TICEES (27 page)

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Authors: Shae Mills

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Fremma noticed her teetering, and he immediately moved to support her arm. Then the warrior threw a cutting glance at Dar, forcing the Warlord to look away.

Chelan closed her eyes and lowered her head, struggling against the nausea that threatened to overtake her. She swallowed hard. But then she was jolted back to reality by Ticees’ deep laugh, and she felt Fremma release her.

“Very good then, my friend,” Ticees continued. “After dinner tonight, we will get together for an evening of idle chatter and gaiety.”

Chelan looked up at him as his eyes passed over her and landed on Fremma. “Fremma, my good man,” came Ticees’ resonant voice. “I am glad to see that you are well.”

“Thank you, my Lord,” replied Fremma warmly as he nodded and pulled back his hood. “It is good to once again set foot on home soil.”

Ticees smiled warmly and then stared directly at Chelan. She glanced down, feeling as though she was about to faint. Her time had come.

“And whom do we have here?” the Emperor asked, his tone slightly more serious.

Chelan remained silent, her face hidden by the hood of her elegant cloak. She turned her head and looked anxiously up at Korba, seeking his guidance.

“My Lord,” Korba began, his voice becoming soft and low. He placed a hand tenderly on her shoulder. “This is the Lady Chelan.” He paused, the light kindled within his azure eyes betraying the depth of his love for her. “And she is the beautiful woman I have chosen as my mate.”

Ticees’ smile suddenly left him, and his jaw muscles tightened. But Korba did not notice, for his eyes remained riveted to Chelan. Slowly, Korba reached for her hood, pushing it back gently, as if uncovering a precious and fragile gift. The hood fell along her shoulders, releasing a cascade of golden-brown hair, the silken strands kissing her shoulders and spilling down her back like rivers of spun gold.

Chelan closed her eyes and lowered her head, trembling visibly at her exposure, utterly afraid to look at Ticees.

Ticees was stunned, not only by Korba’s totally unexpected announcement, but by Chelan’s indescribable beauty. He remained speechless as his eyes coursed over her exotic features, her soft, white skin beckoning to be touched.

Finally, Chelan braced herself and shyly peered up at the massive man, her deep brown eyes meeting his … and they locked.

Ticees faltered. He cleared his throat, his voice gruff. “You surprise me, my friend, after all these years.” He paused as his eyes began their descent over her regally cloaked body, his gaze finally returning to hers. “But it seems,” he began, “that in your old age, you have acquired an annoying affinity for understatements.” Ticees glanced at Korba, and then returned his attention to Chelan. He took a step toward her and faced her directly. Ticees studied her. “‘Beautiful woman’ hardly describes the goddess you claim.”

Chelan immediately blushed, averting her eyes downward as she took in a badly needed breath.

Ticees warmed. “And I see that she is obviously not of Iceanean blood.” He reached for a hand hidden in the sleeve of her cloak and raised it to his lips. His eyes stared into hers as he took his first taste. “My Lady,” he acknowledged quietly.

Chelan bit her lip, trying desperately to control the urge to yank her hand away, but she persevered even though it was obvious he was not about to let her go anytime soon. She bowed her head and curtsied. “My Lord,” came her soft, melodic voice.

Ticees felt his throat dry as he watched her straighten, her soft gaze once again settling on his. He smiled at her and then covered her hand with his other, his warm flesh burning her cold skin. Ticees finally turned to Korba. “Whence did you acquire this shy beauty, my friend?”

Chelan’s eyes shot up to Korba’s.

“Chelan is from Calley, my Lord.”

Ticees’ brow furrowed. “Calley,” he repeated, his mind working through his memory. “Calley,” he exclaimed, his eyes suddenly widening. “From the Corran group?” He glanced at Chelan in wonderment and then looked back at Korba. “How did you procure anyone from Calley?” he questioned, a grin spreading across his face.

“It is a long story, my Lord,” began Korba. “And I think it is best left for another time and place.”

Ticees’ regard returned to Chelan as he nodded his affirmative. His fingers brushed over her trapped flesh before he finally released her. “Yes. Well now. Shall we go to my chambers? I think a little welcome drink is in order, if you wish.” Ticees finally tore his eyes from Chelan and addressed Korba. “As you know, Toran is not due here for another week, so we’ll leave all discussions pertaining to the future and your subsequent missions till then.”

Korba nodded, and Ticees smiled. Chelan watched the Emperor turn away as he flashed some signals to his men. Korba grasped her arm, aiding her forward. But suddenly she stopped, aware that Fremma was not moving.

Ticees glanced back and caught the distress in her eyes as she appealed to Fremma. But Korba tugged on her, and Fremma smiled, nodding reassuringly at her. Chelan looked down and obediently followed Korba’s lead just as a flood of the Emperor’s men surrounded them.

Their walk was short, but Chelan was dumbstruck by the rich elegance of their massive surroundings. It was only then that she became aware of the wealth of the Empire, something she had never considered before. After passing through a large, formal reception hall, the guards halted, and Ticees opened a door and bid them to enter. Chelan took a quick look around the large but cozy room, realizing immediately that it was a portion of Ticees’ own personal chambers.

She heard the doors shut behind her, and she watched as Korba removed his shroud. Chelan remained still and then jumped, realizing that Dar had accompanied them also. Once again their eyes met as he removed his shroud. She felt her discomfort mount and her throat constrict.

Ticees appeared in front of them as he disarmed himself. Chelan watched him momentarily and then looked at Korba as he moved toward her.

He reached for her cloak, and he felt her quail under his touch, knowing full well she had no desire to part with it. But Korba removed it as a form of protocol. Instantly, he detected the stiffening that overtook Ticees’ muscles at Chelan’s display.

“Well, my Lady,” Ticees began. “You once again surprise me.”

Chelan looked up at him in confusion, but she remained mute. He stepped toward her, and she had to call on every ounce of Imperial training not to shrink under his scrutiny.

“When Korba announced your beauty, he mentioned nothing of your ample feminine softness.”

Chelan felt as though she was going to wither up and die of humiliation. She looked to the floor, fighting the urge to hug herself as a way of protecting herself from the vulture that loomed over her.

Ticees chuckled. “Well, at least I see that thirteen or so years of abstinence has not clouded my friend’s vision, nor his preference for exotic and forbidden beauty.”

Korba smiled at Ticees, but his smile was strained. He had expected as much from the man, but Korba had not accurately predicted the degree of Chelan’s discomfort. He wondered just how much longer she could endure Ticees’ constant violation of her privacy. Her valiant effort to remain calm, and her equally gallant determination not to cower under Ticees’ incursions, was admirable. Korba knew that she was remaining steadfast and quiet out of her respect for him and his position rather than for any consideration for Ticees.

Korba took a deep breath, hoping he would not have to intervene. He knew his interference could save Chelan from further assault but could also embarrass her in turn.

“So, my Lady,” Ticees began again as he stepped in front of her, forcing her to look at him. “How do you feel being bound to this black-haired rogue?”

Chelan glanced at Korba and then spoke. “I rather enjoy it, my Lord,” she answered softly.

Ticees smile faded again. “You speak our language very well, Chelan. You have acquired it quickly and with indisputable precision.”

Chelan allowed a small but uneasy smile. “I had a lot of help,” she qualified.

“And do you know of our people’s ways?” he asked firmly.

Chelan straightened herself. “A lot of them, my Lord,” she began. “Enough to survive thus far.”

Ticees smiled. “You are Korba’s mate, and you are not of our ways, yet I notice your eyes for Fremma also. I assume you know him intimately as well?”

Chelan looked stunned. Korba watched her closely, wondering if she had indeed heeded his warning about Ticees’ forwardness.

Chelan remembered Korba’s words concerning honesty. But admitting to her relationship to Fremma went against every fiber in her body. She looked to the floor. “I do,” she answered nervously, her jaw set.

Korba looked down and closed his eyes momentarily. His heart ached for Chelan and her forced admission to a stranger, but it would be unwise for him to intercede.

Ticees smiled again as he stepped closer to her. “And what of Dar?” he asked brazenly. “I detect an unease between you two. Have you turned down the favors of our blonde Warlord for a subordinate such as Fremma?”

Chelan was flabbergasted, and she nearly staggered backward. She opened her mouth to speak, but she could not. She felt panic envelop her as she looked to Korba for help, but his face remained unreadable, and she was forced to confront Ticees on her own. She took a deep breath. “I do not consider Fremma a subordinate,” she challenged. “He is a kind and gentle man, and an attentive lover.”

Chelan hesitated, her agitation morphing into bleeding wounds. “And if you must know, as of recently, it is Dar who has refused my favors, my Lord, not the other way around.”

Ticees stepped back, visibly surprised. “Well, well, Dar,” he said, turning to the Warlord. “Have you gone mad? It looks like you have been out in the battlefield too long.”

Dar smiled wryly. He had wanted to remain quiet, but he felt the need to take the pressure off Chelan. “It is not as it appears, my Lord,” he began. “It was a decision of the heart. Chelan’s ways are not ours. My heart and soul belong to her, but I felt the pressures imposed on her by a triad would be too much. Since I will be away from her the most, I chose honorably to step down from her. She is no less diminished to me, my Lord, and I will defend her fiercely. It is simply that her alien heart belongs to Korba, and I will not challenge that bond.”

Ticees mulled over Dar’s words. “Fremma has challenged that bond successfully, why not you?”

Dar remained unmoving, his eyes hard upon Ticees. “My reasons are personal, Sire.”

Ticees watched Dar closely, his thoughts sobering. There was something about the blonde Warlord he could not pinpoint. There was more to the man’s relationship with the alien than met the eye, and Ticees wondered if her relationship with Korba would indeed go unchallenged. “Then you continue as before, with others and with the Guild?”

Dar stiffened noticeably, and Chelan’s eyes shot to him. “No, my Lord. I seek solace in no others, and my services pertaining to the Guild will be discussed at a later time.”

The air left Chelan’s lungs all at once, but she dared not move. Then her attention was snapped back to Ticees as he stepped up to her.

He reached for her chin and raised her head, his eyes studying the moistness that threatened hers. “So, you bewitch one of my finest Warlords in addition to my exalted Overlord and his main man. You must indeed be special.” He hesitated, watching her closely. “I would therefore wish to seek out more about your hidden passions and desires, exploring all of that which you possess that renders my men so weak.”

Chelan stepped back from him, the revelation of Dar’s words causing further turbulence within her. “That is not my way,” she uttered firmly. “My interactions with these men are my personal affair, and no one else’s … my relationships with them were forged over an Iceanean year. You have already overstepped my bounds of personal and formal protocol. I seek the flesh of no others, and my intimate dealings with Korba, Dar, and Fremma are exactly that,
intimate dealings. With all due respect, my Lord, I do not wish to discuss them with you or anyone else.”

Ticees did not move, and neither did Chelan as she steadfastly confronted him. Dar looked to the floor and smiled to himself, while Korba was more than pleasantly surprised by her self-assurance, not to mention the guts it took to stand up to Ticees. At first he was not sure if the Emperor would tolerate being shot at by the little alien, but he could tell by the look on Ticees’ face that he was impressed by the Chelan’s show of fortitude.

Korba continued to analyze the two in their standoff, thinking carefully through the whole interaction. He was not angry at Ticees for his line of questioning, for he knew that the Emperor meant no malice. Ticees had picked up immediately on her shyness and timidity, and he was deliberately baiting her, studying her reactions, and possibly judging her suitability as a mate for his Prime Warlord. Korba knew that the Emperor was not attacking her directly and that he was not actually concerned about her relations with Dar and Fremma, although Chelan would not see it that way.

Finally Ticees stepped back from Chelan and smiled warmly at her. “You are right, my Lady. Your personal life is none of my affair, and I apologize to you. I know Korba well, and I know that he makes no decision lightly. By simply announcing you as his mate, that makes you special and worthy of his attention and protection. I therefore respect you as I do him, and I also respect your relationships with Dar and Fremma, whatever they may be. You are accepted into my realm unconditionally, and my guards will be briefed on your status and your importance. Korba and Dar both have ample suites here within the Palace, and you are free to choose where you sleep. I will also see to it that Fremma is moved close by.”

Ticees then smiled broadly. “I know Korba’s heart, and his choice of you after all these long years indicates your importance to him. Because of that, I know that in his absences he will prefer that you be in the care of Fremma. That is freely granted.”

Ticees hesitated again and then nodded to her. “In the meantime, I also want you to know that I am at your disposal and that you are free to wander the Palace and the grounds at your leisure. You have nothing to fear here, my Lady, from me or my men.”

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