Timeless (26 page)

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Authors: Patti Roberts

BOOK: Timeless
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SAINT JOHN'S WORT - A healing herb associated with magic and witchcraft. Also called St. John's plant or herb and mugwort.

SALAMANDER - The traditional name for an Elemental (q.v.) spirit of the nature of the Fire element.

SALT - Used in many magical procedures, including Wiccan, as a kind of spiritual antiseptic, or purifying symbol.

SAMHAIN - One of the eight Sabbats which is celebrated on or around 31 October. It is a festival that celebrates the end of summer. Also known as Halloween.

SCRYING - A method of divination in which one gazes at an object (crystal ball, water, candle) until prophetic visions appear.

SHAMAN - A word derived from the Tungas language of Siberia, this is a generic term for healers and spiritual leaders in tribal societies. Traditional shamans induced trance states through drums, dancing, ingesting hallucinogens, self-mutilation, deprivation and virtually any means by which one might achieve an altered state of consciousness. While in such a trance, the shaman crosses over into another world to get information for his people such as the cause of illnesses and other misfortunes. The shaman is the peoples’ link to the spirit world.

SHAPESHIFTING - The act of transforming from human into animal or mystical creature and vice-versa.

SIGIL - In Ceremonial Magic, an image that symbolizes a specific spirit, deity, angel or supernatural being. A symbol with some occult meaning that may be used in magical workings. Often a seal, sign or other drawing, it may be carried or otherwise used to control the power symbolized.

SKYCLAD - The term used for ritual nudity. It is considered by some that clothing may hinder magical energies. Being nude is not a requirement and is up to the individual who wishes to practice so in private or with a trusted coven.

SMUDGING - The practice of waving smouldering incense or herb bundles about an individual or area to cleanse or purify. It was adopted from Native Americans.

SOLAR ECLIPSE - Emblem of the God in his aspects of Dark Lord, Lord of Shadows, Death, Chaos, Resurrection, Hunter, and Leader of the Wild Hunt.

SOLITARY - A term used to describe a Witch who practices the Craft without belonging to a coven.

SOUL-MATES - Individuals who are continuously involved with each other in successive incarnations, becoming rather like a pair of binary stars.

SPELL - The collection of energy that is directed by word in prayer form to achieve a goal. This may include elaborate, ceremonial or simple ritual.



SUMMERLANDS - A spiritualist word for the Heaven that souls enter after death. Often used by believers in reincarnation to denote the astral stage of rest after physical death.

SYLPH - An "entity" or "elemental" that dwells in the plane of Air or is associated with the AIR Element.

TALISMAN - An object carried for protection or other goals that has been charged for that purpose. Examples are gemstones, shells, drawings and virtually any small object that one may carry.

TAROT - A set of 78 cards with pictures and symbols that are used for divination by connecting the reader to the subconscious mind. The origin of the cards is unknown. Some ascribe their origin to the Romany people, but that is unsupported so far.

TELEKINESIS - The power of moving physical objects by purely psychic effort.

THIRD EYE - The 6th of the seven chakras situated between the eyes; the body's highest source of power and clairvoyant vision. This is also the Major Chakra.

THREEFOLD LAW - The "law" that any act will return with three times the energy of the original act in the same or a future life.

TREE OF LIFE - The central glyph or diagram of the Cabala. It consists of ten interconnected spheres of Sephiroth, each representing a category of cosmic being and activity.

TRIPLE GODDESS - The one Goddess that encompasses three aspects, the Maiden, Mother, Crone the Triune Goddess.

TOTEM - An object, usually an animal or plant, revered by an individual or a particular social group. A group totem represents the bond of unity and is often considered the ancestor or brother of the group’s members; marriage between those of one totem is often prohibited as incest. The group’s symbol and protector, the totem may be pictured on the body or masks, or carved on totem poles.

TRIQUETRA - The Triquetra represents the threefold nature of the Goddess as virgin, mother and crone. It symbolizes life, death, and rebirth and the three forces of nature: earth, air, and water. The inner three circles represent the female element and fertility.

TURNING OF THE WHEEL - Passing of the seasons of the Sabbats.

UNDERWORLD - In various religions, this is a region conceived to be below the surface of the Earth and separate from the world of the living where souls go after death, the world of the dead.

UNDINE - An "entity" or "elemental" that dwells in the plane of Water or is associated with the WATER Element. Also known as nymphs, mermaids or oceanides.

VAMPIRISM - The draining of psychic energy from one individual by another.

VERNAL EQUINOX - Another name for the Spring Equinox.

VERVAIN - A magical plant believed to possess the power to cure grief.

VISION QUESTING - Using astral projection or dreamtime to accomplish a specific goal.

WAND - A staff that is used to direct energy in rituals. Though traditionally made of wood, crystal and various metals are also used. Each wand is individual, with the maker's own magical symbols or character.

WARLOCK - Derogatory term for a Male Witch. It’s original meaning, derived from the Old English "waer logga," is "oath breaker" and it was used in reference to a traitor to the Craft during the Burning Times.

WATER – Element. Also known as nymphs, mermaids or oceanides.

WATCHTOWERS - Originally from the Enochian branch of Ceremonial Magic, now incorporated into many traditions of Wicca, these are the four elemental "directions" or "quarters" (corresponding to the appropriate points on the compass) called to protect the Circle during its establishment. Each of them has a correspondence between the compass point, an element, and (varying amongst different traditions) color.

WHEEL OF THE YEAR - The Pagan calendar that symbolizes the eternal cycle of time. It usually begins with Samhain.

WHITE HANDLED KNIFE - The knife used by a Witch for Craft tasks such as carving candles, making tools, chopping herbs, etc. Though it is not as sacred as the athame, it is reserved for craft work exclusively.

WICCA - In Old English meant "a male witch" and wicce "a female witch". The Old English for witchcraft was wiccacraeft. Thought by some to have originated from the Anglo-Saxon word "wicce" which means to bend or shape. A contemporary Pagan religion with spiritual roots in Shamanism and the earliest expressions of reverence of nature. In more modern times this term is accepted for any person following any of the nature based Pagan beliefs honouring the Goddess and the God.

WIDDERSHINS - Sometimes called withershins, widershins or widderschynnes, means to take a course opposite the apparent motion of the sun, to go anticlockwise or lefthandwise, or to circle an object by always keeping it on the left.

WICCAN REDE, THE - The simple rule of Wiccans which states "An harm ye none, do what ye will." This is not the entire rede, but the essence thereof.

WICCANING - In Wicca, the ritual blessing of a newly born baby, the witches' equivalent of a christening, except that it is not intended to commit the child permanently to any one path.

WINTER SOLSTICE - Another term for the Sabbat of Yule.

WITCHCRAFT - A magical religion with many diverse traditions derived from various cultural sources around which covens and individual practitioners base their practices.

WITCH - Any person who practices magic to achieve their goals. By this understanding, not all witches are Wiccan and not all Wiccan are witches. The term is used for both male and female practitioners. A male witch is not called a warlock (See: warlock). Also, anciently, a European practitioner of the remnants of pre-Christian folk magic, particularly that relating to herbs, healing, wells, rivers and stones.

WITCHCRAFT - The art of using magic to achieve set goals in conjunction with natural energies and correspondences.

YARROW - A medicinal herb long associated with the practice of witchcraft

YULE - The Sabbat celebrated on the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year. In some traditions, it celebrates the birth of the God and in others the coming birth.

YULE LOG - A log ritually burned at Yule to mark the death of winter and the birth of the sun.




Witchwood Estate blog.







PATTI ROBERTS was born in Brisbane Australia but soon moved to Darwin in the Northern Territory. Her son Luke was born in 1980. She currently lives in Cairns, Queensland where she is writing the Paradox Series of books and the Witchwood Estate series.

Patti is also in the early stages of co-authoring a book with an English author, Ella Medler, which is due for release, 2014 – all going well.

In her spare time, Patti designs book covers for other authors.

It is Patti's wish to one day own and operate a writers retreat in FNQ - Australia.


To the reader.

Find your silver lining. I did!





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