Timberman Werebear (Saw Bears Book 3) (13 page)

Read Timberman Werebear (Saw Bears Book 3) Online

Authors: T. S. Joyce

Tags: #Romance, #Adult, #Fiction, #Werebear, #Bear, #Shifter, #Erotic Romance Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Timberman Werebear (Saw Bears Book 3)
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Next Up in the Saw Bears Series

Sawman Werebear (Book 4)

Coming April 2015


Read on for a Sneak Peek of Sawman Werebear


Brighton Beck searched for Tagan in the hole-in-the-wall diner he was supposed to meet him. A cloud of smoke plumed from the kitchen as the cook there worked furiously on the lunch rush orders, and trios of hungry patrons talked over green Formica tabletops scattered willy-nilly around the restaurant. When he didn’t see Tagan anywhere, Brighton picked a table right in the middle so his alpha couldn’t bawl him out. Tagan was much better than the last leader of the Ashe Crew. Jed would’ve lost his composure right here in the middle of a bunch of humans if he was mad enough. Tagan wouldn’t do that though. He was wary around humans and didn’t like to draw attention to private shifter affairs.

He should probably man up and just take the verbal lickin’ in the corner booth, but he still didn’t have control over his animal, and he couldn’t let Tagan see how bad off he was. No need for the Crew to worry about him. It wasn’t like they could do anything to fix him, anyway. No one could.

The bell dinged over the front door, and Brighton stopped shredding the napkin in front of him. Tagan’s nostrils flared, and he frowned at a mousy-looking woman at a two-top table beside him, then swung his bright blue gaze to Brighton.

With a nodded greeting, he made his way to the counter and ordered a hamburger and sweet potato fries to go. Even over the noise of the murmured conversation around him, Brighton could make out his request from all the way across the room. He was more in tune to the Ashe Crew. Humans were easy to ignore.

“You look like shit,” Tagan said as he took the seat across from him.

Brighton snorted and leaned forward on his elbows, waiting.

Tagan cocked his head and stared at him for a long time, then mirrored Brighton and leaned toward him. “You know why I called you here?”

To yell at him and order him to come home. He shook his head. At least that was the upside to having a voice. No lies, no shaky words, no way for other shifters to tell when he wasn’t telling the truth.

“You’ve been gone for three months now. You haven’t been returning Denison’s texts, and he’s worried mad about you. Hell, I didn’t even know if you’d show up today. I know the battle at the landing was hard on you. I know seeing that asshole who tortured you was…” Tagan leaned back and ran his hands through his hair, then sighed. “I can’t pretend to understand what that was like, but at some point, we need you back. We’re down a man on the jobsite, Haydan is shite on the processor, Denison isn’t singing at nights anymore without you, and if I’m being honest, the trailer park ain’t the same without you. It’s just not.”

Brighton felt someone watching him and slid his gaze to the woman at the two-top table. She had medium brown hair pulled back into a ponytail, not a stitch of make-up on, and her eyes looked hollow, as if she were sick. She wore a sundress of thin, plum-colored material, and clunky black boots with the laces untied. Cornflower blue irises watched him intently, as if she could hear every word Tagan said. Which she couldn’t because she smelled human, which meant she had dulled senses just like the rest of her kind. Humans were practically deaf.

When he looked at Tagan again, his alpha was staring at him with raised eyebrows, waiting.

Brighton scribbled onto a small notepad,
I’m not ready to come home yet

Tagan crossed his arms and relaxed into his seat. “Brooke’s pregnant.”

Brighton jerked his head up and stared at his alpha in disbelief. Already? But it took shifters years to get pregnant. That’s what he’d been told his entire life, and now Tagan’s mate was going to have a cub. A smile took his face, the first in months, and the stretch of his lips felt good. The Ashe Crew was going to have a cub. He leaned back and looped his fingers behind his head.

Whatever Tagan saw on his face pleased him because the alpha laughed and shook his head. “You should see the shock on your face right now.”

Oh, he didn’t doubt it. Tagan could’ve knocked him over with a blade of wheat right now and he’d go right over. Holy shit. A cub.

“That’s not all. Danielle has chosen not to Turn. Denison is going to propose to her instead. We’re planning the wedding.” The smile slipped from Tagan’s lips. “You need to be there for him. He’s having a hard time, too. I think he’s getting some of those memories from the lab back, but he’s not talking about it to anyone. Apparently stubborn runs in your family.”

Hell, if Denison was getting those memories back, that was a shame. He was the lucky one, repressing what had happened when they were experimented on. Denison deserved to be happy with his mate. She was good for him—always had been.

he scribbled across the second line of the ruled notepad he always carried in his back pocket.

“Next Friday night.”

I’ll be there.
Of course he would be there. It was Denison, his twin brother. He’d die for him, and he’d die for Danielle, too. They were the best part of his life.

The cashier called out Tagan’s name, and he stood, then clapped Brighton on the shoulder. “It’s good to see you, man. We’ve missed you.”

Emotion thickened in his throat as he watched Tagan grab the to-go bag of food and leave the restaurant.

Brighton went back to shredding the napkin as he thought about all that had happened at the trailer park since he’d been on his bender. No, not him. His friggin’ bear. His inner monster had been on a rampage, forcing him to Change constantly. He couldn’t let the boys see how bad it was for him right now. Until he found some kind of compromise with the snarling animal inside of him, going back to the Ashe Crew for good was off the table.

“Can I eat beside you?” a timid female voice asked.

Brighton jerked his attention to the mousey woman, who was now standing beside his table, holding a basket with a half-eaten hamburger in it.

He scented the air again, but she still smelled like a human, and right now, he trusted them about as far as he could throw them. He shook his head and watched her face fall.

She made to go, but stopped. “If you don’t talk none, I don’t mind. I don’t talk much neither.” Her accent thickened the more she spoke.

He gave her a hard glare and gritted his teeth. Times like these made him wish he still had a voice just so he could tell her to piss off and bother someone else.

“It’s just, I feel better around you.”

Brighton narrowed his eyes. What a strange thing to say to someone she didn’t know from Adam. He could see she was sick from the way her bones stuck out and from the way the dress she wore swallowed her up. She looked like she hadn’t slept in days, and deep, dark circles marred what would’ve been a pretty face. Whatever was wrong with her, he couldn’t help her. He couldn’t even help himself right now.

Brighton shook his head again in denial, and her shoulders slumped.

“Thanks, anyway,” she murmured, then made her way back to her table, clutching the plastic red basket with her lunch in it.

He needed to leave, but something about that girl made him sit glued to his chair. There was something strange about her. Not her, but in the air around her. He could sense these tiny vibrations wafting from her skin, but she didn’t look uncomfortable or overly stressed. Just sad.

But the more he stared, the harder the air that hovered just above her skin shook. Suddenly, she looked up at him, wide-eyed, then went rigid and collapsed onto the floor.

He was to her in moments but hell if he knew what to do. Her hands were clenched, her back arched back, and her face was a mask of fear as her body seized. She couldn’t go on like this forever, could she?

“Oh my God, what’s happening to her?” a man with an oversize paunch and a serious case of body odor asked from above them. “Someone call 911!”

The woman’s eyes were closed tightly now as her body convulsed. Panicked, he lifted her head off the tile floor and yanked his belt off in one smooth motion, then shoved the leather between her teeth. Seconds dragged on as he covered her with his body, stroking her hair out of her face and wishing he had a voice to murmur nonsensical things to her.

Her body drew in on itself, finally relaxing from the seizure, and she gasped. As Brighton leaned over her, cradling her head, she opened her eyes, and he froze. They churned silver, like mercury, and now he smelled it. Fur.

He didn’t know how she was doing it, but she’d been repressing an animal inside of her, and now her inner beast was clawing to get out.

This woman wasn’t human at all.

She was a damned grizzly in disguise.

Other Books by T. S. Joyce

Bear Valley Shifters

The Witness and the Bear (
Book 1

Devoted to the Bear (
Book 2

Return to the Bear (
Book 3

Betray the Bear (
Book 4

Redeem the Bear (
Book 5

Bear Valley Valentine (
Valentine’s Day Novella

Hells Canyon Shifters

Call of the Bear (
Book 1

Fealty of the Bear (
Book 2

Avenge the Bear (
Book 3

Claim the Bear (
Book 4

Heart of the Bear (
Book 5


Wolf Brides

Wolf Bride (
Book 1

Red Snow Bride (
Book 2

Dawson Bride (
Book 3


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