro (John’s father), 131, 133

Bullaro, Mrs. (John’s mother), 133

Bullaro, Judith Palmer (Mrs. John Bullaro), 131, 134, 147, 149, 152–53, 157, 158, 208, 209, 211–18, 219–22 ff., 276, 281 ff., 284–89, 334–42, 541–42

Bullaro, John, 130, 131–39, 146, 147–63, l83, 203–18, 219–26, 227, 276, 280–94, 336, 337, 338–43, 541–42

, 102

Burger, Warren, 365, 407, 410–13, 418, 428, 431, 432, 435 ff., 441–42, 443, 444

Burroughs, William, 121, 191

Burton, Harold H., 109

Business Week
, 499


Caesar’s Retreat, 273

Caldwell, Erskine, 101

California, University of: at Berkeley, 131, 192; at Los Angeles, 120, 359

Calvinism, 301

Campbell, Glenn, 517

Canary wards, 55

, 121, 381

Cape Canaveral, 175–77, 179, 180

Capital News Agency, 66–69, 72

Capote, Truman, 414

Carnal Knowledge
, 419, 429, 438, 445

Carolines, the, 173

Carroll, Kent, 347

Carson, Johnny, 462, 463, 520

Carter, Jimmy, 500

Casbah East, 267

Casbah West, 267

Casey, Bernie, 347

Castro, Fidel, 228, 241

Castro, Raoul, 241

Catholics (Catholic Church), 10, 38, 48, 71, 124, 127, 168, 230, 367, 383–84.
See also
Popes; Priests; Religion; specific cities, persons; Legion of Decency, 367; on Supreme Court, 418

Celibacy, 116, 188, 301, 326, 327.
See also
specific groups

Chambers, Marilyn, 534

Chambers, Whittaker, 102

Chamois, Mo., 141–44

Character Analysis
, 191

Chariot of Flesh, The
, 121

Charleston, S.C., 250

Charlotte, N.C., 273

Chastity belt, 55

Chaucer, Geoffrey, 54

, 230

Cheever, John, 500

Chicago, Ill., 1–17, 65–69, 104, 124, 126, 133, 227, 357–58, 370, 382, 408, 427.
See also
Hefner, Hugh M.;
Game of Love
case, 110; Iroquois Theater fire, 150; Law and Order League, 64–65; massage parlor, 273–74; Talese in, 535

Chicago, University of, 120, 357

Daily Defender
, 67

Daily News
, 367

, 75, 491

See also
Adolescents; specific groups: parents and permissiveness, 77

Chinese, 240

Catholics; Religion

Christy, Karen, 458–67, 471–82, 483–84, 502

Chrysler, Walter, 132

Catholics; Religion

Cincinnati, Ohio, 367

, 367

Circus Maximus, 274

Citizens for Decent Literature (CDL), 366–72, 385, 388, 401, 412, 446

Civil rights.

Civil War, 316

Clancy, James J., 371, 375, 381

Clark, Tom C., 109

Classic Photography
, 2

Cleland, John, 54

Clitoris, 506

Cocoa Beach, Fla., 175, 176–77, 178, 179

Coffin, William Sloane, Jr., 228

Coition machine, 193

Colgate, Samuel, 57

Columbia University, 95, 424

Comfort, Alex, 347, 349–51, 514, 519, 520, 523. 539

Communes, 301–4, 329–32.
See also
specific groups; Perfectionist.
See Noyes
, John Humphrey

Communism (Communists), 258, 260, 390, 425

“Community standards,” 411 ff.
See also
Miller, Marvin; specific cases

Comstock, Anthony, 51, 53, 55, 56–64, 98, 321–22

Comstock Act, 51.
See also
Post Office; specific cases

Confessional magazines, 68

, 45

Connecticut, 240

Connolly, Cyril, 123

Corinthe Publications
, 371

, 44, 48

Cosell, Howard, 496

, 497

Courbet, Gustave, 50

Coventry House, 100

Craddock, Ida, 58

Cragin, Charles, 317

Cragin, George, 308–9, 310, 317, 324

Cragin, Mary, 308–9, 310, 312, 313

Cramer (Barbara’s father), 142

Cramer, Mrs. (Barbara’s mother), 141

Cramer, Barbara.
Williamson, Barbara Cramer

Cromwell, Oliver, 56

Cuba, 127, 228, 241–42

Culpeper, Va., 330

Cunnilingus, 193, 239, 240

Cupid’s Yokes
, 63

Custer, George, 132, 150

, 68

Czechoslovakia, 4


Daily Illini, The
, 35

Daily Worker
, 67

Daley, Richard, 10, 66, 126, 535

Dallas, Tex., 273, 404, 405, 458, 480–81, 483

Dana, Richard Henry, 21

Daniels, Derick J., 500–1

Daniels, Dominick V., 401

Dante, John, 458, 460, 461, 466, 474, 482

Darden, Severn, 357

Dartmouth College, 89, 300

Day, Edward, 387

“Days” (O’Hara), 82

Decameron. See
Boccaccio, Giovanni,

De Dienes, Andre, 24, 48–49, 83

Deep Throat
, 411, 414, 420, 442, 534

“Defenders, The,” 515

Degas, Edgar, 393

De Mille, Cecil B., 19

Democratic National Convention, 227

Denmark, 190, 373, 376

, 367

Devil in Miss Jones, The
, 534

Devil’s Brigade
, 515

Dildoes, 266

Dirksen, Everett M., 371

Discoe, Meg, 354

Disney World, 466

Dodson, Betty, 347, 505–14

Dolls, sex, 230

Donleavy, J. P., 121

Dorsey brothers, 82

Doubleday & Company, 101

Douglas, William O., 108, 390–92, 397, 413, 418, 425, 427, 428, 431, 438, 445

Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan, 82

Drugs, 333, 482–83, 484, 485–90, 491; heroin bust, 228

Duffy, Francis Patrick (Father Duffy), 231

Durrell, Lawrence, 123


East Village Other, The
, 245

magazine, 67

(film), 45

Edison, Charles, 132

Ehrlichman, John D., 364

Eisenhower, Dwight, 109, 124, 125, 127, 178, 418, 503

Ellis, Albert, 193, 393

Ellsberg, Daniel, 347, 359, 360–61, 364–65

Elson, Edward E., 373

Elysium Fields, 360, 538

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 304

Empey, Guy (Diane Webber’s father), 20–22

Empey, Mrs. Guy (Diane Webber’s mother), 20–22

Empire News Company, 385

Encino, Calif., 340

England, 54, 55–56, 59, 63, 68, 106, 109–10, 117.
See also
London; Alex Comfort in, 350; and life insurance, 151

Entrapment, 58

Equal Rights Amendment, 513

Equal Rights Party, 322

, 230, 392–98

Esalen Institute, 193–94, 265, 520

, 31–32, 36, 44, 48–49, 75, 83, 503

Esquire, Inc., 44

, 47

Eugene, Ore., 329

Evergreen Review
, 390, 511

Exorcist, The
, 534

Exotic Adventures
, 427

“Exotic” dating service, 245

Experience One (massage parlor), 260, 271

Expositor, The
, 47

Extramarital sex, 75.
See also
Adultery; specific groups, types of activity

, 45, 68


Falls Church, Va., 273

Family Circle
, 502

Fanny Hill
. See
Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure

Farley, James A., 99

Farouk, King, 409

Farrell, James T., 101

Farwell, Arthur B., 65

Faulkner, William, 101

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 102, 190, 229, 260, 360, 380, 405

Fellatio, 37, 193, 230, 239, 240, 270

Feminism, 229, 502, 505–13

Fielding, Henry, 54

Films (movies), 19ff., 49, 66, 80, 110, 125, 193, 232, 243, 366, 367, 374, 376, 387, 411, 413, 419–20, 533–35.
See also
specific films; fan magazines, 67–68;
and, 469, 493

Finnegans Wake
, 123

Finney, Charles G., 308, 309

First Amendment (free-speech amendment), 63, 109, 110, 399.
See also
Supreme Court; specific cases

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