Read Ti Amo Online

Authors: Sienna Mynx

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Family Saga, #Romance, #Anthologies, #Sagas, #Collections & Anthologies

Ti Amo (22 page)

BOOK: Ti Amo
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“Let’s do it.”

Large machines and noisy engines grinded and churned bottles up and down conveyor belts with people manning them on either side. The noise had Eve tense in her arms. It was hard carrying her daughter. She was older now. Mira kept shifting her from her left and right side. “I’ll take her.” Catalina offered.

Mira passed Eve over.

Franco’s office was in the back, surrounded by windows shielded with blinds. As soon as they neared, Mira could see through the parted slates. Franco was seated behind his desk twisting back and forth in his chair just slightly in a teasing move. He was actually blushing. She strained to see who his companion was that elicited the response. Noticing a young man seated on the edge of Franco’s desk leaned over sharing a private joke, Mira frowned. Narrowing her eyes on the two of them she found the scene odd.

Just then Franco laughed. He looked up and the color drained from his face. Mira pushed the door open and stepped in smiling. “
. I hope we aren’t interrupting?”

“No…no…of course not.
, umm… so…
come sta
?” Franco stammered. A nervous flutter of his hands, and stammered words of greeting preceded his volleying gaze between Mira, Catalina, and Eve.

“We were out shopping and I insisted Catalina bring me over. I just had to see where you made the magic for the family.”

Franco nodded, wearing an uncomfortable smile. “Excuse me but this is Arturo, he works here. Arturo this is Mira. She’s the fiancé of Don Battaglia.”

Arturo’s hazel green eyes stretched wide with recognition. He extended his hand. “
.” He said he was pleased to meet her. Mira shook his hand. She guessed his age to be early twenties. He had jet-black curly hair and thick wavy eyebrows that framed the most expressive eyes. Features soft and chiseled he looked like one of the runway models Fabiana would sneak away with to have some torrid affair after a runway show. The handshake he offered was feminine and his hands were softer than hers.

“Likewise.” Mira smiled.

Franco walked over to Catalina and kissed her cheek. Eve lifted her head from her aunt’s shoulder and slapped Franco in the face for coming so close.

“Eve!” Mira gasped. She grabbed her little hand and gave it a soft warning tap. Eve spat a short cry then popped her pacifier back in her mouth, lowering her head to her aunt’s shoulder. Catalina was the only one who found humor in the incident.

“I’m sorry, Franco. She knows better.”

“Eve and I are friends. Remember me Eve? It’s Uncle Franco?” Eve turned her face away. Franco gave an awkward chuckle. “This is a pleasant surprise.” Franco said.

Mira walked around the office taking it all in, pretending to be interested. She kept glancing back at Arturo. “So what were you two laughing about?” she asked Franco.

“We weren’t laughing,” Franco replied.

“That’s odd, looked like you two were in the middle of—.”

“Arturo!” Franco snapped his fingers. “
.” Franco nodded toward the door.

Arturo hastily left the office. Catalina spoke up. “Giovanni was very upset that you didn’t attend dinner last night. He feels you work too hard Franco. He asked me what was going on that would keep you from dinner.”

Non importa
. I’m sure he can understand, being a businessman himself.”

He spoke to Catalina, but his glare remained fixed on Mira.

“That is true,” Mira said. “However, I’m told he owns this business. Right?”

Franco nodded slowly.

“I think it only appropriate that you honor his request and wrap things up early this evening. I’m new to the family, but he’s expressed his desire that we all dine together. Catalina?”


Franco’s cheeks flared red and his lips thinned into an angry line of disapproval.

“Shall I tell him that you will be at dinner tonight?” Mira asked sweetly.

Va bene.
I will be there.” Franco leaned over and kissed Catalina’s cheek. He smiled at Eve then nodded at Mira. Mira smiled in return. She ran her finger across his desk.

“Oh, I have an idea!” Mira clapped her hands together. “How about you invite Arturo?” she said.

“Che cosa?”
Franco’s pleasant smile flashed away. His eyes stretched. “What is she talking about?” he turned on his wife.  Catalina shrugged, looking at Mira quizzically.

“Arturo, the young man that was here.” Mira pointed to the door that Arturo went out. “He seems nice. Just this morning at breakfast Giovanni mentioned to Dominic that he wanted to get out and meet more of the people who worked here. Didn’t he Catalina?”

“Ah, yeah, I guess he did?” Catalina blinked at her confused.

Mira nodded. “Invite him to dinner.”

The tense silence lengthened. Catalina was now exchanging looks between them both. Mira never let her eyes drop from Franco’s, whose stare barely masked his self-restraint. She smiled at him again. “See you tonight. Let’s go Catalina.”

Franco stalked back to his desk refusing to address his wife. Once they left Mira glanced over to Arturo who was working on the bottle assembly line. She winked at him and he smiled politely continuing to work.

“What was that about?” Catalina asked with them sitting in the car. “My brother doesn’t care about meeting people that work in his factories.”

“I think I know how to help you.” Mira said.


“Franco has a bigger secret than yours.”

Catalina frowned. “I don’t understand?”

Mira chuckled. “He’s bisexual, silly.” She whispered to Catalina so the driver didn’t hear.

Catalina drew back shocked. “No he isn’t!”

“Yes, Catalina he is.”

“That’s disgusting and a lie!
Che merda

“Why are you upset? This can work in your favor.”

“Because it’s a lie! He has a mistress. He wouldn’t… he wouldn’t dare!” she shouted. The driver looked up in the rearview mirror at them, and Mira hit the button in the door console to bring up the tinted divider.  Shaking her head, she tried to process the latest.
So it was worse to be married to a gay man than a man that hit you?
Now she would have to deal with this prejudice as well? Days like these she truly missed Fabiana. She always knew what to say. She glanced to Catalina who glared back. Her attitude would explain why Catalina never picked up on Franco’s ways.

“What difference does it make to you that he’s gay, bisexual, or both? It’s a way to end this farce of a marriage and keep Giovanni from discovering your affair with Domi. Grow the hell up!” Mira said through her teeth. Eve began to whine for something in Catalina’s purse. Catalina picked up Eve’s pacifier and gave it back to her. “Do you know how insulting this is? Do you know how the accusation will make me look?”

“No one will know, Catalina, that’s the point. I thought you wanted to preserve your relationship with your brother?”

“I don’t want to even think about what you’re implying!” she pouted. She turned her head to the window with her arms crossed in front of her.

“Well think about this. You buried your head in the sand pretending that your affair wouldn’t be exposed. It will be, and maybe sooner than you think. The truth is, whether your husband is sleeping around with a man or a woman, it doesn’t matter. He’s bringing whomever he sleeps with into your bed. On top of that he’s been violent. So either you grow up now and face the hard truths of the life you chose, or I’ll expose it all and protect my man from himself. I won’t let the two of you play these games when so many other lives are at stake.”

Catalina dropped her head crying. “
Il padre lo aiuta.

Mira rolled her eyes. “Catalina stop crying. We have to decide on what to do. You’re out of time.”


Chapter Ten


Carlo tossed his bag into the backseat of the car. Lorenzo waited behind the wheel for his friend. He checked his watch again. They had a forty-minute drive ahead of them, and he wanted to make it into Casalecchio di Reno before nightfall. The roads along the mountains of the Reno River could be tricky to navigate at night.

“What took you so long?” Carlo grumbled climbing in and adjusting the seat. “My flight landed over an hour ago.”

“I had to make a stop.” Lorenzo swerved into moving traffic and gunned the engine on the rental car. Ahead were the congested streets of box shaped cabs, business men travelling on vespas, and passenger vans. Navigating through it all required a bit of skill. The road soon narrowed into a two-lane highway, and he fell in line with the other slow moving travellers. His gaze flickered to the sinking sun near the mountains, and he grimaced. Carlo fired up a cigarillo and cracked the window to let the wind drag out the thick plume of smoke curling up out of his nostrils. For the first ten minutes neither of them spoke. They had a mission, and it would not end pretty. What was there to discuss? In fact, if they failed it could very well end with their lives. Don Bonaduce would not take kindly to them slipping into a village within his providence without his explicit approval. Especially considering that tonight they would cut the throat of a man who was under his protection.

Tutto va bene
,” Carlo slipped him a look dark with malevolence. “We will find the rat bastard and cut out his heart. Slow down.”

Lorenzo hadn’t realized he was riding the bumper of the produce truck in front of him. He loosened his grip on the steering wheel. His head pounded; his throat was dry. Carlo believed everything would work itself out. He did not. None of it would be fine if they failed. He couldn’t help but focus on the consequences. The death of Angelo Calderone will be the death of his secrets. Papa Tomosino died because of him. One fateful night of drinking he showed weakness and that bastard Giuseppe seized on it. Now he had everything he wanted within his grasp. Giovanni would give him the triangle, respect, power. His cousin would bring him back into his inner circle, and he’d damn well deserved it. Angelo Calderone stood between him and destiny.

“What’s the plan?” Carlo asked. “Do we even know where the

“No. But I got a idea how to bring him to us.”

Carlo flicked a long ash out of the window then rolled it up. He wore an expensive gray tailored suit and platinum watch. He looked like he was heading to a wedding instead of someone’s funeral. Lorenzo shook his head at his friend’s flashy trends. He was quite handsome and many said they favored him more than he and Giovanni. Maybe that was because they understood each other in ways he and his cousin never could. Carlo opened his mouth to speak when Lorenzo’s surprise guest kicked and grunted. Carlo turned and glared at the back seat. “Who the fuck is in the boot?” he nearly snarled, referencing the trunk of the car.

“Bait. When you hunt a cocksucker you need the proper bait.”

Carlo chuckled. He relaxed in the seat and turned up the radio. Soon the cries for help were washed out by the music.


Mira smiled down at Eve. Her daughter slept mostly on her back with her arms flung open and legs spread. No matter how she arranged her, this was the position she found her in every morning. And after a bath and a good meal she had climbed into her lap and drifted to sleep without much protest. She seemed to be comfortable with her crib, especially when Mira added her teddy bears inside, and her light-up wand that sang ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’ whenever she shook it.

The evening puppet show she and Catalina performed for Eve was a smash hit. Eve rolled on the floor laughing. She had never seen her baby girl so happy. Catalina relaxed, and they shared a bottle of wine while discussing her dilemma reasonably. They both agreed to set the argument regarding Franco’s sexuality aside. No matter how turbulent the lives of the Battaglia’s were she couldn’t deny that Eve flourished here.

The door closed.

Mira walked out of Eve’s room and into her own. She observed him. He didn’t look her way at first. He shed his sports coat and his massive shoulders and arms filled the black silk shirt he wore. The strong muscular definition of his back quickened her pulse. His stance emphasized the force of his thighs and the slimness of his hips. Giovanni’s head turned, his piercing blue eyes connected with her from over his shoulder.

“You missed dinner,” she said.

He sat on the edge of the bed and removed one shoe then the other. “Couldn’t be helped. Come here Bella. I’ve missed you today.” He had a commanding voice that made his request sound more like an order than he probably intended. Either way she resisted. Instead she crossed her arms and faced off with him. She was a bit irritated, and now she knew why. Catalina had told her that he’d taken a mistress. That she’d be some kept wife while he split his time between her bed and that of some whore. The idea of it made her sick with jealous indignation.

“Something wrong?” Giovanni gave a weary sigh.

“Yes. I said you missed dinner. I thought it was tradition that we eat together. You didn’t call or say you would be late.”

BOOK: Ti Amo
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