Tiers (5 page)

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Authors: Shelly Pratt

BOOK: Tiers
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Pretty soon after the office incident with Harold I decided to get my act together and focus on his destruction. I mean really, did he honestly think that I would take kindly to his scheming? Not marrying me for the right reasons and placing me as his office whore while he banged everything that walked just rubbed me the wrong way. Okay, I know I have acted no better, however, I guess if he had married me for the right reasons in the first place then we wouldn’t be in this predicament right now.


I wanted to be loved by him in the beginning; really find a love that would consume me. All I’ve gotten so far was an empty bed and the occasional orgasm. I will use this reasoning as an excuse for my straying in the first place. But that was precisely the point wasn’t it? Harold’s deference to the whole thing just confirmed to me that he wanted me bored. That way he could continue with the lifestyle he had come to rely on.


Not for much longer …


I have taken it upon myself to become familiar with all of mine and Harold’s affairs. I no longer spend my days looking for sex to fulfill me. Instead I hole up in Harold’s study at home, trawling through the filing cabinet looking for a way to grab him by the balls. On day four of this exercise I am growing impatient. Nothing is jumping out at me and I know that there must be something I am missing. I’m sitting on the floor feeling very frustrated when my mobile starts chirping on the desk.  I jump up to grab it thinking it might be Harold. The caller ID shows a blocked number, so I answer it hesitantly.


‘Katherine Sable speaking.’

‘Kate, I’ve been waiting for you to call you know.’ Oh dear lord! It’s Mr. Fuckable and he is calling ME!!! His voice is like the purr of a cat, the tone an inclination in itself as to what I suspect he would like to do to me.

‘How did you get this number?’ I don’t really care. In fact I am blissfully happy that he has called me, but I am slightly intrigued.

‘So formal Kate. Let’s just say I have my ways. I’ve been thinking about you since we bumped into each other in the lift the other day.’

‘You have?’ I sincerely hope my voice did not just squeak when I said that.

‘Absolutely. I was wondering when you would call.’ Jake wondered why I hadn’t called? My lucky day.

‘I’ve been busy,’ I say coyly.

‘Hmmm, what about tonight?’

‘I can’t I’m afraid.’

‘Tomorrow night?’

‘That doesn’t work for me either.’ It is killing me not to say yes, because I am completely free for the next two weeks while Harold will be working out of the Singapore office. I want Jake to wait, purely because I want him on my terms – not his. I am unsure as to what his involvement in the whole office ‘wife swap’ business is. I know he is not married, but it is unclear to me as to whether he sees me as a casual fuck or something more.


‘Come on baby, don’t make me beg.’ His voice is like silk as it touches my ears and trails all the way down to my toes. I want this man, but I do not want to seem weak or easy. I decide a compromise is in order, but only because I will benefit.


‘Come Sunday, six p.m. sharp.’

‘Yes ma’am.’ I can hear the smile in his voice as he clicks off the call. I grin like a school girl and get back to my task at hand. Sunday suddenly seems like a long way off.




Harold left London amid a summer downpour and I find myself blissfully happy roaming our house without his little interruptions. I am pretty sure I know how I am going to ruin him and everything he has worked so hard for. It would of course mean he will instigate divorce proceedings, but I am not expecting anything less from the vindictive little bastard. His tighter than a fish’s ass pre-nup has already sealed my fate financially, but at this point I considered myself young enough to start over again. Besides, after tonight I am hoping I might have an ally in the whole hostile take down.


Jake is punctual to a tee and the front glass doors allow an uninterrupted view of his boyish good looks. I feel myself go weak at the knees as I admire his profile. His jaw line is enough to make any Adonis go green with envy and I remember what it is like to kiss my way along it. He is dressed simply in a white shirt and a pair of faded jeans that accentuate his ass and make you think about grabbing on to it tightly while he is fucking you. I shake my head as if to clear myself of that mental image and open the door to greet him.


He turns to face me and is all smiles and dimples. Wow. I don’t know if I can make it through dinner, although I have promised myself I will not be easy.


‘Kate,’ he says in greeting and steps forward to graze my lips with a kiss. His breath is fresh and minty and I inhale deeply the scent of his cologne.

‘Hi Jake.’
He makes me act like a blithering idiot and I wonder what is going on in his head as he smiles at me with his eyes. I am tongue tied to say the least. He steps in the foyer and closes the door behind us.

‘So, Harold is in Singapore then?’ His eyes give the open plan living area a precursory glance. I raise an eyebrow at him and a smirk springs forth on my lips. ‘Do you think you’d be here if he wasn’t?’

‘Noted, but I’m not sure l like that smirk on your pretty face Ms. Sable. Maybe I should do something to rid you of such a look.’ His tone is light and flirty, but in the pit of my belly I feel a thrill of excitement. I suddenly have visions of him chasing me around the house in our underwear and my lips part in response to the wetness I suddenly feel between my legs.


‘Hell Katherine, now you just look plain wanton. You better take that look off your face as well or I’m going to have to strip you of your panties right now and fuck you once just so I can keep my mind on conversation for the rest of the evening.’


I’m sure my mouth just dropped to the floor. Not that Jake would have noticed as he has removed himself from our engaging conversation and taken off for the kitchen. I stand dumbstruck for a moment before I regain my composure and follow him in.


‘Wine Kate?’ He is making himself at home and I am amazed at how comfortable he is in another man’s home.

‘Please,’ I respond as I hand him the bottle opener and grab two glasses from the shelf next to the fridge. I quickly sling together an antipasto platter that will tide us over until dinner. That
is if we even make it to dinner. The sexual tension is rife between us and my inner subconscious is screaming at me to be a voracious slut. The external demure me is holding it together very nicely. Jake brings the wine and follows me out to the rear garden.

‘Would you like to sit at the table or on the grass?’

‘Let’s grab a blanket and sit on the grass while there is still a bit of light left.’ Jake is confident and self-assured, but he does not put me off with arrogance. We sit and talk. I am gleeful when he tells me he missed seeing me at the ball. I think that was such a wasted night, but on the flipside it wasn’t either. Harold did reveal his true self to me then and it put me on the course I am now travelling.


‘So how long are you back in London?’ I hold my breath, hoping that it is more than just a fly in, fly out scenario.

‘It could be years yet. I mean, there will still be times that I have to travel for business, but for the main part my uncle wants me here to take over some of the clients from our acquisitions division.’

‘Your uncle?’

Felix is my cousin. Both of our great grandfathers started Went and Worth when they decided to pool their money and invest in the first lot of offices here in London. Since they opened their doors they have expanded to make it a global financial service.’

‘Wow, I didn’t know that.’ I take a huge gulp of my wine to try and control the excitement that is bubbling inside of me. This is big news – huge in fact. The cogs in my mind are already turning, trying to see how I can work this little bit of information to my advantage. My morals really know no bounds.


‘Not many people do. I prefer to keep a low key profile in the business, even though I have access to the top tier of clients and associates.’
My hopes fall.

‘So I suppose you are well aware then of the goings on with the wife swap.’ I stress wife swap like they are dirty words. He chuckles and I shoot him daggers with my eyes. He puts his wine down and holds up his hands in defense.


‘Hey, just because I know about it doesn’t mean I agree with it. I actually lost my wife that way.’

‘You did?’ I can’t believe anyone would want to stray from this man.

‘Yeah it was tough, especially since she cheated with Felix. That stupid prick doesn’t give a fuck
who he hurts along the way.’ This is the first time I have seen anger cross his features.

‘Well you may oppose the wife swapping but yet here you are.’ I go to take a sip of my wine, pleased with myself for stating the obvious, yet Jake’s hand comes up to grab my wrist and holds onto me tightly.


‘I don’t agree with it. If you must know, there was something about you I just couldn’t walk away from. I didn’t and don’t see you as just some casual fuck Kate, despite the rumors I have heard around the office about you since I have been back.’
His words instantly crush me. I feel like I have blown something wonderful before I even gave it a chance. I feel like a silly kid playing an adults game and I’ve suddenly been caught out. A tear escapes the corner of my eye and I feel alone and miserable. Jake notices instantly and drops my wrist from his clutch.


‘Hey, I didn’t mean to upset you. I didn’t come here to fight Kate.’ I angrily brush the tear away, feeling too much like a child scolded and embarrassed that he has seen me cry.

‘I’m fine, I’m just being stupid.’

‘Look. Hey look at me Kate.’ He sidles closer and cups my chin in his hand. I reluctantly lift my lashes so my eyes can meet his. ‘You know if I thought too much into what I hear, I wouldn’t be here right now, okay? I really like you Kate, and maybe I’m no better than any of the other men who sleep with their colleagues wives, but I feel like I need to know you, and I think you feel the same way. I know you’re married and I wasn’t here permanently before, but I’m hoping now I’m here on a regular basis that we might be able to change that.’
Oh my, what the fuck did you just say?!



‘Yes really.’ His fingers cup behind my ear and his thumb traces along my bottom lip. I plead with my eyes for him to kiss me. I feel a hunger for him. I need him.

‘Ask me and I will Kate.’ It’s like he is reading my mind.

‘Kiss me Jake, please kiss me.’ Instantly his lips crush mine, his tongue fervently finding my own. The wine is forgotten as he pushes me back on the blanket and continues with his onslaught of manic kisses touching every inch of my body that is not clothed. I am secretly thankful that our property is screened by all manner of shrubbery so that I can relax and know not a soul will see us out here. Besides, the last drizzle of daylight only hints on the skyline and I am confident anyone would be hard pressed at this time of day to make us out on the grass.


I can no longer see Jake, but I can sure as hell feel him. His rock hard erection is straining against his jeans and it thrills me that I can arouse him so. I want him to own me, possess me. His mouth finds mine in the dark again and I succumb to his demands. His busy hands are everywhere and I feel so alive with desire right now that it is taking me all my time not to rip my clothes off for him. 


‘Beg me Kate, please beg me,’ he demands as his arms circle under my waist.

‘Fuck me Jake, please fuck my pussy.’

‘God how you turn me on … Damn Kate!’ He growls in my ear and it makes my heart beat just that little bit faster. I love the way his accent trails its way around my body. He’s talking and murmuring as he trails his lips all over the place. His hands are so smooth that they feel glorious on my skin. I have never wanted to be touched so much as I do right now. There is no getting around my clothing. It has to come off.


My skinny jeans are pulled off, followed swiftly by my camisole top. All that is left is a tiny thong and a skimpy bra with spaghetti straps. In the moonlight Jake takes off his shirt and I can see the planes of his rock hard muscles displayed cleanly across his washboard stomach. I want to touch and lick every single crevice, but he has other ideas. He doesn’t take his jeans off, but comes to straddle my chest. His button is undone in an instant and he pulls his cock out and offers it to me to suck.


‘Take me in your mouth baby.’ He groans loudly as I oblige him. As I lick and suck his smooth shaft, I find that my own needs will soon need attention. He seems to understand how I’m feeling by all the squirming I am doing beneath him and he reaches behind himself to stroke my pussy with his fingers while I still take my fill of him in my mouth. He doesn’t want to come in my mouth though, and pulls out before he can’t stop himself.

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