Tiers (9 page)

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Authors: Shelly Pratt

BOOK: Tiers
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I let Beth trail behind me as I walk towards the door of the suite. The receptionist booked us in on the seventh floor, which offers a spectacular view that I have no interest in. I hold the door open for her and she steps in timidly, biting her lower lip as she comes. She looks like your typical wall flower. Orange hair, freckles, pale skin and
a shyness I just want to fuck out of her. She has no idea how hot she is and it’s refreshing compared to all the women I usually have throwing themselves at me. I let the door fall back into its recess and take a step towards her. Her breath catches in the back of her throat and it gives me a thrill to know that I am a little bit intimidating.  I close in on her, like a hunter to its prey and her eyes widen with fright.


‘Do this often?’ I taunt her. I feel power over her. Funny enough, she seems to like it.

‘No … never.’ She continues to bite on that lower lip of hers, which makes my cock strain against the confinements of my pants. I lean forward to kiss her and her mouth is so sweet and soft. She smells like freshly laundered clothes and there is a strawberry scent lingering around her hair. I trail kisses from her lips up towards her ear.


‘So … what do you want me to do to you?’ Embarrassed, she dips her head and lets her eyelashes flutter just a little as she makes eye contact with me.

‘Anything.’ That’s a pretty bold statement coming from a girl who looks like she hasn’t even lost her virginity yet.

I wonder if she really means to go through with whatever I dish at her. I thrust my pelvis between her legs as my arms snake around her middle. She is breathless and panting just a little.


‘Come on baby, there has to be something in your mind you’re just aching to do.’ She ponders this for a moment and seeing that I really am quite serious, she whispers a response.

‘I want you to spank me.’ As the words leave her lips her face turns bright crimson. I can only imagine this is what her ass is going to look like if I smack her.

‘Really? A little Fifty Shades, huh?’

‘Maybe,’ she says coyly.

‘You really are a naughty girl,’ I admonish. I lead her over to the bed and throw her down on the covers. She watches intently as I take my time removing my clothes. Nothing is left to her imagination as I remove my boxer shorts as well. Her mouth hangs open – wanton for my dick to be inside her. She is one saucy little thing. I’m curious as to how many sexual partners she’s had.


‘How many lovers have you had?’ My voice is warm and husky, willing her to trust me with her secrets.

That one little word makes me want to cum right then. No fucking way! It has been so long since I fucked a virgin, I think I may have even forgotten what it feels like. And here she is asking me to do kinky shit to her. It must be my lucky day.

‘You’re kidding me, right?’ She shakes her head no. ‘Well, I promise I’ll be … gentle.’ I snicker at the last word, knowing that she wants me to be anything but. This little minx is going to need the full works. Her jeans are removed to reveal a pair of pale blue panties with little birds on them. They look like the kind your mother buys you when you’re twelve. I don’t bother to slide them down her long, smooth legs. Instead, I grab at one side with both of my hands and rip the seam apart. She gasps, thrilled with my masculinity. The same is done
on the other side and I smack the side of her thigh playfully, indicating I want her to lift her ass so I can get them out from under her bottom.


‘Spread your legs,’ I coax. She does so willingly, letting me grab an eyeful of red hair between her legs. Most of the women I fuck these days have no hair at all. This look kinda makes me feel like I am about to try something different. Like she is different. I hop on the bed between her legs and pull her into a sitting position so I can drag her top over her head. She has no tits to speak of, which for me is a little disappointing. There is nothing better than sucking a plump nipple in my mouth as I reach the vinegar stroke. I make do by leaving her bra on, but pull her breasts out so what little she does have is pushed up by the underwire. Once she is naked I crawl back to the base of the bed and sit with my feet flat on the floor.


‘Come,’ I command. She scurries over to me, and nuzzles her head against my arm.

‘I want to please you,’ she whispers.

‘And I you. Now lay on your stomach across my lap.’ She crawls over me deftly; slinking along like a pussy cat does when it arches its back. It’s so sexy that I can feel the length of my cock swell a little more. She drops down – her pubic region nestled right between my legs. The creamy flesh of her derriere stares me in the face, taunting me. My eyes graze down her long white legs and notice she has her ankles crossed. On one of them is a little tattoo, showing a hint of the vixen that wants to get out. I place my right hand on the back of her neck, holding her head down on the bed while the other starts to rub her bottom.



‘Yes.’ The excitement is evident in her voice, although she tries hard to
reign it in.

‘I’m going to spank you now. Each time I have, I want you to shout the word ‘harder’ until you can’t take anymore, okay?’


‘Good girl, now let’s begin.’ The smacking starts with a very light slap on her backside. She doesn’t flinch at all, but presses her crotch firmly to my thighs. Already I can tell she likes it.

‘Harder,’ she whispers. The shy girl is still doing the talking.

‘Louder,’ I demand as I land a much harder slap to her rear.

‘Harder!’ This time the voice is raised, but not nearly enough for my liking. Vocal chicks get me off.

‘Louder!’ The force of my next slap causes her ass to turn bright pink. Just the sight of it looks like her cheeks on her face did earlier.

‘Harder!’ she shouts, this time really getting into it. Of course I am here to give her what she wants, so I slap her as hard as I can on the backside where her already inflamed skin starts to welt. I give her blow after blow, and pretty soon I can start to feel the wetness from between her legs start to drip down onto mine. Not giving a shit about her needs anymore, I decide it’s time for me to have some fun.


‘Enough,’ I bark as I roughly shove her off me. Her cheeks are flushed and a thin bead of perspiration shines on her face. I pin her arms above her head with one hand and clamp my mouth down on hers. Her lips beckon to be kissed and I run my tongue all over them before losing myself to her. She darts her own tongue into my mouth and searches for mine. This girl is hot. Her innocence mixed with her willingness makes me feel euphoric.


My free hand grabs on to my dick and I slowly rub it up and down the length of her slit, massaging the opening and lubricating myself on her wetness. Her body is responding to my touch and her hips start bucking up to meet me.


‘Fuck me, oh please fuck me,’ she whimpers as I stroke her once more. I slide the tip of my cock in further and she moans with abandon. There is a tiny voice in my head that is telling me to just thrust deep inside of her, but I don’t want to rush this or hurt her too much. I inch myself deeper inside and feel the resistance of her virginity. She starts to cry out – pleasure and pain taking hold of her. Ignoring her cries, I plunge deeper and break through to the deepest parts of her pussy. She feels so warm that all my nerve endings are tingling with pleasure. As I build up a steady rhythm she starts to pant. She is near to climax and her legs wrap around my hips as if to emphasize the point. Her skinny arms cling to my muscled shoulders, pulling me as deep as she can. My balls ache as they surge to release my semen inside of her. She comes shortly after, fisting my hair in her tiny hands as she does. I collapse on her, completely out of breath. Can I just say – wow!


Fighting to regain our breath, she releases her grip on me with her legs.

‘Thank you,’ she whispers in my ear. I push off her and take in her face. Her emerald eyes are shining and she looks completely blissful.

‘I think it’s I who should be thanking you … how about a shower with me?’ She nods her head in agreement and we untangle ourselves from the bed. Walking towards the small bathroom, I hear my phone start to trill inside my pants pocket from the floor.


‘Be right with you,’ I yell after her. Before I have chance to retrieve it the call goes to voicemail. When I check the caller ID, it shows I have just missed a call from Katherine Sable. Damn. What a kill joy to a perfect afternoon. Not wanting to call her back from here, I decided to leave it until I’m well clear of Beth and the Dorchester Hotel.

Right now, I feel like my presence is needed in the shower for round two.



Katherine seemed a bit suspicious of my whereabouts when I got home last night. She was waiting for me at my apartment, eager to know how my day had been at the office. This morning I realize I’m going to need to be a tad more careful if I want all my plans to go smoothly.


She doesn’t say anything this morning, so I ease the tension in the air by giving her multiple orgasms while sucking on her pussy. Once she is sated we shower together and make plans to have breakfast. This ties in well with my need for being in the office on a Saturday. I need to access the company’s computer system so I can follow out the instructions Felix has written down for me. We decide on brunch at Marapellos, which is a little café near the office building. We eat eggs benedict and drink coffee before Katherine accompanies me to the office.


It’s quiet in the building. Most of the staff works strictly Monday to Friday, with the senior associates working from home on the weekends. Most of our clientele deal with us via computer, which makes our business doable anywhere. Today I am armed with a reasonable excuse for being in the office should anyone ask. Katherine is seeing me up to my floor to grab her tablet she left here the other day when visiting for lunch. She’ll the head off to occupy herself with boutique shopping until my work here is done. Shopping is on my dime, of course.


Just as our lift is closing I hear old man Jimmy yelling at me from the foyer.

‘Hold up, son!’ He’s got a sharp mind for his age but it’s his body that lets him down. He walks with a slight hunch in his shoulders and at times uses a cane. People think he doesn’t see much but those steely eyes take everything in. Jimmy is Felix’s grandfather, not mine. So I call him Jimmy like the rest of the staff. He’s not alone. With him is a man that faintly resembles Felix. He has the same dark wavy hair, but his face is softer. He bears a prominent roman nose and has dark brown eyes. He’s not as toned as me, but I can see how the ladies would be attracted to him. A good looking bloke, as far as my ‘
blokey’ assessment goes.


I reluctantly hold the lift. Katherine is intrigued as to who is about to join us, completely unaware of the inner anxiety I am going through. The old codger and companion hop in and he thanks us for holding the lift.


‘So Jake, what brings you in on a Saturday?’ Jimmy’s bushy eyebrows waggle up and down, as though some conspiracy is afoot.

‘I needed to get some of my hard copy files for the Donovan Group. We have a merger with one of their smaller companies on Monday and I seem to be missing some of the hard copies of paperwork that will need to be emailed before then. I’m sure I have them in my filing cabinet upstairs.’

‘And this pretty lady is going to accompany you?’ He nods in Katherine’s direction. He knows full well who she is, but doesn’t make mention of it.

‘Actually, no.
She’s just seeing me to my office to get her tablet she left here before doing a spot of shopping,’ I reply.

Ms. Sable should come with Mason and I for a tour of the office and then join us for coffee and cake at the local patisserie.’ As an afterthought, he realizes that Mason and I haven’t met. ‘Mason Went, this is Jake Shore – your second cousin from America. Jake, this is Mason. He’ll be starting here at the office on Monday.’ I nod in his direction and offer him my hand to shake. His grip is solid and I restrain from my boyish antics of trying to deliberately crush his hand in return.


‘A pleasure,’ he offers. The lift stops on my floor and I go to get out, pulling on Katherine’s hand to join me. She pulls it slightly from my grasp and gives me the look. The one that says, ‘Don’t mess with me buddy’.

‘Tell you what Jake. I know you have important stuff to do, so why don’t you just bring me my tablet when we meet up later? Just call my cell when you’re done and I’ll keep these too gorgeous men company while you finish your work.’

‘If you’re sure …’ I’m not convinced she really wants to join them for a boring tour of the office.         

‘I’m sure.’ Her sing-song voice seems quite delighted at the prospect. Go figure. I nod in agreement and bid them all farewell. I assume they will start at the top offices and work their way down. Should give me just enough time to get done what I need to do. The lift door closes on the three of them and I race to the fire exit to take the stairs to the twenty-first floor of the building. None of our offices are actually on this floor – it is just where all the mainframes are housed.


Felix’s letter is in my jacket pocket and I pull it out to read the access code he has written down for the door that will give me entry to the inner sanctum of the servers. I start to perspire slightly from the lack of air-conditioning in the stairwell. The code is accepted and I step into the empty office space and let the door close behind me. It’s kind of creepy in here without anybody to offer the normal sounds that the building affords during the week, but there is no time to waste with trivialities.


I go straight to the room as listed in the instructions and sit down at the only computer terminal. With my instructions spread out before me, I set to work on completing each step written on the list. By the time I have finished my palms are sweaty and my heart is thundered like a stampeding elephant. I log off and quickly make my way back down to my own office. Once seated at my desk I tap away at the computer and pull up the airline booking page for British Airways. As per the instructions, I book three tickets to France. I then exit that web page and make a separate booking through Virgin Airlines to
Cancún, Mexico for the three aliases listed on the document sitting on my desk.


I’m just about to enter the payment details for the flights when the lift door on my floor can be heard opening and footsteps sound as they come my way. In a panic I don’t have time to log out of what I am doing, so I hit the snooze button on the computer screen.

Jimmy, Mason and Katherine enter my office just as I take my finger off the keyboard.


‘Ah, Jake.
Sorry for the intrusion. You’re still working I see!’

‘Just finishing up Jimmy.’
I offer him a watery smile, feeling a bead of perspiration trickle down my hair line at my temple.

Well care to join us for tea then?’ I feel like I don’t have much option as the three faces stare back at me.

‘Sure. Just let me finish up and I’ll meet you downstairs in about fifteen minutes – is that okay?’

‘Of course, son. We’ll order for you.’

‘That would be appreciated, thank you.’ I give a small wave as they retreat out of my office and I exhale a lungful of air I didn’t realize I was holding. My computer is quickly brought back to life and I conclude my purchase of the airline tickets.


Before I log off I clear the privacy data and history in the web browser. Not feeling as though this is effective enough, I also send a little code down the Ethernet to scramble my recent interactions on the web.
Just a little something to obscure the trail back to me. I shut down the computer and grab Katherine’s tablet and head for the patisserie located just down the road. 

When I get there, Mason is not at the table with the others, although a place is set for him and


‘Mason had to leave?’

‘He’s just using the restroom,’ offers Katherine, before continuing her conversation with Jimmy. Tuning them out, I start on the latte and almond croissant they ordered for me. With only four more days until Harold, Felix and I bail out of the country, I feel like I’m on a knife’s edge. There is no room for error, and I can only hope it will be smooth sailing from here on in.

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