Time Travel Romances Boxed Set (116 page)

Read Time Travel Romances Boxed Set Online

Authors: Claire Delacroix

Tags: #historical romance, #tarot cards, #highland romance, #knight in shining armor, #reincarnation, #romantic comedy, #paranormal romance, #highlander, #time travel romance, #destined love, #fantasy romance, #second chance at love, #contemporary romance

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It would be perfect.


It is the way of a flagon of ale to tempt a
man to have another. Niall wasn’t helped by the fact that each time
the coinage of this realm passed under his nose, he saw the date
stamped or printed upon it, yet more evidence that he was not where
he belonged.

And perhaps beyond the possibility of
return. His word might be broken irrevocably, his solemn pledge as
ashes in the wind. That knowledge, too, drove him to have another,
if only to bolster him against the assault of the truth.

Derek proved to be a man well versed in how
matters worked and had no qualms about explaining all and sundry to
Niall. They talked and talked as they drank and drank. Niall
tallied vast lists of numbers in his head, laughing when Derek was
clearly impressed.

He divided, multiplied and subtracted with
equal alacrity, although those talents were somewhat adversely
affected by the ale as the night went on. Derek’s explanations also
began to suffer, but neither man particularly heeded the

Indeed, they toasted each other’s cleverness
and called for another round.

Twas well past midnight
when they were cast from the tavern for their poor singing. They
waved good night to each other, two men who did the math and were
now far better friends than they had been just hours past, then
stumbled in the directions of their own pallets.

Niall made his uneven way towards Viviane’s
abode, hauling the bag filled with his mail with no small effort.
He sincerely hoped she would let him in. The rain was cold, his
knee was aching. He wanted only to sleep on the floor, sheltered
from the downpour, although a smile from the lady would not be

Niall’s steps fell a little faster at the
prospect. He found the door unlatched and leaned his brow against
the frame in relief, his heart thudding that this lady should show
him such compassion. Niall’s loins tightened in recollection of
Viviane’s smile. She did prompt a feeling within him, a sense of
power that recalled the days when he had not been a lowly sentry.
He felt bold and brave in her presence, he lived again as a knight
who was honored.

Niall barely crossed the threshold before
the lady herself gasped aloud.

Niall! You’re

As he looked up, Viviane came flying down
the stairs, her hair unbound, her feet bare and her eyes wide.
Niall saw the traces of her tears just before she cast herself into
his arms and he caught her, instinctively holding her close. Her
heartbeat fluttered beneath his palm like a wild bird, she clutched
at his neck as though she had to reassure herself that he was

She had been worried for him. Affection
flooded through Niall and he cradled her against his chest, wanting
only to ease her concern.

It had been a long time since a woman who
was not his kin had worried for Niall of Malloy.

I was so afraid something
had happened to you! I was worried when you were out so late and
you didn’t come back even for a meal and I was afraid something
might have happened to you.” Viviane pulled back, her eyes luminous
yet lit with fear, her fingertips grazing his cheek. “Are you all
right? Were you lost? Did anyone take advantage of you or trick
you? Don’t tell me that you were robbed!”

And in that moment, staring into her
wondrous eyes, ’twas all so perfectly clear. Niall held the most
beautiful woman he had ever known in his arms, she was concerned
for his sorry hide, she made him feel like a hero returned

Viviane was a woman who desired him, and
Niall was a man who desired her.

It could be no more simple than that.

Niall enveloped Viviane’s delicate jaw in
his hand, he tipped her face up to his. “You have no need to fret,”
he murmured. “I am here and all is aright.”

The lady parted her lips but Niall granted
her no chance to speak before he indulged his completely natural
desire for her kiss. He bent his head and slanted his lips across
the sweetness of hers, claiming her and silencing her in one

If she had turned him away, Niall would have
stepped back, but Viviane did not. Indeed, she sighed with such
contentment and leaned against him with such abandon, that Niall
thought his heart would burst with its thundering.

Niall dropped his bag, swept the lady into
his arms and kicked the door closed behind them. He carried her up
the stairs without breaking his kiss or heeding the complaints of
his knee.

Aye, he could find that fine pallet in the
dark this night, he knew it well, and neither of them would regret


Viviane twined her arms around Niall’s neck
and returned his kiss with abandon. This was the best surprise of

Maybe he wouldn’t even need to read her

His tongue slid between her teeth in that
instant and drove coherent thought from Viviane’s mind. She sighed
and opened her mouth, surprised to find herself on her own bed,
Niall’s shadow looming over her. They knelt there for a moment,
wavering against the tide of their desire, then Niall broke their

Viviane,” he said simply,
his voice low with desire. The way he said her name stole Viviane’s
breath away, the tenderness in the hand that rose to caress her jaw
made her mouth go dry.

She melted when he rubbed the rough edge of
his thumb across her cheek and understood when this perfect knight
shook his head, as though incredulous that she was not only before
him but welcoming of his touch.

Tell me,” he urged. “Tell
me what ’tis you desire.”

Viviane framed his face in her hands and
smiled. “Niall,” she whispered, leaning closer to barely touch her
lips to his. She opened her eyes in the act of that kiss and found
his bright gaze fixed upon her. Her nipples grazed his chest, she
could feel the heat of his erection near her thigh even though her

But he waited, granting her the chance to

Viviane’s smile widened. “I want you,” she
whispered. “In every way I can imagine.”

Niall’s eyes gleamed like emeralds in the
shadows for a heartbeat before he caught her against him once
again. The purpose in his touch made Viviane tingle in
anticipation. This time there would be no halting short of the

She could hardly wait.

Niall’s strong hand slid into her hair to
cradle her nape, his mouth settled on hers once again as his other
arm locked around her waist. Her curves molded to the hard lines of
his body as though they were made to be together. She could smell
the distinctive scent of his flesh, the hint of ale, the wind and
sun that clung to his hair.

Viviane was captive within his embrace and
could think of no where else she would rather be. He held her with
that tempered strength that was so characteristic of him, of a
strong man striving to be gentle with an infinitely precious gift.
She could feel the thrum of desire running through him - and was
well aware of the answering cry within herself.

Niall’s lips grazed her jaw, her temple, her
earlobe. Viviane closed her eyes and surrendered to his sure touch,
savoring the sweet brush of each butterfly-light kiss. His hands
roved over her, ceaselessly gentle, as though he would memorize
every mole she had, as though he would seek them out and taste them
each in turn. His hot kisses trailed down her throat and Viviane
arched her back, sighing then shivering, when he pressed a
languorous kiss into the hollow of her throat.

Then Niall was kissing her moles, each one
in succession, running a line between them with the heat of his
tongue, his breath fanning her desire ever higher. He caught her
waist in his hands, the span of his fingers nearly surrounding her
and lifted her to his questing lips, his mouth locking around her
nipple. His tongue and his teeth teased the peak until Viviane
squirmed, but there was no escape.

And Niall only teased her more. Viviane
buried her fingers in the thick silk of his hair and urged him
closer, leaning back in unbridled delight. This was her knight,
after all, the man by whose side she was destined to be. There was
no need for secrets between them, no need to hold anything

Niall flicked his tongue against her, making
her shudder from head to toe, and Viviane forgot everything except
his touch.

He treated the other breast to the same
thorough attention and Viviane heard herself moan aloud. She
thought she heard Niall chuckle, but couldn’t be sure. His questing
kisses slipped lower and when his tongue flicked into her navel,
Viviane felt her knees buckle. Niall eased her back onto the
mattress, his hands cupping her buttocks and lifting her hips to
his kiss.

Viviane wasn’t sure exactly what he was
doing, until the heat of his mouth landed upon her in a most
distracting fashion. She gasped aloud and grabbed fistfuls of his
hair, but this time Niall did chuckle. And he did not move away.
His broad shoulders braced her thighs, opening her to his
persuasive touch, his tongue teasing her much as his fingers had
the day before. Viviane felt the heat rise beneath her skin more
quickly than it had before, though it was hotter this time as

Though this time, Niall teased her. He
halted when she was just shy of reaching the summit, paused for a
telling moment, then began his sensuous assault once more. Viviane
felt herself climbing higher each time, release tantalizingly close
but still out of reach.

On the third time, she wriggled demandingly
against him, uncertain she could stand it if he denied her this
time. Niall gripped her buttocks and lifted her hips off the bed,
his tongue dancing with gusto, flicking and suckling in turn.

Viviane writhed, her nipples tightened like
beads, her hips bucked of their own accord. The heat rose beneath
her skin like a tide and she understood just as the crest hovered
over her that this time, Niall would see her through. Her heart
pounded at the gift of pleasure he was intent to give her,

And then, suddenly, the release flooded
through and over her. She shook to her core, she cried out, she
shuddered like a leaf in the wind.

In that moment, Niall dove the length of the
bed, capturing her in his arms, holding her fast against the storm.
Viviane felt his shoulder against her cheek when the last ripple
left her and she leaned against him with a smile.

Her knight was back.


She was beautiful, even in slumber.

Niall held Viviane close, watching her doze
against him. She had been pleased, he knew it well. And Niall felt
like a victorious king for his role in that.

This ’twas that Viviane gave him. This ’twas
that astonished him and made him feel more the man than he knew
himself to be. She believed in him, she trusted him, she expected
valor and honor from him.

She made him feel whole again.

The lady sighed and stretched contentedly,
her lashes fluttering against her cheeks before her eyes opened.
Niall’s heart clenched - his desire for her was unsated, indeed it
raged, but never would he force himself upon a woman.

But Viviane smiled. She curled against him
and slipped her arms around his neck, her lips brushing his in that
way that fired everything within Niall. Her hand fell upon his
erection with a certainty unexpected, the weight of her hand there
making Niall gasp.

We’re not done,” she
whispered, her gaze warm and welcoming.

Niall needed no second invitation. He
slipped her fingers into her heat, ensuring that she was well
prepared for him. He kissed her, nursing her desire once more,
surprised by how quickly she arched against him, every move she
made a silent demand.

The musky scent of her was inescapable and
infinitely arousing. The floral scent clinging to her flesh from
the shower this morn teased Niall with the memory of how she had
tormented him. She echoed his slow thorough kisses, her tongue
nudging between his teeth and making Niall’s blood boil.

He lifted his head, knowing he could not
last unless he halted for a moment, but Viviane was not inclined to
let him cease. She followed him with her intoxicating kisses,
locking her hands around his neck and tumbling across him when he
rolled to his back.

Her hunger for his touch enflamed him as
naught else could have done. The ripe perfection of a buttock fell
beneath one hand, Niall found a turgid nipple with the other and he
was powerless to escape the lady’s touch.

She eased across him as they kissed, her
hands running over his flesh, her breasts crushed against his
chest, the sweep of her smooth thigh across his erection nigh
making him explode. He whispered her name and her laughter fanned
across his neck.

Show me, Niall,” she said
softly. He looked up to find her eyes sparkling with humor. “I
don’t know what to do.”

Niall gripped her buttocks and lifted her so
that she straddled him. He savored how pliant and pleased she was,
his heart pounding at the welcome in her smile. The meager light
coming through the window must be of the moon, for it painted her
in ethereal silver, making her look like a fairy lover come to make
Niall her own. She looked gossamer-wrought, as delicate as a
cobweb, as silky smooth as a white flower opened beneath the

He hesitated anew, afraid he would hurt her.
But Viviane framed his face in her hands and kissed him soundly,
wriggling her hips until his erection encountered her softness.
’Twas so easy to shift his hips, to find his destination, to ease
against her welcoming warmth.

Niall had a fleeting impression that
something was amiss, that she was too tight for him, too tiny, too
finely wrought, but Viviane put an end to any hesitation. She drove
her tongue into his mouth and settled herself onto him, a move that
could not have been better designed to override his hesitation.

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