Thy Neighbor's Wife (70 page)

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Authors: Gay Talese

Tags: #Health & Fitness, #Sexuality

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Maugham, Somerset, 409

Maupassant, Guy de, 96, 393

May, Elaine, 357

Meadville, Pa., 330

Me and the Orgone
, 520

Memoirs of a Booklegger
, 123

Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure
Fanny Hill; Memoirs
.), 54, 97, 240, 371, 387, 440

Memoirs of Hecate County
, 101

Memories Within Miss Aggie
, 534

Mencken, H. L., 233

“Men in Space,” 515

Meredith, James, 394

, 121

Metropolitan Life, 151

Mexico City, 228

Meyer, Russ, 125

Miami Beach, Fla., 470

, 367

Michigan, 400, 427

Middle Earth Studio, 267, 272, 529

Middlesex, N.J., 395, 396

Mill, J. S., 107

Miller, Henry, 50, 101, 119, 120, 123, 240, 358, 381, 420

Miller, Jack, 371

Miller, Marvin (
), 347, 377, 408–14, 419, 427, 429, 436 ff., 446, 471, 533

Miranda, Carmen, 44

Mishkin, Edward (
the State of New York
), 391–92

Miss America, 229

Mrs. Warren’s Profession
, 321

Mitchell, John M., 372, 378, 404, 416

Mobile, Ala., 168–69

Modern Man
, 2, 47, 48, 49, 74, 83. 384

Modern Sunbathing & Hygiene
, 46, 384

Monroe, Marilyn, 27, 79–80, 81, 86, 243, 426

Monster Times
, 258

Montgomery, Ala., 170

Montreal, Canada, 494

Moore, George, 95–96

Morality in Media, Inc., 372

Moravia, Alberto, 381

More Joy
, 520

Morgan, J. P., 57

Mormonism, 301, 322

Mother Earth
(magazine), 94

Mount, Anson, 72–73

Mundt, Karl E., 401

Museum of Erotic Art, 347

Mutiny on the Bounty
, 173

Mutual of New York, 243

My Life and Loves
(Harris), 98, 123

My Secret Life
, 101, 358, 408

My Uncle Benjamin
, 100


Nabokov, Vladimir, 121, 123

Nadjari, Maurice, 103

Naked Ape, The
, 469

“Naked City,” 515

Naked Lunch
, 121

Name Is Bonnie, The
, 409

Nashoba, 301

National Decency Reporter
, 367, 412, 446

National Film Review Board, 469

National Mirror, The
, 233

National Office for Decent Literature, 109

Navasky, Victor S., 394

Nebel, Long John, 247

Negro Digest, The
, 67

New Haven, Conn., 306

New Orleans, La., 494

New Orleans
Times Picayune
, 367

New School for Social Research, 190

, 84

New York (City), 93–99ff., 118ff., 190, 228ff., 255–73, 356–57, 421, 424, 466, 496, 497, 502, 503.
See also
specific residents; ashrams, 330; Comstock’s vice suppression.
Comstock, Anthony; World’s Fair, 244, 252

New York
(magazine), 542–43

New York (State), 56

New Yorker, The
, 82, 83

New York
Free Press
, 251–53

New York
, 95

New York Life Insurance Company, 132ff., 146, 150–51ff., 155, 210, 289.
See also
Bullaro, John

New York Society for the Suppression of Vice, 57, 64, 97, 99, 101, 321

New York State Society of Medical Masseurs, 261

New York
, 75, 104, 191, 192, 243, 325, 329, 367, 413, 428, 502; Sunday magazine, 45

New York
, 303

New York University, 131

Nichols, Mike, 357, 419, 429

Nicholson, Jack, 420

Night and Day
(magazine), 68

Nightstand Books, 386, 388

Nin, Anaïs, 123

Nixon, Francis A., 363

Nixon, Hannah Milhous, 363

Nixon, Richard (and Administration), 102, 361, 363–65, 366, 372, 377. 378, 381, 402. 404, 416, 482

Nizer, Louis, 419, 420, 429

North Carolina, University of, 374. 376

Northwestern University, 43

Norway, 190

Noyes, Harriet Holton (wife of John Humphrey Noyes), 307–8, 310, 322

Noyes, John (father), 300

Noyes, John Humphrey, 296–300, 304–23, 325, 326–27, 328

Noyes, Pierrepont B., 327

Noyes, Polly Hayes, 300

Noyes, Theodore, 310, 317, 319, 320–21, 322, 324

Nudity (nudism), 46, 110, 124, 193, 229 265, 274–75, 296, 544–46.
See also
specific groups, publications


Oates, Joyce Carol, 414

Obelisk Press, The, 123

Oberlin, Ohio, 309

O’Brian, Hugh, 462

Ocean City, N.J., 543, 545

O’Hara, John, 82

Oh! Calcutta!
, 230, 265

Ohio, 240

Olympia Press, 121, 124

Olympic games, 228

Onassis, Aristotle, 228

Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy, 127, 228, 242, 243, 492

, 110

Oneida, N.Y., 296–300, 312–28

Oneida Community, Ltd., 327

Oral sex, 75, 239–40.
See also
specific acts

Orangeburg, S.C., 228

Oregon State Penitentiary, 228

Original sin, 296

Orgone energy, 190

Orlando, Fla., 175, 466

Osage County, Mo., 141

, 470, 500, 520

Our Lady of the Flowers
, 123

Outlaw, The
, 36

Over the Top
, 21

Ovid, 54, 58

Oz commune, 330


Pace College, 237, 238, 242

Page, Bettie, 68, 86, 242

Paige, Paul, 518–19, 520, 521

Paine, Thomas, 59

Pakistan, 178, 242

Palmer (father of Judith Bullaro), 134

Palm Springs, 136–39, 146

P&D Manufacturing Company, 246–47

Paolozzi, Christina, 126

Paris, 120–24

, 468

Partisan Review, The
, 67

Paul, St., 62, 326

Paul II, 62

Paul, Art, 82

Peace Corps, 127

Peary, Robert E., 461

Peeping Tom
(tabloid), 258

Peeping Toms, 376

Penis, 115–17, 142, 530

Pennsylvania, 54

Pentagon Papers, 359, 360, 365, 516

, 414, 436, 470, 471, 492, 500, 520

Noyes, John Humphrey

Perfectionist, The
, 307

Perfumed Garden (massage parlor), 267

Perfumed Garden, The
, 97, 99, 358

Perkins, Michael, 254

Perls, Frederick S., 194

Permissiveness, 77

Petty, George, 31

Philadelphia, Pa., 101, 395, 396

, 75

Phillips, Mary.
Goldstein, Mary Phillips

Pilgrim, Janet.
Karalus, Charlaine

Pill, the, 192, 229

Pink Orchid (massage parlor), 267, 271

Pius IV, 62

Pius VI, 62

Plato’s Retreat, 517

, 24, 25ff., 48, 49, 71–92, 126, 384–85, 402–3, 412, 413, 450ff., 520, 538.
See also
Hefner, Hugh M.

Playboy After Dark
, 452

Playboy Clubs, 450, 457, 458, 459, 464, 469 493, 494, 495

Playboy Enterprises, Inc., 500, 501.
See also
Hefner, Hugh M.; specific branches, employees

Playboy Foundation, 501

Playboy Towers Hotel, 470

, 530

Points of Rebellion
, 390

Polanski, Roman, 469

Police Gazette, The
, 67

Pollack, Adrienne, 486, 489


Ponape, 172

Popes, 62, 98

Portnoy’s Complaint
, 229, 400

Post Office (the mails; Comstock Act), 36, 46, 48, 57–58ff., 102, 108ff., 118, 385ff.
See also
specific court cases, postmasters general; publications

Pound, Ezra, 96

Powell, Lewis F., 365, 407, 418, 428, 433, 440, 443–44, 446

Powers, Gary, 178

Premarital sex, 6, 41, 75; Kinsey report and, 36

Preminger, Otto, 367

Presidential Commission on Obscenity and Pornography (and Report), 366–86, 401–7, 412; Hamling case, 415–47

Presley, Elvis, 91, 143, 515

Priests, 68, 116

Profumo scandal, 350

Prohibition, 65

Project Synergy, 195

Prostitutes, 53, 57, 58, 104, 186–87, 193, 235–37.
See also
Brothels; Massage;
Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure

Prudential Life, 151

Psychiatrists, 262

Pubic hair, 46, 110, 192


Puritans, 53–54, 56

Putney, Vt, 305, 307–11, 330


Quakers, 54

Quantity of Copies of Books
, 426


Rabelais, Françoise, 54

Radio, 247

Rand, Ayn, 179, 189

Random House, 82, 97, 400

Raphael, 50

Rapp, George, 301

Réage, Pauline, 121

Red Clover settlement, 330

Redrup, Robert (
decision), 399–401, 420

Rehnquist, William H., 365, 407, 419, 428, 433, 446

Reich, Wilhelm (Reichians), 186–92, 193–94, 266, 330, 515, 520

Religion (Church), 53–54, 57, 59ff., 67, 71–72, 76, 109, 188, 189, 192, 240.
See also
Catholics; specific cities, groups; and penis in art, 116

Renaissance Club, 245

Renoir, Pierre Auguste, 50, 228

Resorts International, 501

, 54

Rimmer, Robert, 330, 334

Ritter, Tex, 517

Robbe-Grillet, Alain, 120, 430

Robertson, Cliff, 515

Rochelle, Ill., 82, 84

Rockefeller brothers, 468

, 385, 403

Róheim, Géza, 192

Rohrbach, Mildred.
Hefner, Mildred

Rohrbach, Pierre, 502

Rolling Stone
, 330

Roman Catholics.

Romans, 240

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 132, 150, 390, 422, 423

Roosevelt, Theodore, 132, 461

Rosen, Lew (
United States
), 51, 64, 445

Rosenberg, Julius and Ethel, 390

Rosenfield, Jerry, 83, 84, 385

Rosenwein, Sam, 433, 435

Rossellini, Roberto, 75

Rosset (Barney’s father), 119

Rosset, Mrs. (Barney’s mother), 119

Rosset, Barney, 64, 118–20, 121, 408–9

Rosy Crucifixion, The
, 381

Roth, Philip, 229, 400

Roth, Samuel (
decision), 9, 64, 92, 93, 110–11, 114, 118, 119, 191, 347, 387, 409, 436

Roth, Mrs. Samuel, 96, 100, 103

Roy, Delia, 334

Roy, Mark, 274

Roy, Rustrum, 334

Rubens, Peter Paul, 50

Rubin (Harold’s father), 5, 6–8, 10, 12, 13

Rubin, Mrs. (Harold’s mother), 7, 11–12, 13

Rubin, Harold, 1–17, 69, 126, 229, 274, 370, 535–37

Rubin, Mrs. Harold, 535, 536

Rubin, John (Harold’s grandfather), 5–6, 10, 12–13

Rubin, Mrs. John (Harold’s grandmother), 4–5, 10

Russell, Dan, 267

Russell, Jane, 36, 47

Russians (Soviet Union), 124–25, 127, 176, 178

Russo, Anthony, 347, 359–60, 516


Sade, Marquis de, 381

St. Louis, Mo., 98, 143, 192, 367

Salt Lake City, Utah, 413

San Cristobal, N. Mex., 330

(Faulkner), 101

San Diego, Calif., 381, 382, 386, 404, 405–7, 414, 429, 432, 433, 434, 441, 443, 445

Sandstone Retreat, 276, 277–94, 295, 329, 331–35, 337, 342, 345–54. 360. 421, 513–14ff., 517–23. 538–42

San Francisco, Calif., 23–24, 124, 150, 185, 347, 425, 494

San Francisco
, 367

Sanger, Margaret, 321

Santa Ana, Calif., 328

Santa Barbara, Calif., 350

Saturday Review, The
, 84

Scharaga, Robert, 273

Scharf, Ron, 485

Schoenbrun, David, 123

Schooley’s Mountain, 544

Schools, 54

Schub, Alex, 267

Schwind, David, 199–201, 206, 212, 221, 279, 281, 285, 293, 335. 541

Scotland Yard, 118

Scott, Barbara, 372

, 229–54, 255, 258, 260, 271–75. 413. 524. 533

Scribner’s, Charles, Sons, 82

Second City theater club, 357

Secret Life Studio, 267, 527, 529

Sedley, arrested for obscenity, 54

Selby, Hubert, 413

“Select” dating service, 245

Selected James Joyce Letters, The
, 232

, 98

Self-defense for Women
, 102

Sellers, Eldon, 80, 82, 87

Senate, 104–5, 371

Sex Life of a Cop
, 400

Sexual Revolution, The
, 191

(magazine), 36

Shakespeare, William, 393

Shame Agent
, 399

Shaw, George Bernard, 321

Shaw, Irwin, 500

Sheen, Fulton J., 355

Shepard, Alan, 179

Shepherd, Jean, 247

Sidey, Hugh, 128–29

Silverstein, Shel, 466

Simon, Harry, 388

Simon, Norton, 228

Simonini, Ed, 502

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