Till the Break of Dawn (18 page)

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Authors: Tracey H. Kitts

BOOK: Till the Break of Dawn
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When we reached the side of the house Marcus lost his balance. But even the way we fell to the ground seemed too well choreographed to be an accident. Since I landed on top of him, I decided not to question it. I slid up his body for a kiss, running my hands underneath his shirt. Marcus lifted up so that I could pull the wet fabric over his head, but I could only reach halfway. He smiled at my frustrated pout and threw the shirt onto the grass beside us.

“Impatient?” he teased.

“Shut up and take off your clothes.”

That wicked smile of his was back. “As you wish.”

I stood up only long enough to peel out of my jeans. Normally I would not be caught naked in the yard, but right now I really didn’t care. I watched Marcus slide his pants to mid-thigh before stopping him.

“That’s far enough.”

I knelt over him, taking his hard cock in my hand. I rubbed him all over my wet pussy before letting him slip inside. Marcus groaned as he reached for me. “Come here.”

I rode him slow and easy while he slipped off my shirt and bra, exposing all of my skin to the cool rain. I kissed him hungrily, sucking the rain from his lips. Marcus plunged his tongue inside my mouth while his hands roamed over my body. Being with him went so far beyond the physical. He stroked my soul with his touch. His soft caress was enough to make me want to cry. Ever since I had been apart from him it was almost like I was the one who was dead. But with his touch, he brought me back to life.

“Oh, Marcus, I’m going to come already.”

“Me too,” he panted.

Marcus held me tight, clinging to my body as release flooded us both. My muscles clamped tight around his shaft and I moaned with each contraction. When I finally caught my breath and my senses began to return I looked up into the rain and smiled.

“We should get inside and clean up. I don’t think I’ve ever rolled around in the mud like this before.”

Marcus looked surprised. “We’re in the mud? I could have sworn I fell in grass.”

“Well, it probably was grass when we fell down. But with all this rain, it’s mud now.”

I had just stood up when we heard someone drive up in front of the house. If it weren’t for the rain, we could have heard them as soon as they hit the gravel driveway.

“Oh, shit.”

Marcus leapt to his feet and, thanks to his vampire speed, got dressed a hell of a lot faster than I did. He stepped in front of me while I fought my way back into the wet jeans and t-shirt. I didn’t have time to worry with underwear. Marcus picked up my panties along with the discarded bra and stuffed them in his back pocket. Considering they were hot pink, it looked pretty damn funny.

The wet grass felt good under my bare feet as we rounded the corner of the house. Marcus moved slowly, probably so I wouldn’t step on anything and get hurt. He kept me behind him with his hand on my arm. The protective gesture was nice, but I really didn’t think a murderer would drive up and make so much noise. I’m not sure why, but I suspected that whoever killed Mandy would be more subtle.

I felt a tension I hadn’t previously noticed slip from his body. He was relieved about something, but I couldn’t see around him to understand. I moved underneath his arm about the time David exclaimed, “There you are!”

Marcus stepped over the azaleas and up onto the porch. David continued to complain as Marcus lifted me up with him.

David walked up the steps before shaking his wet hair like a dog. “You do realize my sense of smell is almost completely shot in this weather?”

“I know that rain covers the scent of anything you might be tracking. But the better question here is what the hell are you tracking?”

David ran a hand through his blond hair, slicking it back. “You,” he said, sounding even more frustrated.

Marcus’ confused look reflected my feelings as well. “Why the hell would you be tracking me?”

“Because I could feel your senses going off the chart! It was like fight or flight or—”

David stopped abruptly and took a really good look at us. “Arousal,” he finished, blushing.

A smile tugged the corners of Marcus’ lips, but I could tell he was trying to fight it. “You thought I was being attacked?”

“And maybe you were.” David slumped forward, putting a hand over his eyes like his head hurt. “I’m sorry. I woke up and sensed some sort of alarm in you. After all that’s happened, I jumped to the worst conclusion. I’m just really fucked up right now.”

“It’s all right,” Marcus said, putting his arm around David. “Do you want to come in for a while?”

David looked down at his clothes. “I’m wet.”

“Look at us,” I said, gesturing to our muddy clothes. “You’re fine. Please, come inside.”

I got David a towel and showed him to the laundry room so that he could dry his clothes. We were all soaked through. “I’m gonna go wash off and change.”

“We’ll be right back,” Marcus added.

“Please, make yourself at home.”

We hurried upstairs and started to undress. “Here, I’ll take these downstairs to keep them off the floor,” Marcus said, gathering our wet clothes.

“Just throw them on a towel for now. Do you think David is okay?”

“He seems that way.”

“He could sense your feelings because you’ve drank his blood so many times, right?”

“That’s right.”

“Will that happen to us?”

He smiled. “Eventually.”

He took a towel from the cabinet in the bathroom and spread it on the floor for our wet clothes. I watched, admiring the sexy little curve in the side of his ass when he moved.

“While you were asleep I moved my bags into your room. I hope you don’t mind?”

“Nope.” I wrapped my arms around his waist. “That’s exactly where I want you. Oh, you haven’t seen my shower yet, have you?”

Suddenly I was very excited to show him my oversized walk-in shower. When I completely gutted the bathroom, Jamie could not understand why. At the time, neither did I. All I knew was that the small bathroom simply would not do. I knocked down the wall to the adjoining bedroom and made the new enormous space the master bath. The walls were a pale cream with the floor tiles being only a shade or so darker. My large garden tub stood in the middle of the room, and near the back was the shower. It was separated from the rest of the room by a wall of tile. Behind this you had to take two steps down into the shower. The shower nozzle was about seven feet high. Just right for Marcus.

He followed me around the corner and sighed when he saw the shower. “You were planning to look me up again all along, you just didn’t know it.”

I stepped down into the shower and turned on the water. “I think you’re right.”

Marcus let me stand under the water first. I soaped up and stepped out of the way while I washed my hair. I watched as suds ran down every sexy ridge and curve of his body, following the trail all the way to his feet. In my mind I made a promise to make better use of this shower just as soon as we had time. Right now I wasn’t sure how stable David was emotionally and I didn’t think it was right to leave him alone.

Chapter Twenty


When I stepped out of the closet, Marcus was already dressed. He was wearing blood red pajama pants and a smile. What a perfect combination. I enjoyed the way he watched me as I slipped into my green pajama pants and white t-shirt. This time I made sure to put on a bra underneath. I didn’t think it was polite for my nipples to point at company.

“I’ll put on something else when I go to close up tonight, but for the moment this is as good as it gets.”

“Have I told you how much I love your décor?” he asked.

I smiled. “I thought you might.”

“We should check on David,” he said, pulling me close.

The first time I met David he was naked, so finding him in my kitchen wearing nothing but a towel wasn’t that unusual.

“You said to make myself at home, so I made some coffee. After the way I drank last night, I could really use some caffeine.”

“I think I’ll have another cup myself,” I said, stepping around the handsome werewolf to reach my favorite mug.

One thing I had quickly learned, vampires and werewolves were very comfortable in their skins. I think the only reason they ever put on clothes was for everyone else’s sake of propriety. It didn’t seem strange to me at all that I should hug David, even though he was more than half naked.

He accepted my offer of comfort and embraced me tightly.

“I know this is one of those stupid questions that everybody asks, but I don’t know how else to say it. How are you doing?”

“Better,” he said, pouring himself another cup.

Marcus sat at the table and stretched out his long legs, crossing his feet. “Other than paranoia, I’d say you’re holding up surprisingly well.” His comment wasn’t sarcastic, but David smiled nonetheless.

“Asshole. I’ve been through a lot. I think I’m entitled to a little paranoia.” He took a sip of coffee and made a face. “Needs sugar. Anyway, I’m done falling to pieces. None of that will bring Mandy back. I intend to find out who is responsible and see that they suffer.”

Marcus sighed. “Listen, I’m all for that, but you don’t want to be found in breach of contract. Not to mention the law is not kind to shifters. They’d most likely turn you over to the hunters rather than give you a trial.”

“I don’t plan on getting caught.” Everyone was silent for a minute or so before David continued. “I woke up hungry early this morning and ran into that police lieutenant down at the doughnut shop. What’s his name? Kirkland. Yeah, Darrell Kirkland. Anyway, I asked him about the investigation. He said it was the damndest thing he’d ever seen. There were no fingerprints in the house except for Mandy’s and her brother’s and yours, Dawn, from where you came in behind him. He also said that the murder weapon was uncertain.”

“Uncertain? What do you mean?” Marcus asked.

“Well, he wouldn’t say at first. I think he was trying to be kind. But I asked him to tell me straight. He said that his first impression had been claws or teeth, but there was no DNA evidence found on her body. None.”

“Could the weapon have been metal or something?” I asked.

David shrugged. “Who knows? On a lighter note, Lt. Kirkland told me you had some sort of an incident at your hotel last night.” He laughed softly, waiting for Marcus’ response.

Marcus’ smile was smooth as silk. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

David pretended to be concerned. “Oh yeah, some lady called the police. She was scared half to death, said a woman was being attacked.” David used the back of his hand to stifle a laugh. “Give it up, Marc, Kirkland spilled the whole story. Those two cops are flashing your Nightmare autograph everywhere they go.”

“So, the cops from the next town have already spread the gossip here,” I said, laughing.


“Well, maybe if you signed more autographs this wouldn’t happen. Oh, and stop having buck-wild sex when other people are right next door,” David said.

Marcus flicked the small spoon I used to dip coffee creamer and nailed David right between the eyes. David didn’t stop laughing.

“That’s good. Maybe you should add it to your act on Friday.”

I paused with the coffee cup halfway to my lips. “You’ve got a show this Friday?”

“It’s one of the preliminary matches leading up to the Mash,” Marcus explained.

Despite its comical name, the annual Monster Mash was fierce. Ever since I met Marcus years ago, I hadn’t been able to watch another show. Knowing that the matches were real made it difficult if you cared about the fighters.

“It’s a silver chains match,” David added.

Great. I hated silver chains matches. In a silver chains match they gave both fighters a pair of leather gloves so they could touch the chains. After that they were stripped to the waist and left to pulverize each other, using the chains however was necessary to subdue their opponent. It was one of the few matches where it was possible for even an immortal to die.

“I don’t know if I can watch it. I care too much about you to stand by while you purposely hurt yourself.”

“Please, for me? It would do me good to have you there,” Marcus said. “I’ve been meaning to tell you about the match, but with everything going on I got distracted.”

I sighed, resigning myself to the fact that I had little choice. If I stayed at home I’d only worry more.

“Where is it?”


“Do I get a front row seat?”

“Normally, yes. But this show has been sold out for months. You’ll have to sit in the V.I.P. box.”

“That’s fine.”

“With Nybras.”

When I only stared at him in mute shock he explained, “You’ll be fine. If there’s one thing I’m certain of, it’s that Nybras protects his investments.”

David nodded his agreement.

“But I’m nothing to him.”

“Maybe not, but you’re something to me.”

“And Marcus is big money to Nybras,” David said.

“Big money,” Marcus agreed.

I still didn’t share their opinion about my safety. I turned to Marcus. “I thought Nybras was and I quote, the ‘scariest motherfucker’ you’ve ever met.”

The vampire shrugged. “He is. And he happens to owe me for twenty-six years of loyal service.”

“Best seat in the house,” David added.

“All right, fine. But I’m wearing my silver cross necklace. If Nybras so much as looks funny at me—”

“He won’t. I promise.”

I sighed again. It was hard enough watching Marcus fight. But being trapped in a booth with someone like Nybras? I crossed my arms as I studied the both of them. They looked so sincere. They really thought I’d be safe with their boss.

“I’ll tuck the cross into my shirt for your benefit, but I’m still wearing it.”

Holy objects were not allowed into the arena during a P.F.C. match. Same goes for silver. Fans were always checked at the gate. I was hoping that being the special guest of Nightmare would mean I didn’t get searched.

Thunder rumbled again outside and lightning cracked like a whip. For a moment the light coming from the small kitchen window was blinding. It took only a second to realize that the lightning flash was our only light.

“Shit. I’ll go get the candles.”

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