Tiny (9 page)

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Authors: Sam Crescent

BOOK: Tiny
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“Your kid is with his mother
or the sister. He’ll be fine.”

“The mother is a whore. I’m
not leaving my kin with that bitch. I don’t even know what her sister is like.
Bitch never talked about her. Fuck, I’ve got to go. One of my boys is calling
me.” Devil hung up without saying another word.

Placing the phone back into
the cradle, Tiny stared at the file he kept on Snitch. It was the one file where
his own past blended with that of the other man. There had once been a time
when he would have followed this man blindly into anything. The night he
watched him gang-rape a girl and torture her had been the final straw for Tiny.

The wakeup call he’d
received that night had been a victim too late. If someone ever tried to do
that to Tate, he’d castrate the bastard and then take his time killing him.

Running a hand over his
face, Tiny felt dread for the first time in over twenty-five years. If Snitch
was back then he needed to get his men prepared for the danger coming their


Several hours later Eva
stood washing the dishes. Tiny had banned her from wearing any clothing.
Walking around the house butt ass naked was not something she liked doing.
Every now and then she caught sight of her body in the mirror. She’d never been
one to be overly concerned about her shape. Her father, Ned, taught her at a
young age to be proud of
she was, embrace her
shape. Smiling, Eva recalled the conversations he tried to have as she was

The first time she got her
period would stay with her forever. She’d screamed the entire gym down. At
twelve, she thought she was dying. Ned, along with five of his men, charged
into the bathroom. The stall had been locked, and the conversation through the
metal still made her cringe. The men had laughed at her but promised to be kind
now she was a lady.

Shaking her head, Eva picked
up a clean towel to dry all the dishes she’d used. None of the men working for
her father hurt her either. They made her feel special, but she knew her shape
was not for every man. She loved her food, and cooking came naturally to her.

Tiny was still locked away
in his office. He joined her for their sandwiches and abandoned her when he
finished. Switching off the light she headed upstairs to her room. She tugged
each case off her bed, sliding them across the room to her wardrobe. Her time
in Tate’s and
lives was coming to an end. She
felt it and knew there was no way she could change her mind.

Grabbing her phone, she
dialed her father’s number.

“Hey, princess, how are you
doing? Do you need me to pick you up now?” Ned Walker answered on the first
ring. Her father had always been there for her. She felt a little guilty for
getting up and leaving him without a word. “I’ll be on the first flight out.”

“No, Dad, you don’t need to
come early. I just wanted to make sure you were coming out on Friday. I don’t
want to be waiting around and you not
here to pick
me up.”

“Have I ever let you down?”
he asked.

Rolling her eyes, she shook her
head and then realized he wasn’t in the same room. It was a good thing he
wasn’t in the same room. If he saw her naked he’d kill Tiny on the spot.

“No, you’ve never let me

“Then what is this about?
Are you changing your mind?”

“No, it’s time for me to
come home. Tate is grown up, and I’ve pissed you off enough.”

She sat on the end of the
bed wishing she hadn’t called him. Ned always did see too much.

“It’s not a bad thing to be
in love with a man, Eva.”

“I know.”

“Admittedly, I’d prefer you
to be in love with a man your own age, but I guess there are worse men out
there. He’s … erm … he’s not hurting you or anything, is he?”

“What? No, I mean Tiny will
hurt anyone who tries to hurt me. He’s like you, Dad.
yet soft at the same time.”
She chuckled at his annoyed sigh.

“I’m not soft with anyone

The words sobered her up.
She knew her father was no saint. He hurt anyone who stood in his path or
threatened his family. Eva knew who was responsible for her mother’s death, but
she wasn’t going to get into that. Someone else had told her the truth about
her mother a long time ago.

“I know. I need to come
away. Clear my head. Everything is always the same at the moment, and I need to
know my own mind.”

“I’ll be there early. I’m
catching a flight, but I can’t be away too long so
go changing your mind at the last moment. I’ve got a fight to get to on

“Okay, I’ll see you soon.
Don’t forget to bring three gifts. There are three women expecting.”

“You’re all breeding like
fucking rabbits. Fine, I’ll pick something up.”

She chuckled before hanging
up the phone. She did love and miss her father. He’d stayed away when she asked
him to, not wanting him near her when she was in pain. Ned Walker was a force
to be reckoned with and would probably make
like a little teddy bear in comparison.

Leaving the bedroom she took
a quick shower to wash away the day. She didn’t give a thought about Tiny.
Usually when he was locked inside his office there was no chance of him leaving
the room for a good few

Eva closed her eyes letting
the spray wash over her face and body.
She held her neck recalling the feel of
hands all over her body. His fingers were rough from hard work and made her
skin feel so sensitive when he touched her. Every time his palms touched her
she felt owned by him. She never knew touch could captivate her as much as his was
able to. Her body never felt like her own. It was as if he’d programmed her to
respond to him and him alone.

“Are you trying to wash me
away?” Tiny asked, startling her.

Jerking at his sudden
presence, she slipped on the cold tile and almost tumbled through the glass
door. Tiny caught her around the waist bringing her up against his body. The
easy way he held her startled her. His arms banded around her protecting her
from harm.

“Be careful. I’m not in the
mood to visit the hospital with you again. You’ve been there far too much.”

He released her and spun her
around to face him.

“I only wanted a shower, and
you should wear a fucking bell or something. Don’t you know not to creep up on
someone, let alone a woman?”

Tiny shrugged. “I told you
mine. I’ve already wasted an hour with
work when I promised you my attention.” He gripped her hair, wrapping the
length around his fist.

Tilting her head back, Eva
had no choice but to follow his lead. He pulled on the length then turned her
back to the spray.

“Have you ever been fucked
in the shower?” he asked.

She kept her eyes closed to
stop herself from getting water in them. “Yes,” she said.

He tensed behind her.
“Who with?”
He growled the question at her.

“Someone you will never

“You’re lying.” Tiny turned
her back to face him.

“No, I’m not lying. I wasn’t
a virgin when you took me. I’ve had a lot of sex before I met you. I just don’t
advertise what I’ve done.”

“You’ve not been fucked in
the ass.”

Her cheeks warmed. “I know.”

“Who fucked you in the
shower?” Tiny asked.

Was he jealous, or
was she seeing things

“I’m not telling you.” He
wouldn’t let her go. Reaching behind her, she covered his hands with her own.
“Let me go.”

“No, I want to know who
touched you.”

“You’ve been married, Tiny.
You’ve fucked enough women to last you a lifetime. I know. I’ve seen you in
action.” Glaring up at him, Eva would not back down.

“I don’t like it.”

Tiny didn’t need to know
she’d only been with one man before him. Her past would stay there.

“You’ll have to deal with
it,” Eva said. “I’m not a virgin. I gave that up a long time ago.”

He let her hair go and pushed on her shoulders. She
went down on her knees before him. “Tonight you’re still mine, and I’ll make
sure you can’t remember the last time you were in the shower with him.”

She watched him fist his
cock before ordering her to open her lips. Eva took him into her mouth and
showed him how hot it could be to fuck in the shower.


Kelsey stared at the big man
sat in her front room. Killer kept coming back, and she didn’t know how she was
supposed to keep him away. He scared her. The whole of The Skulls scared her.
When he told her everything that happened between Nash and Sophia she’d been
terrified. Being with Killer meant risking a lot of pain.

Angel had lost a baby
because of the pain of their enemies. The last time she visited the club she
overheard some of the men talking about Killer. His name was apt for what he
could do.

She tensed as he stood up
from his seat and started looking through her books. His hands were large.

“The Lions thought it was funny to watch him kill
whoever they told him to.”

“I heard he could snap a neck like Lash with his bare

Biting her lip, she turned
away to gather her wits about her. He’d stayed with her, and she’d slept in his
room at The Skulls’ compound. They hadn’t gotten naked or had sex, but those
hands that had taken a life had also given her pleasure.
lot of pleasure.
Her cheeks heated recalling the feel of his fingers
stroking between her thighs.

“What’s going on,
?” Killer asked.

She jumped. Her hand went to
her chest to feel her thumping heart. “You scared me!”

“Sorry, you’ve been avoiding
me. What’s going on? You’re acting like I’m going to hurt you.”

His arms were folded over
his chest.

Great work, Kelsey.
He’s defensive.

“Nothing is the matter.” She
poured out the hot water into their cups to make them both a cup of tea. Kelsey
preferred tea to coffee. Tate hated the scent of coffee. She loved her friend
and wouldn’t dream of hurting her.

She noticed her hand was
shaking. Putting the kettle down, she tensed as he grabbed her hand. He moved
so quickly around her kitchen. “You’re shaking.”

“Sorry,” she said.

He frowned. “There was a
time you melted against me,
. You look

“I’m tired.”

Slowly, he turned her around
and pushed her up against the fridge.

Killer leaned down. His hands went around her neck,
his thumbs pushing her chin up.

Her heart raced.

“The Lions thought it was funny to watch him kill
whoever they told him to.”

“I heard he could snap a neck like Lash with his bare

The conversation she
overheard replayed again in her mind. She panicked at the thought of those
hands cutting off the air she breathed.

Bringing her hands up
shoved him away quickly. “No, stop!” She yelled the
words at the same time her hands went around her neck.

“What the fuck? I was going
to kiss you. It has been too damn long since I felt your lips on mine.” He
yelled right back at her, not backing down.

“I heard some men talking. I
know what you’re capable of and what you used to do for The Lions. The people
you killed for fun, the women.” Everything came pouring out, and she couldn’t
stop it.

Killer paled. She saw his
change of color and the horror on his face.

“You think I’d kill you?” he
asked, standing tall. He looked wounded. Her words had hit him hard.

“I don’t know.” She felt
like an idiot. Killer had never hurt her. Every time he touched her, he did it
with care.

“I would never hurt you,
. Fuck.” He slammed his fist against the wall.

She winced, knowing it had
to hurt.

“Who did you hear talking
about me?” he asked, stepping close.

“I don’t know. “

“You know the fucking
Skulls. Tell me who you heard and tell me now.”

Licking her lips, she felt
her hands shaking. Kelsey wanted to take everything back she’d said. The anger
in his eyes scared her, but it wasn’t directed at her.

“It was Butch and Zero.”

The two men were known

“Good. I’ll send someone
else to pick you on Friday for the party.” He turned away to leave.

“No, Killer, wait.”

She charged after him, not
wanting him to leave for fear of what would happen to him.

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