Read Ti Amo Online

Authors: Sienna Mynx

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Family Saga, #Romance, #Anthologies, #Sagas, #Collections & Anthologies

Ti Amo (19 page)

BOOK: Ti Amo
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Hurt beyond words, she held to her tears and didn’t let a single one fall. Shaking her head, she refused to cry. “What do you want? If I repulse you so much why stay married to me and pretend? Why not just go?” she shouted at him.

Franco stopped laughing. He glared instead. “Am I not a good husband to you? Don’t I play the role and make you happy? Do I ever question you coming back to my bed stinking of him? Have I ever made any demands on you sexually?”

“I don’t want a marriage like this.”

“Have I not been a good fucking husband?” he shouted at her.

She stared confused and Franco ran his hands through his hair smoothing it back in place. “Your brother gives me whatever I want. My family is pretty well taken care of because of Battaglia and I get to…. well let’s say I’m not missing out on anything. You mess it up and I will expose you. Who do you think Giovanni will side with? The jilted wounded husband whose wife came to his bed as a whore? Or the cunt soiled from the touch of a man he considers a brother?”

Catalina scrambled on her hands and knees and got to her feet. She attacked Franco, hitting and kicking him with everything she had. He threw her off him and then back handed her. The force of his blow knocked her hard into the dresser. Slumping to the ground and holding her face she was unable to catch a breath.

“You hit? I hit back. Bitch. Now clean yourself up. Send the Don my regrets about dinner.”

Catalina closed her eyes and waited for the pain to subside. The agony in her heart would never fade away. She dropped her head, her long ringlets of hair covering her face, she cried.


Mira stared at the phone for several long minutes before she reached for it. Eve could be seen in the other room. Her daughter played on the floor with blocks arranging them in a pattern. Mira kept one eye on her while she dialed. She called his office, his penthouse in Manhattan and then his home in the Bronx before he picked up.



“Mira, sweetheart, is that you?”


The line went silent. Mira inhaled deeply. “I’m sorry. I should have called sooner.”

“Are you okay? Is Eve okay?”

“Yes, yes, we’re fine.”


Mira rose from the bed and walked toward the door that joined her room with Eve’s. She leaned in the frame staring at her daughter. “I hurt you. I’m ashamed about it. After everything you’ve done for Eve and me. I love you Kei, I always will.”

“I love you too, Mira. I’ve been worried. No. I’ve been terrified for you. Three days and nothing? What was I to think? I’ve already contacted the State Department’s office and the FBI.”

“You didn’t? Please say you didn’t.” Mira put her hand to her eyes.

“You know how this works. You leave the program they can’t protect you. No one can. Where are you? I can come get you.”

She closed her eyes. “I’m, he and I are together in Sorrento. At his home. We’re getting married.”

The silence on the phone was the worst part of the call. She felt such profound guilt and loss over the end of their friendship. There would be no way she could stay in contact with him now that she’s decided to become Giovanni’s wife. She hadn’t lied. He was one of her first loves. She would always cherish what they had, but her life and her future was here. “Say something. Talk to me. Please.”

“This won’t happen.”

The line disconnected.

“Hello? Hello?”

“Who were you talking to?” Giovanni stepped inside the room. Mira whirled around with the phone in her hand. She blinked at him a bit surprised. His gaze lowered to the phone in her hand and then lifted to her face. He eased his hands in his pockets and held her stare. “I asked you a question, Bella. Who was that on the phone?”

“Agnes, a neighbor in Muri. I need her to check on my cottage while we decide what to do with it.” She lied. Why she lied she wasn’t sure. Her heart hammered so hard and fast in her chest she feared he could hear it from across the room. He smiled and stepped toward her. Mira placed the phone back on the base.

“What is this?” he paused and looked in at Eve. Mira released the breath she held. She followed him inside the room. Eve rose from the floor with a block in her hand. She walked over to her father and handed it to him. He lowered to the floor smiling. “You want Papa to play with you?”

Eve backed up and sat on his lap on the floor. She stuck her pacifier back in her mouth. Giovanni chuckled. With Eve’s help he began to stack blocks. Mira turned from the door and went back inside their room. When she glanced over her shoulder she saw Giovanni staring at her through the open door. Their eyes met. She tried to seem less guilty and forced a smile. His gaze narrowed on her, and then he winked. He began to talk and play with Eve. She shouldn’t start out lying to him, but what harm could a little white lie do?


Kei rose from the sofa. He paced back and forth, his chest constricting with anger. He turned and picked up the vase from the mantle and threw it through the window facing the front of the house. Enraged, he snatched up the phone and dialed. “Cheung. We do things your way. Yes. I understand. She is with him in Sorrento. Do what you must.”

He ended the call. Tossing the phone to the sofa he exhaled deep breaths. “I won’t let you do this, Mira. It’s time for you to come home sweetheart,” he said with a clenched fist.



Chapter Eight


Melanzana was no ordinary home. One could spend hours roaming halls and rooms that connected intricately like some unsolvable labyrinth. The walls were either a mauve or melon color trimmed in cream. Massive windows faced north and south of the estate larger than the doors. Each one flooded every angle of the place with natural sunlight. The furnishing in every room brought masculine and feminine tastes together masterfully with large wingback chairs, long sofas and antique carved tables or marble statues. The lower level had more rooms than above, all of which connected one to another through tall arch shaped entranceways and doors that never closed. And the men who worked for Don Battaglia were constantly congregated in open parlors, or billiard rooms, which were below. It was the upper level that remained reserved for the family and men who had clearance from the Don himself. And no hall or room within the estate went unguarded. Mira nodded to a man who stood watchful in the shadows. He only stared unblinking back at her. It would take some time to get use to this fortress. But with unknown danger out there she felt safer here than anywhere Kei would have taken her.

Giovanni said he would join them downstairs. Mira decided to seek out Catalina. After she changed Eve they strolled together along the halls to her future sister in-law’s room. Several times Mira had to walk a bit faster because Eve would sprint away and around a corner. Finding her room empty they continued the search on the lower level. Soon they found Catalina chatting with a member of her staff.

“Nippy!” Eve said, running at full speed toward Catalina who turned and swept Eve up into her arms. Her ringlet hair, which she usually wore in a center part, was messily styled over her head and combed over her left eye.

“Who is Nippy?” Mira asked.

“It’s her name for me,” Catalina grinned. “I told her to call me Zia, or Cat, but she settled on Nippy after I found her ninny.”

Eve rested her head on Catalina’s shoulder holding her around the neck. Mira’s smile faded when Catalina’s head turned and she got a better look at her face. She noticed Catalina wore heavy eye makeup, face powder, blush and dark lipstick. She was a beautiful woman but that beauty was always accentuated in soft undertones of makeup. All of it seemed a bit overdone.

!” Catalina hugged Eve tightly. “You hungry?” Catalina glanced in Mira’s direction. “We have
antipasti, carni, frutti di marre
, everything!”

“What’s with the makeup?” Mira asked.

“Just experimenting with a new look. Do you like it?” Catalina set Eve to the floor and took her hand. Before Mira could respond she started off toward the terrace. “
Time for dinner. Ana is bringing everything out of the kitchens. I’m so glad we can all sit down as a family.”

Mira hurried to catch up. Apparently the dinner bell had been rung. She knew from her previous visits that dinner was a family event and every man on the staff considered it an honor to dine at the table with the Battaglia’s. There were three long tables set to feed the small army of men who patrolled or visited the estate. Most were arriving out of the gardens. Giovanni was among them. Mira wasn’t sure how he’d gotten around her to meet his men but he walked up and scooped Eve into the cradle of his arms. He held her above his head to her daughter’s delight. Eve spit out her pacifier and squealed, kicking her little feet. She was airborne.

Through the activity Mira kept glancing to Catalina. Something about her felt off. Catalina avoided Dominic and Lorenzo, casually walking around them she pulled her hair to her face.

“Catalina you’ve been busy.” Mira pointed to the highchair that was now pushed up against the table.

She smiled. “I had one of the boys go out and purchase the chair.”

“Thank you.”

Giovanni sat at the head of the table with Eve in his lap playfully clanging the fork and knife together. Mira walked over to put her in the high chair. Eve bucked and screamed her protest. She refused to leave her father’s lap. “She can eat with me.” Giovanni said in a calming manner. “Sit
, there.” He nodded to the seat at his left. Nico pulled out Mira’s chair and she accepted the seat.

Dinner progressed. Mira’s gaze bounced from one man’s face to the other as the noisy rambunctious crowd at the tables laughed and talked over passing bowls and plates of food. She slipped Giovanni a look to read his mood. He hadn’t questioned her further about the phone call, but she felt tension between them. Maybe it was her imagination. He trusted her after all. There was nothing to fret about. Even Kei would eventually see that her life choices were her own to make. Who knows, maybe one day these men could be cordial toward one another and Eve could have them both in her life. It was wishful thinking.

Giovanni readjusted Eve on his lap and took the knife from her hand. Eve ate from his fork as his gaze lifted to his sister. Mira noticed the way it shifted between Catalina and the empty chair next to her.

“Where’s Franco?” he asked.

Silence fell over that end of the table.

Catalina sipped her wine then placed the glass down. “He had work to finish at the factory.”

“Doesn’t matter, we own the factory he’s to be here. No question.” Giovanni said. Mira noticed the slight tremble to Catalina’s hand, which was soon lowered from the table and placed on her lap.

“Of course, he meant no disrespect Giovanni,” Catalina said with a patient smile.

“What’s with your hair, your face?” Dominic asked.

Lorenzo and the rest of the men at the table immediately turned their gazes toward her. Catalina dropped her head causing her hair to fall over and Mira feared she would bolt at any moment. To do so would alarm the hotheads around them. Instinctually Mira chimed in. “She and Eve were playing in my makeup.”

“Nippy!” Eve said, pointing at Catalina. Giovanni chuckled. The tension at the table eased as a few other men chuckled with their Don.

“Would you all stop picking on Catalina, she prepared such a wonderful dinner for us all. Let’s enjoy it.” Mira said. Conversations resumed at the table. Giovanni began to feed Eve from his plate, and the others scooped double servings of food to their plates. Catalina looked up at Mira and in her eyes she could read gratitude and a mixture of relief. When Mira glanced to Dominic he continued to stare at Catalina. He was the only one unmoved by the explanation.

After dinner Mira tried to speak to Catalina but was unable to. The young woman announced she was tired before making a hasty retreat to her bedroom. Eve was now in Carmine’s lap enjoying a bounce on his knee as he sang to her in Italian. Mira stood. She walked around Giovanni’s chair and slid her hands down the front of his shirt, pressing her breasts into the back of his head. “Come upstairs in an hour. I’ll put Eve to bed,” she whispered in his ear.

He stopped her hands from rubbing his chest. “I have business to attend to. Don’t wait up,” he said pushing her hand away. Mira stepped back barely able to disguise her hurt. Giovanni wiped the corners of his mouth with his napkin and rose from the table. His gaze sharply cut over to a giggling Eve being tickled by one of his men. He approached and took Eve from Carmine who apologized. He kissed Eve who grinned up into his face, and then walked over to Mira and put Eve in her arms. “She belongs with her mother, not in the arms of these men.”

“I beg your pardon?” Mira said. “He was just playing with her, Gio—.”

“You two get some rest,” he said dryly turning to walk out with the men following. Dejected, Mira knew her suspicions were right. Giovanni suspected she’d called Kei. So now he’d give her the silent treatment instead of questioning her about it. She sighed in disappointment. The day was over. She would retire and talk to him in the morning. When they both were ready.


BOOK: Ti Amo
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